Filipinas: Christie by ExpatInParadise,ExpatInParadise

Author’s notes.

My stories are based on my personal experiences. They are NOT fiction or fantasy. Each story is as close to accurate to what actually happened as I can remember, and I have a pretty good memory (even many years later).

Nobody in this story was underage.

Hi. I’m Pete. Lest anybody think I had lost my faith (in spite of what I had seen in Laos), I went to the Catholic church in Angeles City shortly after I arrived on my return trip to the US. I sat by myself praying off to one side of the chapel. Mass was about to start, and a woman and her daughter came over and sat right next to me.

“We don’t see very many Americans here at Mass,” the mother said to me. “I hope that you will feel welcome.”

“I have always felt welcomed here in the Philippines,” I replied. “The people are warm and friendly and have always welcomed me.”

“Are you stationed at Clark?” she asked.

“No, but I am here often for extended periods,” I said. “By the way, my name is Pete.”

“Good to meet you Pete,” she replied. “I am Antonia and this is my daughter Christie.” Antonia told me a little bit about them. It turned out that Christie got her name because she was born on Christmas.

Mass started, and we followed along. I went to communion (although I never felt worthy anymore because I had killed several people in Laos). When the Mass ended, Antonia turned to me and asked, “Would you like to come to our house for a home-cooked meal?”

“I would love that,” I replied.

I can only promise you good food, but I’m sure that Christie can keep you entertained,” she said. Christie chuckled next to her, but said, “Yes, I would love to entertain you Pete. Maybe we can get to know each other better.”

“Well,” I replied, “Since I don’t require much entertainment, talking would be good.”

We left the church and walked several blocks to their home. It was a small house, but well-kept and clean. You can tell a lot about people by how they keep their home. This home showed love and care throughout.

Antonia got to work in the kitchen, and said to Christie, “Why don’t you take Pete into your room so you can get to know each other better?”

Christie took me by the hand and led me to her room. It was a small room with a bed, a dresser and a small armoire. There wasn’t room for much of anything else. Christie motioned me to sit on the bed and then sat down next to me. After we got through the normal back in forth banter of getting to know each other, I had to ask, “Christie, what is your mother expecting from this visit?”

My question took her by surprise. I don’t think she had expected me to ask. However, she was honest and told me, “My mother thinks you are the answer to her prayers.”

“What has she been praying for?” I asked.

“She has been praying for a husband for me,” she answered. “She is hoping that we will get to know each other a lot better while we are here in my room.”

“Oh,” I said. “Aren’t you too young for that?”

“I’m an adult,” she replied. “I have even graduated high school.”

“OK.” I said. “How do you propose that we get to know each other better?”

Christie blushed. “I’m not really sure of the details because I have never been with a man before, but if you lead, I’m sure that I can follow.”

“Are you sure that this is what your mother wanted?” I asked. “And are you sure that you are OK with it too? I don’t want to do something and then find out later that I misunderstood what you meant,”

“Yes,” she said, “That is exactly what my mother wants. As for me, I have dreamed of the day when I would meet a man like you.”

“Why do you think I would be a good husband?” I asked.

She replied, “I watched you praying in the church today before we came over and sat by you, and I knew that you were the one.”

“Christie,” I said, “You don’t even know what I was praying about. What if I were to tell you that I was asking for forgiveness for killing several people? I watched them for a long time, then I looked them in the eyes, and then I shot and killed them. What would you think then?”

“Then I think you would be the perfect man to protect our family,” she said.

I guessed that there was nothing that I could say that would dissuade Christie and her mother from their plan, so I decided ‘what the hell, why not?’ I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She was obviously struggling to keep up with what was happening, and I knew that she was telling the truth about never having a boyfriend. This was definitely her first kiss.

There was no way that I was going to make love to Christie with her mother in the next room, but we could still do a lot. I introduced her to my tongue by sliding it between her teeth, and soon she was sucking on it. This girl had potential, but I still wasn’t sure about her.

As we kissed, I moved my hands up to her breasts. She jumped when I first covered her breasts with my hands, but then she quickly relaxed again. Two things were obvious. First, she was totally new to all of this, and second, she wanted it to happen.

I started to unbutton her blouse, but then I whispered in her ear that she should take off her blouse and bra. She hesitated, but then unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off over her shoulders. Next, she reached around her back and, in an instant, had unhooked her bra with one hand. I have never figured out how girls can do that. When her bra slipped off of her shoulders she asked, “Was this what you wanted?”

“Yes,” I replied, “That was exactly what I wanted. Would you mind taking off my shirt as well?”

She immediately went to work on my buttons, and pulled my shirt off. Then, without being asked, she undid her skirt and slid it, and her panties, down her legs and off her feet. Next, she reached for my belt, unbuckled it, opened the button and unzipped me. She pulled my pants and boxers down at the same time, freeing me of the last of my clothes.

“Was that what you wanted?” she asked again, smiling up at me while blushing at the same time.

“I didn’t expect that, but it shows that you really do want this,” I replied. “Now call to you mother and have her come in here.”

Christie was stunned. She had no idea that I would want her mother to come into her room. She tried to cover up before she called through the door for her mother to come in, but then I pulled her back on the bed with me and exposed her body.

Antonia was surprised, to say the least. Maybe even shocked that her daughter was laying naked on her bed with a man, but she quickly regained her composure. “What did you want, Christie?”

“It was me who wanted you to come in,” I said. “I wanted to make sure that this is what you want before I go any further.”

“I understand,” Antonia said. “You are a smart man, but this is exactly what I wanted. We are all Catholics, and we know how the Church feels about this, but I hope that the two of you will become a couple. You are a handsome man and Christie is a pretty woman. This (she said pointing to us on the bed) was exactly what I have been praying would happen. I give you both my blessing.”

“OK, is it alright if Christie comes back to my hotel room after dinner? It is much more comfortable there, and we can spend a lot of time together over the next several days.”


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