First Time with Barb by Shoreguy,Shoreguy

I rolled back and told her to lie on her tummy. “We’ve got to do a little housekeeping before we can go any further”, I said. She didn’t say anything and I think that she understood what was about to happen next. She reached up to the top pf the bed and pulled two pillows out from under the covers. She pulled them down to her and put them under her hips as she lay back down on her stomach. Wow, what a sight. I gently separated her butt cheeks and applied a generous dab of Astroglide to her starfish. She didn’t say a word but I thought that I could feel her push back a little against my finger. I uncapped the mineral oil enema and inserted it as slowly and gently as I could.

I detected a little squirm but there was no objection – so I started to squeeze the oil into her. This went pretty quick and I pulled the tip out of her and dropped the bottle to the floor. I said, “I know what to do while we’re waiting for this to work.” I rolled her off the pillows onto her back and dove down on her pussy again. I quickly found where I had been and as I started to lick and suck her clit again I slipped my hands back under her. This time, however, I put the middle finger of my right hand against her rosebud and gently pushed it in up to the first knuckle. Again no protest, in fact she started to let out a soft low moan that sounded like pleasure and not like pain. In almost no time she had her legs wrapped tightly around my head and was bucking like I had never seen before. Barbara came with a little squeal of pleasure. This one lasted longer than the last one and when it was over I could feel her entire body relax.

She spoke very softly and said, “it’s working, I have to go now”. I rolled off of her and she got up and went into the bathroom. I could hear the water running and when she returned to me I could tell that she had washed herself up a little. She resumed her position face down on top of the pillows. I took a position along side of her and rubbed her back and shoulders for a few minutes. I took the Astroglide and put a generous amount in between the crack of her butt. I rubbed it around with my hand and eventually was able to insert first one than two fingers into her. With my other hand, I squeezed a big wad of the stuff onto my rock hard cock and spread it around as well as I could.

It was the moment that I had dreamed of. I knelt behind her in between her legs. I reached down and lifted her by the hips until she was kneeling in front of me. I moved up against her and slid my cock around until I found the soft spot. Not wanting to hurt her, I pushed as slowly and gently as I could. I was going nowhere until suddenly the head of my cock just popped into her. I had made it! I continued to push until about two thirds of my cock was buried in her. I said, “are you OK?” she just moaned – again not a painful moan but a pleasure moan.

I took this as a good sign and I began to move in and out. After about three pushes I could tell that I was all the way in. I was ramming it into her up to the hilt. I cannot describe how good this felt both physically and emotionally. I had waited twenty-one years to get here. She was now pushing back against me as I thrust forward. I reached around under her and started to rub her clit. She pulled my hand away and said, ‘this one is yours baby, go for it.” I pushed in and leaned forward allowing her to resume her position supported by the pillows. Once we got to this position I could tell that it wasn’t going to last much longer.

My thrusts became more urgent and I managed to blurt out, “here I come baby” as my balls unloaded into her like some kind of army cannon. I have never had an orgasm like that one before or after in my entire life. It felt like I was pumping every available drop of moisture in my body up her butt. As the throbbing subsided I rolled to my side pulling her with me. We lay like spoons for a while until my erection was gone and I slipped out of her. We lay there for another short time until she got up from the bed and went into the bathroom.

I heard the water running and I figured that she was cleaning up again. When she returned she had a warm wet washcloth in her hand and she proceeded to wash my dick with it. She never said a word but when she was done she dropped the washcloth to the floor, pulled up the covers and snuggled against me in the spoons position. I was totally spent. I couldn’t move. I fell into a deep sleep and I don’t think that I even moved at all until I awoke at around nine o’clock. Barbara was in the shower and when she came into the bedroom she was wrapped in a one of the terry cloth robes. “Why don’t you call room service for some breakfast,” she said. “Done,” I replied and put in our order.

Barbara clicked on the television and started to get dressed. I said, “Are you OK?” She said, “Yes, I’m so much OK that I’m damned near perfect.” I showed her the tube of preparation-H that I had brought but she just waived her hand in dismissal. “I told you that I’m OK,” she said.

I was dressed before the breakfast arrived. We ate a hearty breakfast, packed our belongings and were checked out and were on our way home by eleven o’clock. We rode towards home in relative silence. We made some small talk but Barb seemed a little quiet this morning. Finally I couldn’t wait any longer and I said, “how was it for you?” She said: “It wasn’t that bad, in fact – the next time you almost die – we can do it again.”

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