FSU Ch. 01: Katelyn

An adult stories – FSU Ch. 01: Katelyn by KatieWrites95,KatieWrites95 Note: This chapter is the first entry in what I hope to eventually turn into a short series with multiple characters.

It’s inspired by a number of unconnected stories I came across on a Yahoo group many, many years ago, and something that kickstarted my own fascination with exhibitionism.

The stories all revolved around a university in which every female member of the student body and faculty had to remain completely nude at all times. The premise was that, at this prestigious school, they had determined that this unique set of circumstances led to higher student satisfaction, achievement and overall test scores.

Beyond the requirement of constant nudity, there were certain other rules and requirements that were to be followed only by the women at the school. Obviously, it’s a complete fantasy, but I loved the idea of it, and it’s always played around in my head as one of my favourite scenarios.

Below is my own take on this favourite concept, and while it’s not my intention to plagiarise anyone else’s work, the below is heavily inspired by scenarios and settings laid out in my memory of these stories.

A special thanks to Aussiekev1 for their assistance with editing and format on my first entry.

Disclaimer: All characters in my stories are 18 years of age or older. Within this series there will be interactions between family members that will border, if not cross over into, the taboo category.

Whilst I’m not setting out to write a story with this as the main focus, I want to give a warning to anyone who may be offended/upset by that. If that’s the case, you may want to give these stories a miss.

Chapter 1 – Katelyn

Katelyn’s hands trembled slightly as stared down at the A4 sheet that she had just dropped onto her bed. Countless months of daydreaming, fantasising, wishing and wondering had not actually prepared her for this moment.

Suddenly it was real. This is actually happening. The document in front of her with the ‘Free State University’ letterhead detailed not only her acceptance to the controversial institution, but the offer of a full academic scholarship as part of the University’s swim team.

That was the icing on the cake. Her one doubt at the back of her mind, the one thing that might have prevented her from attending, was the possibility that her father would outright refuse to pay.

Katelyn was fortunate enough to come from a family where costs were rarely prohibitive for them, but finances weren’t the issue. Rather it was the conservative nature of her family, her father’s enduring sense of proper behaviour, and the expectations of society taking precedence over personal ‘whims’.

It was for that reason that she hadn’t even told him about the application. Not even her twin brother Bryce knew. She had sent off the necessary applications along with the other Ivy League hopefuls, but this one was the first to leave. and the only person she had confided in was her older sister, Beth.

Beth was living across the country where she was finishing her journalism degree at Harvard, something that their father took great pride in telling anyone who wasn’t aware.

Considering her firmly held status as the black sheep of their well-to-do family, this was about the only thing that their father was willing to share about her.

Katelyn had expected Beth to try and talk her out of it, and she hadn’t been disappointed. She received the predictable lecture about how misogynistic such ideals and institutions were and how fundamentally unbalanced and archaic the power dynamics were.

Katelyn patiently listened to all of it. But her mind had been made up long before telling Beth, long before sending the application and with a bit of convincing she was able to swear her sister to secrecy.

Everyone knew about FSU, if only by name. A place such as that couldn’t exist above ground without quickly becoming a household name.

Whereas schools such as Oxford, Yale, Harvard and Cambridge were all known for their glistening reputation and proud histories, FSU was a constant source of gossip, rumours and hearsay.

As Katelyn got older and progressed through high school, it was increasingly difficult to separate the fact from fiction. Everyone seemed to know someone, or know someone who knew someone that attended, and each friend of a friend’s account came with their own shocking and outlandish claims.

The university itself offered volumes of information about their classes, course and extracurriculars offered, but any information beyond that appeared to be closely guarded.

The general understanding was that you would find out what you needed to know, when you needed to know it. It was only in her last year of school that Katelyn actually started researching for herself.

Looking ahead towards the end of the year, she was already beginning work on shortlisting her university choices for her chosen law studies. After hours of reading through the websites and curriculum documents of the varied institutions, it suddenly popped into her head.

Even just thinking about it sent a shiver of dread and excitement coursing through her. And once the idea had entered her head, it spread like a virus, taking over her mind until thoughts of the school were occupying half of her waking thoughts.

Katelyn would sit in class fantasising about walking through the gates at FSU, about the life that would await her on the other side.

And now those daydreams had very suddenly solidified into reality as she stared down at the acceptance letter. The most unfamiliar sense of dread and excitement was washing over her. The two seemingly incompatible emotions were blending together, making them almost indistinguishable.

‘This is real,’ she said to herself, ‘this is actually happening. No matter what happens I have to follow through on this’. With her heart racing and her legs trembling, Katelyn made her way over to the full-length mirror mounted on her bedroom wall beside the door.

She took in her slender, short, athletic frame, her arms and legs toned from years of competitive swimming. Her shoulder length black hair was pulled up in a messy bun above her head, the pale skin of her neck and shoulders almost reflecting the afternoon sunlight pouring in from her windows behind her.

Despite being fortunate enough to inherit her mother’s good looks, Katelyn had always felt slightly insecure about her body. She felt her skin was too pale, her breasts were too small, her hips too skinny. No amount of reassurance from her friends or her now ex-boyfriend could convince her otherwise.

Dressed in jeans and a singlet, her bare feet pressed into the carpet of her bedroom floor, Katelyn looked the perfect picture of a modest young woman, the pride of her mother and father, star pupil and athlete.

She wondered what her friends, family and neighbours would think if and when they found out. Katelyn took a deep breath, and then quickly pulled off her singlet and wriggled out her jeans, standing there in front of the mirror in just her underwear.

She forced herself to stare at her own body in the mirror. Usually this was something that she tried to avoid, not wanting to give herself the opportunity to pick out any new perceived flaws about herself.

Knowing what now lay ahead for her, Katelyn knew she would have to overcome at least this hurdle. She stared back at herself, taking in her slender frame, her toned stomach, her narrow hips and shoulders.

She forced herself to stand up straight, pushing her shoulder back, trying to project a confidence that she did not feel. Slowly, she reached back and felt for the clasp of her bra strap. She paused for a moment, her eyes darting towards the wide-open window.

Instinctively she moved towards them to draw the curtains before stopping herself. ‘If I can’t even do this in my own room, I’ll never be able to do it out there,’ she thought to herself. Katelyn stole a quick glance out the window, checking for any signs of movement. Her neighbours, Mr and Mrs Price, had their upstairs office directly across from her bedroom. The curtains of their room were open, but there was no sign of movement in the house.

Taking another steadying breath, Katelyn reached back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Not wanting to break her momentum, she quickly dropped her panties down her legs and stepped out of them.

Picking up both of the discarded items, Katelyn flung them across to the far side of the room, finally standing naked in front of her mirror. Her heart was racing as she took in the view. She could see her chest heaving slightly as she fought to steady her breathing, her small breasts and their pale pink nipples rising and lowering in a shaky rhythm.

She cast her eyes downwards between her legs, at the neat triangle of carefully groomed dark hair. Among her many insecurities, Katelyn had always been self-conscious of what she considered to be her abnormally long labia.

She knew enough about women’s bodies to know that every person was different, but she had always felt that her protruding labia were somehow shameful, and obscene. For this reason, she had always kept her pubic hair, wanting to offer at least some coverage even when naked. It was neatly trimmed along the bikini line, a necessity for the swimsuit she wore when competing, but she tried to avoid removing any hair that she didn’t need to.

She wondered to herself if this was the norm at FSU, or if she was going to stand out for her styling choices. Not that it was likely to matter anyway, she thought with a shudder as she recalled one of the most prevalent rumours about the school.

Despite her friends at school not knowing much about daily life at FSU, there were no shortage of stories and rumours that were shared in the corridors, and the one that that everyone had heard the most was the policy of ‘presenting’.

As the rumour went, it was a standing policy in the university that any female member of the student body or faculty were required to ‘present themselves’ if requested to do so by any male. The specifics of this were vague, but it didn’t take too much imagination to realise that this would likely involve some kind of shameful bending or spreading.

The thought of this filled Katelyn with that horrible, dreaded excitement that she was becoming all too familiar with. She could barely bring herself to look at her own naked body in the mirror, and the thought of some strange man getting to see more of her own body than she ever had made her shudder with nervous energy.

Stealing another quick glance over her shoulder and assuring herself that her neighbours were still not present, Katelyn lowered herself onto the floor, sitting with her knees up under her chin, her feet crossed over each other.

She closed her eyes for a moment, imagining herself sitting out on the campus lawn, studying quietly. In her mind, a tall faceless young man approaches. He doesn’t greet her, doesn’t ask her name, he just demands that she present herself to him.

Still with her eyes closed, Katelyn slowly uncrossed her feet, letting her legs part open, imagining herself staring up at the stranger as a smiling face begins to slowly take shape. Slowly and steadily, she opens her legs wider until they reach their limit, then she opened her eyes.

The view in front of her was shocking. Gone was the conservative modest star pupil from moments before. Katelyn was greeted with the view of herself, legs spread open, her labia parted and on display, clearly showing how wet she was.

She felt a sudden surge of shame and excitement at seeing herself like this, horrified and elated at the thought of doing this in public. She needed more.

Reaching down, sliding her hands under her bum cheeks, Kately gripped slightly, then leant back and began to spread. She stared, transfixed, as her labia parted even wider, showing her open vagina to the mirror.

Slowly as she adjusted her position, her asshole came into view, puckered and pulled tightly by her gripping hands. She stared back at the obscene view in front of her, heart facing and almost dizzy with lust and excitement.

Slowly she closed her eyes and tried to picture herself back on the campus lawn, exposing herself shamefully to the grinning stranger, looking around red faced as others began to take notice.

“What the fu-”

The illusion was shattered as Katelyn’s eyes flashed open, her heart leaping up into her throat. Still lying back on the floor, her legs spread high in the air, spreading herself open, Katelyn looked up at the startled face of her twin brother Byrce as he stared down at her.

“Shit…s-sorry..,” he managed to stammer out as he quickly stepped back into the corridor, closing the door behind him.

“Wait!” The words burst out of Katelyn’s mouth before she could stop herself.

She was mortified, trembling with shock and humiliation at what her brother had just seen, every thought in her head was telling her to crawl into a dark hole and disappear. And yet, almost instinctively, she had called for him to stop.

Katelyn could hear that he had paused outside of the room, and quickly scrambled to her feet and opened the door, hiding behind it. Bryce was standing out in the corridor, looking very hesitant and embarrassed, but not moving.

“Wait…just, please don’t tell mum and dad,” Katelyn whispered to him from behind the door.

“Katie, why the fuck would I tell them?” he replied, laughing incredulously. A sudden surge of relief overcame Katelyn, and Bryce could clearly see this on her face.

“Can you look? Just come in here for a second, there’s something I need to show you. No… I mean tell you,” Katelyn whispered, correcting herself at the last second after seeing the look on his face.

It was not something she had planned, but a sudden realisation had hit her. Being her twin brother, Bryce and she had shared almost everything growing up, and had never really even kept secrets from each other until they entered high school.

Katelyn realised that she needed Bryce to be the first one to know about her acceptance to FSU. It was only fair that he finds out from her first, and by telling him about the offer it would become real.

Katelyn looked quickly down the corridor to make certain that her parents weren’t upstairs before stepping out from behind the door and grabbing Bryce’s wrist, pulling him into her room. He had a look of stunned silence on his face and was clearly trying to find the words to protest, when Katelyn snatched up the offer letter from her bed and held it out in front of him, forcing it into his hands.

Bryce gave a look of complete confusion, before slowly taking the letter from her hands, taking a step back, and starting to read. Katelyn just stood in front of him, heart racing as she watched the look of confusion turn into comprehension, then surprise, then concern.

She made no effort to cover her body, standing naked in front of him with her arms by her side. She was surprised at how natural this suddenly felt. She reasoned with herself that Bryce had already just seen her at her most vulnerable, most exposed, but the truth was that he made her feel safe, feel confident.

She knew that there was nothing he would ever do to threaten her or make her feel self-conscious, and that instilled in her a kind of bravery, a self-assurance that she was not used to feeling. Bryce finished reading and lowered the sheet, looking up to meet her eyes.

“Are you sure about this? Is this really what you want?”, he said, genuine concern in his voice.

Katelyn felt a surge of gratitude course through her. So many of her friends and family would try to talk her out of this, to insult her, to call her an idiot, but not Bryce. He didn’t treat her like an impulsive fool or belittle her choices. He just wanted her to be happy.

“I’m positive.”, Katelyn said, “I want this more than anything.”

“Well…congratulations then,” he replied, his face breaking into a smile. “What can I do to help?”

The surge of gratitude turned into a torrent and Katelyn stepped forward, pulling her brother into a hug. He paused for a moment, before slowly bringing one hand up to return the hug across her bare back, his other hand still holding the acceptance letter out to the side. Katelyn quickly broke off the hug and took a step back, blushing a deep red.

“S-sorry about that,” she stammered with a nervous laugh, still making no effort to cover herself. She looked up in time to catch Bryce’s eyes flicking up the length of her body before locking back onto her face.

“No…no it’s ok,” he laughed, “I suppose we’ll all have to get used to it.” He paused for a moment, a look of concern returning to his face. “Have you thought about how you’re going to break the news to mum and dad?”

Katelyn bit her lip, looking over at the closed bedroom door. “I’m probably going to need your help with that, I don’t think they’re going to take it very well.”

“No… I don’t think so either,” he said with a joyless laugh. “Just let me know what you need. I’m proud of you Katie.”

Bryce put a hand on her shoulder and smiled back at his sister before returning the acceptance letter to her and letting himself out. Katelyn followed him over to the door, closing it behind him before turning back to face her room.

Her heart leapt in her chest as she looked out of her window and locked eyes with the awestruck face of Mr Price, standing frozen in the window of his home office. For a moment they both stood there frozen to the spot, before Katelyn lifted up her hand, gave him a big wave and an even bigger grin.

He slowly lifted his hand and waved back, the stunned expression still printed on his face. Katelyn tried to stifle a laugh as she snatched up a towel from her floor, wrapped it around herself and slipped out to the bathroom.


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