Games Ch. 15 by bydasea,bydasea

Games 15

Waking up refreshed, I scooted out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to start the coffee. I thought, maybe I should get a timer for the coffee maker so I wouldn’t have to come out and get it going before pissing. But I will have to wait till I can go shopping.

I got the coffee going, opened the front door, walked outside, down the porch and into the yard. It was raining this morning, so I would get a little wet while pissing in the yard. I have a towel on the porch all the time now, so I could dry off. I stood in the rain and pissed, thinking back to what I have done so far for the girls and what I said I would do in the future.

I finished my morning piss, went back to the porch and dried off before going in for a cup of coffee. I sat at the table with the hot cup of coffee and thought some more. I think I have had more pussy since we started our games than I had ever had. Maybe I didn’t get to fuck them all, but I was licking all the pussy I could handle. Some, like Sally wasn’t that good, but it is still pussy, and I guess old people need loving too. I just hope Patty doesn’t change her mind about me fucking others, because I’m not sure I want to fuck Sally.

I also was thinking about the people who have seen me naked. It was everyone in the neighborhood, some store clerk I had never seen before, 2 of Lena’s friends, the people who were at that party when Patty took me to them and let them see and play with me. Then there were the ones who drove past me on the road while I stood blindfolded and can’t forget the 4 girls at the gas station or the delivery guy who freaked out. Yes, I have been exposed so much, but I want more. Well, at least my cock wants more, since that is what I’m thinking with most of the time now.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the girls moving around, which was a signal to fix them coffee and take it to them. I went in and handed them the coffee and greeted them with a smile and a happy good morning.

Lena said, “Ms. Dawn, how do you like our games so far? Have we pushed you to far, or do you want more?”

“I am enjoying the games very much. Sometimes they get scary, but I still enjoy doing whatever you both want. No, you haven’t pushed me too far and yes, I still want more. I must admit though, there were times, I almost said enough, but that was my mind saying it. My cock says keep going and push me more.” I told her.

Then Patty said, “So, if we wanted you to do some more things for us, you will do them?”

I said, “Yes, but I guess it would all depend on what you had in mind. I mean, I can’t go to work naked or anything like that, but I am up for almost anything you girls want to do.”

“Great, we will let you know some of what we plan later. Now, let’s go get some breakfast so we can go to work.” Patty said.

Then Lena said, “Don’t forget to put the white stockings and 4-inch heels on the porch to wear tonight. You might want to practice some before we get home, so you don’t fall.” Then she giggled.

I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast going while the girls were finishing their coffee. When it was ready, I went to get them, and get the heels they want me to have on tonight. While they headed to the kitchen, I put the heels and stockings on the front porch, then went back to the kitchen to serve them breakfast.

Once the children get home, things will slow down, and I will have to wear clothes in the house. No more being naked most of the time. But, for now, I enjoy being like this for my girls. I am sure they enjoy seeing me naked too.

We ate breakfast before taking our showers. I was outside and it was sill raining some, but I still had to shower, so down the stairs to the shower. The water is cold, but I can tolerate it more now since I am getting used to it. I washed my body in view of the street where anyone going by would see me, then up on the porch to dry off.

Once dry, I stuck my head inside and told the girls to bring umbrellas since it was raining. Mine was on the porch already. Once I told them about the rain, I dressed in what I was given. Today’s panties were bright yellow with white ribbons. I slid them on and then finished dressing.

I was done and the girls stepped out to walk out with me. I kissed them both and said, “See you tonight. Have a good day.”

We all left for work, and I had another good day. It seems that all my days are so much better since the girls are having fun with me. I am always in a great mood now and I want to continue being exposed and humiliated. I know it will slow down at the end of the summer, but I don’t expect it will stop completely.

I worked all day and just before I left, I had a call from Patty. She told me she had to go by Lena’s parents’ house to get some mail for Lena and then she had to stop at a store to pick up something for the weekend. I said OK, but then she said, “When you get home, strip naked as usual and put your stockings and new heels on and practice in them. I want them on your feet, and you will go down the stairs, walk to the end of the sidewalk and back to the house. Go up the stairs and then back down again. Just keep walking until we get there.”

Well, so much for sitting down to wait tonight. But I said I would, and we hung up. I finished up the day and went home. Once there, I did as she wanted and stripped naked, put the stockings on and then the 4-inch heels. They fit good, but when I stood up, I felt the pull on my ankles. I had gotten used to the 2- and 3-inch heels, but these felt different.

I was now taller, and I think my ass stuck out more than before. But I walked down the stairs, then to the end of the sidewalk and back up the stairs, just so I could do it all over again while I waited for the girls. I think I walked back and forth a good 15 times before I saw them coming. I was at the end of the sidewalk when I saw them, so waited for them right there, next to the street.

They arrived and I stood waiting for them to get out and tell me what else I had to do. Patty got out and had a small bag with her and Lena got out from the other side with a few pieces of mail in her hand. She asked Patty, “Ms. Patty would you please take my mail in. Naked girl and I want to walk.”

Because I was wearing girl things, she said I was a girl. Of course, anyone can see I’m not a girl, because my cock is out for all to see. But I love the way she treats me, and I know now, before she leaves us, I will have my hard cock in her little virgin pussy

Patty took her package and Lena’s mail to the house while Lena and I started walking. I never know how long we’ll be out walking, but we are usually walking around the circle 10 times, giving everyone a good look at me and my hard cock. It was a little slower today, because I was still getting used to the 4-inch heels. I figured I would be able to walk better eventually, just as I did in the 3-inch heels.

We walked and Lena didn’t say anything for a while and when she is silent, I am also. I don’t want to disturb her thoughts and make her mad. When she is pissed with me, it is always worse on me because she makes me do other things that I don’t like to do much. But I do it all for her.


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