Geoffrey, Liz, and the Ribbed Rider by SamScribble,SamScribble

It was one of those increasingly-rare Sundays when Geoffrey and his parents were all having lunch together. His mother had cooked a traditional roast chicken with sage and onion stuffing. There were also roasted root vegetables, and garden peas that had been cooked with mint. And Geoffrey’s father had opened a bottle of rather good white Bordeaux wine, a blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon, with just a hint of Ugni Blanc.

‘Sex,’ Geoffrey’s father said, suddenly, looking straight at Geoffrey.


‘Yes. You know… birds and the bees and all that stuff. You’re… well, you’re getting to that age.’

Geoffrey nodded. He would be turning 18 in two days time. Was 18 ‘that age’? Perhaps it was. Who knew?

‘I know that you have classes about such things these days,’ his father said. ‘Not like back in my day. But the thing is, your mother and I just wanted you to know that if you have any questions, you’re always welcome. You know… to come and ask us. If there’s anything you’re not sure about. About… well… sex.’

Again Geoffrey nodded.

His father nodded too. ‘Yes. So… how’s school?’


‘Yes. How’s it going?’

‘OK,’ Geoffrey said. ‘I think. We have final exams starting on Wednesday.’

‘Wednesday. Feeling confident?’ his father said.

‘Reasonably,’ Geoffrey said. ‘Just as long as we don’t get too many tricky questions.’

‘Yes. Well… you should be all right,’ his father said. ‘Just remember, the teachers don’t want you to fail. It makes them look bad. It makes them look like they haven’t been doing their jobs properly. They want you to come through with flying colours. Make them look good. That way, they can justify asking for more money.’

Geoffrey nodded again.

‘Yes. Wednesday, you say? Perhaps make sure that you get to bed at a reasonable hour on Tuesday,’ Geoffrey’s father said. ‘I always found that a good night’s sleep helped. Some of the other lads used to stay up swotting ’til all hours. But I always found it was better to get a good night’s sleep.’

‘Right,’ Geoffrey said. (Tuesday was Geoffrey’s birthday. But still… exams were exams.)

‘And, don’t forget, any questions about the birds and the bees stuff, just feel free to ask. Either of us. You know.’ And Geoffrey’s father looked across the table at Geoffrey’s mother who smiled and nodded.

* * *

The first time that Geoffrey did it with Liz Wainwright was the first time that he had done it with anyone. It was Liz Wainwright’s first time too.

Geoffrey and Liz had not planned to do it. There had been a party. To celebrate the end of exams. Well, the end of school exams, anyway. And the end of school. There would be university. But that was a whole new world.

The party had kicked off quite early. Around six o’clock. Geoffrey knew Liz from the tennis club. It was about nine o’clock when she suggested that she and Geoffrey should go back to her place for a swim. Liz’s parents had a small pool in the basement of their St John’s Wood home, and they were away for the weekend, so Liz had the place to herself.

‘Do you want some wine or anything?’ Liz asked when they got back to her place.

‘Umm… probably not,’ Geoffrey said. ‘You know, if we’re going to go for a swim.’ And he patted his stomach. He wasn’t sure why.

Liz nodded and led Geoffrey down to the basement.

‘This is nice,’ Geoffrey said.

‘It’s very convenient,’ Liz admitted. ‘And we can use it all year round.’

‘I don’t, umm, have any trunks,’ Geoffrey said.

‘No. But you don’t really need any, do you?’ Liz said. ‘And I won’t be wearing any.’ And she laughed and began to strip off.

Dressed in her party dress, Liz had looked pretty damned nice. But then when she took off her dress, and then her bra and her knickers, Geoffrey felt as if someone had just punched him in the chest. Liz looked like a girl from the pages of one of the dog-eared naturist mags that did the rounds a school. She didn’t look like a photoshopped model. She looked like the real thing. The good-looking girl next door. Naked. She even had a real patch of snatch thatch.

‘Come on,’ Liz said. ‘Get your kit off.’

‘Umm… yeah… right,’ Geoffrey said.

And then, when Geoffrey had removed his clothes and he was standing naked beside the pool, Liz looked him up and down. ‘Nice,’ she said. ‘Yes. Nice. Being naked suits you.’ And then she looked at his equipment and smiled. ‘Are you getting a stiffy there?’ she asked.

‘Umm… perhaps a little bit,’ Geoffrey told her. ‘You know….’

Liz nodded. ‘Nice. I like it,’ she said. ‘But first we’ll have a swim.’ And she laughed again.

Geoffrey jumped into the pool and wondered exactly what Liz had meant by ‘but first we’ll have a swim’. ‘First’ suggested the first in a series of events. If the swim came first, what came second?

The water in the pool was pleasantly warm. Geoffrey was pleased about that. At least he was pleased that it wasn’t cold. Liz seemed to have been happy with Geoffrey’s cock (which Geoffrey thought of as ‘only about average’), but she might not be so happy if it turned into a little pale earthworm.

Geoffrey swam a few lengths of the small pool and then paused to see what Liz was up to. She was leaning back against the side of the pool, smiling. ‘You’re quite the water baby, aren’t you?’ she said.

‘Don’t know about that,’ Geoffrey said. ‘Just… well, you know….’

Liz swam up to Geoffrey, put her arms around him, and kissed him full on the lips. It was very nice. It was also very nice feeling her body up against his. Her firm tits against his chest, her soft snatch thatch brushing his balls. ‘I think that’s enough of a swim for now,’ she said. ‘Lets go upstairs. I’ll make us some coffee.’

They got out of the pool and, from one of the lockers, Liz produced a couple of towels. ‘Don’t bother putting your clothes on,’ Liz said. ‘I think we’re just going to take them off again, aren’t we?’

‘Are we?’

They dried themselves off, gathered up their clothes, and Geoffrey followed Liz upstairs to the kitchen.

‘This is a very nice house,’ Geoffrey said. ‘It’s like something out of a magazine.’

Liz looked around as if she was seeing it for the first time, and then she nodded. ‘I suppose so. My parents are both architects. It would be a bit sad if they couldn’t sort out their own place, wouldn’t it?’

‘I suppose so,’ Geoffrey said. ‘Still….’

Liz made a couple of cups of coffee. ‘Do you want a piece of shortbread or anything?’ she asked. ‘There might even be some chocolate brownie.’

‘Just the coffee is fine,’ Geoffrey said.

‘OK. If you’re sure.’

Geoffrey nodded.

‘We’ll go up to my room,’ Liz said. ‘We’ll be more comfortable there. Oh… and I suppose I’d better take my clothes too.’ And she laughed again. Liz often laughed.

Liz’s bedroom looked a bit like a bedroom in a five-star hotel. ‘You’re very neat and tidy,’ Geoffrey said.

‘Not really,’ Liz said. ‘You can thank Maria. Our housekeeper. She comes in on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And today’s Friday. She used to work in one of the smart hotels. Mind you, I do try not to leave the place in too much of a mess. Now… what are we going to do with your cock?’ And she took Geoffrey’s cock in hand and began to fondle it.

‘That feels nice,’ Geoffrey said.

‘It does,’ Liz said. ‘I like your cock. And you’re getting another stiffy!’

‘Well, of course I am,’ Geoffrey said. ‘What do you expect? It’s you. It’s what you’re doing to it.’

‘I can stop if you want me to,’ Liz said.

‘No. I think that I can pretend to like it,’ Geoffrey said. And he laughed.

‘My cousin Theodore — Teddy,’ Liz said, ‘tried to tell me that the way to make sure that the girl doesn’t get pregnant is for her to suck the spunk out of the bloke’s cock before he puts it inside her.’

Geoffrey nodded. ‘Is that what you did?’ he asked. (He wasn’t sure why.)

‘Me!? God, no,’ Liz said. ‘Teddy’s an idiot. He’s also a bit of a creep. I wouldn’t touch his cock with a bargepole. Yours, on the other hand…. Yours is very nice. And just the right size. I don’t think I’d like a really big cock. Yours is… yes… pretty much perfect. Do you want to put it inside me?’

‘Do you want me to?’

‘I think that might be nice,’ Liz said. ‘I’ve never actually gone the whole way before. I suppose you have though. Have you?’

Geoffrey shook his head. ‘No. Not… you know…. No.’

Liz nodded. ‘That’s OK. We all have to have a first time. Have you got a condom?’ she asked.


‘We’ll need a condom.’

‘I didn’t realise that we were going to be….’

‘That’s OK. Don’t worry. There are some in one of the drawers in my parents’ bathroom. I noticed them the other day. When I was trying to find a sticking plaster. I’ll go and get one. You just stay here. Oh… and if you want to play with your cock, that’s OK. It is your cock, after all.’ And she smiled.

Liz went off to get the condom and, while she was away, Geoffrey did work on his growing cock a little bit. Just a little bit.

‘Here we are,’ Liz said when she returned. ‘One Ribbed Rider. “For that extra something”, according to the wrapper. Actually, there were quite a few to choose from. But I thought that this one looked interesting. Now… how are we going to do this?’

It was a good question. But not a question to which Geoffrey had an immediate answer. It wasn’t something which he had really given any thought to.

‘How do you normally…?’ Liz started to say. But then she corrected herself. ‘Oh, no. You haven’t either, have you?’

Geoffrey shook his head.

‘Missionary,’ Liz said. ‘I suppose we could start there. I think that’s how a lot of people start, isn’t it? Or you could sit on the chair. And I could straddle you. Sit on your lap. But facing you. That might work. What do you think?’

Geoffrey looked at the chair. Yes, that might work. But maybe missionary would be easier. ‘Perhaps on the bed?’ he suggested.

‘OK,’ Liz said. ‘On the bed it is. The good old missionary. This could be fun. But perhaps I should first pull the duvet back. Just in case. You know.’

Liz pulled back the duvet and got onto the bed. And then she patted the space beside her, indicating for Geoffrey to join her. ‘Oh! And the Ribbed Rider. We mustn’t forget the good old Ribbed Rider,’ she said. ‘For that extra something.’ And she reached out for the condom. ‘At school,’ Liz said, ‘they showed us how to put a condom on a carrot. A carrot! Who knew? Of course, I knew that carrots could help you to see in the dark, but who would have thought that a carrot could get you pregnant?’ And she laughed.

Geoffrey laughed too.

Liz tore open the little foil packet, took out the condom, and rolled it down of Geoffrey’s now-hard cock. The condom was almost a fluorescent-green colour, with little raised ribs. It made Geoffrey’s cock look like something out of a sci-fi movie. ‘Interesting,’ Liz said. ‘Oh well.’

Liz reached down and spread her furry outer labia. And then she ran her index finger along her now open valley. ‘I think we’re ready,’ she said. ‘The naughty thoughts are getting me nice and slippery.’ And then she lay back with her legs spread and her knees raised. ‘Come on. Let’s do this thing,’ she said.

Geoffrey positioned himself between Liz’s open thighs and moved forward with his condom-clad stiffy leading the way. The train was about to enter the tunnel. Except it didn’t enter the tunnel. It missed by a mile. And it bumped its way through the snatch thatch on Liz’s marvellous mound.

‘Oops! Here, let me give you a hand,’ Liz said.

Liz lent a hand and, on the second attempt, Geoffrey’s cock found the hole in one.

Did it feel the way that Geoffrey had expected that it would feel? In some ways… yes. But, in other ways… no. It felt far better. Far, far better. ‘Oh, yes!’ he said.

Liz opened her eyes wide. ‘Oh, yes, indeed,’ she said.

‘Shall I keep going?’ Geoffrey asked.

‘I hope so,’ Liz told him.

And so ‘keep going’ was exactly what Geoffrey did. He kept going in, and then, after a brief pause, he started to come back out again. But not all the way back out. When he judged that he had just the head of his cock in Liz’s slippery tunnel, he started to push back in again. Yes, it felt very nice. Something — Geoffrey wasn’t exactly sure what; it could have been the Ribbed Rider or it could have been the walls of Liz’s wonderful fuckhole — was causing a fabulous feeling as the head of his cock went from bump to bump. In (bumpety-bump-bump) and out. And in (bumpety-bump-bump) and out.

‘Oh, fuck, yes,’ Liz said. ‘That’s fucking brilliant, isn’t it? Is it good for you?’

Yes it was. But Geoffrey was already trying not to think too much about it. He knew that if he thought about it, it would soon be all over. He tried to distract himself by picturing the fourth row of the Periodic Table, starting with potassium. But that was almost too easy. Perhaps the value of pi to umpteen places? Three point one four one five nine two six five….

And then Geoffrey was distracted by Liz squeezing her hand between their two bodies. What was she doing? Diddling herself? Diddling herself while they were fucking? Was he not doing it right? And then he felt her fingers around the base of his cock. And that just made things worse. Well… it made things better; but in making things better it also made things worse.

Geoffrey tried to slow pace a bit. But Liz was now controlling the pace. Thrusting with her hips. ‘Oh, fuck, yes,’ she said. ‘Yes. Yes. Yes.’

And then Geoffrey could hold on no longer. It was, he imagined, a bit like being shot out of a cannon — except that he was both the cannon and the projectile. Boom! And not just once. It was the full 1812 Overture. Boom! Boom! Boom! And Liz was shuddering and laughing and yelping and digging the fingers of her free hand into the back of Geoffrey’s neck. And then the storm had passed.

‘Whee!’ Liz said. ‘Well, that definitely worked. Gosh. You can see why it’s so popular, can’t you? You can see why people are so keen to do it. Boom, boom. But now we need to get you out of there while the condom is still doing its thing. It felt as if you fired enough spunk to inseminate an entire village.’

Geoffrey had to admit that it did feel like a bit of a bucketful. At least.

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