Getting My Clothes Back Ch. 02 by i_would,i_would

First adventure — Donald the surfer

It was past noon already when I finally got myself to leave home, nervously setting off for the beach. I settled on wearing my tank top and hot pants, as that would give the best cover and had the best chance of staying in place when surfing. I also decided to go barefoot, saving the flip flops for use later.

It was nice and warm with a light breeze, and I enjoyed the beams of the sun on my skin. I felt my confidence return as I walked down the street to the bus station, and figured that the best way of not getting too much attention was to act normally. As normal as possible. Ignoring my nipples, quite visible without being hard. Be very careful where I put my bare feet. My bag with towel and water bottle should make it clear I’m heading to the beach, explaining my bare feet.

At the bus stop there were just a few other people. I lined up, and a few minutes later the bus arrived. I got on and got myself a seat. I obviously caught the eye of the kid on the other side of the aisle as he kept looking at me. He must have enjoyed the sight. My boobs bouncing with every bump in the road, nipples forming growing bumps in the fabric thanks to both the rubbing due to the movement of the bus and the cool air conditioning. I just ignored his looks. Maybe I should have used my towel as a cape, hiding those pokeys from view. A bit late now for that. As the bus filled up I got more stares from people, especially those that had to stand nearby. Men looking appreciative, their female partners not so much. I felt a bit flustered, not used to this much attention, and just started looking out of the window. It did also make me feel good, all that interest shown in me.

Soon after the bus arrived at the interchange, where I changed to the bus to the beach. Lots of people waiting to get on, all dressed ready for the beach. The bus was packed, I had to stand, and got squeezed against a young guy wearing just his Speedos and carrying a towel. He was well over half a head taller than me. As the bus was packed I couldn’t prevent my left breast touching the side of his body at times. He must have felt it, I saw him looking down at me, at my chest. I felt so embarrassed. My nipples poking out, the thin cloth was not leaving much to the imagination. Would he be able to feel my nipple? Then I saw a faint smile on his face, and looked down on myself to hide my embarrassment. I think he liked what he saw, or felt, or both, as there was a serious bump forming in his Speedos. He probably did feel my nipple.

This realisation made me feel even more embarrassed, but also a bit excited giving him such a reaction. My nipples got even harder, the rubbing against his skin suddenly felt kinda naughty. The shaking of the bus made my chest touch him time and again, but I was not making much effort in preventing it, at least a lot less than a decent girl should have done. Looking down so he couldn’t see my face I smiled shyly. His speedos started to look seriously small and uncomfortable. At least also something fun for me to watch. I wonder how embarrassed he felt by this.

Luckily the bus ride did not last too long and a few minutes later we reached the surfing beach where I got off, together with what seemed like half the bus. The speedo guy didn’t get off, I was glad, he may have gotten too interested in me. It left me free to pursue my mission: finding Donald and taking some surfing lessons.

Nervously I walked up and down the beach a few times, enjoying the weather. I quickly spotted the restaurant in question, but did not yet dare to go in. I anyway had almost half an hour left before meeting him, having no idea how long the bus would take I left home a bit early. Finally, with a few minutes spare, I firmly set my sights on the restaurant, walked up to it, and took a deep breath before entering.

Inside I saw a number of tables and a U-shaped bar in the middle with a row of seats. I didn’t see Donald yet, maybe he was late? He must be expecting me. I felt really nervous again, also rather aroused. The Speedos guy on the bus, the upcoming planned sex with a stranger, unnerving yet so arousing. OK the sex part was not explicitly mentioned, but very much implied. Also Donald was supposedly not a stranger but I really had no idea where to place him in my life’s history.

I walked to the bar, took a seat and sat down. The moment I looked up and to the other side of the bar I saw him: Donald. I looked at him, stared at him is a better word as it was a bit too long a look. The moment he spotted me and made eye contact I felt caught and immediately turned away my gaze. I grabbed my phone, looked at his image, and glanced across the bar again to confirm. Yes, definitely him. Did he recognise me? I couldn’t tell. He could just as well simply have been checking me out. He no doubt knew I would be coming for him.

I swallowed, took a deep breath, another deep breath, and said to myself, “Now or never, go for it, girl.” I got up, and slowly made my way to the other side of the bar, trying not to look at him. I was embarrassed and excited, my heart beating in my throat. I had not much of an idea what was going to happen in the next twelve hours other than that this guy was quite certainly going to want to fuck me. He looked fuckable to me at least. He appeared younger than me, indeed probably late 20s. I suddenly felt old, would he still be interested in me?

He didn’t notice me or was purposefully ignoring me when I approached him. I’m not sure.

“Are you Donald?” I asked.

“Charlee?” he replied. So he was expecting me. The way he said it made me think he had no idea how I looked before I approached him.

“Yes,” I said simply.

“So good to see you again. Do take a seat. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?”

“I am, thanks.” I suddenly realised it was well past my normal lunch time and I hadn’t had anything since breakfast. Donald seemed to recognise me, I still had no idea where we met before.

He passed me the menu and said, “order what you like, have a drink, it’s included. Eat well, after all you’re mine for the next twelve hours so you need the energy.”

He said it so casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to be assigned a girlfriend for a period of time. It made me feel a bit strange. Does he do this more? And where did I meet him before?

While we had some tapas we chatted a bit. He knew quite a bit about me, obviously. He put me at ease, and made me forget about the challenge.

When I finished my food, he asked me, “have you ever been surfing?”

“No, I haven’t, always wanted to but never got the chance,” I replied.

“No problem. We’ll just start at the basics. You’re in luck with the weather, the surf is perfect for learning now.”

“I’d love to, but I don’t have a bathing suit, so maybe another time.”

“I know. You may borrow this bikini, it should be your size.”

He produced a small bag, and passed it to me. I could have known, it contained one of my own bikinis. The smallest, sexiest one that I own, and which I hadn’t worn for what must have been several years. A bikini meant for sunbathing rather than for swimming, as it will become a bit see through when wet. I will never forget how I found out about that part.

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