Grandpa's Guide to Women Pt. 02

Your response to Grandpa’s Guide to Girls was so flattering that it motivated me to write this sequel. You voted your approval and made very kind comments about the story of Grandpa Frank helping young Ben woo his first girlfriend.

You need to know why I placed this sequel in the “first time” category. Ben is not a virgin when he arrives at college, but every sex scene in this 10-part story has at least one character having at least one “first time” experience. Oral. Bondage. Anal. Roleplay. Reluctance. Facials. Threesomes. New partners. The recurring theme is the gradual surrender of diverse kinds of innocence.

As you know, many stories on Literotica defy categorization. It’s almost impossible for a label to give readers all the information they deserve while deciding which stories to read. If you’re looking for a tale of young lovers having erotic experiences for the first time, you’ll find it in Grandpa’s Guide to Women. Just know that these characters surrendered their virginity before this story begins.

Part 2 describes a particularly disappointing moment for Ben and a would-be girlfriend.

All characters are adults over 18.


Julie shocked me. I was hurt and demoralized.

It began Sunday morning, when one of my roommates said he needed to tell me something. “I’ve got some bad news,” Mike said.

Mike explained that he’d gone to a party at a fraternity, and alcohol was served. A lot of alcohol. Julie showed up. That sounded odd, because I would have expected her to invite me to accompany her to any parties she attended. It was almost as though she wanted to have some fun without me being around. What happened at the party was exactly like what Grandpa Frank warned me to expect.

The story Mike told was kind of long and complicated, but the basics are pretty simple. Julie got very drunk, flashed her tits to a room full of people, then started making out with one of the frat boys. They finally went to his room, and people outside could hear Julie moaning and groaning exactly the way she does when she has sex with me. After a while she emerged from the room with her hair and clothes all messed up.

“I’m glad you told me,” I said to Mike. “I’d rather hear it from you than learn about it some other way.”

“I wanted to tell you early, because there’s one part you need to know right now,” Mike said. “Several people got pictures of Julie flashing her tits. You might see that on social media in a day or two.”

“Great. That’s just great,” I said.

I’d been feeling good about Julie. When we weren’t having sex, we had serious conversations that persuaded me she was an interesting person. I enjoyed her company as much as I enjoyed her beautiful body. It was bad that she’d cheated on me, but the fact that she did it in such a public way made everything worse. Everyone I knew on campus would find out about it. She’d humiliated and emasculated me.

I was so upset that I did the only thing I knew would help. I put on shorts and running shoes and took a jog around campus. I didn’t shed any tears, but I came damn close. I ran farther and faster than usual because I wanted to be exhausted afterward.

Julie sent me a text while I was in the shower. We were supposed to meet up for breakfast that morning, and she wanted to know why I wasn’t there. I ignored the text, and the next one. Then she started calling. After the second call I decided it made no sense to try hiding from her.

“Why didn’t you respond to my texts?” she asked.

“I figured you’d be so hungover this morning that you wouldn’t be very good company,” I said.


“You know about that?” she asked quietly.

“I’m pretty sure every student on campus knows about it,” I said. “I understand that there are some very revealing photographs of you flashing your tits before you fucked that frat boy. I haven’t seen any of the pictures yet, but I’m sure I will soon.”

Julie began to cry. “Ben, I am so sorry. I got drunker than I’ve ever been before. I made a big mistake. Please, forgive me.”

“Sure. I forgive you,” I said.

“Really?” she said.

“Of course. I forgive you. But don’t think that means we still have a relationship. I can’t date a woman who did what you did last night.”

The crying got a lot louder. “Ben, please don’t be that way. I am so sorry. I’ll never do anything like that again.”

I didn’t know what to think. For some reason, I had a feeling that Julie was going a little overboard with the crying. Was she trying to manipulate me? Was she genuinely sorry? Since I no longer trusted her, I couldn’t decide what I thought.

“I want to talk to you. Can I come over?” Julie said.

“I don’t think we have anything to talk about,” I said.

She begged, and begged, and finally I relented. “I can’t talk to you right now because I have something to do first. I can meet you for lunch,” I said, suggesting that we meet at an off-campus restaurant we’d gone to before.

“Why do you want to go all the way out there?” she asked.

I sighed. “Julie, you’ve done a first class job of publicly humiliating me. Everybody who saw you last night knows you cheated on me. I don’t want to be seen with you.”

I wasn’t trying to be cruel, but I could tell that my comment hurt Julie’s feelings. It didn’t matter. At that moment, I cared more about my feelings than hers.

Besides, there was a good reason I refused to meet up immediately. I needed to call Grandpa Frank and tell him what Julie did. He’d predicted something like this was possible; he’d know what I should do next.

“Things like this happen all the time, Ben,” Grandpa said. “Kids your age have a lot of growing up to do. Some of them don’t handle it well when they are away from their parents for the first time. Go easy on Julie.”

“I can’t believe you’re saying that, Grandpa,” I said. “I’m furious. She humiliated me. She hurt my feelings.”

“I’m sure she did,” Grandpa said. “Get used to it. It will happen again. And again and again and again.

“This is the way relationships are, Ben. You learned the hard way what kind of woman Julie is. Now you know you can’t trust her. That’s valuable information, boy. Be grateful you found out quickly, before you made a big mistake and fell in love. What do you plan to say to her?”

“I figure I’ll listen to what she has to tell me, then I’ll say our relationship is over,” I said.

“That’s not what I’d do in your situation,” Grandpa said. “I think you should resume your relationship.”

“What!!! I can’t do that! You just said I can’t trust her, Grandpa!” I said.

“You should tell her you’re willing to keep seeing her, but only on the condition that you are both free to date other people. Then do that.

“Don’t hide in your dorm room like you did something wrong. Go to as many social events as possible. Approach as many other women as you can. Let all of them know you are available.

“Julie isn’t going to like that, but it’s not her choice. She can’t expect you to be faithful after she cheated on you. A lot of people, both men and women, think they can expect other folks to follow rules they don’t follow themselves. This is your chance to find out if Julie is that kind of person.

“She might beg and beg, but don’t let her have her way. Make sure she knows that from now on, you have an open relationship. Ben, you mentioned that Julie is very cute. Exactly how cute is she?”

“I’ll send you a picture, Grandpa,” I said, texting him a photo I took about a week ago.

“Yeah, she’s pretty cute,” Grandpa said. “That’s nice cleavage. Does she dress like that all the time?”

“Pretty much,” I said.

“Ben, there’s something you should know about girls who are especially cute. They are used to getting their way. Girls like Julie grow up knowing they can persuade guys to do whatever they want if they just show enough cleavage. I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict that Julie shows up at lunch today wearing an especially revealing top, and that she spends a lot of time bending over so you get nice views of her boobs.

“Enjoy the scenery, but don’t be fooled by it. If she does that, you know she’s trying to manipulate you.”

“I’ll pay attention,” I said.

“I’m sure you will,” he said. “It’s pretty easy to pay attention to the kind of boobs your Julie has.”

“She’s not my Julie. Not anymore,” I said.

“Ben, I know you’re upset. Try not to be a jerk about it. The next few days are going to be pretty hard on Julie. When a guy fucks a stranger, everybody congratulates him. When a girl does it, she gets slut shamed. Every sleazeball guy on campus is going to hit on her because they’ll figure she’s easy. That will just remind her of the fact that if she hadn’t spread her legs, she’d still have an undamaged relationship with you.

“The only good thing to come out of all this is that both of you are going to learn some valuable lessons from her mistake. Try to be as charitable as you can. She’s got to feel terrible right now.

“There’s one other thing that might happen,” Grandpa said. “Julie is probably not going to like the idea of having an open relationship. When you insist, she’ll reluctantly agree because she has no choice, but that won’t settle it. She’ll get to work on a campaign to make you change your mind.

“I predict she’s going to try to give you so much sex that she’ll think you won’t have the time or energy to chase other girls. Feel free to enjoy everything she has to offer, but stick to the plan, Ben. I’m confident that you have the stamina to have regular sex with Julie and still have plenty left in the tank for other girls.”

Grandpa Frank made a lot of sense. Of course, he always does.

“There’s one more thing you need to think about,” Grandpa said. “Drunken sex tends to be unprotected sex. There’s a chance Julie caught an STD. She might have gotten pregnant. Chances are she’s fine, but these are things she needs to check before she has sex again. Insist that she show you test results before you let her back into bed. Trust is hard to build and easy to destroy. Julie needs to earn your trust back.”

Julie’s face looked puffy when I saw her. She’d obviously been crying. The expression on her face looked very sad and sorrowful, and I might have felt sorry for her except for one thing. Just as Grandpa Frank predicted, Julie wore an especially low-cut top, and she kept bending over to make sure I got a lot of opportunities to see her boobs.

She was trying to manipulate me. It made me skeptical of everything she said.

We started with Julie telling me what happened and why. She acted as though it was hard not to cry. It felt weird to listen to her and have no idea how sincere she was. She finished her story, and I got the feeling that she expected me to accept her apology and resume our relationship exactly as it was.

I made sure she understood that wasn’t going to happen. “I’ve done some thinking about this. I like you, Julie. I sincerely like you. If you want to continue having a relationship, I’m willing to do that,” I said.

“But it won’t be an exclusive relationship anymore. We will both be free to date other people. In retrospect, we should have done it that way from the beginning. We wouldn’t be in this mess if neither one of us ever expected we’d be exclusive.”

“Ben, I don’t want that,” she said. “Please give me another chance. Nothing like this will happen again. I promise I’ll never cheat on you.”

That sounded good, but I noticed that as Julie was talking, she was bending over in a way that let me look down her blouse. It was just like Grandpa Frank predicted. I realized I shouldn’t automatically believe anything she had to say.

“Julie, I think people our age shouldn’t commit to exclusive relationships,” I said. “We are too young to put chains on each other. People our age come to college hoping to have all kinds of experiences and adventures. People our age drink too much and take too many risks. Julie, I’m willing to forgive what happened last night, but I can’t forget.

“I’m reluctant to say this, but I need to be honest. I realize now that I don’t know you as well as I thought. I realize now that I have no way of knowing if what happened last night is normal behavior for you. I’ve never asked about your relationships with your high school boyfriends. I can’t help but wonder if you cheated on any of them, too.”

At that moment Julie’s face turned bright red, and she looked down, refusing to make eye contact. So. This wasn’t the first time she cheated. Valuable information.

“There’s one more thing I hate to ask, but there’s no way to avoid it,” I said. “Julie, did you have unprotected sex with that guy? The only thing I know about him is that he’s happy to have sex with a girl he just met. Do we need to worry you might have picked up an infection?”

Julie started to cry.

“Yes,” she said. “We had unprotected sex.” I wondered if she would have volunteered that information if I hadn’t asked. Somehow, I doubted it.

“Why don’t you go over to the student health center and get tested?” I said. “That’s something that needs to happen before we can resume having sex.”

The expression on her face is hard to describe. It looked like a combination of humiliation, sadness and regret. I don’t think Julie ever imagined that someone would refuse to have sex without proof she was clean.

When it was all over, I got the feeling that Julie hadn’t expected me to be so determined. I think she imagined that she’d promise never to cheat again, she’d show me her tits a few times, and I’d let things go back to normal.

Because Grandpa Frank encouraged me not to hide in my dorm room, I decided to look for social events that very day. One of the sororities had a mixer, so I decided to go. I wasn’t surprised that some of the people there gave me some funny looks. Julie had made such a spectacle of herself that I knew I’d look like a cuck for a while. @#$!

Otherwise, things went pretty well. I hung out with several cute girls. Things got interesting while I was chatting up one in particular. I was standing on the sorority house’s front porch with a girl wearing a nametag that said SONYA. She said something surprising.

“Isn’t your name Ben?” she asked.

“Guilty as charged,” I replied.

“I’m sorry about what happened last night,” she said. “I heard about what your girlfriend did at that party.”

“Thanks for the kind words. I’m trying not to sulk about it,” I said. “She’s having a much harder time today than me. She’s the one who made a mistake. The only mistake I made was trusting someone who isn’t trustworthy. I expect I’ll make that same mistake again – just not with her.”

“Still, I’m sorry you lost that relationship,” Sonya said.

“Don’t be sorry. I haven’t actually lost anything. I told Julie I’m willing to keep dating her, but not exclusively. If I’d insisted on having an open relationship in the first place this mess wouldn’t have happened.”

“Really? You’re willing to see her again? After what she did?”

“It won’t be the same, obviously. But people are complicated. Despite her flaws, Julie has some nice qualities that I appreciate. Listen, I am very aware of the fact that she humiliated me, but she humiliated herself much more. For a while, she’s going to have a reputation as the campus slut. I have no desire to make things worse by kicking her to the curb.”

Sonya gave me a funny look. “That’s not what I would expect someone in your position to say,” she said.

“I’ll admit that it wasn’t the way I reacted this morning when I heard about it,” I said. “But after I calmed down I remembered how fond I was of her before this happened.”

“What did you think when you saw those pictures?” Sonya said.

“Oh, God. My roommate told me about the pictures. I haven’t actually seen them yet. Have you seen them?” I asked.

“Yeah. You must be the only person on campus who hasn’t seen them,” she said.

“Would you show them to me?” I asked.

“Sure,” she said, getting out her cellphone. She went to some social media page, and there was a picture of Julie, who was obviously drunk and pulling her shirt up high enough to show everyone in the room her big tits.

“I’d recognize those boobs anywhere,” I said.

Sonya laughed so hard a few drops of her drink came out of her nose. “You are taking this remarkably well. How can you make jokes?”

“I can laugh or I can cry,” I said. “I’ll take door number one.”

We chatted for a while, and after a few minutes I noticed that Sonya was looking at me the way women look at men they’re attracted to. That’s when I realized I was unconsciously acting the way Grandpa told me to act around women. I was acting confident in a difficult situation, and Grandpa Frank says confidence is the thing women like most. It surprised and impressed Sonya. I wondered if I should ask for her number, but it seemed too early for that. She was a member of the sorority, so I knew how to find her.

“I made a big mistake in a relationship once,” she said.

“You? Nah. That’s impossible. You obviously have too much common sense to ever make a mistake,” I said.

“I had a stalker. That was no fun at all.”

“Yikes!” I said. “That sounds like a mistake, but not by you. I’m pretty sure the person who made the mistake was the one doing the stalking, not the one being stalked.”

“That’s a very gracious thing to say, but it’s not really true,” Sonya said. “I ignored some pretty obvious warning signs. He was very controlling. He wanted to know where I was every minute of the day, and for a long time I went along with him. I even let him put a tracking app on my phone. I let things get way too crazy before I broke up with him.”

“I hear what you’re saying, but that still sounds like pretty minor errors in comparison to stalking someone. How did you end it?”

“He came to my place drunk, and I called the police,” Sonya said. “They helped me get a restraining order. The next time he came over to bother me, I called the cops and they arrested him for violating the order. I had to go to court and testify against him, but that put an end to it. I’m pretty sure his probation officer is helping him understand the downside of being a stalker.”

“I’m sorry that happened to you,” I said. “It sounds very unpleasant. Much worse than dating a woman who gets drunk and fucks a frat boy.”

She laughed again. “I think it’s wonderful that you have such a good attitude about it.”

“It’s one of my many endearing qualities,” I said. “It’s on the list right under the fact that I prefer relationships where both people are free to date whoever they want. If you think about it, I’m sure you’ll realize that if you dated someone like, for example, me, you would never have to worry about being stalked.”

“Smooth. Very smooth,” Sonya said.

“That’s what I was going for,” I said.

She was quiet for a while. “I guess I need to give up,” she said.

“Give up what?” I asked.

“Waiting,” Sonya said. “I’m tired of waiting.”

“Waiting for what?” I said.

“Waiting for you to ask for my number,” Sonya said. “I thought I was making it pretty clear I want you to do that.”

“I’m surprisingly oblivious sometimes,” I said, pulling out my cell phone.

We exchanged numbers, and I remembered that Grandpa had told me to always have a list of date ideas ready for times when I could tell a woman wanted me to ask her out. Thanks to Grandpa, I was ready for this moment.

“Sonya, a jazz pianist is performing on the cafe stage in the student center tomorrow. Would you like to hear her play? It sounds like a pleasant way to spend an hour. If she sucks, we can always walk out. Interested?”

“Sure,” Sonya said. “I’ll bet she barely sucks at all.”

I felt pretty good the next morning. I saw Julie sitting with her friends in class. They all seemed to be working as hard as they could to avoid making eye contact with me. The fact that I was going out with Sonya that night made it easy for me to feel upbeat all day.

Later, I was walking to the library when I ran into one of Julie’s sorority sisters.

“Ben! Wait up!” she said, trotting in my direction.

“Hi Bridget. How are you?” I said.

“I wanted to say how sorry I am about the way Julie behaved Saturday,” Bridget said. “She’s been getting non-stop grief from us sorority sisters. Before that happened, she’d spent a lot of time bragging to us about what a great boyfriend you are. Were. She knows she fucked up.”

“Well, thanks for the kind words,” I said. “I’m sure Julie has been eating a lot of shit for what she did. I feel bad that she humiliated me so much, but she humiliated herself a lot more. I hope people go easy on her.”

“Really?” Bridget said, looking surprised. “That’s . . . extremely charitable, Ben.”

“Yeah, that’s me. Extremely Charitable Ben.”

“There’s one thing I don’t understand,” Bridget said. “Julie claims you’re willing to keep dating her. That can’t be true, is it?”

Ah. And now I knew the reason Bridget flagged me down. She didn’t want to express sympathy. She liked to gossip, and she wanted me to provide the dirt du jour. I couldn’t think of a way to duck the question, so I decided to use it to my advantage. I’d tell Bridget what I wanted her to tell to every girl in the sorority.

“Things will not be the same, but I told Julie I am willing to date her again on the condition that we have an open relationship. The thing that made this whole mess so painful was that I believed we were supposed to be faithful to each other.”

“So you are going to date her again? When are you going to see her?”

“Not right away,” I said. “A couple of things have to happen first.” I was thinking about those STD test results, but I didn’t want to mention them because I had no interest in embarrassing Julie more than she’d embarrassed herself.

I had no reason to worry. “Julie said you want her to get tested for STDs.”

Of course she did! “Well, I didn’t want to say that because I don’t want to invade her privacy.”

That made Bridget laugh. “Ben, it’s not easy to invade the privacy of a girl who flashed her tits to a room full of drunk frat boys.”

“Yes. There’s that. You make a good point.”

Pretty soon I realized that I was following Grandpa’s advice again. Without even being aware of it, I was putting on a show of confidence in front of Bridget, and she seemed to be responding. She’d expected me to be angry and frazzled. She seemed both surprised and impressed that I was so calm, so mature, and refused to criticize Julie. Grandpa Frank said I should always be ready to respond to a situation where a woman seemed to like me, so I figured out a way to ask for her number.

“Bridget, I had a very nice time when we all went to that comedy show together,” I said. “I’d love it if we could do something like that again. If I see another opportunity to do that, could I give you a call and ask you to invite some of your friends?”

“Sure, Ben,” she said. After we exchanged numbers Bridget surprised me.

“You know, there’s a jazz pianist playing in the student center tonight,” she said. “I hear she’s pretty good. Would you like to see if we can get a group together for that?”

Ordinarily that would have sounded great, but I was already going to that show with Sonya. “I’m sorry, but I can’t,” I said. “I’m planning to see that show with someone. I want to get to know her a little better, so I’d rather not do that as part of a group. Maybe next time.”

Bridget’s eyes got big and happy. She knew she’d just heard some particularly juicy gossip.

There was no way I could have avoided telling her. Now, every girl in Julie and Bridget’s sorority would soon learn that I was already following through on my promise to date other people. I wasn’t happy about the fact that Julie would feel bad when she heard about it, but she emasculated me so thoroughly that I needed to salvage what was left of my manhood. This was a way to do that.

I felt great by the time Sonya and I walked to the student center and found a quiet table off to one side.

“I think this is probably a good opportunity for us to tell each other our life stories,” I said. “You go first.”

“My story is not very interesting,” Sonya said. That turned out not to be true at all. She played several musical instruments including . . . wait for it . . . jazz piano! I’d picked a perfect first date! Wait till I tell Grandpa! This was an example of what he means when he says, “It’s better to be lucky than good.”

She was a National Merit Scholar. I like brainy girls, especially when they happen to be so cute. She had strawberry blond hair and a lovely face that was covered with freckles. I couldn’t help but wonder if she had freckles on the parts of her body concealed by her clothes. She was wearing a very stylish outfit and her hair and makeup looked perfect. I wondered if she was always so put-together or if she went to a special effort for me.

I remembered the words of my Grandpa Frank. Most men talk about themselves too much, Ben. Women love it when a man listens to what they have to say. Get them to talk about themselves, and pay attention.

That’s what I did. When Sonya asked questions about me, I answered them as concisely as I could, then turned the conversation back to her. She did 90 percent of the talking and I did 90 percent of the listening.

The pianist was very good. Things seemed to be going well, so I decided to take a chance. Following advice Grandpa gave me before my first date with Beth, I put my hand on the table right next to Sonya’s hand.

If she pulls away, that means she doesn’t want to hold hands, Grandpa said. But if she doesn’t move, that means she’s OK with it.

She didn’t move, so I took her hand. I kept my expression relaxed. Grandpa said it’s a good idea to act as though no sensible woman could possibly object to anything I did. Today it was holding hands without asking permission first. If things went well, we’d be doing more interesting things soon.

The performance went as well as it could, but something very unusual happened when it was almost over. Three girls from Julie’s sorority came in and sat at an empty table. They all took a good look at me; I got the impression that the only reason they showed up so late was to see who I’d invited to the jazz concert.

You will not believe what they did. They took my picture! They pretended they were taking a photo of the pianist, but I could tell they were actually trying to get a shot of me and my date. I knew this meant they’d rush home to the sorority and show all the girls a picture proving I wasn’t sitting at home moping over Julie’s betrayal.

Good. Operation Manhood Retrieval was proceeding ahead of schedule.

A nice thing happened. I’d done such a good job getting Sonya to tell me about herself that she was happily talking away during the walk back to her sorority. I have no idea if her previous boyfriends were as interested in what she had to say, but it was pretty clear that she enjoyed being with a guy who didn’t hog the conversation.

“Would you like to come in for a while?” Sonya said when we got to where she lived. Her sorority was in a house that had been a mansion a century ago. Rich people had fled this neighborhood decades ago, leaving behind ornate homes like the one where Sonya and her sorority sisters live today. It’s located near Julie’s sorority, and I realized I’d have to walk by on the way to my dorm.

The elegant old living room was very nice, with a mismatched collection of aging furniture that offered lots of comfortable places to sit and talk. There were a couple of girls there already. I thought that’s where Sonya wanted to go, but instead she led me to a smaller room off to one side.

“The architect who designed this house was fairly famous,” she said. “There’s a nice framed blueprint hanging in the dining room. It labels this room as ‘the parlor.’ I’m not really sure what makes a room a parlor,” Sonya said.

“I don’t either,” I said. “That sounds like a question for Mr. Google.” I searched for the word parlor. The definition that fit best was “a sitting room in a private home.”

“That sounds about right,” Sonya said, sitting on a red velvet sofa and patting the spot next to her.

“Sit,” she said.

“Sure,” I said. “Would you also like me to fetch? Stay? Roll over?”

In the parlor, Sonya was sitting so close I was tempted to put my arm around her. But things were going so well I decided not to rush. I was pretty sure I’d made a good impression. I knew our first date was almost over, and I didn’t want to do anything to mess it up in the short time left.

That was a good decision.

“Ben, I had a very nice time tonight,” she said. “I’m very comfortable around you. It feels as though I’ve known you for a long time.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” I said. “I like you. A lot. I’d like to know you better.”

“I’m not sure if I can explain this, but I’ll try,” she said. “The guys I tend to like most are the ones who treat me like an equal. I hate it when guys think women deserve to be treated like property. I prefer it when a guy treats me like just another one of the guys.

“But you don’t treat me like a guy. When I’m with you, I feel like a girl. You are treating me like an equal, but not like another man. I’ve never felt that before. I like it.”

“In the short time we’ve been talking, I’ve learned that you have many fine qualities,” I said. “So far, the fact that you are so overpoweringly feminine may be my second favorite thing. Of course, my favorite thing is the fact that you are so overpoweringly smart. But that should go without saying. If I make you feel like a girl, it might be due to the fact that I can’t stop thinking about that myself.”

She smiled again. Sonya does that a lot. I like it.

“You have a nice way of expressing yourself,” she said.

“Well, it’s good to hear you think I have at least one nice quality,” I said. “Maybe I should express the fact that over the last few hours I’ve spent a lot of time trying to think of a good idea for a second date.”

“I’m sure we’ll come up with something,” she said. “The idea you had for tonight was very nice.”

“I worked hard on it,” I said. “You won’t believe how much time it takes to read the weekly list of upcoming campus events.”

Sonya laughed. I loved the way it sounded. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before we said goodbye. I kissed her hand, and she laughed again.

“Ben, you’re like a character from the golden age of Hollywood.”

“That’s what I was going for,” I said.

I had to walk past Julie’s sorority on my way home. I walked briskly, but I saw a group of three girls in the window, watching as I passed. It seemed likely that Julie and all of her sorority sisters would soon be gossiping about me and Sonya going on a date.



Operation Manhood Retrieval. It should be complete soon. In Part 3, Sonya decides she likes Ben enough to keep him around.


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