How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 09 by Thors_Fist,Thors_Fist

“I am, yes?” A question in her voice.

“My two traveling companions and I both thought that you’re a very attractive woman and we were wondering if you’d care to take dinner with us at the Lodge restaurant?”

“Who are your companions?”

I pointed to Sharon and Laura. “The young women at the railing over yonder.”

“With two charming dinner companions like them, why would you want to dine with me as well?”

“One can never have enough beauty in one’s life, don’t you think, and it’s always nice meeting new people.”

“Nothing more than dinner?”

“That’s all I’m asking for; a nice dinner at the restaurant. Anything more is entirely up to you.”

She looked at the two women again. They didn’t look like axe murderers, even if I might bear passing resemblance to one.

“I’m up there alone. It might be nice meeting someone on my first night there.”

“Excellent. My name is Brick, by the way. Actually, Bryce, but everyone calls me Brick. The blonde is Laura Smith, the brunette is Sharon Havelock. Shall we say 6:30, after we’ve had a chance to check in and unpack. We’ll meet you at the restaurant.”

“That’s lovely. My name is Amy Gordon.”

“Pleased to meet you, Amy. I hope you won’t be offended if I pay for your meal?”

“Can you afford a fourth?”

“I do all right for myself. I’m good for it.” I smiled charmingly.

“6:30 PM, then.”

“I look forward to it.”

I walked back to my two ladies and the guy.


“Dinner at 6:30 at the restaurant. Her name is Amy Gordon.”

Laura and Sharon looked at each other, then waved to Amy. She waved back and Laura and Sharon gave each other a high five. He looked at the woman.

“What did you say to her?”

“After ensuring she was going to the same place we were, I told her that I and my two companions found her attractive and would she like to have dinner with us.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. I’m not asking for more than dinner. She’s going to the resort alone, doesn’t know anyone. Gives her a chance to meet someone on the first day there, so she might have someone to engage in activities with. It’s harmless, and she knows it. We’re even meeting at the restaurant. If we’re assholes, she calls it an evening. Confidence.”

“Why are you two with him?” he asked Sharon.

“Best sex in the world. Confidence got me in his bed. His tongue and dick kept me there.”

I smiled. She was so cute. I kissed her.

He looked at Laura. She replied, “Pretty much the same reason, plus I want him to put a bun in the oven.”

That shocked him. He drifted off. Didn’t look like he had any more confidence than before he asked.

“Why don’t you two go over and say hi to Amy. You’re not trying to seduce her yet. Let her get to know us a little more before you offer to lick her cunt. You can tell her that if we hit it off tonight, she’s welcome to join us hiking and horseback riding the next couple days. I think she’d like to know she can have company if she wants it.”

“Don’t worry, Master,” Laura said. “We won’t push.”

As they walked over to her, I turned on their Lushes. They still had battery life left. They both stopped halfway there, turned and stared at me for a moment, then took each other’s hand and went up to Amy. I turned it off after five minutes of their conversation, leaving them both a little frustrated for later.


Check in was relatively painless. I’d booked the Lakehouse, which was more space than I needed, but had all the amenities I wanted. It included a BBQ grill, deck, fireplace, and hot tub. It could have slept twelve, and we only had three and we’d be in the same bed. I allowed them to remove their Lushes, as they would need recharging soon. I told them each to dress a little slutty, but not exposing too much. Laura wore a translucent blouse which showed hints of her magnificent breasts. Sharon went with a regular shirt, unbuttoned, but with the tails tied across her belly. Seeing it, I made Laura unbutton a couple more buttons, even with the tips of her nipples. Without bras, their breasts bobbled quite nicely under the fabric.

I took a couple pictures. That gave me an idea for what I might do with Phillip’s obsession. I could record what Laura did, with me and others, then offer him the opportunity to watch what I recorded, but only if he didn’t cum when I was fucking her. If we had sex and he orgasmed, I’d delete something, and he’d never see it. The better he held out, the more he’d get to see of her trip with me.

There was no cell phone service in the area, so I brought a Sat phone with the same number programmed into it. The very first call I received on it was from Brenda, wanting to know if I was free that night for some sex.

“Sorry, Brenda, but I’m not in Seattle at the moment. I’ll be back on Thursday, but wouldn’t be available for a date until Friday. The same rules would apply. There would be at least one other female present, probably more, and may not be the same ones.”

“I understand. I enjoyed the first time more than I imagined I would. I wouldn’t mind sharing you with someone else again. The sex was great.”

“I certainly had a good time as well. I’ll call you on Thursday to set something up for Friday. Expect to be treated like a slut.”

“Will I have to wear the Lush again?”

“Anything is possible, but I like to mix things up a bit. We’ll see.”

I made a phone call to Jeri and asked her if she was with Phillip yet.

“I got here about thirty minutes ago. He’s making me supper.”

“Have you spanked him yet?”

“Not yet. I was saving that for later.”

“I had an idea, and I wanted to run it by you, to see what you made of it.”


I told her the plan.

“I don’t know. It’s got a chance of working. Anything has got a chance. Let’s say he got through a session of you with Laura and was allowed to watch one, and he spontaneously climaxed during the video. What then?”

“Then not only is that video deleted and he never gets to see it again, but the next one is deleted, so he never sees it at all. Make sure he practices his pelvic floor exercises every day and his pinches.”

“Okay. Do you want me to discuss the plan with him?”

“No. I told him he wasn’t going to be able to see or hear anything regarding what Laura does here, although Laura fondled his cock before she left and said she’d tell him about everything. He climaxed and that’s why he’s being punished. Laura is being punished for teasing him. We don’t have cell service here, so I’m using the sat phone. Other than that, we’re out of contact until we get back to the town of Chelan on Thursday.”

At a quarter after six, I attached a leash to Laura’s collar.

“Must I, Master.”

“It’s either that, or unbutton your blouse down to your skirt.”

She chose the leash. We were at the restaurant waiting for Amy when she arrived. Seeing the leash attached to Laura’s collar didn’t give her warm and fuzzies. Her eyebrows went up.

“Is that the way I can expect to be treated if I have dinner with you?”

“No. I’m sorry, but no. Laura is being punished this evening. She is in a submissive relationship to me and did something to her husband that I disagreed with. Her punishment will also include a ten swat spanking later on.”


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