How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 09 by Thors_Fist,Thors_Fist

“Her husband?”

“It’s a long story, best told over dinner. I’m sure you have questions. I will answer everything truthfully. After you’ve heard the story, if you want nothing further to do with us, none of us will bother you again.”

She looked around and saw the dining room was packed with people and felt she’d be safe in a crowd, so agreed to dine with us.

Salmon and trout were big items on the menu, so we ordered, including a bottle of wine. The waitress was a little surprised to see a leashed woman at our table as well, though she didn’t ask about it. After they brought the wine and I’d tasted it and they poured four glasses, I went into my story. I explained how I met Laura, their desire to have a child, her husband’s fascination with cuckoldry, and the depths they’d almost fallen to.

I finally decided that I had to place both Laura and her husband in submission to keep them under control until we’d had a chance to work on their fetishes, to reduce the danger to themselves and their marriage. Amy asked several pointed questions during the description, all of which were answered by one or more of us, sometimes with confirmation from Laura.

“Normally speaking, as part of her submission, Laura would be sitting naked on my lap and I’d be feeding and fondling her. I obviously can’t do that here.”

“Obviously. If she were, I wouldn’t be sitting at your table now. Even the leash made me jumpy.”

“A psychologist is working with Phillip while we’re gone, to tone down his cuckold tendencies.”

The waiter brought our food, during which we stopped our discussion.

“Are you a submissive?” Amy asked Sharon.

“No, I’m just here for the fucking. Brick promised me a vacation before I have to head back home. I can confirm a lot of what he just told you, though. I was there for a lot of it. Laura was thinking about becoming a streetwalker or stripper to get more sex, and Phillip was ready to let her do it.”

“What fucking are you referring to?”

“With Brick mostly, although Laura is also a good pussy pleaser. Best sex I ever had with a guy until it turned into a threesome, then that was the best. Really incredible sex. I just had to have more before going home.”

“Are you married?”

“No, Brick refused to have sex with married women until Laura came along. Now he is having it with couples who practice Ethical Non-Monogamy, if you’re familiar with the term.”

“I’ve heard of it.”

“What’s your story, Amy. Why are you at the lodge alone?” I asked.

“Ah, a sad story. I was supposed to be here on my honeymoon with my new husband.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, “did he pass?”

“He passed on marriage, he didn’t die. He called it off two weeks before the ceremony. The trip was paid for, so I figured I should take advantage.”

“Marriage is not for everyone,” I said. “It’s better off knowing now before you tie the knot. It wasn’t for me either. Mine lasted like six weeks.”

“So, you normally would have been having lots of sex while you were here?” Sharon asked.

“That always is the hope for a honeymoon,” Amy replied.

“May I suggest to you, that Brick, my fuck buddy, ring your bells. I can almost promise you he would put your pansy ass potential groom to shame. Now, Laura and I would love to join you in the honeymoon bed, but if you don’t think you’d like to have a girl licking your clit while your pussy is pounded, that’s okay. We can keep ourselves occupied while you do the dirty with Mister Tall, Dark and Studly. I can guarantee you won’t regret it.”

Amy looked at me. “She’s a fan. What can I say?” I said.

“Are you really that good?”

“It’s probably subjective,” I replied. “Everyone has an opinion.”

“I almost raped him, I wanted him so bad after he came back from a business trip,” Laura said. “It’s another reason I am his submissive now. I quit behaving with propriety when I’m around him.”

Amy looked like she was thinking about it. Nice.

“Look, you don’t have to make a rash decision. You just met us. You can get to know us a little better,” I said.

“Which cabin are you in?” Amy asked.

“The Lakehouse.”

“For only three of you?”

“It had a grill, fireplace, hot tub, the amenities I wanted,” I said. “How about this? We invite you over tonight to use the hot tub, or sit in front of the fireplace with another bottle of wine. I’ll make sure you get back to your cabin if you decide that’s as far as you want to take it. Or the cabin has four Queen size beds. You can sleep there if you’d rather not be alone. You should be aware, once Laura is back at our place, she needs to strip. Nude is her new state of being, as a submissive. Sharon is frequently naked, but it’s her choice. I’ll keep my clothes on unless you tell me you want them off.

“If you’d like to pass on tonight, we’re going kayaking tomorrow. You can meet us for breakfast, and go out with us. Horseback riding on Tuesday, hiking on Wednesday. No point in doing things alone, whatever you decide.”

She looked at the three of us, thinking about it. “I think I’ll come over tonight, see what transpires. Another bottle of wine sounds good.”

“We’d love to have you,” Sharon said.

We finished our meal, Amy asking more about Laura’s relationship, primarily.

“What is Laura being punished for exactly?”

“Her husband has been ejaculating without physical stimulation, just from the mental, visual or aural stimulation of watching or hearing his wife have sex. It’s created a situation in which he prefers watching her have sex above having sex with her himself. I thought it might be beneficial to remove her from the house where he wasn’t exposed to her fucking until he gets that under control.

“This morning, before leaving, Laura told him she would tell him all about what happened here while stroking his cock, causing him to suffer another episode for which he’ll punished by my ex-wife.”

Amy’s eyebrows lifted at that. “Ex-wife?”

“She’s a psychologist. She’s going to work with him. He’s not supposed to cum without permission, in attempting to gain better control of his impulses. Since he’ll be punished, Laura will too, as she instigated the offense. In addition to the humiliation of wearing the leash to supper, she’ll receive a ten swat spanking, and be made to masturbate without being able to cum herself, plus I’m not going to fuck her, which she tends to crave. She’s an extremely responsive slut who loves to fuck.”

“Have you spanked her before?”

“Multiple times.”

“What’s it like, Laura?”

“It’s both painful, and arousing.”

“A spanking arouses you?”

“One from my Master arouses me. I’m unsure if I would be aroused by anyone else giving me a spanking.”

“We could test that,” I said. “Sharon showed some Dominant characteristics when butt fucking Phillip.”

“My, this conversation becomes stranger all the time. At the very least, I’m sure I’ll find myself amused by all the stories you have to tell.”


Our meal finally over, I took care of the bill, including the purchase of another bottle of wine, which we carried back to the Lakehouse. As soon as we arrived, I unleashed Laura and she removed her clothes.

“She’s beautiful!” Amy exclaimed, seeing her. “Every part of her is perfection. And you’re not going to have sex with her?”


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