How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 09 by Thors_Fist,Thors_Fist

I explained how I might use it for that purpose.

“Do you really think it would help?”

“I don’t know, maybe nothing will help.”

The ferry had already started to make its return trip by the time we arrived back at the lodge. I didn’t allow Laura to remove her top when they passed us again, since those people were heading the opposite direction. We returned to the Lakehouse and got into the hot tub, all naked, to ease any sore muscles. I fucked each of the women again, giving them three orgasms apiece before unleashing my load in Laura while Sharon videoed it. I also had Laura lick Amy, who agreed to be filmed if her face was kept out of the picture. I showed her the video before keeping it.

Before we went to supper, I ensured Laura wore something similar to what she wore the previous night, except unbuttoned one button more. The swell of her breasts on either side of her chest was obvious, as were the outlines of her nipples under the soft fabric.

“There’s a possibility that someone who might have seen you topless out on the lake, will approach you tonight, especially considering how provocatively you’re dressed. I want Amy seated across from me, you next to her and Sharon across from you, next to me. You’ll wear your wedding band, but won’t look like you’re married to me. If someone does approach you and you think you want to fuck him, tap the top of your glass three times. I’ll then check him out and make sure he understands the rules. He must wear a condom, fuck you in front of us, and allow the fucking to be recorded for Phillip. You will give him a false name, obviously false, like Mary Poppins from Los Angeles, so this is obviously a one shot deal.”

“Yes, Master.”

Both Sharon and Amy were also dressed on the seductive side, though nothing as blatant as Laura. When one man is accompanied by three attractive women, it attracts attention, from both men and women. Many of the other diners wondered what our story was, although only one approached, a fit fellow in his mid-forties who exuded confidence. You almost have to be full of assurance to approach someone who’s with someone else. The fact that Laura wasn’t across from me or next to me, made her the obvious choice to separate from the herd. He was dining alone, which was a good sign, but not a great one.

He bent down over the back of her chair, both as an opportunity to glance down her blouse at her breasts, and to whisper something to her which I couldn’t hear, but Laura blushed. He rested a hand on her shoulder, kind of massaging it, while he whispered something else. I was pretty sure it wasn’t an invitation to dance, since there was no dancing. He did glance at me to determine if I was going to raise an objection, but I more or less just kept an eye on him without causing a scene, which seemed to give him more confidence that he wasn’t barking up the wrong tree. He whispered a few more things in her ear. Bold move on his part.

Laura tapped the top of her glass three times.

“Excuse me, sir,” I finally said. “We’re trying to have a meal here. Please allow her to finish it. We’ll meet you on the porch when we’re finished. Is that all right with you, Mary Poppins?”

“Yes, Master.”

When she said that, he suddenly realized there was another dynamic at play, and it wasn’t just the woman he needed to get past, it was me. I wasn’t rejecting it out of hand, or I could have told him to blow it out his ear. He went back to his table, but kept an eye on me as well as his target.

When we were alone again, I asked, “Do you want to fuck him?”

“Please, Master.”

“What’s the first thing he said to you?”

“That with two other women with you, sir, I couldn’t possibly get the attention I deserved, and he would be more than willing to give me the fucking of a lifetime.”

“What other things did he whisper to you?”

“That he saw me out on the lake, that I had beautiful breasts he wanted to suck on all night long; that he had an eight inch cock I would love to fuck, and he loved to eat hot, wet, pussy, Master.”

“He certainly didn’t lack for confidence, so I expect his cock is larger than average, but probably not a full eight. I think having a larger dick does help one’s assurance when you’re dealing with the opposite sex, but we also tend to round up. Since he’ll be wearing a condom, I wonder if he’d be willing to lick your cunt after he cums. Some men are finicky after they’ve had you.”

“Does having a large cock give you confidence, Brick?” Amy asked.

“Definitely. Even if women might be a little intimidated by it, they’re fascinated by it. It’s definitely an edge. Be honest, if you came down this morning and I was fucking Laura with a five inch cock, would you have been as willing to join in?”

“Probably not. It was a pretty slutty thing to do. I needed a little incentive.”

“And if I had a five inch cock, I probably wouldn’t have been willing to walk up to you and ask you out for dinner last night, having at least a partial expectation that we might be having sex later. I think the other two women kind of soften that approach, but just as people were intrigued to see me tonight with three women, you were wondering what was so special about me having two.”

“Right again.”

We finished up and I paid for dinner and got another bottle of wine to go back to the Lakehouse. We walked out on the porch outside the restaurant and Laura’s admirer was there waiting for us.

I’m more imposing standing up than sitting down. I was a good two inches taller than he was, younger, stronger, heavier. He wasn’t going to fight me, nor did I want to fight him. The first thing I asked, was to see his license. I took a photo of it and gave it back. Name, Robert Glanville, Utah.

“What was that for?”

“In case you ever cause any problems.”

“Are you going to show me yours?”

“No, because I’m not going to cause you problems unless you cause me problems. I see you have a wedding ring on your finger.”

“My wife and I have an understanding.”

“That you can fuck around while you’re apart. Mind if I check that out with her?”

“Yes, I mind.” So probably lying. Klara and Diana hadn’t cared.

“I don’t really care if you’re married or not. The fact you are, probably means you’ll be less of a problem. As far as you will ever know, this is Mary Poppins, from Los Angeles. Obviously, a false name. She won’t give you her real one because she’s married too. This is a one-time good deal for you, but there are rules. Are you interested in continuing.”


“Despite her marriage, I’m in control of her fucking. She can’t even fuck her husband without my permission. She can fuck you tonight, but first of all, you wear a condom for anything but her mouth. Second, you have to fuck her in front of us. I need to make sure she’s not harmed or abused. Third, her husband is a cuckold and loves to see his wife fuck other men. He’s not with us, so, we need to film the sexual encounter so he can watch her be fucked when we get home.

“I’m not interested in blackmail, these movies will never leave my possession, I won’t be contacting your wife with prima facie evidence of your adultery to fuck up your marriage. If you’re willing, I will fuck Miss Poppins with you, a spit roast, a double penetration, which will also be filmed. I won’t wear a condom. She’s trying to get pregnant, but only with me. You don’t have to fuck her with me, but it’s an option if you’re interested. Once you’re done, you leave, and never attempt to contact her or us again. Like I said, a one-time good deal. Those are the rules. Are you still interested?”


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