Is This You? (750 Words) by JuanaSalsa,JuanaSalsa

I am half-asleep as I hear his heavy footsteps thudding down the hall to the bedroom. The door flies open, and the lights blaze on.

“Is this you?” he booms from the door, rapidly making his way to my side of the bed.

I groan and peel open my eyes to see a phone screen shoved in my face.

“Huh?” I moan incoherently as the image comes into focus.

I squint at the woman on the screen. She is getting fucked from behind, bent over a familiar tan leather couch, wearing a familiar blue shirt, familiar auburn hair tied up in a familiar bun. I frown, is it me? I glance at the video title, ‘Chubby MILF fucked ragged.’ Flattering and arousing, I muse.

“If it is me, I didn’t approve of a video,” I reply with the first words popping into my brain.

“Is this you?” He repeats, tone hard.

A hand reaches down and gathers up the blue shirt tightly. A tattooed hand.

“No,” I reply, certain. “I’ve never fucked a guy with a hand tattoo.”

More details become clear. A pink camouflage blanket – very much not my style, a table lamp when I’d always preferred floor lamps, and a brief millisecond glimpse of an unfamiliar house.

“I don’t care if it is,” he says, “as long as it was before my time.”

Before his time owning my body, claiming my heart and my hand in marriage, he means. We both know I was no virgin before his time.

I remember the photos at the same instant he does, “I know you had your fun. You would tell me, right, if it was you? There were those photos… And you told me then.”

The photos had arrived a month after our wedding, a year and a half after they were taken. A set of 8×10 glossies mailed to our house. I had collected them first, opened them, remembered the man who took them – despite my objections. I’d kicked him out of my house that day, when he’d pushed my established boundaries. And here was his punishment, I guessed, a well-timed package designed to end a new marriage.

I could have shredded them right then, and my husband would never know. But who could tell what would be next? Posted online? A visit? I’d been stalked before, and I had come to expect the worst. So, I told my husband, gave him the photos, and that stain would mark him for years to come. The doubt that sprang forth in every argument for the next decade. And still, after twelve years, here it was again.

“That’s not me,” I say, calmly. “Look at her pussy, mine’s pink and hers is brown.”

We stare at the video together, marveling at this woman who is my twin, getting absolutely pummeled by the tattooed man’s cock. I wish it was me, I think traitorously.

As if hearing my thoughts, my husband throws the blankets off me and tosses my legs towards my head. His cock rams into me, hard and fast.

“Oh god,” I groan, at the same time as my twin, her one-minute video playing on a loop.

“That’s your voice,” my husband says, and I can tell he is in a fantasy now, one where he can punish me for behaving badly.

It doesn’t matter anymore that it isn’t me, I want to be punished exactly as he is proposing.

“Yes,” I agree, heedless of consequences.

My husband’s eyes flash open, and he glares at me, “Is it you?”

“No, I just… I want to help your fantasy,” I assure him, sensing I’d gone too far in the moment.

“Don’t fuck around on me,” he warns as he thrusts hard.

“No. No, I will always choose you,” I tell him.

“Jesus Christ!” the woman’s voice punctuates the moment, the slap-slap echoing between reality and the tinny phone audio.

“Bitch,” my husband says, without true heat, as he thrusts.

“Asshole,” I reply, grinning.

His hand tightens around my throat, pushing my face upward. I breathe heavily, over-heated with desire. Does jealousy arouse him? I wonder, analytical even in this moment.

Just as the fantasy forms in which I get everything I want, he destroys it.

“Don’t cheat. You’d break my heart.”

“I won’t,” I promise.

I close my eyes and endure the painful pleasure he offers. It is, after all, just what I deserve. If not for my actions, then for my dangerous desires.

“I love you,” I whisper.


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