Island Vacation Ch. 02

An adult stories – Island Vacation Ch. 02 by imaging,imaging It felt good to wash the road off. It had been a long day, starting well before the sun came up at home. As Jen slid the patio door open, she noticed that it wouldn’t be long before it was setting here. She settled into one of the chairs on the patio, waiting for Tim to finish his shower. She hadn’t taken long with hers and opted to keep her makeup simple for the evening. After all, she reasoned, it would probably be an early evening. She was hoping Tim might be up for a repeat performance on that comfortable bed. This time, she reminded herself, they would close the curtain.

She had chosen a long dress with a tropical print for dinner. The top was essentially a halter, dropping deeply between her breasts. Like the rest of her wardrobe for the week, it was far too revealing to wear at home, and like the dress she wore earlier in the day, a bra was simply not possible, but the fit and print seemed to camouflage that fact. She did notice, however, that the soft fabric rubbed her nipples in the nicest way. It added to the sensation between her legs that had ebbed and flowed since they were on the airplane.

She looked toward the sandy beach, slightly to her right. A few people were scattered about in lounge chairs or on blankets enjoying the last rays of the day’s sun. They were down a slight slope, just beyond a small ridge almost out of her sight. Immediately in front of her was that patch of vegetation, making direct access to the water impossible. She found it curious that a small sign had been posted along the footpath leading to the beach, prohibiting photography. The sunset that they were about to enjoy would certainly be camera worthy, she thought.

The sea stretched further to her left, beyond a lush green lawn. There were more hotel buildings there, too, just like the one she and Tim were in. They were rambling two-story buildings. The units on the second floor all had balconies, those on the bottom had a small patio just like hers. As her eyes ran down the building, she saw a couple sitting on their patio. The distance was too far to speak, so they both waved. Jen was returning their greeting when she noticed that the woman’s robe fell open as she waved. She did nothing to cover herself, simply turning her attention back to her companion. Jen tried not to look, but she couldn’t help herself, turning a time or two toward the other couple. The woman’s breasts were completely exposed.

She heard Tim’s voice behind her, in the room. She called to answer him when she realized that he was on the phone. Going inside, she heard the last of his brief conversation with Dan, a friend from their church.

“Everything, OK?” she asked, as Tim hung up.

“Yeah, we’re still trying to coordinate everything for this Sunday. There are a few last details to clean up, but I think we’re set. Dan’s going to find out what time they are getting in, and he’ll meet them at the airport and take care of them on Saturday. We’ll meet them on Sunday and go from there.

“Them” was the new minister and his wife at their church. Tim served on the executive committee and they were handling the transition from their old minister to a new one.

“So we don’t have to deal with that all week?” She was only slightly annoyed at the inconvenience.

“No. Maybe another call later in the week, but we are here to focus on ourselves. I promise.” He kissed her sweetly on the cheek. “So how’s the beach?” he asked, as he walked toward the sliding glass doors.

“The beach seems fine. I’m not too sure about our neighbors, though,” Jen replied as they stepped out into the warm air, pulling the door closed behind them.

“Oh, what’s up?”

Jen turned toward the couple’s patio, but they were gone. “Sorry. Looks like you missed the show. She was just a little careless with her robe, that’s all.”

They turned to the right, down the paved path that led toward the beach. Along the way, it passed a small pool and a bar.

“That’s convenient,” Tim observed, turning into the sand to wander closer to the water.

As he did, Jen noticed that the woman on the lounge chair closest to the path was topless. She was quietly reading a book, with her breasts exposed to the whole world. She hoped Tim didn’t see her. She followed close behind him listening as he noticed the water, the sun, and a sailboat in the distance. Then noticing when he suddenly fell silent. She looked up, following his gaze to a couple sleeping on their blankets, completely nude. Jen paused long enough to take in the whole scene. Nearly every person on the beach was in some stage of nudity.

She spun on her heel, feeling Tim right behind her as they quickly walked back up toward the pool.

“Tim! Did you realize that we’re staying at a… a…,” she stumbled for the right word.

“Of course not. Nothing on the website said anything like that. It’s just a hotel. No kids, but nothing said nudist or anything like that.”

They walked quickly along the path that led back toward the main part of the hotel, away from their building and away from what they couldn’t unsee. As they did, they came across a much larger swimming pool, two beautiful gazebos, and a larger section of beach. To their relief, everyone here seemed to be clothed. Catamarans slid across the water as people happily played in the surf. This was the scene they were expecting.

Still walking silently, Jen tried to process what she had seen. The exposed woman on the patio, a no photography sign, and two dozen nude and topless people a few feet from her door. She didn’t like to think of herself as prudish, though she knew that she was. Raised in a conservative home, she went to a conservative religious college where she met Tim and was now raising her own family just as conservatively. They weren’t fanatics, by any stretch, but no one would describe her and Tim as “adventurous” or progressive. She was trying to convince herself to simply enjoy the week, and let her fellow vacationers enjoy their time in their own way. After all, what they did, didn’t affect her. She and Tim could use the larger beach — and find a new way to get there.

“This looks nice,” she heard Tim say.

She looked up and realized they were standing in front of a small, Italian restaurant attached to the hotel’s lobby area. It was part of the all-inclusive package, and a definite step above the typical buffet that was available nearby. Honestly, at that moment she wasn’t hungry. But she knew they needed to eat.

Tim held the door for her as they stepped inside. The aroma was enough to awaken her hunger and help her forget what she had just seen. They were immediately led to a table and soon were enjoying a glass of wine and the quiet ambiance of their surroundings. Seated in a cozy corner, Jen had an excellent view of the restaurant. The place was full, but not overly crowded. Most diners sat at tables for two, with the occasional group of four or six.

She was beginning to relax again, enjoying her time with Tim, laughing at his ridiculous attempts at humor, and being grateful for the time she would be able to share with him this week. As they chatted, holding hands, she noticed the lady at the next table watching them. She smiled at her as they made eye contact, and then continued her conversation with the man that Jen assumed to be her husband. For an instant, Jen almost felt embarrassed. She wasn’t even sure why. There was certainly no reason for a woman to feel awkward about holding her husband’s hand in public. She scolded herself for her self-consciousness.

She had always been sensitive to the way that others looked at her, or what they thought of her. She did her best always to be appropriate and never draw undue attention to herself. Perhaps, she thought, the experiences of the day — her new wardrobe, the touching on the plane and the van, the path along the highway, the peeping Tom and the sight of all those people on the beach — were affecting her somehow. She glanced back at their neighbor and made eye contact again, before quickly turning away.

The lady was older than Jen, by 15 years or so, but she was striking. Her well-styled hair was gently highlighted with streaks of blonde. Her face showed experience somehow, even though she was free of wrinkles. Her skin was a golden tan, and there was plenty of it — from her shapely shoulders and arms to the impressive cleavage barely hidden behind a plunging black neckline. A large jeweled pendant drew your attention directly to her breasts. Although the woman was no longer “young”, she was transitioning into a striking “mature” lady with laughing eyes, strong cheekbones, and full lips. Again, they formed a smile as she looked at Jen. This time, she had little choice but to return the wordless greeting.


Tim noticed that something had his wife’s attention. He asked her about it, but she brushed the question aside, saying that she was just people-watching. He didn’t really care about the others. All he could see was his wife, and he was fine with that. He couldn’t help but notice that the air conditioning in the room was having an effect on her breasts. He did all he could to notice every detail of her. He wanted to remember this image because he was certain that when they went back home she would never wear this dress again. Somehow, between the color and the pattern and the cut, it seemed to draw the eye directly to her breasts. They were covered, but the fabric seemed to drape and enhance them. And now, with her nipples protruding as much as they were, she seemed to be even more “exposed’. All he could think about was taking her back to the room and untying that knot on her neck.

At the suggestion of the waiter, they decided to skip dessert in the restaurant, opting to take advantage of a dessert buffet down by the water. They made their way out of the restaurant quickly and followed a path toward the beach. The sun was just beginning to set, and already Tiki torches had been lined along the surf and around a long series of tables covered with a wide variety of sweets. He held hands with his wife as they walked along the tables, trying to make a choice.

“I recommend the mango cheesecake,” said a female voice behind them.

“Or anything with coconut,” added a man. Tim spun to see another couple a few yards behind them.

“We’ve been coming here for years,” continued the man, “and nearly the only dessert she eats is that cheesecake. I prefer a little more variety.” He smiled warmly as he spoke.

“Hey,” she playfully retorted, “I know what I like and I know I can get it here. So why look for something else?”

“We’re Mickey and Kate,” the man said, extending his hand.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Tim, this is my wife, Jen.” He shook Mickey’s hand but had to work to keep his eyes off his wife. While her dress wasn’t “slutty”, she certainly wore it well. As much as Tim had enjoyed the view of Jen’s dress back in the restaurant, this lady was nearly in another class. At least her chest was. And the large pendant she wore seemed to intentionally draw attention to it.

Jen followed her lead toward the mango cheesecake, and Tim found himself picking up the same dessert as Mickey. Soon the four of them were sitting together in an easy conversation far from the table and the Tiki lights. Time passed quickly and soon the sun was gone and stars began to appear in the moonless sky.

“God, I love coming here.” Kate was stretched elegantly across her lounge chair, looking up at the sky. “We’ve done it every year for the last 12 years. One year we even came twice. It is the perfect escape for us.”

“This is the first time to ever do anything like this for us,” Jen said. “Between the kids and work and our schedules, we never even thought about it. So, now that it’s finally happened, I almost can’t believe we’re here.”

Mickey stood. “Sweetheart, we need to let these two go and… enjoy their vacation.” Tim could almost see him winking in the darkness as he said it.

“Do you golf, Tim?”

“Uh. Yeah. When I can.”

“Well, I don’t know what your plans are, but I hope to be at a different course every morning this week. I’d love to have you join me sometime. It might make the process of filling out a foursome a little quicker.”

“Mickey,” Kate scolded, “She just told you that this is their first getaway. He doesn’t want to be hanging out with you.”

“No,” said Jen. “I think it would be great. Maybe not every day, but a time or two. You’d have fun I think. Wouldn’t you?”

The idea was more than a little tempting. He had hoped to find time to get in a round at some point.

“Besides,” laughed Jen, “I bet Kate could show me where we can shop around here.”

“Oh, you bet I can!”

Both men groaned and agreed that if were going to happen, it should happen sooner rather than later, while they still had some money. By the time Tim was walking his wife back to their room, they had agreed on meeting again in the morning for golf and shopping.

But first, Tim hoped to be able to be able to spend a few more minutes inside of his wife before the day ended. As they followed the darkened path along the beach past the pool toward their room, he thought for just a minute about taking her right there, outside, hidden in the shadows. The memory of their morning at the roadside stand sent a rush to his loins, and he felt himself hardening. He wondered if Jen would feel the same way.

As they entered their room, they both seemed to be propelled by the same thought. They headed directly for the bed, where Tim fell backward, as Jen climbed up, straddling his hips. She tugged his belt and pants open urgently and smiled when she saw his semi-erect penis.

“Hmm. What have we here? Seems like someone is already starting!” It took only three strokes before he was fully erect. Jen lifted herself and dropped her wet, eager pussy directly over her husband’s shaft. Tim was surprised at how fast, and how easily he went in. He couldn’t remember the last time his wife had been this wet. Her pussy was hot and slick and almost seemed to suck his dick deep into her folds. He pulled himself up just long enough to reach behind her neck, untying the knot, letting the wispy fabric fall away, bringing her breasts into view.

He laid back down, pulling the pillows beneath his head, finding a comfortable position where he could watch his wife ride herself to a series of shuddering orgasms. She didn’t speak. Occasionally she would lean forward and kiss him. It was hard, wet, sloppy, and needy. And it was followed by yet another orgasm. He had never seen her exactly like this, completely lost in the reverie of sex, riding one orgasmic climax to the base of the next. He almost seemed like a disconnected part of the equation. She was using him as a toy, and little else. And he didn’t mind in the least. As she rode him, she played with her breasts. Something that he was rarely able to see. He squeezed her ass cheeks and felt her push herself back into his hands, increasing her sensation of pleasure.


She noticed the way her nipples responded to being exposed to the cool air of their room as Tim pulled the fabric away. The dress had been teasing them all night, heightening her aroused state. Tim became still underneath her, and she closed her eyes, focused only on the sensations between her legs. Somehow her pussy seemed more sensitive than normal. She felt as though she were aware of every ripple on Tim’s penis. For a flash, she wondered if the curtain had been closed, but she didn’t want to open her eyes and break the rhythm that was pleasuring her so well at that moment. She felt her juices escaping her and trickling between her inner thighs. Did the thought of the open curtain do that?

Her mind was suddenly filled with the image of that fleeting shadow behind the sheer fabric earlier in the day. As soon as the vision formed in her brain, it was replaced by the man in the rear of the airplane. She could see the face of the gentleman across the aisle, watching as Tim caressed her naked thighs. She ground herself harder into her husband, wondering about what he saw. For a moment, in her fantasy state, she imagined herself parting her legs to tease him. As she did, she was overtaken by an orgasm. Falling forward she kissed her husband deeply, enjoying the new sensations that the changed angle of her hips brought.

Her mind rushed back to the van. To the piercing eyes of her driver. He had to know. Could he see her lap from there? Had he seen Tim fingering her as he drove? She realized that she had sat up again. Her hands were on her breasts now, almost as though she were presenting them for Richard’s approval. She could feel Tim getting even harder underneath her. Apparently, he was enjoying the show, too. He grabbed her hips, pulling himself deeper inside, and she shifted again, trying to take even more of his shaft.

It wasn’t a series of orgasms, exactly. It was more like a single orgasm that ebbed and flowed, like riding the crest of a wave. She kept herself balanced there as long as she could, enjoying her own attention on her breasts, and the feeling of Tim’s hardness inside of her. She remembered how hard he had been that afternoon, hidden in the woods. She allowed herself to be carried back to that moment. That once in a lifetime, we’re doing it in a dangerous place moment. She could smell the trees and hear the chatter of her fellow passengers. She could feel Tim’s heat and urgency. Suddenly the image of the man behind the curtain was back. And the thought of anyone seeing her in that moment – exposed, animalistic, passionate – drove her again to the crest of that orgasmic wave.


He held out as long as he could, but suddenly the familiar feeling of his own release began to build. When he came, he felt his seed rushing out of him in long, draining bursts. It must have affected Jen, too, because she came one final time, loud and gasping as he filled her before she dropped forward onto his chest. It was hours before they awoke and finally moved from that position.


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