Jack's Rebirth Pt. 01 by LT56linebacker,LT56linebacker

This is the story of Jonathan Stone, a police detective. The destruction of his marriage, and his comeback. You’ll have to wait for the sex, but hopefully, it will be an interesting read. Thank You.

I’m getting soft in my old age. But not too soft. This will be posted in “Loving Wives” but there is some mysticism. You’ll see.


Detective Jonathan Stone, Jack to his friends, was a basket case. His wife of four years, Lauren, had left him for another man.

He came home on Saturday evening at about 11:30, anticipating a confrontation after the debacle of Friday night.

It had been his wife’s company Christmas party. She said she would meet him there, as she had to ‘help with the arrangements’. He had showered and changed into his best suit. He would still look like a ‘Country hick’ next to the suits from his wife’s work place. She was an executive assistant to one of the big shots at the advertising agency where she worked. Lots of late nights and short two-three day trips. It had been getting worse over the last year. So he had saved up vacation time and accumulated overtime to take her on an extravagant cruise for two weeks. No questions asked. If he had to kidnap her, he would.

He called a cab and left for the Radisson Hotel where the Christmas Party was being held.

When he walked in, it wasn’t hard to spot her.

He’d never seen the dress before. It was iridescent metallic white, cut three inches over the knee and breaking down to mid-calf in the back, tighter than tight. She couldn’t have any lingerie on because the dress appeared to have been sprayed on her. Any undies would have had to have been tattooed on.

She was laughing and shaking her assets while the shit-for-brains boss of hers was fondling her ass. He stood looking for five minutes, then strode over, grabbed the prick’s arm, and twisted it, making him scream and silencing the crowd. His wife shuddered and shrieked.

“We’re leaving. NOW!!”, he hissed to her.

“No, I’m staying. It’s my event. I am chairing it. Besides, why would I want to go home with you?,” she sneered.

His voice dropped so low that only everyone standing in arms length could hear.

“Because I’m your husband. And you’re leaking,” he finished, pointing at the stain spreading from the barely concealed junction of her thighs.

Her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open, and she glanced down. Her complexion reddened to the shade of a firetruck.

“OH, SHIT!!,” she moaned.

A ‘friend’ raced up and thrust her small clutch into her hand, as she leveled a stare at her and hissed the words, “You better go. NOW!”

Jack pulled her to the door and the crowd parted like the Red Sea. Some dumb shit stepped in front of them and held out his hand.

“We’re calling the police,” he said to Jack.

Jack pulled his badge and said,”Don’t bother.”

The man quailed and stumbled backwards as they left.

They walked out the front door and Lauren regained some of her bravado.

“YOU PRICK! You embarrassed me in front of everyone.”

“Like you didn’t, slut.”

He motioned to the valet and said to the young man, “The slut’s car, a late model Lexus, powder blue. Bring it around.”

The young man stared at the woman.

“I remember it, sir. It’ll be right here.”

Minutes later the car rolled up and Jack threw the kid five bucks and shoved his wife into the passenger seat. The ride home was arctic cold in the car, even with the heater on full blast.

They pulled up to their apartment and he parked in her slot for their apartment. Of course, her Lexus was under the spot’s covering. His ’81 Bronco sat next to it, uncovered. Nothing too good for the ‘princess’. Except for him, it would appear.

Lauren exited the car with a slammed door. She stormed towards the front door as he watched his wife’s retreating form. He took three deep breaths, ‘like coach always told them in high school’ he remembered. Then he got out and went in to the apartment.

As he closed and locked the door, she spun on him and kicked the 4″ heels at him, then peeled the dress off while leering at him.

‘Like I thought, no underwear,’ he mused.

She sneered at him. “I suppose you’re going to want to fuck me now, to try and reclaim me, cuck.”

With tears in his eyes and barely concealed anger and fury in his voice, he said, “Not with his cock, bitch.”

She gasped and looked down at her shaven mound, now freely leaking viscous fluid. He strode towards her and she recoiled from him.

“Oh, I’m not going to touch you. But I’m getting up early tomorrow before going to work and WE WILL TALK, WIFE!” She recoiled as he pushed past her and went to the extra bedroom and closed the door, turning the lock to secure his ‘prison’. Because suddenly, that’s what he felt he was in.


It was a shitty night, tossing and turning. Finally, being unable to sleep, he rousted himself at 7:00 a.m. and started to get out of bed when he heard the front door slam. He jumped up and raced into the living room, opening the front door in time to see the Lexus leaving the parking lot. Turning to go back inside, he raced to the second bedroom and grabbed his cell phone. Speed dialing to #2, he waited as he walked back into the living room. He was greeted by, “I am woman, hear me roar!”, Lauren’s dial tone.

Her phone was bouncing around on the coffee table.

Stunned, he wondered what had happened to his wife, his life.

She was always high maintenance, flighty, and prone to flirting with everyone-male or female. That was one reason he discounted her actions; she had no interest in women and he was deeply in love with his wife. She wouldn’t cheat.

‘Yeah, not much’, he thought.

Now what? He went to relieve himself and then went to put on the coffee. While the coffee was brewing he went and took a shower. Now that the ‘princess of porn’ was not home, he had a bathroom again.

He finished and dried off, dressed, and went to the kitchen. He poured the coffee and got some eggs and sausages out of the fridge, scrambled them up, and cooked the sausage. He plated them, then sat at the table- and broke down in tears, pushing the plate and coffee onto the floor. He cried. He got up and went to the couch and sat down and fell asleep.

He woke up and saw he had about 1 hour left to get cleaned up and get to work. He left, still not having heard from Lauren. So much for Saturday.

Swing shift for the city was a disaster. Not from any legal point: there was nothing happening on this Saturday evening, so all he had to do was catch up on paperwork. That was more than enough for Jack. He was totally useless. As the end of the shift approached, his partner Dave Templeton, told him he looked like shit- the useless kind of shit, and he should take tomorrow off. He called the shift supervisor, Capt. Arnold, and told him he had something seriously wrong, and could he get Sunday off. He said it was slow and he would make it up to whoever he got to sub for him. Dave told the Capt. it was not a problem and they could handle it.

So Jack was off. He left for home and the confrontation with his wife.

He pulled into his spot and saw Lauren’s spot was empty.

‘Just fuckin great,’ he thought.

He went and let himself in. Dark. All the lights were off. He hit the switch and the overhead light in the living room came on.

‘Shit”, he thought. ‘She’s still not home.”

He looked at his watch. 11:45. Then he noticed a candle burning on the kitchen table. Next to it was the classic manila envelope with a folded piece of paper on top, surmounted by her wedding and engagement ring. His shoulders sagged. It truly was over.

He walked to the table and sat. Sighing, he pushed the rings aside and picked up the piece of paper. He unfolded it and read:

‘Jackie- (she never missed a chance to bust him) I am leaving you. You will find a petition to dissolve our union in the envelope. I don’t consider it a marriage because you were never enough for me. You’re just a cop.

“I have moved on and found a real man who can give me what I want and deserve. More money, more status, more ‘things’. Get over it, Jackie. Just sign the papers and return them to my lawyer.

“You are pathetic. You never even knew.


‘That’s it’, he thought. ‘It’s all over.’

He picked up the envelope and opened it.

“Petition to annul the union of Lauren Stone, nee Bobert, wife, and Jonathan Stone, husband …..etc., etc., etc.” He went and got the quart of Chivas Regal his dad had given him for Christmas the year before. He hadn’t ever opened it. That changed. By the time he went and showered and laid down on his marriage bed, half the bottle was gone. After tossing and turning for a few minutes, he slipped off to La La Land.


He awoke at 12:07 p.m. and groaned when he realized he had missed church. Then he remembered why he had slept so long, and he lost it. He shook himself and pushed himself up to a sitting position, wiping puke off his clothes. He went and showered and shaved. He needed to get past this. He needed support.


He dressed, grabbed the letter, the envelope, and her rings, and went out to his truck.

‘At least some things were reliable’, he mused as he climbed in and hit the key, starting it up and letting it come up to temp. He shifted into reverse, backed out, and left for coffee and donuts. As he drove, he went over his problems and the more he thought about it, the madder he got. His pain was almost pushed aside as his anger rose. By the time he got to his parent’s house, he was livid.

He pulled into the driveway and saw his older brothers working on his #2 brother’s Charger. They looked up as he got out and they grinned and waved.

“Hey, little brother!”, they yelled.

He grinned and waved and walked up and took the obligatory slaps and punches. But they could immediately sense something was wrong.

“Where’s Lauren?”, said Thomas, the older one.

“Don’t know,” he mumbled. The brothers knew that something was wrong.

“Must have been a hell of a fight,” said Gerry, the younger one.

Jack was the youngest of four children. Their sister, Evelyn, was the oldest. She was a lawyer, having just made junior partner at a prestigious firm, specializing in family law (read divorce). She was the only one married; her husband was also a lawyer, also a junior partner, doing criminal law. They had two kids, a little boy and a little girl, who hung the moon on ‘Unca Jack’.

“Where’s dad?”, he asked.

“In the garage”, said Thomas, pointing to the open door. Jack turned and started towards the garage. As he approached, he saw his mother come out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee for her husband. She rose on tiptoes and licked his ear as he took the coffee, and she subtly squeezed his ass. Dad chuckled as she whispered something to him.

Just then Jack entered the garage, followed by his brothers. Thomas witnessed the affectionate display between his parents and moaned.

“Oh, for the love of God you two, get a room. OTHER than the garage!”

His mother turned.

“That will be enough out of…..” That’s when she noticed Jack, her favorite. Though she would never say that.

“OHH, baby, what are you doing here? And where’s Lauren??”

Jack’s father’s smile morphed into a look of disdain as he studied his youngest son’s face.

“What’s wrong, son?”

Jack held out the envelope and the letter. As he did, the rings slipped from his hand and fell to the floor.

‘Fitting,’ he thought.

“What is this…….?”, his mother started. “OH, SHIT!’, she exclaimed as she bent to pick them up.

His father took the letter and read it, then opened the envelope. He quickly perused the contents, then turned to the old school landline phone on the wall over his workbench. He punched the speed dial for a well-known number and waited, as he handed the papers to his wife, who was sobbing over and over.

On the third ring, a cheerful voice answered and his daughter said, “Hi, daddy. This must be serious for you to call on the ‘Oh, shit line’, instead of you cell”, she giggled.

Dad immediately cut to the chase.

“Evie,” he said, using his no-nonsense name for his firstborn. “I need you and your husband here right away. Bring the kids. Late lunch is on us. Do it NOW!”

“Dad, what’s wrong?”

He hung up.

“Son”, he said to Jack, “come with me.” He turned to the old refrigerator that he kept in the garage, pulled out two Bud long necks, and turned to the back deck. Over his shoulder, he told everyone else to go in the house and get ready for the family council.


Father and son went out onto the deck by the pool. Jack’s father closed and locked the patio door.

‘Dad never did that before’, thought Jack.

Jack’s father, Thomas, came over, opened the beers, and handed one to his son.

“You’re going to need this, son”, he said.

“I think I’ve about had my level of booze lately, dad.”

“Trust me, son,” he answered. So Jack took the offered beer.

“Son, do you remember when you were about 15 years old, you asked me why I very seldom called you by your given name?”

Jack smiled. “Yeah, I thought you only called me Jonathan or Jack when you were mad at me.”

“Do you remember what I told you? How about it meant more to me to ruffle your hair and call you son??”

“Yes, sir. I do.”

“Son, there are three things in life, for better or worse, that can define a man’s life. One is getting shot at in combat. Another is the death of a child while you’re still alive. The third is when your wife cheats on you or leaves you for another man. You’ve had one of those occurrences.”

Jack took a long swig of beer.

“What I’m going to tell you is between you and me, son. Man to man. It goes no farther. Ever. TO ANYONE. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I gotcha.”

He ruffled Jack’s hair and stared at him.

“I’ve had two of those occurrences. Before you were born, your mother came to me in tears. She was inconsolable. She confessed to me she had cheated on me with another man, and that she was pregnant. She swore it was only once, a stupid mistake. I saw my whole life crumbling and thought I’d lost my family, my life. It was the longest 8 months of my life after she told me that.

“Longer than Viet Nam. I didn’t know what to do. I contemplated divorce. I thought about just leaving, and letting her deal with her betrayal of our marriage. I even thought about suicide to punish her for the pain she inflicted on me.

“Abortion was out of the question, one because of our religion, and two because it was not the fault of the conceived child. We co-existed in limbo for 8 months and never let on the growing problem in our marriage. I’m sure your brothers and sister felt something was wrong, but your mother and I felt we should wait and see.

“It turns out that was the right decision. I prayed on it and slept on it, in the same bed, with your mother, but never being intimate with her.

“Then she went into labor. I took her to the hospital. I waited in the waiting room, old style. The first and only of my children that I wasn’t in the delivery room. It hurt your mother, but she knew what I was thinking, and she knew it was crunch time, so to speak. When you were born, I walked in and looked at you.

“Mom looked horrible. Old, tired, and afraid. But she held you and said to me, “Here’s your son.” I looked down at you and asked her if she had a name picked out. She said, simply, “Jonathan”. I stared at you, and I knew. God help me, but I knew what a man should do. I simply put my hand on your head, gently rustled your hair, and said, “Son”. I sat down and she gave you to me and we sat in silence for several hours, till visiting time was over. I went home and slept soundly.

“Two days later, I brought you home. Four days later, I came home and she gave me an envelope from the hospital. She said ‘I have not read it, and whatever you decide, I will abide by it, even if I wind up out on the street with nothing but the boy. I was wrong, I hurt you, and I don’t deserve you. I will forever regret my action. Know only that I love you, and only you.’ She rose and went out onto the patio I had just finished, and closed the door.

“I opened the letter, read it, tore it up and went into the bathroom and flushed it. It was the paternity report. I went out to the patio and walked over to your mother.”

She looked up at me and said, ‘Well?’.

“I reached down, ruffled your hair, and said, “Son.” She cried for an hour. I couldn’t shut her up.” He sniffled a little.

“It took us a long time to make it back, but we did. That’s why, most of the time when I talk to you, I ruffle your hair or call you son, instead of by your name.” He smiled. “Unless you were in trouble, or I was extremely proud of you.”

I was stunned. I had no clue. Dad finished his beer, and I looked at my bottle and realized I had hardly touched mine. Dad looked at me.

“I don’t want you to think badly, or differently about your mother. She is human. It’s none of your business what went on between us. I love her and have long ago forgiven her.”

I was torn between my thoughts and emotions. I thought for a long time, then looked at my dad, a man who I knew was honest and tough. But now I knew he was human- and vulnerable. I had to know. So I asked.

“Who was it, dad, and what did you do?”

He chuckled and looked up at me.

“It’s none of your business, Jonathan. Look, you’re a good cop and any more info and you might be tempted to investigate. Suffice it to say that he was dealt with and it will never happen again.”

He was in DAD mode, and the look I got brooked no more questions.

“Now, let’s go fix the young woman’s wagon, shall we?? SON?”.


We went inside to a somber family gathering. My sister and her husband Daniel had arrived and Evie, as we called Evelyn, was on her cell phone. My brother-in-law was reading the last page of my miserable life and marriage. He finished and put it down on the dining room table.

“Did you have any idea this was coming? Any at all??”

“Blindsided, Dan. Just as abruptly as the letter. The first indication that something was seriously wrong was Friday night, at her company Christmas party. When I got there she was dressed like someone I would have busted for solicitation.

“It went down hill from there.”

Evie looked at me, the misery clearly visible on her face.

‘O.K., what do you want to do? As your lawyer, if you want me, I need to have you state, for the record, what are your intentions.”

As she said this, she placed her pocket recorder, already running, on the dining room table. She looked at her little brother, and her heart was breaking.

“I want to her out of my life. Divorced. Gone. Hurt her like never before. I want to….”

Evelyn reached over and turned off the recorder.

“Honey, as your sister, I want to rip her tits off and strangle her with her scraggly blonde hair. But you can’t admit to anything like that. So CLEAN IT UP!! Now, do you want a divorce? Yes, or no?”

She had started the recorder again.

“Yes. I want to divorce Lauren Stone, my current wife.”

“Fine. Let the record show I have been retained to represent Jonathan Stone in the upcoming action of divorce from Lauren Stone, nee Bobert, Wife. A restraining order will be obtained against Ms. Stone, citing adultery and abandonment based on her own admission.

“The adultery will not count for anything, other than embarrassment, here in Texas, but the abandonment is serious. We’ll get mileage out of that.

“I don’t see anything out of line with her demands: she’s basically telling you to keep everything, just sign. What about the car?”

“I bought it for her because she said she needed something to fit her ‘station’ in life. It’s my name on the title and I’m making payments.”

Evie looked at her husband. He shrugged.

“Technically, by law, it’s his. I would suggest stop making payments, cancel the insurance, and demand to have it returned. Then sell it. Just to be a pain.” He grinned and looked at his wife. She returned the smile and turned to her brother.

“Then that’s what we’ll do. I’ll amend and counter-file against her, and have her served Tuesday at work. We’re going to war, buddy.”

Jack felt a little better. But he still felt like warmed over shit.

His sister reached over and squeezed his hand.

“We’ll get through this. Cancel your joint credit cards, move half your money, have your paycheck moved to a new account, cancel her cell phone, all the mean stuff you’re supposed to do. Okay??”

“Gotcha, sis.” His mother and dad chimed in.

“Make sure you listen to your lawyer, son,” said his father.

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry,. You don’t deserve this,” said his mother.

Jack looked at his mother and crumbled. He grabbed at her and hugged her, tighter than he had ever done so before in his entire life. When he broke the embrace, he was so lucky to have the two of them as parents. Human being parents.

His brothers were more circumspect.

“Don’t do anything stupid, bud. We’ll take care of this asshole when the time is right, and you will never know. Remember, Karma is a bitch. What comes around, goes around”.


8,591 miles (give or take) from Conroe, Texas to the beach in Sydney, Australia, we find a tall, slim olive-skinned beauty rising from the beach, stooping to pick up her diaphanous shift and draped it around her shoulders, fluffing the long, straight black hair that fell to her ass over her one piece, French cut swimsuit. After mentally summoning the great white sharks to the surf offshore to attack and kill the Assistant Minister of Finance of Australia, and to maim and disfigure the blonde bimbo accompanying him on his illicit weekend of passion, while his wife of 15 years and their four children were blithely unaware of his dalliance, she smiled and retrieved her towel, high heeled sandals, and small beach bag and calmly strolled up the sand to the parking area.

‘Hmmm, Conroe, Texas. I haven’t been there in a while. I’ll have to swing by after I handle this rhubarb in San Diego.’

‘Sigh! Never a dull moment.’

As she sashayed up to the tarmac, she pulled her sunglasses down, slipped on her heels, and turned to the British Racing Green Jaguar XKE. As she walked, a buff young man with a cute young wife and two toddler children, dropped the kid’s hands and walked towards her. “YOU SNIVELING PIECE OF ROO SHIT!! GO BACK WHERE YOU BELONG AND THANK YOUR GOD I DON’T CASTRATE YOU RIGHT HERE!!!’ ” All this without even looking at him. He shuddered and almost puked as the thought appeared in his mind. He stumbled and ran back to his wife and children.

“Everything all right, Love??”, asked his wife. “You look ill.”

“Fine, babe, fine,”, picking up the two toddlers and hugging them.

‘And see to it that you don’t stray again, Jocko. Now, about San Diego……’


This is the first (or second) mention of Karma, the Indian essence of good and bad influences in your life. I hope to bring her physical essence into some future stories. Hopefully it will prove interesting.

Now, thanks to a fan, lighten up:

How can you tell a blind man in a nudist colony??

It isn’t hard.

A real dad joke. Or, in this case, a grandpa joke. Rated- R.

Thanks to (anonymous) ivan.

To be Continued.


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