Kaylin, A Seemingly Innocent Encounter by markerss

A literotic sexstories: Kaylin, A Seemingly Innocent Encounter by markerss ,

She was a very attractive, Latina student, probably around 18 or 19, with long dark wavy hair, and even though she wasn’t in one of my classes, I saw her a lot. I tried to think of ways to ask her out, however, being I was so much older, I didn’t see a way, until one afternoon when the opportunity innocently present itself.

It really wasn’t suppose to happen, and even though yea, I thought about it, hoping it would, I knew deep down I shouldn’t pursue it, because afterwards, I worried about what we had done.

She was a very attractive, Latina student, probably around 18 or 19, with long dark wavy hair, and even though she wasn’t in one of my classes, I did see her a lot. Most of the time she dressed very casual, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a top, but there was a few time when she wore these off-white knitted legging that really showed off her cute little butt.

Over the next few weeks, I deliberately tried to position myself, wanting to run into her. She was really so naïve I thought, and wanted to know her name, I eventually asked this one time when we happened to be talking. Seeing that great smile, and her petite little body, super cute figure, I nervously smiled and asked, “What’s your name?”

It surprised her I think, but then telling me her name was Kaylin, we shook hands, and I introduced myself. She seemed to know who I was, and being she was only about five feet tall, and I was more than six feet, I kind of towered over her, which I think made her a little nervous. I was nervous too, and being a little tongue tied, there was an awkward pause as we stood there waiting for the other to continue the conversation. It was only for a moment, and when she gave me a smile and said, “I gotta get to class,” we again shook hands.

“My god,” I thought, “she was so pretty,” and as she walked away, I couldn’t help but look at her little butt, in those knitted leggings she liked to wear, thinking, “I should have said something.”

I wanted to ask her out, but how, and as I continued to search for a way, I said to myself, “Next time.”

Yea, I was a lot older, more than twice her age, being I was in my late forties, which I knew was going to make it difficult, but seeing her and being able to interact with her, always had me think just maybe, but the age thing was always there.

I really couldn’t get enough of her, she was so young and friendly, in a naïve way, and everyday, I found myself looking forward to seeing her, to the point where, I again would deliberately try to run into her. I liked seeing her and talking with her as much as possible, wanting to innocently flirt with her, but I always knew I needed to be careful to not appear overly flirtatious. I really hoped she’d get the idea just how interested I was, and maybe unknowingly she actually did, but I think the differences in our ages was always in the back of our minds, which made it difficult to act upon our feelings.

It was really nice, she always made me smile, which constantly had me trying to think of a way to somehow be with her, but then again, there was noway. I was becoming obsessed with her, continuing to to want to see her, always looking for an opening to ask her out, but how?

However, this one Friday afternoon as I headed home and I passed by the front lobby, there she was! I was excited to get home being it was a Friday, but seeing her, I stopped. It looked as though she was waiting for a ride home and seeing her I smiled and said, “Hi,” which made her smile too.

Immediately I asked, “You waiting for a ride?”

There is was, that pretty smile, and when she replied, “Yea,” and then continued by saying, “I think I’m gonna have to walk,” I thought, “Maybe this was my chance.”

It was already getting late, being it was day light savings time, and knowing it was kind of cold, I curiously asked, “Do you need a ride home?”

She again smiled and said, “No, it’s okay, I can walk.”

I could see she was considering it, and after a brief pause I said, “Are you sure, I can give you a ride.”

Glancing out the door, I could see her continuing to think about it, and then as she turned, she smiled cautiously and said, “Sure, okay.”

Smiling at her, she stood up, and as she grabbed her backpack, and we headed toward the parking lot, I asked, “Where do you live?”

Shyly, she told me she didn’t live too far as we got in my car and buckled up. As Kaylin gave me directions, I thought, “This is really nice,” and wanting to strike up a conversation, I simply asked, “How was your day?”

I knew it was stupid, but after telling me it was good, I continued by asking, “What are you gonna do this weekend?”

She was hesitant but then said, “I don’t know,” and then casually she explained that her family had to go out of town.

I didn’t think anything of it at first, I liked being with her and when our brief conversation paused, I questioningly asked, “Do you wanta get something to eat?”

Again, I wanted to be with her as long as possible, thinking the opportunity would somehow present itself to ask her out, and when she simply told me “No, it’s okay,” I glanced over.

Giving her a suggestive smile, and feeling she just might be open to it, I boldly reached over the console, and touching her thigh I said, “I’ll buy.”

She was looking at my hand on her leg and then as she nervously looked up, she smiled and said, “I guess, if you want to.”

We ended up going through the drive thru of a fast food restaurant and after getting our food we continued toward her house. It wasn’t far at all, and as I parked out front of her house, and we looked at each other, I wanted to ask her out, but nervous, I simply told her, “Have a good weekend.”

Continuing to look over at her, there was another slight pause, and I stupidly thought, “Should I ask her out?”

I was nervous to ask however, knowing I shouldn’t, and after reaching over, I grabbed the bag of food off the passenger side floor. She had unbuckled her seat belt, and after handing it to her, we looked at each other. I sensed she wanted to say something, but instead she just said, “Thanks.”

Kaylin now turned her gaze, looking out at her house, which made me look out too, and seeing it looked rather dark, I politely ask, “Do you want me to wait for you to get inside?”

It made her smile, and after a few seconds Kaylin looked at me and asked, “Do you wanta come in?”

It shocked me that she would suggest it, and I was hesitant, but as I looked over at her, I felt she wanted me come to in and not wanting to disappoint her, I cautiously said, “Are you sure?”

Looking at her, she smiled and told me, “It’s okay, no one’s home,” which again made me hesitant.

I wanted to do it, and even though I was nervous, I immediately started contemplating being alone with her. Looking at her, I innocently said, “Okay, maybe just for a little bit,” which made Kaylin smile, and then she simply said, “Great!”

Subconsciously however, it continued to worry me a little to be alone with her, but knowIng that no one was home, I smiled and enthusiastically turned off the car, thinking maybe this might be my chance.

She was looking over at me as I unbuckled my seatbelt, and when I smiled and looked over at her, she too smiled. Opening our car doors, we both nonchalantly got out, and headed up the walk toward the front door. I was glad it was dark, and not wanting anyone to see me there, I tried to hurry us up to the house, and inside.

Luckily, there wasn’t anyone around to see us as we went in and as she closed the door, I found myself nervously looking around. I knew it was her folk’s house and feeling a little nervous I said, “Maybe, I should go.”

However, as I looked at her, and I saw she was a little disappointed, I knew she wanted me to stay. There again was a slight pause, but as she tossed her backpack to the floor she said, “It’s okay, no one’s gonna be home for awhile,” I couldn’t help but give her a concerned smile.

She smiled too, and when I again told her, “Okay, I guess I can stay for a little bit longer,” the excitement in her seemed to return.

We ended up awkwardly standing there for a moment, waiting for the other to say something, Kaylin asked, “Wanta go in the kitchen”

Looking around again briefly, I smiled and then simply said, “Sure.”

Rustling the bag of food, Kaylin smiled and as she led me toward the kitchen, I inquisitively asked, “ When are your parents coming home?”

Kaylin subtly looked back at me and as she placed the bag on the kitchen table, she explained they were out of town, visiting a sick relative. She was smiling, which again made me think, “Maybe this really is my chance.”

As we sat down at the kitchen table, and she handed me a burger and a small bag of fries, I searched for how, and as we ate, I tried to start a conversation by probing her, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

Kaylin looked up inquisitively and after a second or two she explained by telling me, “Yea, I had one but, he ended up going with my best friend.”

I could see it really didn’t bother her too much and then smiling she asked, “What about you?”

Smiling, thinking how to answer, I paused, but seeing she needed to know, I told her, “No, I don’t have a girlfriend,” but then as we looked at each other she remarked, “Are you married?”

I had been, but it ended in a divorce several years ago and when I explained that, “No, I’m not married,” and then told her that I had been, she seemed interested, and wanting to know more she asked, “What happened?”

Trying to blow it off best I could, I told her, “It just didn’t work out,” and seeing her smile tentatively, I reached across the table taking her hand.

She seemed a little unsure, as she looked down at our hands, and after giving her a gentle squeeze Kaylin looked up. I could see she was still thinking about me having been married and not wanting it to get in the way I tried to give her a reassuring smile and tell her, “This is nice.”

It did make her smile and when she bashfully look down, I let go of her hand. I didn’t want her to worry and as we went back to eating, quickly finishing, she enthusiastically suggested, “How ‘bout I show you around now?”

Smiling, I stood up and after she threw the bag and wrappers away, she now took my hand. Following her out of the kitchen and into the living room, I noticed again that the house wasn’t very big and as she led me down a short hallway, pointing out a small bathroom and a couple bedrooms, one that had to be her parents, we went into one across the hall that I suspected was hers.

Letting go of my hand, she turned on the lights and then jumping on her bed she said, “And this is my room.”

Kaylin, kneeling there on her bed seemed so excited, and when she happened to bounce a little as we looked at each other, excited me too. I so wanted to be with her, but “What should I do,” I thought?

Not wanting to appear overly anxious, I turned, and casually walked around, looking at her posters and the nick knacks on her dresser. I needed to keep my cool, but then as I glanced back over at her kneeling on her bed, watching me, I smiled and then moving over to the bed I simply said, “This is really nice.”

Again, there was a pause, but as I turned my body, sitting on the one side of her bed, she reached out giving me a subtle little hug. It surprised me, but when I instinctively put my hand on her shoulder, and I felt the little shoulder strap of her bra, I looked back, not saying anything.

Kaylin now sat back and as I turned to face her, I felt she was waiting for me to say something, maybe to suggest I wanted to be with her, but after a few seconds of looking at each other, she innocently asked, “Do you like me?”

Again, it surprised me, which made me turn a little more, and then smiling, I stood up. I was nervous to tell her exactly how I was feeling and as I continued to look at her I said, “Yea, of course I like you.”

Kaylin smiled and after a couple seconds replied, “I like you too,” and then as she inched over to the edge she leaned up and reaching out she again gave me a hug.

Instinctively, I kissed her on the head as we hugged, which made her look up at me. I could see she was thinking, but as we continued to look at each other, I leaned toward her, but as I tried to give her a kiss, Kaylin immediately leaned away a little, asking, “What are you doing?”

Immediately, I worried she wasn’t receptive to my advances, but then seeing her smile, I couldn’t help but smile too. Leaning in again, she closed her eyes, and when we ended up kissing, I moved my hand up to her chest. It was only a simple little kiss, and when our lips parted and she opened her eyes, she seemed to be a little worried, and as we continued to look at each other, I moved my hand down to her waist, and she questioningly asked, “What?”

Smiling cautiously, I nervously shook my head, and when I put my hands on the bed, and she again leaned toward me, giving me another hug, I put my hand on her back. I could feel the little strap of her little bra and when I asked, “Do you think we should be …, “ trying to suggest we should stop. However, before I could finish she leaned up and again asked, “Do what?”

I didn’t know what to say, but as I stood up, I inadvertently blurted out, “Sorry,” and then continued by boldly saying, “I really think about you a lot.”

It made her smile excitedly, and after a few seconds she looked at me and said, “I think about you too.”

Relieved in away it was out there, I again leaned toward her and as we hugged, I gave her a kiss. It felt so good to be with her, I wanted it to happen, but I knew I still needed to tread lightly if there was any chance of actually going all the way. However, I was starting to overthink what we were about to do, and needing to some time to gather my thoughts, I suggested, “How about we go out to the living room.”

I could see her blushing, and as we held each other, she eventually looked up. I sensed she was a little confused, but when I saw her smile, and as she gave me a hug, Kaylin asked, “Why?”

At first, I was anxious too and when I asked myself, “Why do I want to go out to the living room,” and not having a good answer, I smiled and then holding her waist, I lifted her off the bed. It made Kaylin giggle a little, and when she was standing in front of me I told her, “I really like you a lot.”

Feeling her next to me was what I had wanted, and when she didn’t say anything right away, I instinctively held her away from me. Looking at each other for a moment, I leaned down and again asked, “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

Pausing for a second, Kaylin smiled and asked, “Do you want to?”

Her naïve little smile, and those big brown eyes made me smile too, and when I grabbed her by the waist, I pulled her close. I wanted her to feel how hard I was, I wanted to fuck her, and even though my cock was a little uncomfortably bound up in my pants and boxers, I’m sure she felt it.

Looking her up and down, smiling and then pulling her closer, she looked up. Kaylin was smiling and as we hugged, she seemed to press back, making sure to feel what she thought must be my cock.

I knew she had to feel it, because even though it was through my pants, I could feel her smiling as we kissed. Looking at each other for a moment, Kaylin curiously tried to look down, obviously wanting to see, and then looking up at me, she reached her one hand down, placing it on my crotch.

Feeling it, Kaylin let go, and then smiling, she moved over to her bedroom door. I didn’t know what she was doing but when she turned off the lights and closed the door part way, I thought, “Oh my god, is this really going to happen?”

Kaylin immediately came back over to where I was standing, and as we looked at each other she simply said, “Let’s just stay here, okay?”

“Oh my god,” I thought, “is she insinuating she wants to …,” but then trying to convince myself I thought, “That couldn’t be.”

Continuing to look at her questioningly, and being there was still plenty of light coming in from the hallway, I could definitely see she was smiling enthusiastically. Smiling too, I took hold of both her hands and looking at each other I asked, “Are you sure?”

Leaning up, giving me a kiss, we ended up stepping back toward the bed. Continuing to kiss, I again told her, “I’ve thought about being with you.”

Again, it made her smile, and as she leaned into me, I so wanted to keep things going. I was still cautious, but with my hands on her waist, I pulled her close and as we hugged, I moved my hands behind her, and then sliding them down to her ass, I grabbed her little butt, with both hands.

Smiling as we looked at each other, I gave her butt a gentle little squeeze, which made her lean up on her tip toes and smile. I couldn’t help but smile too, she had such a nice little butt, and when I told her, “You’ve gotta great butt,” she smiled and we ended up kissing.

Reaching back, I grabbed the covers, and pulling them down a little, Kaylin look back to see what I was doing. Immediately though, I brought my hands back to feel on her ass, and when I pushed her against the bed, and she lean back, I slid my hands down inside the back of her leggings.

Feeling the cool skin of her ass, I wanted to get them off, and as I casually started trying to peel them down, she again looked at me. Kissing her, I hoped she wouldn’t stop me, but as I continued to roll them down, and her panties inadvertently got tied up in the roll too, Kaylin had me stop. It worried me, but after quickly reaching down to adjust her panties, pulling them out, she looked up smiling.

She was so cute, I wanted to fuck her, and as I thought, “Would she let me,” she again reached down feeling on my crotch. Kissing her, Kaylin looked up at me and immediately reached down trying to unbutton my pants.

Instinctively, I reached my hands down too, helping. I couldn’t believe it, but as I leaned away and I watched her get them undone, I again tried to get her leggings off at the same time. They were already down off her hips a little, but seeing she really wanted to get my pants off, I again reached down, and helping her, I shook my legs a little, until my pants fell to the floor.

Kicking them aside, she looked up at me and as I adjusted my boxers, Kaylin looked down, still obviously wanting to see. I was hard, how could I not be, and as I adjusted it in my boxers, she leaned up on her tip toes, deliberately pressing against me as we kiss.

Looking at her and smiling, I again decided to try lifting her shirt up, but Kaylin immediately raised her hands up stopping me. I could see her hesitation, but as we looked at each other Kaylin smiled and said, “You first,” as she tried to coax my shirt up.

Smiling hesitantly, not knowing how she’d react to seeing me without a shirt, I took a breath, sucked in my stomach, and quickly pulled it over my head. Worried, I didn’t look at her, but after casting it toward a chair, on the other side of her bed, I turned and looked at her. She was looking at my chest but then as our eyes met, she smiled and then reached her hands up to feel on my chest and stomach. Continuing to try to hold in my stomach, as she raked her fingers through the small amount of hair I had on my stomach and chest, she seemed almost mesmerized.

It made me feel a little embarrassed with all the attention she was giving my chest, and wanting to get her shirt off now too, I tried to lift it up. Kaylin did look up at me and seeing she was apprehensive, I smiled but continued to pull it up over her head.

Looking at each other, it seemed to break the tension, which I liked and as she eventually lifted her arms, giggling, I smiled thinking, “Oh my god,” not really believing it.

After getting her top over her head, Kaylin immediately brought her hands up to cover her little boobs. I sensed she was looking to see if I was looking, and after throwing her top toward the same chair, I turned and looked at her. She was obviously feeling self-conscious, I could see that, and even though she still had her bra on, I continued to check her out thinking, “She is so small.”

Smiling, not wanting her to feel ashamed, I moved her hands down, telling her how pretty she was. It did make her blush and as she shyly looked down, I pulled her close. I wanted to feel on her boobs, but as I slid my hands up to feel on them, she again brought her hands up, blocking me.

Looking down, I subtly moved my one hand to the middle of her bra, trying to unhooked the one simple little hook in the front. Getting it unhooked, surprised her a little and as it dropped off her shoulders, I couldn’t help but look down at her chest. I wanted to see, and I hoped it would expose her firm flat little boobs, but she was too shy.

Continuing to look at each other, I told her, “Don’t worry,” trying to give her a reassuring smile.

It made her smile and as she leaned into me, I moved my hands up under hers, sliding my fingers under her bra. Yea, she really was flat chested, but I didn’t really care, and feeling her hard little nipples between my fingers made me look up. She too was looking at me, and seeing she was smiling apprehensively, I moved to take her bra off the rest of the way.

She didn’t stop me, and after getting it off, she again quickly covered herself. She was blushing and smiling shyly, which again made me smile too. I wanted to keep things going, which made me lean down kissing her, and then as I told her,” You’re so pretty Kaylin,” she leaned against me.

I really didn’t want to stop, but as I held her I asked, “You wanta stop?”

I was just trying to be polite, and it did make her smile, but after shaking her head no, I leaned toward her to give her a kiss. We both ended up closing our eyes and as our lips pressed against each other, I instinctively tried to push my tongue into her mouth. It made Kaylin pull away a little, but we didn’t stop kissing, and when she happened to open her mouth and our tongues met, I couldn’t help but smile.

Hugging her, I leaned away again and when I said, “This is nice,” and again, told her how much I liked her, she smiled.

It really was nice, but needing to make sure she was still okay and trying to reassure her and myself I again said, “If you wanta stop, tell me, okay?”

Kaylin, continuing to smile shyly, leaned towards me and when we again kissed she said, “No,” and then asked, “Do you?”

Smiling, I immediately lifted her on the bed, and as she scooted up a little, continuing to try to keep her chest covered, I leaned up over her and immediately started tugging at the sides of her legging again.

Kaylin obligingly, lifted her butt up, off the bed, letting me get them down, and seeing her light pink little panties made me smile, especially seeing the crease of her little slit. Casting her leggings aside, I quickly climbed on the bed with her and as I got on top of her, holding myself up, I kissed her, making sure she again felt my cock brushing her leg.

It was still rock hard, and I wanted her to feel it, however being it wasn’t exactly positioned right, I reached down and after lifting up a little, I quickly adjusted it. She still seemed unsure, but as I again pressed it against her thigh, and we kissed, I took her hand, moving it down to my crotch.

She was hesitant but looking at me, she shifted a little and let me put her hand down until it was right on my cock. It was, still through my boxers, but I made sure she could feel it and when she happened to grab it, she looked up at me smiling.

There was a brief pause but then Kaylin, glancing down said, “You’re really hard.”

Smiling, I casually slid down to kiss her neck, and as my one hand moved up to feel on her chest, Kaylin had to let go of my cock. She really didn’t have any boobs to speak of, especially laying on her back, but as I ran my hand over her nipples, I immediately moved to start sucking her neck as I moved down more, to lay between her legs.

Closing my eyes, kissing my way down her chest now, I looked up briefly to make sure she was still okay. She too had her eyes closed and when I went down and started tonguing and sucking her one little nipple, she took a deep breath. It was nice and when I tried to draw her small little tit into my mouth, she again took a deep breath.

She really was small and as I moved my hands up, holding her sides, she leaned up on her elbows to watch. Feeling her ribs, I looked up at her, and smiling, I kissed her stomach.

I didn’t want her to worry and when I again asked if she was okay, she smiled and after a tentative little nod, I moved down more. Kaylin did pull away a little, and when I reached up, putting my hand on her chest, trying to steady her I asked, “Are you okay?”

Kaylin had moved her hand up, putting it on mine, and smiling, she laid back. Subtly moving down, I nuzzled against her little mound, and pushing against her panties, I could smell her faint perfume as I stretched out. Getting my head between her legs, I wrapped my arms up under her firm little thighs, and immediately mouthed her pussy through her panties. Almost immediately, her panties were wet, and when I started to lightly finger her pussy through her panties, she again rose up on her elbows.

I wanted to get her panties off, but I also needed my boxers off too. Lifting up off her, I smiled and quickly reached down, trying to pull them off. Continuing to smile, seeing Kaylin was watching, obviously curious, wanting to see my cock as I got them down. Eventually, it did flopped out, and making sure she saw it, I lifted off her more.

Smiling, I knelt in between her legs and when I happened to pull on my cock, jerking it briefly, I could see Kaylin smile. Letting go, I leaned up, and as I reached my hands to the sides of her panties and I started pulling them down, Kaylin mentioned, “You’re really big.”

It made me smile, but I didn’t think I was that big, and not wanting her to worry, I leaned up to kiss her. It made her smile too and when I moved up and we kissed, and she happened to feel my cock brush against her thigh again, she did shift a little.

I thought about wanting to see if she might want to suck my cock, but being she was, what I’d call, “Inexperienced,” i quickly leaning back up again and pulled her panties down. Kneeling again, I got them over her feet, and when I saw her young little slit I thought, “Oh my god.”

It made me nervous and seeing Kaylin instinctively covered her crotch with one hand, and also looped her arm covering her tits, I knew she was nervous too. Holding her sides, I smiled and after telling her again how pretty she was, I moved down and again stretched out between her legs. Getting comfortable, I brought my one hand up, and as I spread her soft little pussy lips, she rose up on her elbows. Looking at her, I reached up, and putting my hand on her stomach, I tried to steady her.

Smiling at her, I went down, and closing my eyes, I ran my tongue up and down her slit, eventually pushing it into her. Kaylin arched her back slightly and as I licked at her pussy, and flicked at her clit with my tongue, she grabbed a handful of the covers, clinching them.

I immediately wondered, if I could get her off, and when I started to finger her pussy, continuing to eat her, I sensed, “Yea, maybe I can.”

She was starting to squirm a little and when she happened to reach down, grabbing at my head, and she started squeezing it between her legs, I knew she must be close. Pulling at my head, and telling me to stop, I smiled, but kept licking at her pussy. Eventually, Kaylin again rose up on her elbows and when I moved on top of her, she laid back again.

Feeling her body quiver a little, I wiped my mouth, and after a kiss, I immediately tried guiding my cock into her. She was so tight, I knew I couldn’t force it but after teasing her slit with the head of my cock, I pushed into her. It again made her rise up telling me, “No, don’t.”

Looking at her worried, I asked, “Are you okay?”

She took a deep breath and then as she wrapped her arms around my neck she said, “Go slow.”

Immediately I worried about needing a condom, but not having one, I smiled and looking at her, I wondered if she’d stop me. Kissing her, I again tried to push into her, but being she was so tight, I wasn’t in her very far.

Looking at her, I told her to relax, and as I pushed into her more, she moved her hands to my chest, pushing me to stop.

Kissing her, telling her again to relax, I tried to start moving my cock in and out, fucking her. She really was so tight, and when I looped my hands under her shoulders to hold her, I pushed into her a little deeper. It did make her pull away a little but she didn’t stop me, and as I started fucking her again, I knew it wasn’t going to take long for me to cum.

Continuing to kiss her, as I buck my hips into her faster, I wanted to cum before she made me stop. I was close, and feeling it I subtly told her, “I’m going to cum.”

I was out of breath, but as Kaylin instinctively wrapped her arms around my neck, I think she realized what was happening, because she moved her hands back down to my chest, and hastily said, “No, don’t,” as she pushed on me.

Trying to hold her still, I didn’t want to stop, and when my cock involuntarily started jerking inside her, I pushed into her more and told her, “Don’t move.”

She did stop for a moment, but I think feeling my cock bucking faintly, and realizing that I was cumming inside her, she again pushed on me, and tried to pull away. Holding her, not letting her move, I told her, “It’s okay,” and as I tried to kiss her, she seemed to go limp.

I knew cum was still throbbing out inside her, I could feel it, and wanting to finish, I started to slowly move my cock in and out of her. Oh yea, I was done, but when Kaylin again started to desperately push on my chest, I did stop. Leaning up and looking at her, I could see she was upset, and as I moved down, kissing her chest, letting my cock slip out of her, and I heard her gasp, I looked up at her.

She seemed sad, almost ready to cry, and not wanting her to worry, I smiled and then trying to give her a hug, I asked, “Are you okay?”

Kaylin didn’t say anything, and when I kissed her stomach, and I searched for away to console her, hoping she’d be okay, I again asked, “You gonna be okay.”

I knew I had cum a lot, it had been a while since I last got off, and knowing that all that cum had poured out deep inside her, I knew it wasn’t going to be long before it would start to drain out.

Holding her, Kaylin suddenly pushed me to get off her, and as I leaned up, and knelt in front of her, I instinctively looked down at her pussy. I could see her pussy was a little swollen, and maybe a little red, but the minute Kaylin saw me looking at her, she immediately reached down to cover herself.

She was looking at me, obviously concerned, and when she happened to feel cum dribbling out, she lifted her hand and asked in a concerned voice, “What’s this?”

I know she knew what it was, at least I thought she did, but trying to put on a happy face I smiled and simply said, “That was really nice.”

There was a pause, but she was definitely wondering about what she had let me do and then looking at me concerned, she said, “I didn’t want you to cum in me.”

Looking at her, I couldn’t help but worry, thinking, “Oh my god, what had I done.”

Moving over a little, sitting back on my heels, I really didn’t want her to worry, because I felt we actually had a good time. However, it was obvious she was upset and when I heard a small bubble escape out of her, and she again reached down, I could see she felt more cum oozing out of her, because Kaylin leaned up on her elbows again.

Looking at each other, she covered her crotch and then after looking at me, she hurriedly slid herself off the bed and quickly headed out to the bathroom in the hallway.

Yea, I worried, and as I sat there, listening for Kaylin to come out of the bathroom, I couldn’t help but look down at the small amount of cum on the sheet that had obviously dribbled out of me after I had pulled out. I did smile, however when I noticed another larger stain, one I figured had probably spilled out of her, and I looked closer, it seemed to have a slight pink tinge, which made me think, “Oh my god, is that blood?”

It certainly looked like there was a hint of blood in the cum that stained the sheets, but “Was it really,” I thought?

I didn’t want to think it was, and as I reached down and looked at my semi-hard cock, feeling on it, I didn’t see anything, but it had me thinking about what we had just done.

Worried, I tried to clean it off best I could and then looking toward the door, realizing she was still in there, I sat up, trying to listen intently for any sign she might be coming back. Suddenly when I heard the toilet flush and then heard the door open, I smiled as I waited for her to come around the corner.

She was wrapped in a towel, not smiling, and getting off the bed I asked, “Are you okay?”

Kaylin continued to look down, but she did manage to nod, and when I tried to put my arm around her, she shied away. It really made me worry, and when she reached down and grabbed her clothes off the floor, I knew it was over.

She now sat on the bed and as I watched her pull her panties back on under her towel, I said, “I’m gonna go use the bathroom.”

She did manage to glance up briefly, and giving me a smile, I smiled too and nervously hurried out of the room, grabbing my boxers off the floor.

Going into the bathroom, I closed the door and after turning on the light, I nervously stood there. I did manage to pee, but then as I looked down, there was actually a faint little bit of what looked like blood staining my hand, and after peeing, I could see there was a little bit of crusty blood on my cock too.

It made me really nervous to think that I was probably her first, but it did make me smile too, and after cleaning up a little, I put on my boxers, gathered my composure, and quickly went back to the bedroom.

Kaylin was already dressed, sitting on the bed and seeing she was smiling, I smiled too. Immediately, I grabbed the rest of my clothes off the floor and as I got dressed, I looked over at her. She was watching and when she happened to say, “I had a good time,” I again looked over at her.

She was smiling shyly and then as she moved over on the bed to where I was sitting, we hugged.

I think she was worried, and feeling she needed some reassurance that I still liked her, and that everything was going to be okay, I gave her a kiss on the head and told her, “Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay.”

Hearing this, Kaylin hugged me tight and hugging her too I said, “I had a good time too.”

We held each other for a little while and then after finishing getting dressed, I said, “I better get going.”

I don’t think she wanted me to leave, or maybe she was torn, but I think it was best and as we quit hugging she again told me she had a good time.

Taking her hand, smiling at her, I again told her not to worry, which again made her smile.

Opening the front door, I gave her a simple little kiss and as I left, she closed the door behind me.

I couldn’t help but worry about her getting pregnant, but feeling it was her first time, I desperately hoped she wouldn’t. The next time we saw each other, we were friendly and I think she was wanting me to say something to suggest that I wanted to be with her.

I so wanted to, I liked being with her, but again I didn’t think it was right, no matter how badly I wanted to be with her. We have continued to see each, and I think she’d be receptive to going out, but as on now, it hasn’t happened.

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