Leaving Home Pt. 02 by R410a,R410a

As soon as Stacy saw me she came bounding over, her overly large breasts bouncing as she ran. Throwing her arms around my neck she kissed me passionately. At least I thought it was passionately, then again, what the hell did I know? She kept telling me we needed to go in the bushes and get it on. I was too embarrassed to let her know I was a virgin and kept telling her I didn’t think it was a good idea with everyone around.

She stood back and scoffed, “You don’t wanna fuck me? Nobody doesn’t wanna fuck me. Are you some kind of gay loser or what? I thought you were cool, that’s why I invited you. Obviously I was wrong, leave loser, before I start screaming rape.”

I didn’t need any more incentive to high tail my ass outa there after that. I jumped in the truck and made haste for town. On the highway I decided to drive to Lincoln and see a movie, I hadn’t been to a movie since I’d moved. Rocky II had come out and I wanted to see if it was being shown anywhere near. As luck would have it the movie was playing in town. I pulled into the driveway just after six that evening. Mrs. B was on the porch, as I walked inside the screen door she looked at me.

“Why don’t you get a drink and join me on the porch. We need to talk.”

My first thought was that I was going to get sacked and be without anywhere to hang my hat. The college dorms were basically full, if she asked me to leave I’d be in a real pickle. I grabbed a Ne-Hi grape, a glass of ice and made my way back to the porch. She looked serious, which made me wonder all the more.

“So how was the party? Did you make any new friends?”

She was asking as if she already knew the answers. Like lawyers and police do.

“I didn’t make any friends. I didn’t stay, I went to see Rocky Two in Lincoln.”

She snickered, “You little shit, I want to see that movie. You could have taken me. I heard all about the thing at the lake. Sorry you had to go through that humiliation. One thing I am happy about is that you didn’t have sex with Stacy. I found out something very interesting this afternoon while calling around to some of my close friends.”

I was momentarily shocked, “What? About me? How would anybody know anything about me?”

“Nope. Not about you. About Stacy. She’s knocked up and since she’s screwed almost every guy in school and half the teachers, she has no idea who the father is. Or even might be. So a plan was hatched after she met you at the drive-in last week to get the new boy to sleep with her and then she could say it was his kid. Tell me I heard right and that you didn’t dip your wick in her honey pot.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve never heard it put that way, but no, I didn’t dip my wick in anything or anyone. Like I said, I went to the movie, and thanks. I should have listened to you, I know you meant well.”

She motioned for me to scoot the chair closer. Reaching out to touch my hand she spoke softly.

“I know I wound you up at the pond and I apologize, but I also want you to know something. If you have questions about girls and what’s normal, talk with me. I know I cuss a lot, sometimes I act more like a man than a woman and maybe that puts you off, but we can have an adult conversation about women and girls. I care about you David, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Life after that talk seemed to be better. We were more relaxed and comfortable around one another. I noticed on a few occasions where she absolutely wore no bra and didn’t attempt to hide the fact. She didn’t flaunt it, at the same time she didn’t try to hide it. She was also less stringent about being dressed for the day when I came for breakfast, often I would see her in the nightie she’d worn the night before. These were the days before everybody had a/c and there were times when we sat on the porch begging for a breeze in just our swimsuits, usually making our way to the pond to cool off before bed. With the pond being fed by a spring oriented creek the water was always fresh and cool.

Classes had been going about three weeks when I met Roxy, a heavy-set girl from of all places, California. She didn’t fit the beach girl image, but she made up for it in personality. I had to admit I was taken aback by her, whereas I tended to be shy and reserved she was always the life of anywhere we might be. With the corn harvest about to begin I talked with my profs and was able to get assignments ahead of time or permission to make it up once I returned. I also let Roxy know that I would be gone at least two, if not three weeks. To put it politely, she was not happy.

We were combining day and night trying to finish ahead of any bad weather that might come our way. Going from six in the morning until ten or after every night was normal. I’d go through the equipment in the morning, then top off the fuel tanks and we’d hit the fields by eight. Once again Amos was johnny on the spot with a place to unload every time the hopper was full. We finished on a Thursday night and slept in on Friday. Just after lunch Mrs. B took my hand and pulled me with her to the porch for what she called, “a chat”.

“You’ve been awfully quiet these past few weeks. Is everything alright with us?” I nodded. “Is everything okay at school?”

I didn’t want to tell her the truth, but she was relentless in wanting to know what could be so wrong.

“If you must know Mrs. B, there’s a problem between Roxy and me. I guess you could say we’re over.”

She sat back, “What? Why? You’ve only known her a month, if that. What could possibly be so wrong?”

My face felt hot and I’m sure my cheeks were fire engine red. Reaching across she touched my arm.

“Oh, this can’t be good. Did you do something wrong? Did you try to have sex with her?”

A tear welled in my eye, “Worse. She wanted to have sex before I came home to combine and when she found out I’m a virgin she laughed at and made fun of me in front of her friends. I don’t want to go back to school and be the laughingstock of everyone.”

Pulling at my arm she patted the seat next to her on the swing.

“You won’t be the laughingstock. The campus is huge, avoid her and her crowd. None of the others will know or care. You just be you and everything will fall into place. We’ll work on this problem together. How’s that sound?”

I was really confused, “What do you mean we’ll work on the problem together? I don’t understand.”

“That’s the best part Davey, you don’t need to understand, you only need to do as I say. The rest will work itself out. I know I was a tease this summer, truth is, I was flattered that a young buck like you would think I’m sexy. I liked it when you touched me and would stare at my lady parts, it scared me though. I haven’t been with or around a man intimately since Jerry died. The kid last summer was an idiot, thought he was god’s gift to women. I couldn’t wait to get rid of the smarmy little prick. But you Dave, you’re different, you work hard, you’re polite and caring. I found myself being drawn to you and it frightened me.”

I was thrown for a loop, “Wow. I thought you were mad at me because I was looking at your body.”


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