Living the Dream in Mexico Pt. 04 by oldtruckdriver,oldtruckdriver

This story is a work of fiction in which all participants are over 18.

Brian sat on his bed drinking a beer thinking about his evening with Cece. He had gambled that he had her sexual needs figured out, not an easy task by any means, he was relieved that his guess had been right on the money. His abuse of all three of her holes had been just what she craved but she could not come right out and ask to be humiliated and used.

Cece had agreed that his rough treatment of her was perfect, that she would like more rough sex in the future. She had even asked him to purchase some things to physically abuse her beautiful body even more. The only problem he could see was that their encounters would only happen when she wanted them. The sex was so fantastic and so intense that he had agreed to that.

On reflection he figured it was better to have Cece every three or four weeks than not have her at all. With that settled in his mind he finished his beer then turned in.

He was in a good mood when he went downstairs the next morning. He had just gotten his coffee going when he heard a knock. He opened the door to find Valentina, the squatter girl, smiling up at him.

“Hola Vale, how are you this morning?” he asked cheerfully.

Smiling back, she said, “I am very well, but I did not sleep very much last night.”

“Why didn’t you sleep?”

“Hah, I think you know why,” she said with a laugh. “I saw things I have never seen before. Then I saw that the puta enjoyed doing those perverted things. I was very aroused but very confused at the same time.”

“So, I suppose you have some questions?” he asked. “You better come in and have some breakfast then.”

He poured her a glass of milk then doled out her morning vitamins.

“Would you like French toast for breakfast?” he asked her.

“Oh yes, I had that once with the maple syrup, it was very good,” she said enthusiastically.

He made French toast, scrambled eggs and Canadian bacon. He put the plates on the pass thru for Vale to carry to the table then came in with orange marmalade, butter and maple syrup. Vale had never had Canadian bacon and was leery of it until the first bite, then she smiled hugely and quickly devoured her food.

She waited patiently for Brian to finish before getting up to do the dishes. Brian sat enjoying his coffee while he watched her. She was getting quicker at the chore while displaying more confidence. When she was finished, he told her to get another glass of milk before she joined him.

“So, what questions do you have for me?”

Vale was thoughtful for a moment then asked, “How did you know to make her take your entire arm up her butt?”

“Well, every time we have been together, she seemed to like it when I took charge of things. Being a police officer, she always has to be in charge. In her private life she also appears strong and in control. That is hard for a man, especially a Mexican man, to deal with.

“So, when I don’t give her a choice, when I tell her that she has to do something, to force her, she likes it very much, can you understand that?” he asked.

Frowning she said slowly, “Yes, perhaps I do. It is uncommon for a Mexican woman to be strong, always we must do what the man wants. But if she says, ‘man do what I say’ he would not like it and would not want to be with her, maybe he would even be a little afraid of her.”

“Yes, that is it exactly. Sometimes she wants to not be in control, but she needs a man strong enough to see that, to do something about it, it excites her very much,” he agreed.

“My next question is, how did her butt stretch out far enough for your arm? It is not like her vagina that must stretch far enough to have a baby.”

“Well, I have seen a lot of porno movies that show a woman’s butt taking something as big as my arm. I used a lot of lubrication and was mostly gentle. By that I mean I pushed, used force, when I needed to. She could have said stop at any time and I would have stopped right away, but that isn’t what she wanted. It was a challenge for her and a reward at the same time. She wanted to see if she could take it, to please both of us,” he explained.

“How was it that there was no poop on your arm when it came out from her?” she wondered.

“Cece told me she wanted something in her ass, so I was sure she would use an enema to clean herself out before coming over. It makes for a much more pleasant experience,” he told her.

“So, why did she pee so much when you put the broom handle in her?”

“It’s not pee that she sprayed. It is the female version of cum I guess you would call it. Some women can squirt while others can’t. She did it because I was rubbing her g spot. It is an area inside a woman that causes great pleasure. I found that spot in her before, last night I wouldn’t stop stimulating it,” he explained. “I was impressed by how much she sprayed.”

Vale digested this info then nodded to herself. “How can she take your entire organ in her mouth without gagging or choking?”

“I don’t know. Some people don’t have a gag reflex. It appears Cece does not. It really excited her when I was all the way in her throat. It was so deep she couldn’t breathe, she liked that, it excited her. What did you think of her when she played with the cum and spit?” he asked her. “For me I thought it was degrading, but very hot,” he told her.

“I am not sure I would like to do any of the things you did to her. If I had not seen it, I would have said no one could like those acts. But the puta liked to do these things. She begged you to be mean to her. She had orgasms when you hit her with the stick, correct?”

“Yes, she did. I have to say that I enjoyed treating her that way, it made my orgasm that much better,” he confessed.

“People are strange in what they like, I agree to that,” she said thoughtfully. “Maybe I will find that there is something perverted that I enjoy doing.”

“If you enjoy it, if your partner enjoys it, then it is not perverted, just kinky,” he told her.

Vale stood up then pushed her chair in. “Thank you for answering my questions so openly. It has given me much to think about.”

“No problem, I’m glad I could answer you honestly. See you tonight for your vitamins.”

She nodded, then gave him a little wave before leaving.

A week later they were having breakfast when he asked her, “Where are your dirty clothes?”

“In my bag outside, why?” she asked.

“Today is laundry day, bring them in so I can wash them.”

“Oh no, it is not good to wash the clothes too much, it wears them out.”

“Leaving the dirt in the clothes for a long time makes it harder to get the stains out. The dirt also grinds against the cloth fibers making them wear out faster,” he explained.

“Ok then, I will get them,” she said standing up.

“Including the clothes you have on now, you have been wearing them for days now,” he told her.

She soon came in with an armload of clothes. He showed her where to put them then started running the water into the washer before adding the soap. He began sorting her clothes, using the pretreat spray where it was needed. He picked up a pair of her tiny white cotton panties thinking to himself that they certainly were not very flattering. They looked like what they were, panties that a 10 or12 year old would wear. The bra was even worse. It was like a sports bra, it slipped over the head with no hooks. He smiled to himself wondering how she knew if it was on backwards or forwards.

As he waited for the machine to finish he had a thought. When he had purchased her underwear, it was in a package of five. It had been ten days since he had bought them. Was she rinsing them out at night or just wearing them for two or more days, maybe when they were all dirty, she didn’t wear any at all. Then he had another thought, where did she go to get clean? He had assumed she used the shower in the pergola at the community swimming pool, but he had seen no soap, shampoo, towel or even a toothbrush. When her clothes were dry, he folded them neatly then took them out to the garage. Valentina was not there so he left them on her blankets.

That night when she came for her vitamins he asked, “Where do you take a shower?”

As expected, she told him she went at night and used the shower in the pergola after the security guard was asleep.

“Where is your towel, do you have shampoo?” he wanted to know.

“Well, sometimes I get lucky when someone forgets their shampoo in the shower place,” she said.

“But what about a towel, how do you get dry?”

“I sit down to wait until I am almost dry then I use my clothes. By morning my clothes are dry,” she explained.

“How do you brush your teeth?”

“There is a bush that is common here, you break off a small branch then chew on the end until it makes bristles. It works amazing well.”

“I suppose it does at that,” he said going into the house. He went to the linen closet then came back with a bath towel and dropped it in her lap.

On laundry day a week later, he again noticed all five pairs of underwear in her dirty clothes.

A few days after that, he made his way to the large department store where he had bought Vale’s clothes before. Brian gave a small sigh of relief when he recognized the middle-aged woman who had helped him before.

“Last time I was here I bought some clothes for a young woman, included were undergarments,” he started.

“Yes sir, I remember you well,” she said holding out her hand.

He smiled as he took her hand, “How kind of you to remember. I am here on another mission for the young lady. The, ah, things I bought last time were very, I don’t know, utilitarian. She has expressed a desire to obtain some things that are a bit less generic, a little sexier.”

The woman looked at him disapprovingly before saying, “I am not sure we can help you with something like that for so young a girl.”

“That’s just it, she is nineteen, almost twenty. She is so small that only little girl things fit her, for good reasons, those sizes are not sexy,” he explained.

The smile returned to the middle-aged woman’s face. “In that case we do have a small selection of things that will make a very small woman feel desirable, we don’t keep them on display.”

“Oh my god,” Brian exclaimed finally getting it, “you thought I wanted these things for an underage girl.”

“Yes, well unfortunately it happens all too often. We must be very careful, as I’m sure you understand,” she told him.

“I do understand, and I agree completely,” he said nodding. “Could we take a look do you think?”

After selecting nearly everything in Valentina’s size he paid the bill then asked the sales lady if she had time to have a coffee with him. She said no, but how about an ice cream?

As they sat in the food court slowly eating their ice cream, they both realized there was a connection, a spark, between them.

“I have to get back to work,” she said sadly.

“This has been a wonderful experience for me, thank you,” Brian told her.

“Oh, just doing my job,” she replied.

“Ah, that’s not what I was referring to,” he said. “What I meant was it was wonderful spending time with you. I would like to spend more time with you, if that would be possible?”

“I would like that very much, we seem to be attracted to each other,” she said with a smile.

“I think so too, I would certainly like to see where things might lead,” he agreed.

“If we find out that the parts don’t fit properly, I have a daughter who is thirty that I think would love to meet you,” she told him.

“How about we find out if her parts fit at the same time we check the fit of yours?” he said flirtingly.

She stared at him so intently he was sure he had blown it. Why did he have to say something like that to a woman he had just met?

Finally making up her mind she hit a speed dial button on her phone, a few seconds later she said, “I think I have found a man that would like to date us.” She listened for a moment before saying, “Yes, both of us at once. Should I set something up? I would feel more comfortable at our house the first time.”

“Senor, I just realized I don’t know your name, would you be available this Saturday night to meet my daughter?” she asked with a smile.

“My name is Brian, Brian Hanson. I am of course at your service,” he replied hoping he sounded suave.

“He wants to meet you at our house at eight o’clock Saturday night, Ok?” She listened for a minute then said, “I love you too. What? You are a horny little slut aren’t you, love you.”

Brian had heard the conversation but couldn’t quite believe it. His face must have shown his disbelief.

The woman laughed, “My name is Karin by the way. My daughter’s name is Patricia, I call her Pati. My daughter lives with me, she works as a banker. We have a rather odd relationship. We are both divorced, she is my only child. Pati has no children. We both enjoy sex and are active. We have teased each other about having a threesome for years. Recently our teasing turned serious. We have both been on the lookout for a man to approach.”

“You seem to have selected me rather quickly, what made you think I would be open to something like this?” he asked curiously.

“There is something about you, you give off an aura of sexuality, of confidence. Like you would be open to trying just about anything in bed,” she said seriously.

“Or on the couch, kitchen table, in the pool, just about anywhere,” he said to lighten the mood.

Karin laughed saying, “Oh yes, I can see I chose the right man for this. I have to get back to work, give me your phone.”

After inputting her number, she leaned in to give him a nice kiss that was more tender than lewd. “I will send you an address ping on Saturday. Will you be in a car or a taxi?”

“That depends on how much alcohol you intend to give me to lower my inhibitions,” he said with a grin.

Laughing she said, “You might as well drive, I don’t think the half shot of tequila needed to get you in the mood will affect your driving.”

Brian escorted her back to her store then retrieved the package he had left under the counter. He smiled his thanks to her then took his leave.

When he got home, he laid out the new things he had found for Valentina. He thought she would be happy with the two bras he had bought her. They had a fair amount of padding. He figured they would get her into the very small B cup territory. The panties were bikini with lace or thongs, all were in bright colors.

When he heard her slip through the bars in the gate, he called her into the house.

“I found a few things for you, they are in the guest room,” he said.

She hurried to the room letting out a loud squeal when she saw the things on the bed. She ran out into the living room throwing herself onto him before wrapping her arms and legs around him tightly.

“Oh, Senor Brian you are so kind, so good to me,” she said with a laugh. “Sit down, I will try them on and show you.”

She was only gone a minute before she came out wearing a hot pink bra with matching lace bikini panties. She ran her hands over her boobs then reached behind to caress her tiny ass.

“They fit perfectly, look at how much boobs I have now,” she giggled before running off to try on the next ones.

She came back wearing the same bra but now she had on a bright red thong. She turned to show him how they fit in the back before turning forward again saying, “It is a good thing you shaved me down there.”

By the time she had shown him everything he was sitting there with a massive hardon. She came out this time wearing her shorts and a camisole top. Without warning she climbed into his lap to give him a hug. As she settled in, she felt his hard cock on her ass.

She quietly said, “Did I do that? Did I make you hard showing you my nice things?”

Uncomfortably he squirmed a bit before saying, “Lingerie is supposed to do three things. First, is to make the woman feel good, pretty, desirable. Second, is to showcase her body, like the plumage on a bird. Third, is to excite the male so he will want to mate with the woman. So, in this case your lingerie did all three things.”

“Are you being serious? Why would my skinny deformed little girl body excite you?” she asked with a frown.

“I can’t tell you, it never did before now. I don’t understand it myself,” he replied honestly.

“Well, do you like my butt? Or is it maybe my tiny tits?” she persisted. “Did you know that when I am excited instead of being turned in, the nipples pop out and become hard?”

“No, I didn’t know that, are they poking out now?” he asked.

Vale answered by pulling her camisole over her head and dropping it to the floor. She fumbled a bit with the front closure of the bra, but it soon joined her top. When her tiny tits were free, she rose to her knees, so they were at mouth level.

“You see how they stick out? They would stick out more I think, if you touched them,” she said softly.

Brian bent forward and took the little bud into his mouth. As he sucked on the nipple it did indeed stick out more. It also got harder, so did the other one when he reached a hand up to caress and pinch it.

“Oh Senor Brian, it feels so good, no one else has ever touched my chi chi’s before,” she moaned.

“These are some nice nipples Vale, do you touch them when you masturbate?”

“No, not so much, it doesn’t feel as good when I touch them. Your mouth feels so good on them,” she said. “I know how good it feels when I touch myself down there. Do you think it would feel better for me if you touched me down there?”

“I’m sure that it would feel better, is that what you want? You want me to put my fingers inside you or were you talking about me putting my mouth on you?” he asked.

Vale squirmed on his lap then let out a loud sigh, “I just, oh no, I just ruined another pair of panties,” she exclaimed. “Oh, would you? Would you put your mouth on me?”

“If that is what you want, of course” he said standing up with her in his arms. He started for the stairs but Vale said, “I don’t want to go up to the room where you use the puta. Can we go to the room where my pretty things are?”

Nodding he changed direction to enter the guest room. Her new things were spread out on one of the single beds so he lowered her to the other one. He reached down to pull off her shorts and hot pink lace panties, Vale lifted her slim hips off the bed to help. As he pulled them off, he noticed the entire crotch was soaked. He held them to his nose then inhaled.

“God, you smell good,” he told her.

“Please, can you use your fingers first, I want to find out if I can take you inside me,” she asked.

Smiling, he used a finger to part her long pussy lips. She was so wet he had no trouble inserting it all the way. He added a second finger and was surprised at how tight her pussy was. He stroked her slowly, trying to loosen her up a little, it didn’t seem to help much. Then he tried to add a third digit, he only got the tips in her before causing the young woman a lot of pain.

“Is your thing larger than your two fingers?” she asked worriedly.

“Yes, it is. Don’t worry, we’ll work on it if you really want me inside you,” he reassured her.

“I knew it, I just knew it wouldn’t fit in me,” she wailed.

“Vale don’t worry about that now. I know something that will fit in you perfectly,” he said lowering his face to her pussy.

The first touch of his tongue on her labia caused her hips to come off the bed. Brian put his hands under her tiny butt to hold her hips in the air. After a few minutes exploring the inside of her pussy he moved up to her clit. One lick of his tongue was all it took for Valentina to jump right out of his hands before going into convulsions. It took a minute, but he finally got his hands on her hips to keep her from bouncing off the bed. He tried talking to her, but she was talking to herself in that street jargon he couldn’t follow. He lay between her legs caressing her hips and stomach while she came to her senses. As soon as she did, she grabbed his hair pulling him up to her pussy. The only thing she said was ‘more’.

After her third body shaking orgasm Valentina spread her legs even further apart. “Try to put him inside now,” she asked, “I am very relaxed.”

Not only was she relaxed, but she was also very wet. Thick girl cum that almost looked like semen was oozing out of her. Brian rose up to rub his hard cock between her large labia. When he got to her pussy it would not stretch enough for him to enter.

He laid on his back saying, “You get on top, that way you can control how hard you push, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Vale did as he asked but it was no use, they would have to find another way to open her tight pussy for his cock.

“I’m sorry Vale, my cock is just not going to fit tonight,” he told her. “We will work on stretching you open later.”

“Could you use a broom handle on me, like you did on the puta, please?” she begged.

Brian jumped off the bed then went to the closet where the maid stored her cleaning supplies. He found a new wood handled mop in the corner. He brought it out to show Valentina then snapped the handle in half over his knee.

Vale’s eyes got larger as he walked back to the bed swishing the shaft back and forth in front of him. She rolled over onto her stomach with her cute tiny butt in the air. Brian wondered about lube but as he looked, another fat drop of thick female cum dripped from her pussy lips, so he used the handle to tease her opening. When he had the girl moaning and twitching her hips, he slowly inserted the shaft into her. It was tight but he could stroke it in and out without causing her pain. She kept asking him to put it deeper. Brian was amazed when the tiny woman had taken seven inches up her pussy.

Valentina had her first orgasm when she felt the hard handle hit her cervix. It hurt a little but somehow it made her feel like a woman. A woman who could take anything a man had to offer, she just needed to make her pussy open up.

Brian slowly moved the shaft in and out looking for her g spot. When she jumped, letting out a surprised little yip, he knew he had found it. He gently worked the area giving her a couple of small orgasms.

Her sweet spot was only about three inches inside, so he pulled the makeshift dildo out to use his fingers to stimulate her. This worked well, he had her jumping and twisting for ten minutes. She never sprayed but her thick cum continued to drool out of her.

She began whimpering so he took pity on her, gradually slowing until he came to a stop before removing his finger. She laid back with her legs open wide, slowly running her hands over her stomach.

“That was the most intense thing to ever happen to me. You could not get your thing in me but I am a woman now, not a girl anymore, thank you,” she said seeming very content to just lie there.

“Are you sure that you are ok?” he asked.

“Oh yes. very ok. But you did not shoot off,” she said. “How can I help you to do that?”

“Let’s not worry about that right now, I am very happy that I was able to please you,” he said smiling.

She sat up on the bed saying, “I better get my clothes on then go wash out my panties or they will be ruined.”

“Don’t you want to take a shower first?” he asked. “Your crotch is a mess.”

“Oh, if I use the shower in the day the security guard gets mad. He can see the shower from his booth,” she told him.

“I suppose he can, but I was talking about using the shower in here,” he said.

“You would let me do that?” she asked surprised.

“Well, I helped make the mess so I should help clean you up, no?”

Nodding she got off the bed to pick out new underwear to wear after her shower.

“There are towels, soap, shampoo on the shelf. Use whatever you want. I will leave you alone now.” he told her.

While she was in the shower, he rinsed her wet panties and shorts, then let them soak in the laundry tub. After doing that, he was at a loss. He seemed to be more affected by what had happened than Valentina. What the hell was he doing with such a young innocent girl? Well, not so innocent and according to her, not a girl anymore.

He heard the shower stop then a few minutes later Vale came out wearing only a bra with a matching thong. “All of my clean clothes are out there,” she said pointing to the garage as she walked by him.

He made himself dinner then took Vale her vitamins. She took them then cheerfully wished him sweet dreams. His dreams were anything but sweet. They featured nearly every woman he had ever been with, most of them reviled him for taking advantage of someone who looked like a little girl. He tried to make them understand that she was nearly twenty but they didn’t seem to pay attention or care. The other women wanted him to give the cute petite sweetie over to them for “instruction” as they called it.

He was looking a little haggard when he stumbled out of bed the next morning. He headed for the shower before even putting the coffee on. When he came out of the shower his phone was chirping with the reminder tone. He looked at the phone then groaned, today was the day they had to give depositions at his lawyer’s office.

He quickly dressed then started coffee before going out to wake Valentina. She woke looking very chipper as she gave him a huge smile.

“You better hurry and get dressed, we have to be downtown in an hour,” he told her.

That dampened her mood a little, but not for long. She came in dressed in her nice sundress, looking very much like an adult. He told her to sit down before shoving a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her. They didn’t say much on the way to the lawyers. After he had announced them both to the receptionist, Vale looked ready to panic or maybe just get up and leave. Brian talked soothingly to her, which had a calming effect, until the lawyer came out to greet them. Her panic rose again but Federico was an old hand in this situation, he soon had her sitting back in her chair. He held her hand while he explained what was going to happen.

“So, Valentina, how about you and I go take down your statement?”

“Can Senor Brian come too?” she asked.

“No, I’m sorry, the court would not accept your statement if Brian was in the room while we take it down,” he gently explained.

With a nod she got up to follow him. Brian intended to give her a smile of encouragement, but she would not look at him.

A minute later a young woman came out to fetch him for his contribution to the process. Brian finished before Vale, he was enjoying a cup of coffee the receptionist had offered when she came through the door with Federico. Valentina didn’t look very happy. Brian raised an eyebrow at Fede by way of asking how it went. The lawyer smiled before nodding his head.

“I have explained to Valentina what will happen now. It will be perhaps another month before all the paperwork is complete. When that is done, I will ask for a court date. I will inform both of you then we will meet next on the court date. Valentina, I want to thank you again for coming in and being so honest with your answers. Brian, I will call you after looking over your deposition.”

The ride home was as silent as the ride in had been. Valentina went right to her blankets. Brian went into the house, he ate a sandwich then decided a nap was just what he needed. Brian came awake after his nap with a vague feeling of unease. He sat up wondering what had woken him. He looked around, then saw Valentina curled up on the couch in his room.

“What are you doing in here?” he asked.

“You forgot to lock the door,” she said.

“Yeah well, that isn’t an invitation to come in,” he told her.

“Why didn’t you thank me for doing what you wanted, for telling the truth to that lawyer?” she said frowning.

“I guess I should have, sorry. Thank you Valentina, I mean that. I had other things on my mind this morning,” he told her.

“What were you worrying about so hard?” she asked.

“Not worrying, just trying to figure out how to move forward.”

“And did you make a decision?” she asked sounding worried.

“I think so. Valentina it is not right you are sleeping in the garage,” he began.

“But why not? You can’t make me leave, the lawyer said so. I don’t understand,” she said in a panic.

“Just listen for a minute will you?” he asked. “What I have decided is that you should move into the downstairs guest room. That will give you a place for all your new things. You will be able to take a shower whenever you want. It will keep the lice from coming back also.”

Valentina stood up then slowly started walking toward him. “You want me to stay here, stay inside I mean?” she asked.

He nodded his head saying, “Sure, not forever, but for right now, yes. I also don’t want you begging for food. If you tell me what you like I will get it for you. Any other questions?”

“Just one more,” she said seriously. “If I came to sit on your lap, so I could hug and kiss you, would your thing get hard? Would it make you want to try again to fit it inside me?”

Grinning he said, “Why, would that be a bad thing?”

“No, not really, I was just asking to know if I should take my clothes off now, so I don’t ruin them with my juices.”

“I think you will be safe; I am not going to want to play with you all the time,” he said smiling.

“Does that mean you are going to continue to see the puta?” she pouted.

“Yes, it does. Not only her but some other women as well,” he told her.

“I am not sure I like that,” she said.

“Let’s get one thing straight, just because I showed you a little about sex does not mean you are anything more than someone, I can’t get rid of. I feel bad about you sleeping on a concrete floor, so I am letting you into my house. It does not mean we have a relationship, do you understand that?” he said a little harshly.

Vale hung her head saying, “Yes Senor Brian, I see how it is.”

“Valentina, don’t you dare pout and make me out to be the bad guy,” he said.

She looked him in the eye then turned to go down the steps.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To bring my things in from the garage before you change your mind,” she said with her nose in the air before skipping down the stairs.

He repeated the thought in his head about never, ever understanding women.

The next night after dinner he told Vale he was going out. It was to meet Fede for a beer, nothing more.

“Are you going to see the puta? Are you going to put it in her butt some more?” she asked meanly.

“No, I am just going out for a while,” he told her.

“Are you going out to find some woman to bring back here?” she asked.

“Why? Did you want to watch from the tree?” he teased her.

That made her smile, “I liked watching you from the tree. I especially liked watching the puta take it in her butt.”

“I liked it too, she has a fuckable butt,” he said honestly.

Valentina perked up then said, “How about if you do me in the butt? If he won’t fit in my front, why don’t you put in in my butt?”

“Holy shit,” he said startled. “What makes you think my cock would fit in your ass any better than it would in your vagina?”

“I don’t know, but I would like you to try. The puta likes it that way, maybe I will also,” she said matter of factly.

“I think you should forget about it Vale,” he said reasonably.

Shaking her head, she stood up on the bed quickly stripping off her clothes. When she was naked, she dropped to her hands and knees on the edge of the mattress. She was so thin she didn’t need to spread her ass cheeks for him to see her tiny pucker.

Vale laid her head on the bed then put a hand between her legs so she could get a finger in her tight pussy. She reached around her hip trying to get a finger up her asshole. When it went in to the second knuckle, she let out a surprised little moan before pulling it out and adding it to the finger already in her vagina. After getting it wet, she put it back up her asshole.

“Oh, Senor Brian I have never put even a finger in my backside before. I think I like it, it makes my vagina tingle but there is another tingle in my butt. Please come play with my second hole, no, come play with them both.”

“Jesus Valentina, you do look good splayed out like you are,” he said staring as she filled her holes.

“Do you have something to lubricate me?” she asked.

“Sure, hang on I’ll get it.”

“Bring a towel too, I am already leaking onto the bed. Hurry please,” she begged.

As Brian hustled up the stairs, he texted Fede saying he was sorry, but something had come up. He laughed as he hit send. Sure as hell something had come up, it was making it hard to walk. He grabbed the Vaseline and two towels, nearly tripping on the stairs in his haste.

He turned the corner into the guest room and came to a halt. Vale was in the same position as before but she had used her girl cum to lubricate her rectum. She now had three slim fingers buried up her butt.

“Oh senor, it feels so good. I am such a bad girl for liking this. Take your clothes off, I need to know if he will fit. I think he will, the more fingers I put inside the better it feels,” she moaned.

He quickly stripped, putting the towel on the bed under her before moving between her widespread legs. “My cock is much bigger than your three tiny fingers you know.”

“Yes, of course,” she said impatiently. “Use the grease and your fingers to make me big enough for you.”

He pulled her three fingers out of her butt before dipping his hand into the lube. Valentina moaned loudly when he put two of his fingers in her ass. He slowly went in and out until she started pushing back then added a third finger. It was tight as hell, but Vale immediately began pushing back, mumbling something he couldn’t understand.

Brian couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled his fingers out then added more lube to her slowly closing sphincter before greasing up his hard cock.

Not wanting her to stiffen up he didn’t tell her his cock would be the next thing she felt. He pressed it hard against her partially open muscle then pushed. Vale let out a soft ‘oh my’ as she strummed her pussy and clit. Brian could tell she was consciously trying to relax. He kept up a steady pressure on her hole. Just at the point his cock would begin to bend he felt her asshole begin to give way. He looked down to see the helmet of his cock about to pop through. He reached around grabbing her tiny tits then pinched her hard little nipples.

Vale squealed and pushed back in an almost reflexive action. His cockhead plus a couple inches of the shaft rocketed into her. Her whole body tried to jump into the air. He had the fleeting impression of the small woman only being connected to the real world by the cock in her ass.

When she hit the bed he held very still so Vale could get used to him being in her butt. She was having none of it, crashing her slim hips back until after only four thrusts she had him buried in her ass. He took ahold of her hips then pulled her tight against his thighs. He could feel the head of his cock pushing into a wall of her feces. He would have to be careful to not let his shitty cock come in contact with her vagina. That was how most UTI’s happened. He had never had a urinary tract infection and didn’t want to give one to Vale either.

She was panting hard, still trying to move on his hard cock. He held her until she calmed down then began flexing his hard prick inside her.

“Please, please don’t tease me. Oh Senor Brian, it fits, your big thing is in my little butt. Start moving I beg you,” she whined.

“What do you call it when I move in and out of you Vale?” he teased.

“Oh, I don’t like to use words like that, you know that.”

“But how am I to know what you want me to do if you don’t say it plainly,” he teased as he flexed inside her again.

“I want it bad so I will say it. Fuck me, fuck my tiny ass, shoot your cum inside of my ass,” she moaned as she turned her head to look back at him.

She was actually blushing, Brian saw. He grinned, thinking. here she was taking a cock up her ass and liking it, but turning red at using words like fuck, ass and cum.

He put his hands on her hips. Looking down he saw his thumbs were overlapping. Reaching farther around her he touched his fingertips together then saw his thumbs were only about two inches from touching. Christ, he thought, her hips, not her waist, couldn’t be over twenty-two inches. That turned him on so much he began stroking in and out.

Vale’s reaction to this was to meet his thrusts with ones of her own. They built up a good rhythm causing the young woman to orgasm every ten strokes or so. Brian didn’t know if it was from his cock or her fingers on her clit, probably a combination, whatever it was, it turned him on, bringing his own release closer.

“Where do you want my cum, Valentina?” he asked.

“Oh, in my butt, in my dirty little ass. When you pull out, I want to watch our stuff drip out of both my holes,” she demanded.

The thought of seeing that was all it took. He pulled out so just the head was in her ass before he started shooting. He was too impatient to have to wait for his cum to drip out if he shot deep inside her. He stayed inside her until her ass had squeezed the last drop of cum from him.

Groaning he pulled out then sank to his knees for the rest of tonight’s show. He didn’t have long to wait, her cum was dripping steadily from her cunt, he watched as a stream of his cum began running from her. At first it was white but became dirtier looking the longer it went on. He took a flap of the towel between her legs and wiped her pussy first then her ass.

“Time for a shower Vale,” he told her giving her ass a playful slap.

“I know but I am so happy I cannot move,” she mumbled.

With a smile he picked her up to carry her into the shower. He held her in his arms, letting the water cascade over her body. It revived her enough for her to tell him to put her down. For some reason she seemed to be shy about him seeing her naked now, so he kissed her forehead then left her to do her thing.

Wrapping a towel around himself he went in search of a beer. As he leaned on the counter savoring the beer, he thought about how lucky he was. It had been some great anal, he was happy for Vale that it had fit. He was even more impressed that she had liked it so much. Maybe he could stretch her pussy enough to take him, he mused.

He heard Vale exit the bath and go into her room. She came out a few minutes later then joined him in the kitchen.

“Are you going to go out with your friend tonight?” she asked.

Looking at his watch he saw that it was still early enough to go for a drink.

“Yes, I think I will call him, it’s early,” he said.

“You should go before I beg you to try to fill my last remaining hole,” she said with a smile.

“You think you would be up for more sex tonight?” he asked her.

“No, not really. My butt kind of hurts,” she told him.

“Did I hurt you? Did I tear something, are you bleeding?” he asked concerned.

“No, nothing like that,” she quickly reassured him. “My insides had a lot of poop in them and you kind of compacted it with your thing.”

“Ah yes, well I hadn’t planned on butt fucking you tonight,” he said a little lamely.

“I think you need to give me one of those things, ah an enema, to loosen things up,” she said bashfully.

“Yes of course, the equipment is upstairs, I’ll go get it,” he said setting his beer down.

She put a hand on his arm saying, “No, you go out with your friend, it will wait until you get home.”

“No, this is important. I have not called my friend yet so it’s ok. I’ll be right back,” he assured her.

He came back down, then led Valentina into the bathroom. He explained that he was going to fill the bag with warm soapy water then put the nozzle in her rectum before opening the valve and letting the water fill her insides. The more he talked the larger Vale’s eyes became but she only nodded when he told her to bend over the sink. She took the entire contents of the bag with no complaints. She lasted longer than Brian thought possible before she began cramping and had to sit on the toilet. He repeated the process twice more. The third time the water was mostly clear. He gave her a nod then led her to bed.


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“Go to sleep now, if you wake up later and want me to fix you something to eat, come up to get me,” he said gently caressing her back.

“Can I keep the bag down here?” she asked.

“Yes, sure. I will get another one next time I go shopping,” he said then asked, “why do you want it down here?”

“So I can clean myself out the next time I want to have butt sex,” she said simply.

“Ah, I see. Is that something you are going to want frequently?” he asked.

“Yes, I think every other day would be good until I can take it in my vagina, then we will see which I like more,” she told him.

Shaking his head, he left her room saying, “Good night, Vale.”

He started up the stairs then changed his mind, going into the kitchen for a snack. As he sat at the counter eating a ham and cheese sandwich, he couldn’t believe how things had changed since coming back from his trip to the US. He laughed, thinking, all this, and tomorrow I have my first threesome with a mother and daughter. I am certainly Living the Dream in Mexico.

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