Love Lessons Ch. 03 by KenJames

An adult sex story: Love Lessons Ch. 03 by KenJames

Written by Diane (cuddlydbear) and Ken James

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You and I lie in each other’s arms quietly for a few minutes after our guests leave my room. We kiss and cuddle, thinking of the wonderful time we have just had. ” I love you, Mr. James” I sigh softly. “Thank you for making my first lovemaking experience the best.” You just pull me close and kiss me tenderly. Exhausted from the day’s activities, we quickly fall asleep.

You wake me at dawn and lead me out onto the balcony. Bent over the rail with my body glowing in the golden light, I scream lustily as you take me fiercely from behind. After I climax, we return to bed and make long tender love until you cum in my pussy.

We realize that it’s time to go, so we reluctantly get up and you go back to your room to pack. I start getting my things together.

Three hours later . . .

“Wow, that was a long bus ride. I’m sure glad to be home”, you say as we get off the bus. As we take our luggage, the school secretary comes up to me. She has a message from my parents. They have been called out of town because my grandmother is sick. I start to cry, until the secretary explains that my grandmother will be fine, but my parents need to be there for a couple of days until my uncle can get there.

Now I need a ride home. You offer to take me back to the house, since I do have a key. We say goodbye to the other students and our faculty friends, exchanging a secret smile with the Coach, Mr. Smith, the Dean and Ms. Robinson. We get into your van and start down the road. I lie back, thinking of your cock, and start to get very wet. I squirm in my seat, trying not to moan. You glance over and ask if I’m okay. I just give you my sexiest smile and tell you I’m just reliving our adventure. Just hearing me say that makes you hot, and I notice a growing bulge in your pants.

I reach out and caress your cock, and you groan with pleasure. You’re harder than any time I’ve been with you. “Maybe we need to make a pit stop” I purr softly. “After all, no one is waiting for me at home, and you’re single.” You smile at me and pull into a secluded rest area that no one uses since the interstate was built.

You reach over and pull me close, kissing me passionately as your hands roam over my body. We go into the back of the van, where you have a carpeted area, and start to undress each other. Your mouth moves down to my breasts, freed from my shirt. I’m not wearing a bra, so you start to lick and suck my nipples, but that’s not what I want.

I push you down onto the floor and turn around so we are in a 69. You groan with pleasure as I push your pants down and take your stiff cock into my mouth. As I begin to suck you, your tongue finds my clit and sucks hard on it. It feels so good! Both of us are panting with pleasure, and you thrust your tongue into my pussy as I scream and cum all over your face. You are so close to cumming . . . but you push me away just before you explode. “Please stop, baby…I don’t want to cum yet. I want to fuck you one more time before I have to take you home.”

I smile and turn over, kissing your neck, your earlobes, your eyes and your mouth over and over as I lie back next to you. You pull me close, both of us lying on our sides, and slowly push your cock into my dripping pussy. As you start to fuck me, holding me close and kissing my lips. I notice a small bag behind you. I reach over you and pick it up. Unzipping it, I find a butt plug and a dildo with some lubricant. I pull you on top of me and take the butt plug out, lubing it up.

You’re moaning with pleasure as you pump your cock into me. Suddenly, you scream loud enough to be heard in the next town. I have just thrust the butt plug into your waiting ass. “Oh, God, Deee! Yes baby! Oh, that feels so good in my ass!” You fuck me harder and faster as I twist the plug into your asshole, but then I pull it out. You’re surprised, and a little upset, until the dildo slides firmly into your butt. I shove it into you in time with your fucking.

We can’t control our screams now. I cum hard all over your cock, pumping the dildo into your ass as I explode. You can’t take any more. Screaming with pleasure again, you shoot the biggest load of the weekend into my cunt. We’re shaking as we slow down, finally collapsing in each other’s arms. The dildo stays in your butthole as you cuddle me. “That was incredible, Mr. James” I say as we kiss. We know we have to get going, because my parents will be calling to make sure I got home okay. Reluctantly getting dressed, we exchange a final kiss and climb back into the front seats. You start the car and drive me home.

* * * * * * * * * *

“I’ll help you with your bags,” I say as I park the van in the driveway. We start making out in the entry as soon as the front door closes. After we kiss passionately for a few minutes, you reach for my zipper. I stop you, saying “Let’s do this in a bed.”

“Okay,” you answer, taking my hand and leading me down the hall. “My bedroom’s this way.”

“No,” I say, coming to a sudden stop. You look into my grinning face, a little shocked. “Where’s the master bedroom?”

“You want to fuck me in Mom and Dad’s bed? That’s sort of sick!” You pause for a moment. “But exciting. Let’s go!”

In the bedroom, you unzip my pants and fall to your knees. “I’ll bet you’ve got a vibrator,” I say.

“Mr. James, I’ve got a whole toybox,” you reply.

“Go get it.” You run down the hall. I remove the quilt and blanket from the gigantic bed with the big mirrored headboard and fold them neatly on the dresser. It seems to be taking you a long time to collect your toys. I’m just about to go looking for you when you step into the room. “Wow!” I whisper.

You’re now dressed in a tight black bra with your already-erect nipples sticking through circular cut-outs, shiny black spike-heeled shoes, black nylon stockings supported by a garter belt, and frilly black panties. A black leather collar with chrome studs circles your throat. You’re carrying a small wooden chest, bound in brass. “Your cheap slut whore is here, Mr. James,” you purr as you set the chest on the nightstand.

“Baby Dee, there’s nothing cheap about you,” I say mock-reprovingly. “You’re a fucking expensive slut whore.”

“Oh Mr. James, I’m so glad this turns you on,” you say as I catch your swollen nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and begin pinching and twisting them. Your areolae quickly puff into half-domes. “I saw some pictures on the Internet with a man who looked a little like you making love to a woman dressed like this. I printed them off and took them to bed with me every night to look at while I was masturbating. I fantasized about it being us in the pictures.”

“Please strip for me,” you continue, pulling away to open the chest and reach inside. It only takes me a moment to undress and stand before you, naked and almost unbelievably hard. You fasten a leather collar matching your around my neck.

“The man was wearing something too. Would you mind?” You hold out a cock ring, another simple strip of black leather with chrome studs and snaps.


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