Maid in Cebu by ExpatInParadise,ExpatInParadise

This is a work of fiction, though some of the people in it may have been real, and some of the experiences may have actually happened. I’ll leave it to your imagination to decide what (or who) was real and what (or who) was not.

Nobody in this story was underage when they had sex.

Fatima was a conservative daughter in a respected Muslim family in her village. Her father was a farmer who actually owned the land he farmed (something that was unusual in this part of Mindanao). Her mother was the third of four wives, and was, therefore, fairly low-ranking in the family.

Fatima had just completed high school, and it was common that grown daughters went to work to contribute to the family’s finances. That was how many daughters in the Philippines became domestic servants for wealthy families. If a girl was lucky, this might lead to marriage or at least employment close to home, but not always. It was up to her parents to decide where a girl would go to work.

Fatima’s father worked with local recruiters to find employment for his children. In Fatima’s case, that meant that she would be working for a Kano (an American man) on another island as a domestic helper. Her father sat her down and told her to do whatever her employer told her to do. To not do so would bring dishonor to herself and her family. Half of her salary would be hers, and half would be sent to her father every month.

Fatima humbly agreed to do whatever she was asked, so as to not disgrace her family. The recruiter picked her up at her home, she said goodbye to her family, and the recruiter took her by ferry to her destination in Cebu City on the island of Cebu. There, she was introduced to her new employer, who handed the recruiter an envelope and then took Fatima to his condo in a taxi.

Fatima was surprised to find out that her employer, Jack Duncan, was a single, white, middle-aged man (and handsome). He had a one-bedroom condominium high in one of the many high-rise towers in the city. At first, she was delighted to see how easy her job would be taking care of the small condo (even with cooking and other duties), but she was confused as to where she would sleep.

Jack had Fatima prepare them dinner from the food he had in the refrigerator and the cupboards, and he was pleasantly surprised at her culinary skills. Her mother had taught her well to be a good cook, and she not only cooked local dishes, but also many international cuisines as well.

As they sat down to eat, they discussed what her life would be like living in the condo high above the city. She had already marveled at the views from the huge picture windows. Fatima thought this must be how heavenly beings saw the world. Jack went through her duties with her (even giving her a list), and Fatima had no problems with anything he required until the end.

When he got to sleeping arrangements, he told her that there was only one bed in the condo, and that she would be expected to sleep with him. That went against everything she had ever been taught, so she flatly refused. “No Sir. I cannot do that.”

“Oh?” he asked. “Do I need to call Madam Sibonga back and tell her to take you home because you refuse to follow my instructions?”

Fatima’s eyes got wide. She realized that if she returned home, her family would be ashamed of her. She paused and then reconsidered. There was no way that she wanted to return home in disgrace. “OK,” she replied. “I will sleep in your bed.”

“Fine,” said Jack. “It doesn’t appear like you have many clothes. You only have a small bag.”

“I am a simple girl,” she replied. “I have never had many clothes. Will that be a problem?”

“No,” Jack replied. “No problem at all, but I will make sure that you have everything you need. Don’t worry. It will be my gift to you and won’t come out of your salary. I will take you shopping tomorrow morning.” That made her smile. Fatima had seldom received any gifts as a child, so maybe Jack was a very good man who would be generous with her. She thought that if he was a Muslim, she might even see him as husband material. Then again, if he had been Muslim, he would probably never have thought to give her a gift.

After dinner, Jack got on his laptop while Fatima washed the dishes and cleaned up the condo a bit. She was still worried about the sleeping arrangements, but she decided that, if her father had agreed to this, then she would do her best to do whatever was required to bring honor to her family. Hopefully, she wouldn’t lose her honor in the process. When Fatima had finished cleaning everything she could think of, she asked if it would be OK for her to get ready for bed.

Jack replied, “Of course. It is still early though. When you are ready for bed, come back and we will watch a movie before bed.” Fatima agreed and went into the CR or comfort room (what Americans call a bathroom) to shower, brush her teeth and her hair, and change into her pajamas. It took her a few moments to figure out the handle on the shower, but she managed. She had never had a shower with anything but cold water before.

When Fatima returned, Jack patted the couch cushion next to him and asked, “What would you like to watch?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “You choose.”

“OK,” he said. “Are there any kinds of movies that you like?”

“Honestly,” she replied. “I haven’t seen very many movies, so whatever you want will be fine.”

Jack decided that it would be best to not scare Fatima, so he opted for the fantasy animation, “How to Train Your Dragon.” She really enjoyed it, and she didn’t seem to mind when he used his arm to draw her closer to his body. Fatima thought the dragons were cute, and Jack laughed when she asked him if dragons were real. “No, Sweetheart,” he replied. “Dragons are just a fantasy. I’m sure that if they were real, they wouldn’t be nearly as nice as the ones in the movie.”

“I suppose that is true,” she replied. “Nothing is ever as nice in real life as it is when you dream of it.”

Jack smiled. “You have great wisdom. Most people don’t understand that. Now, turn down the bed and turn off the lights while I get a shower and shave.”

Fatima did as Jack requested, and was laying on her side facing away from the CR when Jack got into bed behind her. She was surprised when he scooted right up behind her to spoon against her back and wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her back toward him. Because it was such a big bed (king-size), she had thought that they might not even touch during the night, but here he was, pressed right up against her back.

She probably would have been even more scared, if she had realized that Jack always slept in the nude, but she had pajamas on, so she didn’t feel his skin against her body. Jack just leaned over and kissed her behind the ear and whispered, “Good night, Sweetheart.” This was the second time he had called her sweetheart, and Fatima thought that she liked it. Who knew where it might lead?

She simply replied, “Good night, Jack,” and closed her eyes. It was hours later during the middle of the night, when Fatima realized that Jack’s hand was inside of her pajama top and was cupping her breast. At first, she was going to say something, but then she decided that Jack was probably asleep and his hand actually felt good there. She simply closed her eyes again and went back to sleep.

The condo windows faced to the north, so at least they were spared having direct early morning sun light blasting them while they lay in the bed. Even so, it wasn’t long after dawn that Fatima woke and decided that she should get out of bed. Jack’s hand was still cupped over her breast, so she gently lifted it and slid out from under his arm. It wasn’t until then that she realized that Jack was nude in the bed.

At first, Fatima was shocked at his nudity. How had she lain with him all night and not even noticed his lack of clothes? Next, she was amazed that he hadn’t even tried to take her virginity. He had put his hand on her breast, but he hadn’t tried anything else to her knowledge. Lastly, she was curious. Fatima had grown up in a large family, so she had seen boys naked before, but Jack’s cock was a lot bigger than anything she had ever seen before. How would that even fit inside of a woman?

Fatima decided to leave these matters for later, and quickly gathered her clothes to go into the CR for a shower. She was suddenly feeling very hot and sweaty, so a cool shower would feel good. As soon as she entered the CR, she peeled her pajamas off, peed in the toilet, and got into the shower. She was soaping her body when she heard the CR door open.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Jack said. “I needed to pee, and I couldn’t wait,” as he walked over and lifted the lid on the toilet.

Fatima at least had her back to the door, but the glass shower door didn’t do much to hide her body from his eyes. “It’s OK,” she replied. She continued to soap her body, hoping that the suds would at least partially conceal her private bits.

Jack couldn’t help but look. “You are really beautiful,” he stated. “I hope that you are OK with this. Living in such a small condo, we are likely going to see each other nude a lot.”

Fatima was blushing, and the red extended even onto her neck and her breasts. She could see that there was no hope of concealing herself from his eyes, so she turned and replied, “I suppose you are right.”

Jack had no recollection of holding her breast during the night, and he was amazed at how round and full her breasts were as she stood there in the shower. He was also surprised by how little pubic hair she had above her pussy and how smooth it was against her lower tummy. “Would you like to share the shower?” he asked. “I could wash your back.”

Fatima was blushing even deeper. “Is that what you want, Jack?”

“Yes,” he replied. “That is what I want.”

With that, Jack opened the glass shower door and stepped in with Fatima, closing it behind him. He quickly wet himself down and then grabbed the shower gel to start soaping her back. She asked, “Did you only want to wash my back?”

Jack almost choked when he heard this question. “No,” he replied. “I would love to wash you all over.”

“If that is what you want,” Fatima said, and she closed her eyes. Jack started with her shoulders, massaging them to relax her. The tightness in her neck and shoulders started to melt away under Jack’s touch, and he worked the knots out of her muscles. He knew that this was probably a very stressful situation for her, but he wanted her to become comfortable with him, not scared of him.

After her shoulders started to slump a bit, he worked his fingers forward to her upper chest. The tenseness returned momentarily, but it soon faded away as Jack continued to move slowly and cautiously. Soon, he was massaging her shoulders, her upper chest, her back and the sides of her full breasts. Fatima was starting to sigh as Jack’s hands moved around her upper body.

When Jack finally reached around to massage Fatima’s full breasts, she was moaning. He was still moving slowly and tenderly, not wanting her to panic as he brought her closer to total submission. He started to kiss her neck and ear lobes as he massaged her breasts, almost causing her to faint right there in the shower. Fatima had never felt anything like it.

Being a devout Muslim girl, Fatima had never even touched herself in any way that would bring her pleasure, so this was all a complete surprise to her. Jack slowly turned her until she was facing him, her eyes still closed and unaware. She shivered when his lips first touched her nipples, but she let him continue. She had to believe that this would be OK in the end, even though she had no idea where the end might be.

Amazingly, Jack was still washing her body, even as he caressed her. He wanted this to be a wonderful memory that she would always look back on fondly, so he didn’t want anything to spoil that. He knew that she was enjoying him suckling her nipples and his soft caresses over her vulva (even though she jumped at first and opened her eyes momentarily).

That was why, when Fatima started to orgasm (shaking until she could barely stand), he started to rinse her body and back away from her. When all of the body wash was gone from her skin, Jack quickly soaped himself up, so that he, too, would be clean and not just wet. It both surprised and worried Fatima that Jack’s hands and mouth had left her body. He had cleaned her thoroughly, so it was only natural that she would help him clean himself as well.

She opened her eyes at last, and saw that Jack was soaping himself up, so she raised her hands to help him lather up his skin. At first, she only touched his chest. It amazed her that his nipples stiffened much like hers when she swirled the lather over them. It also made her smile. She had to wonder if it caused him as much pleasure as it had her.

Fatima was less than five feet tall, and Jack was over six feet tall, so his nipples were about eye level to her as she faced him. She ran a little water over his chest, and then she leaned in to softly suck on his nipples. He moaned, and as she looked up, she saw that his eyes were closed. That left little doubt that he enjoyed this activity as much as she had. In addition, she felt something hard extending between her legs, so as she sucked his nipples, her hands dropped to explore what she felt against her thighs. Even though she had no experience in sex, she knew that he was excited, so she wasn’t too surprised when his hips thrust forward when her fingers wrapped around his shaft.

She had seen his cock before she had come into the CR, but this felt even bigger than what she remembered. She decided to soap it up and see what happened. Observing his reactions, it obviously caused him a lot of pleasure as she swirled her fingers around his cock and balls. His hips were slowly thrusting and retreating as her hands moved until it was pushing against her navel.

Fatima had an idea that she could make it feel even better for both of them by sliding his cock between her legs as he continued to thrust. She was right. As his cock started to slide against her vulva, it sent electrical shocks through her body, and from his reaction, he felt them too. She totally surrendered herself to the sensations, and all of her religious training was forgotten as the feelings grew stronger.

It really surprised Jack when Fatima had pulled his cock up against her pussy. He wasn’t expecting this shy little Muslim girl to actually initiate anything, but he was delighted nonetheless. He slowly thrust his cock into that small gap just below her vulva. He still didn’t want to cause her any pain, but pain wasn’t what she appeared to be experiencing anyway.

Jack could feel her small hands still caressing his cock as she slid it over her vulva, pressing the head of his cock against her clitoris and vaginal entrance each time he thrust forward. He was content to just let this continue as it was, so it surprised him when she pressed even harder against his cock, causing it to bump against her vaginal entrance repeatedly.

Fatima couldn’t get over how good it felt to have his cockhead sliding against her pussy, and it only seemed natural that it would feel even better if she pressed it even more into her vulva. It surprised her, as well, when the tip of his cock pressed against her vaginal entrance, but it still felt good, so she continued pressing him against herself as his hips continued to slowly thrust.

Jack decided to just let her continue and see where this might lead. He certainly wanted to eventually make love to Fatima, but he didn’t want to rush her. This, however, was different. She was taking the initiative, pressing his cock firmly into her vaginal entrance, so he decided to just let her do as she pleased.

Fatima could barely stand the pleasure she was feeling as his cock repeatedly bumped into her vaginal entrance. She wanted to feel even more, and she felt a strange urge to rock her hips every time his cock pressed against her vaginal entrance. She finally succumbed to the urges, and the next time his cock pressed against her, Fatima rocked her hips and pressed back down against his cock.

The results would have been predictable, if she would have had any idea about what was to come. The tip of his cock slipped through the tiny hole in her hymen and into her vagina, tearing her barrier and ending her virginity forever. She felt a small sting as his cock entered her, but she also felt his cock filling her with warmth.

The pain only lasted a second, and then all she felt was the warmth and pleasure inside of her. She paused for a moment, and then pressed against him even harder. Jack felt this, and even though he hadn’t expected this, he thrust even more of his cock up into her.

Fatima gasped as she felt his cock surging up into her vagina. She had always thought that sex was painful for women, but the tiny pain she had felt was more like a small paper cut, and even it was quickly fading from her memory. All she was feeling now was pleasure. She wondered why this was forbidden in her religion, that women were not supposed to feel pleasure. How could something that felt so good be wrong? It made her question her beliefs.

Jack felt his cock slide all the way into her and reacted by lifting her up against the shower wall with his arms under her legs, and pressing his cock even harder into her. He could feel his cockhead pressing firmly against her cervix with each thrust, and he savored the feeling. He withdrew a little and pressed in even deeper.

Fatima’s mouth fell open as she gasped in pleasure. She couldn’t believe that this was happening. Yesterday, she had been a pristine virgin, and this morning she was rutting like a common whore. What had come over her? Had she lost her mind? Was this a dream? At first, she thought it might be a dream, but she couldn’t remember any dream that had felt so real or so good.

Jack started to stroke in and out of her pussy with force. It was too late to hold back now. She had already committed them both to continuing to the end, wherever that might lead them. Her pussy felt so good around his cock as it easily slid in and out of her. From the look on her face, she was feeling as much pleasure as he was, so there was no reason to stop or even slow down.

Fatima was now in a corner of the shower, her head against his shoulder as his cock pummeled her vagina over and over again. Even the water running over their bodies felt good to her, and she had never before experienced anything that felt this good as his cock drove her crazy. The orgasm she felt when he was touching her was nothing compared to what was building in her body now.

Jack could see the pleasure on her face, so he started into his final drive to climax. His cock was now repeatedly sliding all the way into her and almost all the way out. Her hips were rocking in time to his thrusts, causing their bodies to slap together with every thrust. He could feel his seed rising in his balls as he watched her come unglued at the seams with her climax. A few more deep thrusts, and his cock was pressed firmly against her cervix, pumping his seed directly into her womb as she orgasmed around his cock.

Both of them were wracked by convulsions as Jack unloaded spurt after spurt of his seed into her body. She wasn’t even conscious of what was happening inside of her. She was completely consumed by the pleasure she was feeling and had no idea that he was inseminating her.

When they both finally came down from their highs, Jack gently lowered her to the floor. “Wow,” she gasped. “I have never felt anything like that.”

“Yes,” he replied. “That was pretty good.”

Fatima suddenly became aware that fluids were running out of her pussy, and she was embarrassed. She assumed that the fluids must have been hers, and she hastened to clean them up before Jack noticed. Of course, he knew exactly where the fluids had come from, since he had emptied his balls into her only moments before. Jack stopped her frantic scrubbing and pulled her in for a kiss.

At first, Fatima was surprised by the kiss. She had no experience with kissing, so it startled her when his tongue entered her lips. However, she soon realized that kissing was also pleasurable, and she started kissing him back, their tongues dancing from one mouth to the other.

When Jack finally broke the kiss, Fatima just stood there in shock. The enormity of what they had done hit her like a brick to the side of her head. She had kissed a man. She had sex with him as well. She had lost her virginity. She was a ruined woman, and here she was, standing naked and wet, wrapped in the arms of a man she barely knew in his shower. What more could happen? A tear came to her eye. She couldn’t help it, and she couldn’t hide it. It rolled down her cheek and onto her breast.

“Hey,” Jack said as he lifted her chin. “You should be happy, not sad. You are a woman now, and you have found your man.”

Fatima looked into his eyes. “Are you going to be my man?” Here she was, thinking that her life had just ended, and Jack made it sound like it was just a new life beginning.

“Fatima,” he replied. “As long as you treat me like you just did, I will always be your man. Don’t worry. I will take care of you, and you will never have to worry about anything except how to bring us both pleasure.”

“Are you going to marry me?” she asked.

“Maybe someday,” he replied. “For now, we can live together and see how it goes.”

That sounded to her like there might be a chance that this could end happily ever after. She leaned up to him and kissed him softly on the lips. “I will try my best to make you happy and give you pleasure. I have never felt anything so good in my life.”

Jack pushed open the shower door and grabbed big, fluffy bath towels for both of them. “What do you say we take this back to the bed?” he asked.

Fatima nodded and headed into the bedroom. Once there, she backed up against the side of the bed and she pulled him down on her as she lay back. Her legs naturally opened to allow his hips to settle between them. Jack leaned down to kiss her again, this time taking his time and fully exploring her mouth with his tongue. She started sucking on his tongue, causing his cock to harden between her legs.

She wrapped her legs around Jack, trying to pull him into her. He was completely willing to be in her, and after his cock connected with her vaginal entrance, a small thrust was all that was required to make them one again. She felt his cock enter her, and although there seemed to be a bit of soreness, she pushed against his cock, helping it to sink into her depths.

Fatima had decided that her future lay with Jack, and she was resolved to do everything in her power to make him happy. Even though she had no experience with sex, her instincts were strong, and her body seemed to innately know what to do. Her hips rocked in time to his thrusts, and his cock was quickly buried in her core.

Jack continued to kiss her deeply as his cock sank into Fatima’s pussy. There simply was no pleasure on Earth that measured up to the feeling a man felt as his cock slid into a virgin pussy. OK, she was no longer technically a virgin, but his cock still felt like it was in a virgin pussy. As he continued to thrust deep into her vagina, she pushed back against him, causing his cock to repeatedly press against her cervix.

That felt so good to him, and she enjoyed the feeling as well. Fatima gasped as his cock pressed against her cervix. She could feel it buried deep inside of her body, and it felt so good. She moaned and closed her eyes as a warm, tingling feeling spread over her senses.

Jack pulled up on her knees, pulling her hips up with him and causing the alignment to change between their bodies. If it was possible, it felt like his cock sank even deeper into her pussy. He quickly withdrew and then slammed his cock deep into her again and again. Each thrust was a little harder and a little deeper than the previous thrusts, until his cock was bottoming out with every thrust.

Fatima was loving it, and she started to orgasm as his cock pummeled her cervix over and over again. This time, she felt it as Jack emptied his balls deep in her pussy, his cock firmly pressed against her cervix, and spurt after spurt of his seed shooting through her cervix and deep into her womb.

She knew what this meant. She would likely get pregnant with Jack’s baby, and he would have to marry her. That thought made her happy, which was funny because only yesterday, the thought of marriage had not even entered her mind. Now, she started to wonder what her baby would look like. Would it be pretty like her or handsome like Jack?

Fatima suddenly felt very tired, but when Jack went to roll off of her, she held on and rolled with him. She wanted the connection between them to remain as long as possible. Jack knew what this meant. She had completely accepted him as her man. There was nothing he could ask her to do that she wouldn’t do.

Right now, though, all she wanted to do was to lay on top of him, her legs straddling his hips, and his cock still buried deep inside of her pussy. They fell asleep like that. Jack enjoyed having her body wrapped around him like this, and he resolved that every night would end in this position. He couldn’t think of a better way to sleep.

When they woke, it was mid-morning. Jack’s cock had softened and fallen out of her pussy, and she woke to the feeling of his cum running out of her pussy. She realized that the fluid running out of her in the shower was probably his cum as well, and that he had probably impregnated her then. That made her smile. She didn’t know why, but the thought of having his baby pleased her.

Fatima had been raised to believe that women were born to be mothers, and that giving birth and raising children was the highest calling for any woman. She doubted that Jack would allow her to raise their children as Muslim, so she decided to just conform to whatever Jack believed. It would be easier.

As Jack woke from his slumber, Fatima surprised him with a deep kiss. She was still straddling his hips, and it wasn’t long before his cock woke up as well. She felt him start to harden, and she started to slide her pussy over his cock as she kissed him. Once his cock was wet with her juices, she reached between them to once again guide his cock into her vaginal entrance.

Jack pushed his cock up into her vagina, once again feeling her tight, wet vaginal walls hugging his cockhead as it slid into her depths. He could definitely get used to this. Fatima sat up, forcing her pussy down on his cock, and causing it to sink fully into her body. She started to bounce up and down on him, causing a wonderful friction in her vagina as his cock slid in and out of her body.

“Do you like doing this with me?” he asked.

“I love it,” she replied. “I will spend the rest of my life doing this with you.”

“That was what I wanted to hear,” he said. I want you to be with me and I want a part of me to always be a part of you.”

Fatima continued to bounce up and down on Jack’s cock, loving how it seemed to hit new places inside of her that had never before been touched. She thought for a moment about what Jack had said. If he inseminated her, he would definitely be a permanent part of her. She wondered if that was what he wanted. “Are you making me pregnant, Jack?”

Jack smiled as she continued to bounce up and down on his cock. “Would that make you happy?” he asked.

Fatima grinned from ear to ear. “Yes. I would love that. I love babies.”

“Then that is what we should do,” he replied. “Lat’s make babies.” Amazingly, Fatima was already orgasming on his cock, and it was only seconds before he joined her by shooting spurt after spurt of his seed deep into her womb. “I have no idea where you are in your cycle, but one of these times should do the job. You will get pregnant if we continue to do this. There is no doubt about that.”

After Fatima’s pussy had milked every possible drip of seed out of Jack’s cock, she slid off to the side. “I should make breakfast,” she said. “It is already getting late.”

Jack looked at his watch. “Why don’t we just go to the mall for breakfast? I told you that we would buy you some new clothes, so this will give us an excuse to go to the mall. Let’s get a shower, and then we can go.”

Fatima looked at him and asked, “Are you sure that you just want a shower? You look like you might get hard again.”

“Well,” he replied. “Let’s wash each other and just see what else might come up.”

She grabbed his cock and led him into the CR. Both of them went into the shower, and Jack turned on the water. Of course, Fatima thought that he might want more, so she spent extra time washing his cock and balls. “Would you like to take care of this before we leave for the mall?” she asked, pointing at his hard cock.

“Yes,” he replied, and with that, he lifted her onto his cock and up against the shower wall. It helped that Fatima didn’t weigh much at all, because it meant that Jack could lift her with ease. Fatima reached down between them to line his cock up with her vaginal entrance.

It slipped into her easily, and she marveled at how penetration got easier every time they coupled. Several minutes of her bouncing up and down on Jack’s cock, and he was depositing more of his seed into her womb. They would never have to wait on Fatima’s orgasms. She normally came three or four times before Jack came, and this time was no exception. Jack had never met such a multi-orgasmic woman before.

They washed again, rinsed and dried off before getting dressed. One nice thing about living in a condominium high-rise was that there was almost always a taxi waiting nearby. By the time they made it to the front door, there was a taxi waiting for them. A quick trip, and they arrived at the mall. Since both of them were hungry, they first stopped at a restaurant for a late breakfast / early lunch.

Fatima had never been in a large mall before, and she was amazed at how many stores, restaurants and shops it contained. She commented, “A person could easily get lost in here.”

Jack laughed. “I suppose that is possible. We will go shopping after we eat, and then you can see just how many shops there really are here.”

They ate a leisurely meal and then got started. First, Jack took her to dress boutiques, where he picked out several sundresses for her to try on. She complained that her bra would show, but he told her that from now on she wouldn’t wear a bra unless he told her to.

She agreed reluctantly. Fatima didn’t want to lose Jack over a bra, but she felt uncomfortable going out without a bra. She decided that she would have to get used to it. After all, Jack was the one buying her clothes, so she would wear them the way he wanted her to wear them. By the time they were done visiting boutiques, she was wearing a strapless sundress and carrying several more in bags. One of her new dresses had puffy sleeves for dress-up occasions. The rest were sundresses with no sleeves and fitted bodices. Some had spaghetti straps and others were strapless.

Next, they visited shoe stores. Jack bought her several pairs of shoes of various types. She had pumps, flats and sandals to match all of her new dresses. Lastly, Jack took Fatima to a lingerie shop where he bought her a dozen pairs of seamless panties, one lacy bra, and a couple of sexy, sheer nighties.

Of course, he had Fatima try everything on at every shop and model it for him before he bought anything. The only shop where that would have been a problem was the lingerie shop, but he agreed to only have her try on one pair of seamless panties before he bought a dozen pairs. They did the same with lace thongs. He had the sales girl actually fit Fatima for a lace bra to wear with her fancy dress, and then had the sales girl put it on Fatima while he watched. The sales girl blushed as brightly as Fatima did on that one. There had to be a lot of touching to properly fit the bra, and it was all done while Jack watched.

They made one last stop at the department store for toiletries and makeup. It was the first time Fatima had worn makeup, so Jack had three of the sales girls in the makeup area teach her how to apply it properly. When Fatima left the mall, she looked and felt like a new woman. She had never looked so elegant in her life, with a sexy dress, three-inch heels and new panties underneath and a freshly made-up face and a dark red polish on her fingernails and toenails. She barely recognized herself when she looked in a full-length mirror before leaving the department store.

“Do you like the way I look now, Jack?” she asked.

“Sweetheart,” he responded, “I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my life. I can hardly wait to get home and make love to you.”

“Shhhh…” she interrupted. “Don’t say that so loud the taxi driver can hear.”

“Why would I care what he thinks?” he asked. “We will probably never see him again.”

“Oh,” she replied. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“There is only one person in this world who you need to please,” he said, “And that person is me. It doesn’t matter at all what anybody else thinks. That should make your life much easier.”

“OK, Jack,” she replied.

When they arrived at the high-rise, the doorman opened the door and let them in. Fatima noticed that his eyes never left her until they and their bags were in the elevator. “I guess I must be sexy,” she thought to herself.

As soon as they were back in their condo, Jack asked, “Could you change into one of your new nighties for me?”

Fatima hadn’t expected that, but she wanted to please Jack in any way that she could. “OK,” she replied. “What should I do with my new clothes?”

Jack helped carry the bags into the bedroom. Setting them on the bed, he cleared part of the closet to hang her dresses and cleared out one of his drawers for her lingerie. He told her to put her new shoes in the bottom of the closet.

It didn’t take Fatima long to put away all of her new things. Then, she took one of the sexy nighties into the CR to get a shower and get changed. Five minutes later, she walked back out into the bedroom, where Jack was lying naked on the bed. “Come here, Beautiful” he commanded.

Fatima quickly made her way across the top of the bed until she was straddling Jack’s hips. He immediately noticed her lack of panties when he felt her wetness on his skin. “Why no panties?” he asked.

“Well,” she began. “The panties that came with this were so small they didn’t really cover anything, so I just thought, what’s the point? You would probably just take them off anyway.”

“How right you are,” he replied. “Not having any panties on saves time, and you look super sexy without them anyway. Now, rub that wet pussy against my cock until it is all wet, and then line me up and slide your pussy down over my cock without using your hands.”

Fatima smiled at the challenge he had given her. Sliding her pussy over his cock was easy. It fit really nicely in her slit. But she thought that putting it inside her vagina might be more difficult. She worried for nothing. Once Jack’s cock was totally wet, it was also lifting up from is tummy, putting it at the perfect angle to enter her. As soon as the tip touched her vaginal entrance, it slid right in with no problem. From this, she learned that perceived obstacles were not always real obstacles.

Once Jack’s cock was completely buried in her pussy, Fatima leaned down to kiss him deeply. There was something about French kissing while making love that made both activities even better. She was enjoying herself so much that she was barely able to keep his cock contained. Several times, she had to readjust his cock to realign it with her vaginal entrance and slide down over it without using her hands. It wasn’t always as easy as it might seem, but it was actually fun for both of them.

Jack reached up under her nightie to play with her breasts. Men are naturally attracted to women’s breasts. It doesn’t matter whether their breasts are big or small. They will still attract a man. Nobody has ever adequately explained why that is, but it is true. After squeezing them for a while, Jack pulled Fatima’s breasts toward his mouth, where he could suckle her nipples while she continued to bounce up and down on his cock.

Having Jack suckling on her nipples sent Fatima over the edge, and from that point on, she was orgasming constantly. Jack’s cock was being milked as Fatima’s vaginal walls spasmed during her orgasms, so he couldn’t last long either, and he was soon pumping spurt after spurt of his seed deep into her womb again.

“You are extremely sexy in that nightie,” Jack declared. “I’ve decided that I want you to wear a sexy nightie like this to bed every night, so we may need to buy more. I may have to order you several nighties online.”

“Thank you, Jack,” she replied as she continued to lay on top of his chest. Her pussy was still filled with Jack’s cock, and she didn’t want to lose that connection until it became impossible to maintain. Fatima had been very apprehensive about living with Jack at first, but now she couldn’t imagine any other life.

It was getting late, and Jack started getting hungry. When Fatima heard Jack’s tummy rumble (her ear was against his chest), she lifted up and told him, “I will fix dinner. Is there anything special you would like?”

“No,” he replied. “But there are some cookbooks on a shelf in the kitchen. I would love it if you try some of those recipes over time. Tonight, though, you should probably just look to see what ingredients we have available in the refrigerator and cupboards.”

Fatima went into the CR to clean herself up before she started cooking, but she decided to keep the nightie on. She did, however, put the matching thong on to hold any drips inside.

After searching for available ingredients, Fatima asked, “Would burritos be OK? I think we have everything I need to make some really good burritos and Spanish rice.”

“Wow,” Jack answered. “I wasn’t expecting that, but it sounds great. Where did you learn how to make burritos?”

Fatima smiled. “My mother is actually a very good cook, and she taught me a lot over the years. She thinks that all girls should know how to cook.”

“I think I would like your mother,” he replied. “Maybe I will meet her someday.”

She smiled again. “That would make me very happy. I’m sure that she would like you too.”

Fatima sang to herself the whole time she was cooking dinner, and Jack was listening the whole time. She had a beautiful voice, and Jack knew that he would enjoy hearing her sing as she worked in their home in the future.

Jack didn’t have a job per se. Instead, he managed a portfolio of investments he had put together for himself before leaving the US. Jack had made a lot of money in tech before he was 35, so when a large tech company offered to buy him out, he decided that it was time to change careers. Now, he only had to track stocks and mutual funds, buying and selling as appropriate.

He had long ago become disillusioned with most American women. They seemed to only care about themselves and had few of the traditional traits that Jack considered essential for a good wife. To Jack, it seemed almost impossible to find a woman with traditional values in the US, which was why Jack came to the Philippines. Here, women with traditional values were the norm and not the exception.

Fatima was definitely a woman with traditional values. Even though Jack had initially recruited Fatima as a domestic helper, he was quickly re-evaluating where she might fit into his life. However, Jack had learned long ago that people are not always what they first seem. Therefore, it was always better to let relationships develop slowly over time. Until it seemed appropriate, Jack wanted to leave things as they were. After all, he was truly enjoying his life as it was.

Of course, if Fatima got pregnant, that would change everything. Jack considered himself a man of honor, and if God decided to give them a baby, then he would take that as a sign to formalize his relationship with Fatima. Besides, the more he learned about Fatima, the more he liked her.

Jack was impressed with dinner. The smothered burritos, salad and Spanish rice were equal to the best he had ever eaten, and he was quite a fan of Mexican food. “Sweetheart, if you continue to make me delicious food like this, I may have to keep you around for a long time.”

“Oh,” she replied. “I hope so.” After dinner, Fatima quickly cleaned the kitchen and the dishes while Jack once more worked on his laptop. When she was finished up, she went back to the CR to freshen up before bed. She was already wearing a nightie, but she decided to shower and then change into her other new nightie afterwards.

Jack decided to shop online while Fatima was in the CR, and he was able to find several sexy nighties there that appealed to him, and he bought several more sundresses as well. By the time she came out, he had finished his order and was awaiting an email confirming an arrival date for his purchase. Most online purchases like this were already in-country, and only took a few days for them to ship and arrive.

When he went into the bedroom, Fatima was already lying on the bed in her sexy new nightie. Jack decided that he should also shower, so that he would be fresh for Fatima. A few minutes later, he emerged with a towel wrapped around his waist, and he saw Fatima lying there with her arms outstretched in welcome. It made him smile.

Jack crawled to the center of the bed, hovering over Fatima’s beautiful body, and asked, “Would you like to remove my towel for me?” She immediately reached up and did so. Again, she had not put on the thong with her new nightie, so when Jack lowered his body to hers, his cock immediately found its home at her vaginal entrance.

Fatima felt his cock touch her entrance, and she quickly spread her legs to grant it access to her depths. He rubbed his cock across her vulva, but then he backed off. This confused her. She had expected immediate penetration.

Instead, Jack slid down her body until his mouth was even with her nipples, pulling her nightie up to reveal her breasts to him. His lips touched her nipples, and he sucked each of them into his mouth. While suckling, Jack pushed her nightie all the way up and over her head, and she finally figured it out that he wanted it off and removed it completely.

Jack liked sexy nighties, but only as a starting point. He preferred skin-to-skin contact, and Fatima’s skin was perfect. Her flawless, smooth, caramel-colored skin and her brown nipples were exactly what he preferred in a woman. He thought that Filipinas had to be about the sexiest women on Earth, and Fatima was one of the sexiest Filipinas he had met.

He suckled at Fatima’s breasts until she was squirming in pleasure and moaning. Then, he kissed his way down her body to her pussy and licked the length of her vulva. This startled her at first because she hadn’t expected it. She had never even heard that a man would want to do this to a woman.

She jumped at first, both startled at the new feeling and shocked by his actions. “NO,” she cried. It is dirty there.”

Jack laughed. “It isn’t dirty here. This is where heaven resides, and the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of your pussy all attract me to you. Just relax and let me pleasure you. I promise that it will be wonderful.”

“Oh,” she sighed, as he licked her vulva again, this time including a swipe across her clitoris. Jack already knew how easily Fatima orgasmed, so he wasn’t too surprised when she started spasming under him. A steady stream of rich lubricant was flowing from her vagina as he worked her clitoris with his tongue over and over again. His fingers penetrated her vagina, and he curled them to stroke her G-spot, sending her into a constant state of orgasm, and causing her body to buck so hard that it was impossible for him to continue.

“My God,” she cried out, and then she collapsed into a pile, unable to even move. “That was too much,” she sighed. “I have never felt anything like that.”

Jack kissed his way back up her body as she recovered, stopping to suckle her nipples, before pulling her into a deep French kiss. His cock was extremely hard, and Fatima spread her legs to allow it to enter her inner sanctum. He slid right in, sinking immediately into her depths. His forward momentum didn’t stop until his cock was firmly pressed against her cervix.

Fatima couldn’t believe how good and natural Jack’s cock felt deep in her body. She felt it every time his cockhead pressed against her cervix, stretching the entry to her womb and demanding entrance. She loved the feeling of being stretched deep inside of her body, and she wished his cock could deposit his seed directly into her womb. Every time he thrust into her, Fatima pressed back against him, hoping that his cock would penetrate even further into her core.

She hadn’t stopped cumming since Jack brought her to climax with his tongue and fingers, and she was still spasming as his cock pummeled her depths. Her vaginal walls milked his cock every time he thrust it into her, and it didn’t take long before he was shooting stream after stream of his seed deep into her womb.

Jack collapsed on top of Fatima after his load was spent, unable to still support himself above her. His lips found hers, and even both of them were short of breath, they kissed each other deeply. “I love you, Jack,” she said.

“I know,” he replied. He tried to roll to the side, but once again, she rolled with him, maintaining their connection. They ended up laying on their sides, face-to-face, with her legs wrapped around his waist and his cock still trapped in her wet pussy. That was how they fell asleep.

Fatima woke a couple of hours later, finding that his cock had slipped out of her. She unwrapped her legs from his waist and slid out from his embrace. She made a quick trip to the CR to clean herself, and put her nightie back on, and then she took a damp towel back to the bed to clean Jack.

Once she felt good about the situation, she put her back against him and fell asleep with his hand cupping her breast. Fatima had decided that she liked this sleeping position. It made her feel secure and loved. She slept peacefully like that until morning.

Jack was not really an early riser. He never had been. Therefore, it was likely that Fatima would likely always wake before him in the morning. Fatima actually liked that, It gave her time to straighten up the condo and cook breakfast before he woke, which was exactly what she did this morning.

She set the tray down on the bed in front of him, and then leaned down to kiss him. “Good morning, Jack.” She whispered in his ear. If he hadn’t opened his eyes to see the food laid out in front of him, he probably would have rolled over to make love to her. As it was, his breakfast was laid out in front of him on a tray, and he realized that he was hungry.

“Good morning, Sweetheart,” he responded. “What have you done?”

“Well, she replied. “I woke up, and I thought I would make us some breakfast. It is cheaper than eating at restaurants all the time, and you like my cooking anyway.”

“That I do,” he said. “That I do.” He sat up and Fatima handed him a plate and silverware, so he could take what he wanted. Muslim women were used to eating after their men had their fill, so she waited until he dished up what he wanted before she picked up a plate for herself. Jack noticed this, and realized what she was doing, so he always made sure that he never took more than his share at meals from then on. He never wanted her to go without because he had been greedy.

Jack took a bite, smiled and said, “Fatima, this is wonderful. You have gone above and beyond what I had expected, and you continue to pleasantly surprise me every day. I have no idea where our relationship will go over time, but if you keep this up, I’m sure that it will only grow stronger.”

Fatima was very happy. She replied, “Jack, I hope that our relationship will last my entire life, and I will do anything I can to make sure that happens.” They ate their breakfast mostly in quiet, but Jack commented every once in a while, “Wow. That is good,” which made Fatima even happier.

When they finished their breakfast, Jack got on his laptop, and Fatima cleaned dishes and the kitchen. When she was finished, she came back into the bedroom and said, “Jack, we need to do some grocery shopping. I have made a list of things we need.”

“OK,” he replied. Right now, I can think of something else I would rather do.”

Of course, Fatima knew immediately what he wanted, so she just crawled across the bed to straddle his thighs. “Whatever you want is what I want too,” she whispered in his ear.

“Well,” he replied, cupping her breasts with his hands, “What is right in front of me is what I want.”

She sighed, “It’s the same for me.”

Jack once again pulled her nightie up and off, leaving her in just her thong. She quickly remedied that, and her pussy was dripping on his cock. “Take me,” she said.

What was a gentleman to do? He directed his cock to her vaginal entrance and pulled her down, impaling her on his cock. Her eyes opened wide as she gasped in shock. Even though she liked it, the sudden intrusion took her breath away.

She recovered quickly, though, and Fatima immediately started bouncing up and down on Jack’s cock, spearing herself repeatedly and loving every minute of it. Some love-making sessions last a long time. Others don’t. Fatima started orgasming on his cock almost immediately, and Jack couldn’t hold out. He felt his seed rise in his balls, and then he was pumping his seed deep into her pussy, pressing in as hard as he could.

“Oh, God!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe how good that feels.”

“Let’s rest for just a little while,” he said. “And then we can go to a grocery store.”

Fatima leaned down over him and closed her eyes, keeping his cock firmly embedded in her pussy. She was soon asleep. Living with Jack was very tiring, and she wasn’t getting enough sleep. Jack loved having this little woman laying on top of her. She was so light that he never really felt much weight.

They woke about two hours later. Actually, he woke to Fatima kissing him. When she realized that he was awake, she broke the kiss and suggested that they get a shower and go shopping. He nodded his assent, and they both headed for the shower.

A short taxi ride later found them at a supermarket. Fatima noticed immediately that the prices were much higher than she was used to when shopping at market areas back home. She asked, “Are there open markets here in the city? If there is, I can buy things for a lot less money there.”

Jack told her about the market in Carbon, and asked if she would like to go there that afternoon. She replied that she did. Jack told her that they should buy at least all of the canned goods and meat on her list at the supermarket, and then she could buy fresh fruits, vegetables and fish at the market. He had been to the Carbon Market before, and he wasn’t impressed with how they kept their meat out.

They finished their shopping at the supermarket, and then went home for lunch. Jack offered to help her put things away, but Fatima told him, “If I don’t put things away, then I won’t know where they are.” Jack couldn’t argue with that, so he retired to the bedroom to work on his laptop until lunch was ready.

It seemed like time flew, and Fatima asked Jack if he would rather eat at the table or on the bed. He chose the table, so they both went to the kitchen, and Fatima brought the plates of food over to the table.

When she sat down, Jack took her hand and said, “Thank you. This looks wonderful.”

“It isn’t anything, really,” she replied. “It is just Philly cheese steak sandwiches. When I found the crusty bread at the bakery, I knew that I wanted to make them for you.”

“This is delicious,” he said. “Why go out for meals when the food at home is so good? I predict that we will be eating at home a lot.”

Fatima smiled. “That is perfect. I enjoy cooking for you, and we can eat for a lot less at home.”

“What amazes me is that you know how to cook anything other than Filipino food,” Jack commented. “Most Filipinas don’t know how to make anything more complicated than adobo and rice. You seem to have quite a lot more that you like to cook. That makes me really happy because I couldn’t survive on a strictly Filipino diet. It would be too boring.

“Thank you for the compliment,” she replied. “I am still learning, but my mother told me to never be afraid to try new things, so I do. I like trying new recipes, and I will look through your cookbooks on the shelf to find interesting dishes.”

When Jack finished his lunch, he leaned over and gave Fatima a kiss on the lips. “That was delicious. If you keep that up, I will be addicted to your cooking.”

As soon as Fatima cleaned up after lunch, she and Jack took a taxi to Carbon Market. Fatima quickly realized that the vendors were raising their prices if they saw Jack, so she told him to just sit at a café and have a drink while she shopped. Jack was astounded when she told him how much less she was able to buy things for with him not around. He resolved that, in the future, he would just give her the money, and he would sit at the café to wait for her. She could bring her purchases to him periodically, so she wouldn’t have to carry them all over the market.

After a couple of weeks, Jack found that he was saving more money on food than Fatima was costing him in salary and clothes. It was a very good bargain indeed. After the first few weeks, life settled into something of a routine, but it was definitely a routine that Jack liked. He was eating great (and even gaining a little weight) and was provided with sex multiple times per day. Fatima treated Jack like he was her king, and he was becoming very spoiled.

For his part, Jack tried to do something nice for Fatima every day. He took her to a new movie at the mall theaters one day, and found out that she really enjoyed it. He also bought her little gifts to show his appreciation for the things she did for him.

Fatima fell more and more in love with Jack. She no longer cared that he wasn’t a Muslim. He was her true love. She would give up anything for him. Nothing else compared to how she felt about him. She would give up religion, family, or anything else to stay with him. She was totally in love with him.

About five weeks after Fatima moved in, she started feeling nauseous every morning. At first, she thought it was just some kind of flu bug or something, but then Jack asked if she thought she might be pregnant. He suggested that they stop at a pharmacy to pick up some pregnancy tests. They did, and when they got home, she peed on one of the test strips. It came out with clear lines on it. She was pregnant.

Fatima was worried about how Jack would feel, but she didn’t need to worry. He gave her a deep kiss when she told him. He pulled her close and told her, “As long as I am always your number one priority, and you don’t put our children above me, then I will be happy. Please don’t ever let having children ruin our sex life. That would be a tragedy, and I would have problems then. Other than that, have all of the children that you want.”

“You will always be my first love and my first priority,” she replied. “Nothing will ever come between us.”

“Then we are good,” he said. “I hope that you realize that there is no problem with having sex even when you are pregnant because I will want to have sex with you right up until the baby is born. Then, we can take a couple of weeks break from sex after the baby is born, so your pussy can heal, and then sex will be OK again. Oh, and I look forward to tasting your mother’s milk during the time when you are nursing the baby. Is that OK with you?”

“Yes, Jack,” she replied. “That is fine with me. I love you, and I want to please you. You will always be my number one, and my body belongs to you, so whatever you want to do will be OK.”

“OK then,” he said. “Let’s make love and celebrate.” Fatima crawled up over Jack and kissed him.

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