Or worst case, where these could quite easily get out of control, from the masseuse side, from the receiver side, someone who has their thoughts run away or particularly if you have a surreptitious bad actor (“…Who Me?!”).
Oil only comes into play once you get into harder skin on skin contact, so there is no chance to inadvertently deliver friction burns on sensitive skin. For what I’m doing right now, a light, unoiled hand is the best, allowing my hands to glide over the skin and feel for disturbances within the structures below. All muscles should have a clean path going from point of connection to point of destination. You’re able to sense even the slightest anomaly within the muscle structure by using a light touch.
As expected, I wasn’t finding anything with your upper back other than common knotting between and around the shoulder blades. This is typically where stress is carried and is the first and last place encountered during the massage. It gets hit twice to ensure that the muscles are smoothed out; once initially, allowing for the muscles to release, then unfortunately contract again, with the second pass where more focus is applied, because it’s the one that will be associated with the lasting impression. Sort of like why we eat sweets after a great meal, we walk away having a memorable pleasant dining experience, yet we tend to remember the dessert more fondly.
As I moved down there was some knotting on your lower back which is quite common for females and does require a different technique to really work out. I noted this and moved on attributing it to heavy collegiate workload. Sliding over your body including your majestic gluteus maximus, I felt around on your quads and followed it down to your calves and even the muscle outside of your instep. I started from your feet and worked my way up focusing on following the attention access and bloodline to make sure that you got the best results.
I resisted the temptation to do light touches on your feet in case you were ticklish, that’s never any good thing when you’re supposed to be relaxing, if you are jerked out of a relaxing mindset, by an inadvertent tickle. Once we were ready for the heavier muscle-work, I took a bottle of farm-raised, non-GMO, organic, free-pasture oil that I picked up from the local YuppyMart and poured some in my hands before rubbing my hands together to get some warmth into it.
It is important to ensure that the body isn’t slapped with cold oil, that’s just a rude shock and no one needs that. Using my now lightly oiled hands, I rubbed firmly and slowly across your skeletal and muscular structures resolving any of the knots or encumbrances that I encountered along the way. Following up to the calf I used deep needing exercises to really work on the muscles in a way that started lightly and progressed slowly into more firm pressure. I was pleased to hear you making sounds that were positive affirmation that I was hitting the right spot with the right amount of pressure – pretty hot, TBH.
Once I was satisfied with your calves for this pass, I began again working on your hamstrings. I was lost in thought of the type of work that you do, concocted purely upon conjecture and by piecing together possible causes based on which muscles were tighter than others. Whenever I near your erogenous zones throughout your body, I provide you with a warning through firmly applied pressure, so as not to be mistaken for mischievously trying to excite you. Because you could feel where my hands were going, it gave you time mentally to prepare for the impending touch.
However, against my best efforts, and parallel to my experience, I couldn’t help but notice, perhaps only within my imagination, that you were actively working on a counter-productive goal. Your breathing had increased in pace, deepened in capacity, and little soft affirming noises were coming from you, perhaps unintentionally? This sounded so cute, like the “mews” of kittens, as they are experiencing the world around them anew. I did indeed want to provide you erotic pleasure, but only after I had soothed your aching muscles could I really get down to work.
Attempting to abide by the professional affirmations, I was not intentionally trying to stir your passion. However, no human (especially male) with an active heart-beat could prevent these thoughts from crossing their minds when they have a fully disrobed, sexually attractive lady laying underneath and graciously allowing for such an intimate touch to happen. I was in both heaven and hell; it was a battle of conscience in a three way “tug-of-war” where the Good, Bad, and “Ol’ Dirty Bastard” were trying to convince me why each was such a good idea. ODB eventually won out with the key phrase ringing in my head of “Go knock something loose, Tiger!”
Based on all of my experience, your body was displaying all of the signs of arousal and I was truly apprehensive about your potential response: There are always two paths diverging from a single decision within a set reality – one path that goes with your preference and one that goes against it. Being a man in my condition of arousal, I was not looking forward to the drive home with such a turid protuberance, refusing to subside and who was mimicking “The Club©” Anti-Theft device on the steering wheel. Sulking and angrily dismissive that I hadn’t fought harder to bring him into play, as if “Jim” were a petulant quarterback prodigy being benched during the key football game, whose skills outclassed his personality.
There was barely a sense that escaped being encaptivated by the primal signals displayed. Sight would be the least charged, as there were no outwardly visible signs that you had let your body embrace my touch. However, the remaining senses (unfortunately, excluding taste) were in full-alert and keen on the signals being given: my ears picked up the contented utterances you made with amazing affect, my hands had the most pleasure by receiving the remaining information coming from your body – the way that it had relaxed and was passionately awaiting the next movement, the heat it was generating throughout the touch and most noticeably once I was came closer to your center. I was even able to key in upon the minute vibrations your muscles made as my fingers encroached upon sensitive areas, your body left reacting with trembling anticipation.
As if you were able to telepathically read my mind, your body was already answering before I could pull in my next breath. I felt your body arch back against where my hand rests, reaching out without hands to prod me into action. Such a beautiful sight having your lithe body on edge, having to withstand the past hour’s worth of affections being applied to it. Several times during the message, you were almost able to catch onto the wave of the sensation that you had intended to ride. Similar to how you had controlled the situations previously, dictating the context, applying the pressures and contact that you wanted, not necessarily that I had yearned for. Now the tables have turned (or went horizontal) and you found yourself hovering on the exquisite edge of The Void.