Melissa Gets Put Out Part 3 – Fan Fiction Chapter by DBSKR123 ,Introduction: Introduction: The original story line (From 2011) only has two chapters and I have always felt that it deserved at least one more. I hope I did the story justice.
I do not intend to write more chapters, as I have my own story lines I am working on. , This is a fan fiction story for a storyline that I enjoyed by strangehand. The original story line (From 2011) only has two chapters and I have always felt that it deserved at least one more. I hope I did the story justice.
The original stories can be found here:
I do not intend to write more chapters, as I have my own story lines I am working on.
Melissa Gets Put Out Part 3
Melissa looked at the front door where her mother had disappeared. Her mind was awash with conflicting emotions. Before this morning her mother had been the perfect mother. She made the meals, did the dishes and laundry and everything else a mother and wife was expected to do. But the taste in her mouth, the ache in her ass and the tingling in her pussy were all from that same person. Her own mother had pushed her hand up her ass and had played with her pussy. How was that possible? And then there was the heavy golden ring that pierced the hood of her clitoris with the ball on the loop perched in the center. The ball rested right on her large clit. How could her own mother, a perfect mother and wife, have that piece of jewelry? Not only that, but her mother had made her lick her pussy and asshole.
Melissa was almost as surprised about her own reaction to being forced to eat her mother’s pussy. She had really gotten off on it herself. She had never tasted another woman before, but she knew it would not be the last time. Her mother had tasted good. It was different than what Marcus had tasted like. She enjoyed both.
She had heard a few cars drive past her, but because her ass was toward the street, she could not see who was in them. They had slowed down, but none had stopped. Her family did not live on a busy street, and it was mostly neighborhood traffic. She heard a few people walk past her as they went about their daily routine, a few joggers and a few people out walking their dogs.
One person, a guy, said, “Wow, nice view. Much better than Mrs. McGinty. If I have time later, I will have to come back and see what you have to offer.” The comment made Melissa’s face turn warm with shame. But she also felt her pussy tingle with excitement. She did not recognize the voice other than it was a guy. Before he walked on however, she heard a dog collar jingle up behind her and then she felt something cold and wet brush against her pussy and the sound of sniffing. That was followed by what felt like wet sandpaper being rubbed across her pussy. “Come on boy. No time for that now, maybe this evening you can have some fun.” The sounds then resided as they walked away.
Oh GOD she thought. What was that all about? Would someone allow their dog to use her? Was that allowed?
It had been at least forty-five minutes or an hour after her mother had gone into the house when she saw her father’s car pull into the driveway. That was odd. He must have only worked a half day. She thought. He got out and went into the house without even looking at her.
A few minutes later both her father and mother came out and walked over to her. She noticed that her dad had on his Wednesday night dance pants. They had a panel across the front that he said allowed him to have more room to dance in or so he had always said.
“My wife tells me that I have placed a virgin Stranger in my front yard. Is this correct?”
“Dad, I…” she started to say when he cut her off at the same instant that her mother slapped her ass very hard with an open hand.
“I am not your father. You are a Stranger to this house. You may address me as Mr. Donnelly, Sir, or Master. Do you understand?” Her mother Smacked her ass again.
“Yes Sir.”
“Now, my wife says that you are a virgin, is that correct.” Smack
“Yes Sir. I have not had sex.”
“I did not intend to place a virgin stranger in my yard. If a guest that decides to use you, discovers that they had taken your virginity, that may complicate the experience for that guest. That is not a fair burden to place on that person. This poses an issue for me and my household. Should I remove the virgin or not from these stocks? That is the question.”
Melissa’s heart jumped, “You are going to let me go?” she said hopefully.
He stepped back and looked at her as if he were shocked, “Why would I let you go? There is a sign stating that you are here because of a Curfew Violation. Has that changed?”
“No Sir. But you said that you were considering removing me from these stocks.”
“I told you she was self-centered. She always thinks about herself first.” Her mother said.
“I said no such thing. Before I decide on what to do, I want more information. My wife also says that you claim to be talented with your mouth, is that correct.”
“That is what Marcus said.”
“What did he say?”
“That I gave him a good blow job!” Smack.
“What did you tell me he said?” her mother said in a firm voice.
“The best at what?”
“Is that all that you have done?”
“Did you she enjoy it?”
“She seemed to like it.”
“Did you enjoy it?” SMACK went her mother’s hand on her ass.
“Show me.” He stood in front of her, and with a few motions that she did not catch, he removed the front panel allowing his dick and surrounding area to be fully exposed. He dropped the panel to the ground. He was larger than Marcus. She was not sure she could handle it, but she knew she had little choice. She opened her mouth and kissed the head. She leaned head forward and wrapped her lips around her Dad’s cock. She started bobbing her head up and down.
After a few moments, he backed away and said, “Not the best start, but I can see by your wiliness and lack of hesitation, that you are not completely ignorant on what to do. But because you are restricted, you may not be at your best. Maybe I should just take control. Open, make sure you use no teeth.” When she opened her mouth, he shoved his entire cock down her throat. He could feel her throat convulsing around his cock. He held her head with her nose in his pubic hair for a few moments. She couldn’t breathe with his cock down her throat, and he could sense her panic raising the longer he held her head in place. He finally relented and pulled out and she sucked in a big breath of air. He let her get a couple of breaths then shoved his cock back in. This time he moved her head forward and back, fucking her face. She had no control over what happened. Her dad had both hands on her head and completely controlled the motion of her head and his thrusts.
After what seemed forever, her jaw muscles and throat began to hurt. When she felt his cock get even larger than it already was, he held her head in a place where only his cock head was in her mouth. “Use your tongue,” was all he said. She wrapped her lips around the base of his head and used her tongue to play with the bottom of the head of his cock. That was enough to send him over the top and he came, in her mouth. As he came, he said, “don’t swallow”. When he was done, he said, “Show me.” She lifted her head up as far as she could and opened her mouth. Some of the cum oozed out over her chin. “Close your mouth and swallow.” She did as she was told.
“Well, you were not an oral virgin. You are not completely unskilled, but you could definitely improve. Even in your position, you could do much better. Maybe over the next couple of days you will learn.”
Melissa’s heart sank when she thought about being in the stocks for the remainder of her sentence. How many people would use her in that time? She was lost in thought about that when she felt a hand run over her ass and caress her pussy. Her father was still standing before her, so it must have been her mother playing with her.
“She enjoyed that. She is all wet back here.” Came her mother’s voice from behind her.
“So, you do enjoy giving oral sex. Do you like receiving it too?”
“Yes.” She said quietly. SMACK
“What was that?” Her mother said.
“YES! I ENJOY HAVING MY PUSSY EATEN, AND I LOVE EATING COCK AND PUSSY TOO!” Once again, she was yelling out her sexual history to her Mother and Father and anyone else that may have been in earshot of her. Her face burned with the humiliation of it all.
Her father had walked around to her side where she could no longer see him. Suddenly she felt a hand on her breast. Fingers lightly brushed her nipple. “I can see, by your hard nipples, that you are telling the truth. You are turned on. You say she is damp?”
She felt her mother run her fingers un and down her pussy a few times. “She is almost dripping back here. Come and see for yourself.”
She felt her mother’s hands move to her hips and a new set of fingers started playing with her pussy. Her own father was playing with her pussy. Like her mother, her father had skilled fingers. He played with her lips and ran a thumb across her clit, which sent a shudder through her entire body.
“Yes, she appears to be enjoying the attention,” He said. “Is your ass virgin?” When she did not answer, he pinched her clit, hard, between his thumb and index fingers, breaking the pending orgasm she was headed for. It took a moment before she realized her father was talking.
“What?” She asked.
“I said, do you have a virgin ass?”
“Yes, I have never had anal sex.”
“Can you prove that statement?”
“What? How can I prove that?”
“You are saying that you have never had anything up your ass? Nothing sexual that you received pleasure from? And you expect me to just believe you, A Stranger?”
“I, I…” She stammered.
“It should be a simple yes or no. I don’t know what ‘I, I…’ means.”
“May I explain?” she asked.
“A Stranger has no need to explain. Only be available, as desired by guests. I desire an answer to my question, what have you had up your ass that you enjoyed?”
“Travis, that little shit…” SLAP her ass burned from the hard full force slap on her ass from her father’s hand.
“You will not talk disparagingly about anyone in my household. Do you understand?” he commanded.
“Yes sir! Travis pushed a dozen carrots from his lunch up my ass and then he played with my ass with his fingers, in the baggie they had been in. He said he was feeling the carrots in my ass. It, it felt good.” Her face burned with shame at the admission.
“The carrots felt good?”
“No, they were uncomfortable. His fingers when they were wiggling around, feeing the carrots, felt good.”
“Is that all, some carrots and Travis’ fingers?”
“No, Mo…” She stopped herself before she had said ‘Mom’. “Mistress gave me some enemas to get the carrots out. When they did not all come out, she put her hand up my ass to get the last one out. That hurt a lot. Then she put a plug up my ass. That was uncomfortable. When she pulled it out. She licked my ass. That felt great. Just her fingers and tongue felt really good.”
“So, you seem to enjoy some things up your ass. Have you ever had a cock up your ass?”
“No, Never.”
“Prove it.”
“I, I, I can’t.” she stammered.
“Just as I thought. It is not possible to prove or disprove. By your own admission, you are not completely anally innocent. The only way I can know for sure if you are actually an anal virgin, or not, is to make sure myself that you are not.”
He put one finger then another into her ass and wiggled them around. She let out a moan of pleasure. “You like that, don’t you.”
“Yes, sir it feels good.”
“Let’s see if you like this then.” He placed his hardening cock, at her rear entrance and pushed. His cock was large but nothing like her mother’s fist. Thankfully the soothing cream her mother had applied acted as a lubricant. He slowly pushed his cock all the way in, with one long push then pulled out with another slow pull. Once the first cycle was complete, he started increasing his speed. As her father was fucking her ass, her mother walked around to the front of her. She hiked up the back of her dress and bent over. As before she had no underpants on. With a sigh she pushed her ass and pussy back into her daughter's face.
“Let’s see if you can improve on the performance of this morning.” As before Melissa altered between her mother’s cunt and ass. She used her tongue to play with the ring in the hood of her clit. She thought it had been a turn on going down on her mother earlier, but with her father fucking her in the ass this time was so much hotter. When her father slammed home, he pushed her face deeper into her mother’s ass and pussy. When he pulled out he pulled her body back and she had to reach forward with her tongue to reach her.
She almost giggled when she thought about how jealous Tanya was going to be. Her father started spanking her as he fucked her. As her ass heated up, she got more and more excited. Before she could climax, however, her father rammed in especially hard and stayed there as he emptied his load deep in her bowels. Her mother came a moment later, flooding her mouth with her juices. Melissa lapped them all up.
Her mother moved aside as her father stood before her. “Well, now I know your ass is not virgin. Now clean me. I am not done with you.” She took his semi hard cock into her mouth and began sucking on it. It did not taste as bad as she thought it would, having just come from her ass. The enema’s must have cleaned her out pretty good. His cock mostly tasted like his Cum. After sucking for a while, he was hard again, and he backed up. He walked around her and rubbed her very wet pussy. A moment later she felt a couple of fingers slide into her. They stopped when they encountered her maidenhood.
“You appear to only be a virgin in one place, Stranger. A guest that would be interested in partaking of what you have to offer would not be interested in your inexperienced virgin status. As the homeowner, I am responsible for presenting quality goods for guests to enjoy.” He stepped around behind her again. This time he placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy. “Now to remove the virgin from this pillory.” He slowly moved forward, when his cock met resistance, he continued to push. It hurt and when it felt like it was never going to end, it suddenly diminished. Soon she felt her father’s legs press against her ass. It was done. She was no longer a virgin in any opening.
She felt a hand reach back between her spread legs. Her mother was watching her father take her virginity and fuck her. A second hand started caressing her clit. It was amazing. It felt like her father was going to split her in two, but it also felt so good. Her world revolved around the juncture between her legs as both her parents focused on her pussy. Why had she waited so long.
The brief pain, she had felt, had quickly been replaced by pleasure. Her father’s cock filled her world. She had never had anything fill her so much. He was pounding in and out as her mother caressed up and down her inner legs with one hand and gently rolled her clit between thumb and index finger of her other hand.”
She felt her father’s cock even grow larger as he slammed into her and stayed there. She could feel it pulsating deep inside her as he came. Feelings were too much, and she had her own massive orgasm. Had she not been impaled on her father, from behind, she would have collapsed. Her head and arms were locked in place, but her entire body went limp. When she started coming around, she was able to get her legs back under her. Once she was standing her father pulled out and walked around to her head.
“You have made a mess on my cock. I think it is reasonable for you to clean it off.” Her father’s cock was about half hard and covered in their combined slime. It was tinted slightly pink, proof of her now gone virginity.
She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She licked around the base and then tilted her head back and took the head into her mouth. It tasted like a combination of her mother’s cunt and her Dad’s cum with a slight metallic taste. She knew what it was a combination of her juices an her father’s cum. She did not hesitate in cleaning him off.
When she was done, he said, “Well, you show some promise. Now that there is no virgin in our yard, any guest should feel free to enjoy anything you have to offer. I would advise you to make it a pleasant experience for any guests. If I hear otherwise, I may have to take additional steps to resolve any concerns. I will return Sunday morning, prior to your release from service, to see what you have learned, if anything, over the next day and a half.”
With that he reached down and gathered the discarded panel for his pants from the ground. Then he and his wife walked back into the house, without looking back.
She wondered how many times she would be visited in the next day and a half. Who would be the guests she would have to entertain? What would they do to her. She got excited at the possibilities.
It was going to be a long 42 hours or so. She was going to have so much to tell Tanya when she saw her next. Tanya was going to be so jealous that her father had used all three of her holes. She now understood why Tanya had gotten turned on when her father beat her ass. She could hardly wait for Sunday morning. When she was first put out in the yard, that time had meant a release from the stocks, now it meant that her father would be using her again before she became his daughter again. It gave her something to look forward to. Read 96 times | Rated 0 % | (1 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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