My Aunt's Summertime Dick by DanCastle,DanCastle

Dana watched as the house came into view from the back of the taxi. She saw her aunt waiting out front waving as she saw the car pulling up. Once the taxi parked, Dana climbed out, her aunt Ailen immediately pulled her into a hug. Dana’s face pulled right into her chest. Danny couldn’t help but notice how large and soft her breasts were. Despite pushing forty, aunt Ailen still looked amazing. She was tall, made to look even taller with the heels she was wearing. She had bronzed skin, a natural tan, and long black hair. She wore a long. White sundress with spaghetti straps that seemed to strain to contain her generous chest.

“I haven’t seen you in forever!” Ailen said as she hugged her niece tightly.

“Yeah, it’s been a few years” Dana said, her voice muffled with her head between Ailen’s breasts. Her aunt finally let her go and paid the cab driver once they had finished getting Dana’s bags from the trunk.

Dana was too young to actually remember seeing her aunt last time she visited. Her mother told her she got married to some terrible man who tried to control and abuse her and kept her away from the family. She finally divorced him four years ago, taking half of everything with her. Considering he was a CEO of a major corporation, that was a lot.

What Dana was confused about is why she waited until now to reach out, and why Ailen would invite her, and only her, to her summer home while Dana was on break from college. What’s more is that her parents seemed oddly encouraging her to go. They were usually very overprotective of her, it was their idea that she go to an in-state school so she’d be closer. But now they were practically pushing her out the door all the way down to Florida for a whole month on a moment’s notice.

“I’m so excited to have you,” Ailen said as she and Dana carried Dana’s bags inside. The house was large, it looked like it could have been and old bed and breakfast from the outside. But the inside was all new from what Dana could see. Ailen led her upstairs to one of the guest rooms she had.

“I admit I was a bit confused when I got your message,” Dana admitted.

“I know, it’s strange,” Ailen admitted. “When my ex and I divorced I was left in a… not good place. I wasn’t ready to be part of the family again. I spent a long time finding myself and in therapy. This house was actually part of my process. Something to focus my mind and hands on. Now that it’s finished, I feel complete again.”

Dana was surprised to hear her aunt tell her all this, “Well, I’m glad you’re better now,” she said. “And I’m sorry we never could really connect before now.”

“That’s what this month is for,” Ailen told her, “Not getting to see you grow up was one of my biggest regrets. Since I couldn’t have kids of my own and George didn’t want to adopt, I may have lived a little vicariously through your mom as much as I could. But on top of that I know how my sister is. You’re only eighteen once and I couldn’t bear to let her stifle you while you’re still young. She’ll never tell you this but she was quite the wild thing at your age.”

That seemed hard to believe for Dana, her mother was the strictest of strict and incredibly uptight. “You’ll have to tell me sometime,” Dana said.

“I will, but I don’t want to take up all your time while you’re here. I want you to have fun. There’s tons to do in town and the beach is always lively so you have plenty of opportunities to find yourself a summer boyfriend, or girlfriend, if you swing that way.

The idea made Dana blush a little. She had had a boyfriend in high school and she fooled around a little bit with a guy in college but overall her romantic experience was limited. The thought of other girls didn’t turn her off but she never really got the chance to explore that. She was the only girl in her computer engineering program so her options were very slim.

Dana also wasn’t exactly the prettiest girl in her own opinion. Like most shut-ins, her skin was pale, her jet-black hair was usually hidden under a hat of some kind. Her face was obscured by large glasses and her body covered by baggy clothes. Not to mention she was incredibly shy. Her mother was never interested in boosting her body confidence either so it all wrapped up into a package of personal issues when it came to how she felt about herself.

“I mean… well we’ll se about that,” Dana said. “I don’t even have a swimsuit.”

“Well, I can fix that,” Ailen said. Once you’re unpacked and settled we can head into town and go shopping. I’m guessing you don’t really have much for summer wear all the way up in Vermont.”

“No, not really,” Dana admitted.

“That’s okay, we can fix that,” Ailen said. Once you’re unpacked and settled in, we can go into town and go shopping. It’ll be a great way for me to show you around.”

She left before Dana could answer and suddenly the room was silent. Dana started to unpack. She sorted her clothes into he dresser, personal items on the desk in the room, including her laptop. Overall it didn’t take too long, she didn’t bring too many things.

She put her now empty luggage bags in the closet and looked around the room. It was plain, but if it was recently renovated that was not surprising. She stepped across the room to the small balcony that she found out wrapped around the entire second floor. She could see the beach down below, full of young attractive people.

She didn’t think she should be among them but she tried her best not to think about that. Her aunt had a point, she was only young once and she should try new things while she has the chance.

She continued exploring the balcony as it led around the building, looking into the empty rooms until she found one that wasn’t so empty. The room was bigger than the others, it was also more furnished than the others so it was likely her aunt Ailen’s room. But what really gave that away was aunt Ailen laying back on the bed. She had slipped out of her sundress, it and her underwear had been discarded on the floor, Ailen was completely naked.

It didn’t seem like Ailen had noticed Dana yet as she was too busy masturbating and Dana couldn’t help but notice that her aunt Ailen had a dick between her legs. But not just that. Ailen happened to be facing the balcony doorway with her legs spread, almost as if she expected someone to see her and Dana got a very good look. Ailen had both a dick and balls and a vagina.

Dana couldn’t take her eyes off her aunt’s bronzed body as she stroked her cock, moaning loudly. Dana bit her lip as she felt her face turn red, was this turning her on? She didn’t have time to ponder this though as she saw her aunt was starting to cum. Ailen groaned as her cock throbbed, shooting white cum over her. Dana snapped out of her trance and quietly backed away from the door before her aunt noticed her peeping.

She was quick, but quiet as she went back to her room. Her face was red. What was that? Had her aunt always been like that? She took a breath to calm herself down. It was fine, it didn’t matter. She shouldn’t think any differently of her aunt just because her body was different right? Then why does the thought of it still make her warm between her legs?

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