My Sister Susie by MDSW,MDSW

Writer’s Notes:

Everyone in this story is 18 years old or older. Enjoy the story folks. If you’re willing, please comment your likes and dislikes about it. And vote!!!

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As Robert is leaving college for summer break, he helps his roommate pack his car for his trip home and it’s a long walk to the parking lot where they park. When finished, his roommate helps him load his stuff in his truck, which is right next to his car. They say bye until the fall and he drives to his sister’s dorm and helps her load her stuff and tie it all down for the long trip home. Then they help her roommate load her car and she tells her to have a great summer.

As they are about to get in the truck and leave, another coed asks them for packing help and they do so begrudgingly. Finally able to leave for home, he and his sister get in the truck and take off, saying bye to the college until fall, but they are lacking energy from it all.

It’s a long drive and being tired, he stops a couple times to shake the cobwebs out and one time to eat. Arriving home in the early evening, Robert and Susan are both tired, but he’s nearly dead to the world. Taking the stuff out of his truck, he places her stuff in her room and his stuff in his room, with help from Susie.

He looks in the fridge for something to eat, pulls out the leftovers and offers some to his sister, but she’s not eating, so he does, but not a lot. After a chat with his parents and sister, he goes to bed without unpacking, being dead tired.

Robert is the shy type, not integrated into society, generally speaking. He’s not blending with other people, keeping to himself most of the time and he doesn’t care. Being perfectly content with himself, he’s a loner and that’s the way he wants it. He’s good looking, strong and keeps himself in shape, for whatever reason.

For as long as Robert has been able to speak, he has called his sister Susie. He likes that name, but if he gets mad at her, he calls her Susan, her birth name. He does that because that’s what mom and dad call her when they’re mad at her so he’s in good company. He’s also been known to call her Sue or Sis and gets away with it.

Susie calls her brother Bobby because she likes that name, and other times either Bob or Bro because he’s never complained about either. When she’s mad at him, she calls him Robert because that’s what mom and dad call him when they’re mad at him. So everyone has a name and a nickname, just for the fun of it.

They’re a fairly close knit family and it shows. Mom has tried several times to get Bob to engage with others, but he never follows through, opting for the no stress path at home. Dad has done the same with the same results.

Susie is about 5’5″, very good looking and fun to be with most of the time. She’s slender, HOT in her own right, but doesn’t force herself on others. Unlike her brother, she’s well liked at school and has had several dates. She’s not a virgin and Bobby knows it.

Because Susie has seen her brother at school and college, she feels she understands him better than mom and dad. According to her thinking, he’s lacking in social graces with girls over several years and that is what is keeping him out of the public eye.

She’s been thinking about what she can do to help her brother get out of the predicament he’s in on the trip home from college. She doesn’t want him living his life as a loner, so not consulting mom or dad for a good reason, she creates a plan. Her execution is slow, depending on her brother’s responses to the steps in her plan. It begins now.

* * * * *

It’s Saturday morning and summer break has begun. Susie is a year behind her brother, attending the same college, but not the same curriculum. They passed their finals and moved back home last evening.

Waking up and going to the kitchen, Susie learns mom and dad are leaving to go food shopping, always taking two hours before they return home with a load of food to put away.

Susie sees this as an opportunity to take the first step in her plan so she goes to her room, strips down to a t-shirt and bikini panties, and gets reading material for something to do. She goes off to search for her brother, expecting him to be reading somewhere. Instead, she locates him in his room still sleeping. Not expecting that, she pads to his bed and shakes him awake.

“Wake up, Sleepyhead. Time to get into summer break mode,” she says. “Slide against the headboard and read like you always do so I can keep you company.”

A little nervous about what she’s going to do, she’s hoping to learn something about her brother. As he slowly opens his eyes and sits against the headboard, his sister lays on her stomach next to him, facing in the opposite direction with her upper body propped up on her elbows.

Clearing a few cobwebs from his eyes, he looks at her and his vision appears blurry because his sister is close enough for him to reach her ass. She’s never been this close to him wearing such skimpy clothes before so he’s having trouble believing his eyes. He stares at her daring position until he remembers to get his book and read as he wonders why his sister is doing this.

As she dives into her reading material, she smirks at her brother’s expression and don’t you know, his peeks begin. Her t-shirt barely covers her ass and it’s a nice ass to look at and feel, and she knows it. She can see him in the mirror in front of her, but he’s oblivious to her ability to watch him.

After a long time, Bobby is still peeking at her ass, but still says nothing. Many more times he peeks at her nicely shaped ass, but as time passes, his peeks change to short stares, then to longer stares. Susie sees him peeking, then staring, and learns he isn’t opposed to staring at her nice ass, so the adventure begins. So far, she has deduced him correctly.

Bobby snaps out of his stare and finally says something fairly smart.

“Why are you doing what you are doing?” he asks.

Susie is confused by his question.

“What am I doing?”

“You woke me up and laid on my bed with your ass facing me, something you’ve never done before, so what’s going on?”

“I’m just keeping you company by doing the same thing you like doing. Is there a problem?” she wonders.

“No problem. It’s just different seeing you spending quiet time with your dead beat brother is all.”

“Do you want to do something different?”

“Like what?” he asks.

“Lay your hand on my back and caress me as you read.”


“It makes me feel good. Why not?” she challenges.

Bobby wonders about her sudden change in behavior, or is it her sudden interest in him? She can see his brain going into overdrive and is taking mental notes.

“Well? Are you going to do it for me?”

Bobby hems and haws and finally gives her his answer.

“For how long?”

“Until I tell you to stop.”

He pauses again, then says, “Alright. Scoot closer toward me and I will do it for you.”

She slides closer to him and he lays his hand on her back, but doesn’t move it, feeling her t-shirt and the undulations of her back under it captures his attention. Moving his hand, he feels the hills and valleys all over her back, also learning she isn’t wearing a bra. He wonders why his sister is showing this amount of interest in him, but puts it to sleep in the same breath because her ass looks so fine.

As Bobby caresses her back, he learns he enjoys doing it for her. She makes some barely audible moans as he works on her and enjoys what he’s doing. Working on her for what seems like hours, he’s content feeling her back, but wishes he could see and feel her pussy.

Caressing her back as he is, he notices her t-shirt is moving up her back, exposing her panty clad ass, and wants to focus on it, but it’s not in her game plan.

“Thanks, Bobby. I enjoyed that. Gotta go so I’ll see you later.”

She gets off the bed and moves in the direction of the door as he watches the motion of her ass.


She stops and turns to him.


“Can we do that again?”

“Sure. It’s okay with me. I’ll work on it.”

He’s showing interest in her body. It’s a good sign to see that part of him, something she hasn’t seen before so she’s encouraged enough to proceed with her plan.

* * * * *

Days later, their parents have gone and not expected to return for hours so Susie sees another opportunity to execute the next step of her plan. She returns to her room and changes into a t-shirt and bikini panties, like she did the first time.

Finding him in his room reading again, she joins him and lays beside him in the same place, but this time her t-shirt has ridden up her ass so half is exposed to his viewing pleasure. Expecting him to automatically caress her back, she waits nearly ten minutes while Bobby peeks at her ass. She’s tired of waiting so she decides it’s time.



“Would you caress my back again please?”


He reaches for her and as he caresses her back, he slowly and deliberately moves her t-shirt above her ass, exposing her bikini panties. Susie is aware he’s doing it and smiles.

Even though her ass is covered, he can see the better part of its outline and it turns into his focus as he stares at her. She can see his intention as plain as day.



“Would you be willing to caress my ass please?”

Instant hard on for her brother so he adjusts himself and she doesn’t see him do it, this time. Susie is taking notes and his behavior is encouraging her to continue her plan.

“Okay, Sis.”

He reaches for her ass and lays his hand on it as the shape and firmness becomes his dream. He’s in some form of wonderland as his hand slowly moves across her cheeks, memorizing the shape of her ass.

After caressing every curve and the crack of her ass, he squeezes one cheek, then moves to the other and does the same. It feels strong and firm to his touch and he wonders why he never made the opposite sex a priority in his life before now.

Susie is watching and feeling him as a smile breaks out on her face. He fixates on her ass as he caresses it and she has learned something else about her brother. She doesn’t believe he’s gay, thinking that is the reason he’s spending so much time alone. He enjoys caressing her ass and she likes it as much as he does.

After five minutes, Bobby is no longer trying to read, just concentrating on her ass when Susie interrupts his concentration.


“What?” he asks, breaking his concentration.

“Pull my panties off my ass and continue caressing me please.”

Bobby doesn’t waist much time thinking about this move because his passion is on the rise and so is his cock. He reaches for the hem and slowly pulls it to her thighs.

The vision of her ass overwhelms his senses as he looks at the two globes of flesh and a smile breaks out on his face. Watching him, a smile breaks out on her face as well.

With hesitation, he slowly moves his hand to touch her. Tenderly, he caresses her ass, feeling the softness and firmness of her strong cheeks, something he’s never felt before.

Moving across one cheek, then to the other, he stops on each cheek and squeezes it to get a good feel. He’s amazed at the smoothness, softness and firmness as he puts his book down. Spending what seems like years caressing her ass, he returns to reality.



“Would you spread your legs for me please?”

“Not this time, Bobby, but we can do this again if you want.”

“I would like that. When?”

“Not sure at the moment, but I’ll work something out… Pull my panties back on my ass if you would please.”

He does it slowly as she watches him. He fixates on her again and she knows she has him hooked. Before she’s done, she’ll go for the line and sinker.

Susie gets off the bed, leans to her brother and gives him a kiss on his cheek, then leaves his room to put some clothes on. It feels like success in her brain and can’t wait for the next step.

* * * * *

Several days have passed and the next weekend, their parents are going to dad’s company party, something his company does every couple of months as a stress reliever. They won’t be home til after midnight so Susie sees another opportunity to visit her brother. Again, she goes to her room, strips down and puts on a t-shirt and bikini panties.

It’s been nearly a week without a visit from his sister and Bobby is convinced the sister act was just a two-time affair so he cherishes the feel of her ass in his mind. Again he’s on his bed leaning against the headboard so he does what he always does.

A while later, Susie enters his room unannounced, carrying reading material she has no intention of reading. She gets on the bed in the same position as before and begins her quest to read.

Bobby waits about five minutes and makes a move for her ass when Susie interrupts him, causing him to pull his arm back. Still, he isn’t seeing her watching him in the mirror so she maintains her advantage.

“Bobby?” she says.

“What? I’m guessing you want me to caress your back again?”

“Yes, please. Just like you did the last time.”

Bobby moves his hands to her back and caresses her. As he feels her, he learns she isn’t wearing a bra again and becomes nervous. He wants her to spread her legs for him this time and will be disappointed if she doesn’t. Then, after caressing her for a while, Susie changes the plan.

“Under my shirt please.”

Happy, he pushes her shirt to her shoulders and continues his quest.

A while later, Susie is feeling pretty good.

“Bobby. Would you move your hand to my ass and caress me there please?”

He’s heartbroken. He wants to see her pussy, not play with her ass, but maybe he should rethink that.

“Wo…would it be possible to see your pussy first?”

She pauses, just to make him nervous.

“Not now, but maybe later. Okay?”

Even though he wants to see it, he has to agree to her counter offer.

“Okay. To your mighty fine ass I go.”

She smiles and as he works her ass, he’s expecting to see her pussy later so his hopes are high for now. He’s not always caressing her, but moving her cheeks in different directions, feeling as much as he can. He’s falling in love with her ass and she loves he’s doing exactly that. After about five minutes, she changes the plan again.

“Slide my panties to my thighs like you did before and continue please.”

He does as asked and feels her ass, getting to know it well as he caresses her. He feels every inch of her tender cheeks and is happy he is allowed to feel his sister up in this manner. Bobby is also aware his cock is hard and also hopes he’s going to feel her pussy.

“Slide your fingers between my legs and feel me, Bobby.”

Not wasting any time, Bobby lays his book down, moves his fingers between her legs and feels for her pussy. Even though her panties are in his way, he finds his target and his fingers feel the moisture in her panties as he probes her.

She feels him and wants more of him inside her, but postpones her needs in favor of his. As his fingers enter her abyss, she has all she can do to control her desires, but she does wiggle her ass and he notices.

Susie is feeling good with a man’s hand caressing her pussy so she’s getting ready to make her next move. Not concerned it’s her brother’s fingers in her pussy, she allows him to continue.

“I feel wetness on your pussy. How come?”

“Keep going for now. I will answer that in a few minutes.”

He continues to probe through her wetness and soon, she wiggles her ass, an involuntary action on her part.

“Why are you wiggling your ass?”

“I’m enjoying your probing, Bobby. It feels good to me… Now proceed to my back please.”

“Okay. As you wish,” he says, disappointed.

He pulls her panties back to cover her ass, then pulls her shirt down to bury her ass and moves to her back, caressing her shirt clad back as she emits soft moans here and there. The catch is, she didn’t ask him to move her panties or her t-shirt, but he did and she wonders why.

“Are you enjoying that as well?” he asks.

“I absolutely am. Keep it up please.”

He knows she isn’t wearing a bra and his curiosity about her body is increasing at a rapid rate.

“Caress my shoulders please.”

Moving his hand to her shoulder, he caresses her and she feels the tenderness of his caresses. He can see her appreciation as she tilts her head back and emits more light moans.

“You like that as well?”

“I do, Bobby. It feels good.”

He’s learning what his sister likes, but isn’t aware she’s teaching him about pleasing girls, not only her.

“Caress the back of my thighs please.”

Bobby moves his hand there and caresses her between her ass and knees. Each time he reaches her ass, his fingers probe her pussy and he feels increased wetness on her panties.

“Why are you wetter between your legs?”

“It’s because you are stimulating my body, especially my pussy and I’m getting sexually aroused causing my pussy to create excessive juices, some of which escape, dear brother. How does it taste?”

Bobby pushes her panties aside and gets his fingers wet with her juices, then licks one to test the taste. He likes it and cleans his fingers before moving back to her thighs.

“Nice taste.”


Asking these kind of questions, she knows he has between little and no sexual awareness. She’s slowly teaching him, but he’s still is not aware what she’s doing.

He moves his wet fingers through the crack of her ass, not really knowing why he’s doing it, but her panties limit his reach. Susie is liking the feeling, something she hasn’t felt before so he’s doing something to her no other boy has done. She wants to spread her legs, but waits for a better time to expose herself.

“Do that again please.”

Getting bold, this time he pulls her panties off her ass, locates her pussy, then slides his fingers across her asshole to the top of her crack and even that feels good to her, but she doesn’t tell him that.

Bobby is caressing her whole body, from her knees to her shoulders and everything in between, especially her ass and pussy. He hasn’t seen her pussy or her tits yet so he wonders if she will at least spread her legs for him.

“I need to leave for now, Bobby. We will do this again. Pull my panties up please,” she says.

Disappointed, he does that for her, then she gets up, gives him a kiss on his cheek and pads to her bedroom.

Bobby remains on his bed pondering what his sister is doing to him. He realizes she’s doing things designed to please her. He’s catching on, but isn’t seeing the big picture, yet.

* * * * *

It’s three days later and Susie has another window to work in. She gets her t-shirt and bikini panties on, picks up her reading material and is off to Bobby’s bedroom. He’s closer to the side of the bed this time so she changes her plan.



“Would you sit up and cross your legs for me?”

He knows better than to ask so he sits up, folds his legs in front of him and waits. She crawls on the bed, takes the book from his hands and lays it beside him. She sits on his lap snug to his body, facing him, pulls him to her and gives him a hug. Reacting to her hug, he gives her a tight hug she isn’t expecting.

She leans away from him, reaches for and grabs his hands, places them on her tits and moves them around until he takes over the chore. Feeling his sister, he learns about her firm flesh as he moves them around on her chest. They feel different to him, but his cock is stirring and he connects the two with a smile on his face.

Then, his sister says, “Take my t-shirt off please.”

His facial expression changes to ‘are you kidding?’, but he does it in a hurry before she changes her mind. She lifts her arms as he raises it off over her head and drops it on the bed next to her. Her tits are staring at him and he feels like he should do something with them, so he does.

Reaching for her tits, he feels the smooth, soft skin and the firmness of the globes as she pushes her chest against his hands and smiles. Her nipples are hard and they beg to be sucked so he does that, but not knowing any better, he bites her nipple a bit too hard.

“Ooow… Not so hard, Robert. It hurts more than you know. Just bite softly or don’t bite them at all. Okay?” she asks.

He hugs her tight as an apologetic attempt, having no desire to hurt his sister.

“I’m Sorry, Sis. There many things I don’t know about you, but the more time you spend with me, the more I learn.”

“It’s okay this time, just don’t let it happen again. Suck lightly on my nipple and maybe the pain will go away faster.”

“Are they always this hard?”

“My nipples get hard for the same reason your cock gets hard. It mostly happens when it receives some kind of stimulation, known or unknown, and especially when I’m sexually stimulated by touch or aggressive sexual behavior, and also when I feel cold.”

“Good to know.”

He sucks on them and after a while, she doesn’t feel the pain, possibly because he’s caressing her tits and the pleasure she can’t ignore is hiding it.

“Enjoying yourself are you?” she asks.

“You bet I am. The first pair of tits I get to play with belong to my sister. They are nicely proportioned, firm and desirable to touch. They also feel good and are easy to look at. And I won’t mention they make my dick stiff.”

“Haha. Very funny. Thanks, Bobby. Hold my hands as I lay back and you can have more time with them…and the rest of my body.”

He holds her hands as she lays back on the bed with her ass still on his lap, scooting her pussy against the hard cock she feels under his shorts. She stretches her arms above her head, closes her eyes and gets comfortable. Bob’s cock grows as it’s pinned against his stomach and she does feel it, even though it’s in a confined state because he’s wearing shorts.

He reaches for her tits and grips them, rolls them, kneads them and explores them until it’s second nature to him. He loves her tits and she loves the way he touches her, not to mention how it makes her feel while hiding it from her brother. He caresses the rest of her body and her flat stomach as he makes her feel good with her eyes still closed. His hands roam all over her while she enjoys the fruits of her plan.

“Don’t forget my pussy.”

He can’t believe he’s spending so much time on her upper body that he neglects her pussy so he uses his thumbs to lightly pressure her panties, then goes to work rubbing and squeezing her sensitive lips. Caressing her softly, he moves one thumb lower and a wet spot appears so he wonders what is happening to her.

“When you get wet, can I assume correctly you want to have sex?”

“Yup, most of the time, if not all the time.”

“I feel kinda different myself.”

“Don’t feel bad. It will happen many times in your life.”

“What do you want me to do to you now?”

“Pull me up,” she says as she holds out her arms to him.

She wraps her arms and legs around him and pulls him tight so he does the same. She’s warm, especially her tits and that gives her another idea.

She releases her grip on him and says, “Take your shirt off please.”

He wastes no time doing that and she wraps him up again. This time, he feels the direct focal point of her heat as her tits squish against his chest.

“Your tits feel good against my chest. I can get use to this quickly.”

“I’m glad you like the feel of them. It feels good to me too, by the way.”

It’s unbelievable to her that her brother knows so little about girls and sex. How can a 20 year old boy be so naive? No wonder he stays home. He’s afraid if he does go out with the guys, or even a girlfriend, his lack of sexual knowledge will be on full display and the rumors will spread quickly.

She gives him another hug, then she has to break up the party.

“Mom and dad will be home soon so I better go,” she says.

“Okay, Sis, but I hope you are planning to do this again.”

“You bet I am.”

She picks up her t-shirt, gets off his lap, stands on the floor, leans in and gives him a kiss, then she’s off to her room carrying her t-shirt. She takes a couple steps when she hears him.


She stops, looks at him and asks, “What?”

“Why do you kiss me when you leave my room?”

“Because I want you to get used to being kissed, and maybe because you deserve it.”


He lets it go at that and she leaves him alone to wallow in his thoughts.

* * * * *

Several more days pass and their parents are off on a trip, this time gone for a three day weekend. That gives Susie time to make a big dent in her plan and she’s wet already. Having three days alone with her sexy brother makes her think about the many things she can teach him to make her feel sexy and euphoric so she can’t wait.

In her room she strips, puts on a longer length shirt that barely covers her ass and bikini panties, goes in search of her brother and finds him where she always does. She pads to his bed and this time, he watches her as she approaches and she stops beside his bed, looking at him questionably.

“Susie, instead of laying beside me, would you be willing to sit on my lap and get comfortable? I need to talk,” he suggests.

She’s concerned by his sudden curiosity so she does as he asks. Curling up on his lap, she waits for him to begin.

He wraps his strong arms around her, then she rests her head on his shoulder. Only the back side of her shirt slips up, but she hopes he does see her panties. This may not be the time to tease, but she’s prepared.

“Okay. I’m ready,” she says.

“Likewise,” he replies.

He’s not trying to feel her up or make any sexually related advances on his part as he begins, hoping to make her feel at ease instead of being interrogated or under stress. He has given a lot of thought to this and he’s ready to spill the beans.

“In the past few weeks, you have been showing interest in my person and at first, I was shocked you wanted me to touch parts of your body a brother doesn’t normally touch. I think I have figured out why you are doing this so I’m hoping you will tell me if I’m right or wrong. So, question #1, does it have anything to do with me not paying attention to girls?” he asks.

“Yes, it does.”

“Question #2. Does it also have something to do with me knowing little to nothing about sex?”

“Correct again, but when I started this, I wasn’t aware you have no desire to learn about sex on your own so I added that as something I want to teach you,” she informs him.

He smiles at her and she chuckles.

“Question #3. Why did you get on my bed with your ass close to me the first time?”

“I wanted to know if you were gay, or if it was something else.”

“And your conclusion?”

“It’s something else. You are not gay, Bobby.”

“I already know that! Why didn’t you just ask me?” he wonders, a little angered.

“Because it was more fun my way,” she says and smiles.

“Okay, can’t argue that. Your way is definitely more fun…” he says as his anger disappears. “Question #4. So, you are trying to teach me about sex using your body, hoping I will start showing an interest in something other than books?”

“Right again.”

“Thank you, Sis. I appreciate what you are doing for me and I’m interested in you because of it. I hope this will continue as long as you want to teach because I need all the help I can get.”

Susie explains, saying, “I hate that you’re always sitting here in the house and not participating in fun activities like I do. Girls can be fun, if you pick the right one, and my goal is to make you aware you can have that fun too. Relationships can be a challenge, but you are smart enough to figure them out.”

“Okay. Where do we go from here? Do you have a plan?”

“I’ve been executing it for the past few weeks and you have responded to me. As far as my plan has gone, you have caressed my back, shoulders, pussy and getting your fingers wet from my anticipation. You’ve also caressed my ass and it feels good as well and it does feel good, but I’m not finished with you just yet. Today, I expect to go further.”

“I have loved every minute I’ve spent with you. How do you want to proceed?” he asks.

“To start, I have to ask you two personal questions and you have to answer truthfully.”


“First, since I started spending time with you, did you ever get an erection when I first walked in?”

“Every time after your first visit. Your slender body makes me hard and I look forward to your visits, especially today’s.”

She smiles knowing she has had a positive affect on him.

“Second, and this one may shock you. Do you have any problem sliding your cock inside your sister’s pussy?” she asks.

“That’s not a shocking question, Sis… No, none at all. I’ve been dreaming about it since your first visit. So tell me, what are we going to do this time?”

“My plan for this lesson is for you to break all barriers. Since mom and dad are gone and we have the rest of the day to play, it should be fun for both of us.”

She smiles, then taking control and staying on the bed, she gets off her brother and stands on her knees beside him.

“Take my shirt off,” she orders.

Sliding his fingers under the hem of her shirt, she raises her arms and he lifts it off over her head, drops it to the bed and he can’t help but look at her body with lust in his eyes. She gives him time to get familiar with her nakedness, then she makes her next move.

Getting on his lap, tight to his dick, she grabs his hands, lowers herself to the bed and scoots against his cock. Her panties is the only thing she’s wearing and his dick knows it, but doesn’t care, yet.

“You can explore me like you did the last time, but my pussy is off limits, for now anyway.”

He makes her moan as his fingers make her feel like the queen of the night, even though it’s still daylight, for the time being. He touches every part of her, including her legs, learns more about her body and that pleases him, and his sister.

Making her moan for a few minutes, he’s about to reach for her shoulders when she grabs his hands and puts them at the hem of her panties. She raises her feet to his shoulders and lifts her ass off his lap.

“Take my panties off,” she orders.

He pulls at the hem and they slide along her legs to her ankles and they’re off, landing on the bed. Her feet leave his shoulders and she spreads her legs wide. He looks down at her pussy and gets his first good look. He’s mesmerized by his sister’s nakedness and stares at her pussy. With a strong desire, he wants to touch and lick it, but before he can, she grabs his hands.

She pulls herself up and looks him in the eyes. She’s naked for the first time and he just wants her to stay that way the rest of her life, but knows there is no way that’s going to happen. She’s proud of herself with her legs spread apart, but for now, being too close to his cock, her pussy is denying his eyes. She gives him a kiss and soon, it turns passionate.

Breaking the kiss, she looks at him and smiles. There’s no way in hell her brother is gay as others may think. She knows it for a fact now.

“So, you have no problem being naked in front of your inexperienced brother?” he wonders.

“None at all. I love being naked and I hope it’s helping you, as well as me.”

“It is helping me, but sometimes, I don’t know if I should do what I feel like doing or not.”

“Okay, I hear ya so listen up. Rule number 1 is, don’t ask. If what you are going to do will pleasure me and not hurt me, just do it. Rule number two is, I will tell you if I don’t like what you are doing and I won’t hesitate for a second. Rule number 3 is, always check with rule number 1 before you make your move.”

“Got it. I will remember that,” he replies.

He reaches for his sister’s body again, but she stops him.

“First, my dear brother, I want to remove your clothes so we are on an even keel.”

She scoots off his lap, stands up and Bobby quickly stands. She lifts his shirt off over his head, then looks at her mesmerized brother. Bobby has either a blank look on his face or one of unbelievable desire, but doesn’t care that his sister is removing his clothes.

Susie is about to see his cock for the first time and her excitement shows. Bobby is looking at her as she kneels and pulls his shorts to his ankles, then he steps out and kicks them away.

When his cock comes into her view, she gasps at what he’s been hiding from her. It’s large, and fat, and her mouth opens as she drools over his erection. She’s never seen one this big and can’t wait to get her hands on it, but first, she wants to proceed with her plan for the night. There’s no doubt in her mind she will get her turn with his cock, but she has to control herself because her desire to fuck him just doubled.

“Nice cock, Bro. I will investigate it later, when my plan is complete. For now, sit on the bed with your legs crossed in front of you please.”

Bobby excitedly and quickly sits down. Not liking his position, Susie moves him to the center of the bed, then joins him, but lays flat on her back in front of him with her legs open. Her firm tits stand tall on her chest and her stomach is flat as a pancake. Her mound rises just above her body and her pussy is leaking in anticipation of his touch.

His excitement grows as he reaches for her body, but she stops him.

“For now, pull me to your lap and just caress every part of my body. No probing or pinching, just caressing. My pussy off limits at the moment. Okay, dear brother?”

“Okay for now, Sis. You are so beautiful when you’re not wearing clothes.”

He pauses, thinking he said something wrong.

“I… I shouldn’t have said that to my sister, but it so fits you. Your body is beautiful.”

“Thanks, Bro, and I like your compliments. Now get busy!” she exclaims as her urgency becomes increasingly more urgent.

As he pulls her on his lap, she raises her legs straight up and spreads them, putting his head is between her knees so he can see what he’s doing. He can feel the wetness and heat emanating from her pussy against his hard cock and it feels different for his first time. His cock, now stiffer than a board, is pinned between them and she has all she can do not to order him to fuck her right then.

As his passion for her body increases, he picks her hips up, raising her pussy to mouth level, and without asking, licks her where she wants it the most, at the moment anyway. Out the window goes her rule about her pussy and she doesn’t care. As her knees rest against her tits, she’s in euphoria as her brother licks her everywhere between her legs. His tongue acts like it controls itself and when he hits her clit, she screams as an orgasm comes on very fast and very intense.

She squirms her pussy into his face and he licks her with his long tongue, reaching places no other tongue has explored. Deep in her essence, he’s moving his tongue around, licking the juices. As he moves to her clit, he rests her ass on one hand and uses the other inside her pussy. He finds her G-spot as he explores the walls of her essence with his fingers. She reacts like a mad woman in heat, wiggling her ass hard into his face and moaning as she has another orgasm.

He’s having a tough time holding her to his face so to prevent him from losing control of her, he lets her down. She grabs his arms, pulls her to his face and kisses him with passion he has never seen in his life, then she licks her juices off his face. She’s all over him and when she finally decides to rest a bit, she explains.

“Good god, Bobby. That was so unexpected, so well performed, such a passionate way to eat me it hit me fast and hard. You hit every spot in my pussy that makes me go into orbit. I loved it. Not bad for your first time eating pussy. You will be doing that again, but not now,” she explains. “Your first time eating my pussy gave me two orgasms. You should be proud you can do that to me… How did you know to do that?” she asks.

“I got ideas from watching a couple porn movies on the internet a few days ago. I just did what my desires forced me to do and I’m glad you liked it.”

“Awesome. Modesty is nice, but you will understand what sends me into orbit as you continue to explore me.”

She hugs him as his hands explore her back and when he gets to her ass, she sighs, hoping to get his cock inside her, but she wonders if he will do it on his own. He continues to caress her because he knows that’s what she wants him to do as he gets into it with passion.

She’s softly kissing his neck, licking his earlobe, then she buries her face in his neck as his caresses make her feel like fucking him, something she is ready to do. He kneads her ass cheeks several times and feels like he’s doing something to his sister he shouldn’t be doing, then smiles that he’s getting away with it.

Unable to see her pussy, his curiosity piques as he tenderly slides a finger through her crack until he finds it and she sighs at the feeling. Pushing two fingers inside her, he moves them around and she has another lesson with his magic fingers inside her. They are dripping wet when he pulls them out and he licks them off as a reward. Then he moves his hands to her ass and continues on his path, soon to surprise her.

As Bobby lays her on the bed, he fidgets in his lap, then returns her pussy against his stomach. Again, he picks her ass up to his lips with her folding her knees to her tits. He contemplates his next move as he lightly licks her lips and stares at her pussy, then it comes to him.

He sticks his tongue out and, starting at her crack, slides its wetness through her crack all the way to her mound, hitting every spot that makes her squirm in pleasure and smiles when he moves his head away.

Not wanting him to stop, she says, “Do it again and again. I love that,” she tells him, wanting more of his tongue.

He repeats several times before making his next unplanned move. She’s ready to be fucked and somehow, he senses she wants his cock.

As he lays her back on his lap, Bobby looks down at her pussy and, seeing his stiff cock, reaches for her lips and spreads them apart as his cock slides into a comfortable place between them. It’s strange for him to do that without asking, but he did.

“Sis, did I… I…”

“You did what feels natural to you. It’s not a bad thing. Remember, being aggressive with me is okay as long as it pleasures me.”

Wasting no time, he uses both hands to caress her and he’s all over her body. Her shoulders, her neck, her face, her hair, her tits, her flat stomach, her mound, her legs, hitting them all as Susie softly moans.

He makes his rounds several times, then she stops him.

“Pull me to a sitting position, then lay on your back please.”

He does as ordered and as she sits on his cock, it rests between her lips and he feels like he’s going to cum. When Susie lays on top of his body with her head on his shoulder, her pussy moves away from his cock, much to his disappointment. She’s close to his neck and he feels her hot tits burning against his chest.

His hands go to her cheeks as he lifts her head and gives his sister a passionate kiss which she returns with enthusiastic passion. She can feel his hands quivering as she breaks the kiss and lays her head on his shoulder.

“Caress my ass please, then my back.”

Bobby goes to work, but he’s suddenly nervous as hell and doesn’t understand why. His caresses are shaky, but he doesn’t stop. Susie senses his nervousness and encourages him.

“Continue caressing me. It feels so good. You have a nice light touch about you, but some might think you are trying to tickle and they won’t like it for extended periods of time so beware… And your nerves will settle down in a while so not to worry.”

Relieved, he continues caressing her and applies a little more pressure. Susie is very pleased with his slow, yet aggressive nature. He’s in no hurry to do what she wants, but anxious to get his cock inside her since his passion for sex has risen from the dead.

His cock is hard as hell, but it doesn’t reach her pussy because she’s so high on his body. As her pussy leaks and lands on his skin, he feels it and smiles. She determines he’s ready for the next part of her plan so she lifts her head and looks at him with a smile.

“Now you may probe me anywhere you want, do anything you want so you tell me what position you want me in. No place on my body is off limits to you.”

Bobby has to think about that one and when he decides, he pushes her to a sitting position as she moves her legs under her. He sits up, picks her up with his strong arms, crosses his legs in front of him, and sits her on his lap as she wraps her legs behind him.

On his lap with increased anticipation about what he’s going to do, she’s wetter than Niagra Falls in a rain storm. He holds her body tight to him as she wraps her arms around his neck. The heat from both bodies make the other moan in comfort as they relax against each other.

“I like this position, Sis.”

“Why?” she wonders.

“Soon, you will find out I can reach every tender part of your body and I’m going to find every one of them.”

“Hmmm. Stop teasing me.”

She lays her head on his shoulder as his hands reach for her shoulder from behind. Tenderly, they travel down her spine until he cups her cheeks, then he slowly and delicately moves back to her neck in the most teasing manner possible.

“You’re very gentle with me, Bro. You’ve always been that way, now that I think about it.”

Bobby lifts her with one arm, moves his cock, which is trapped between them, under her pussy, then sits her back on his lap, letting it go. It slaps against her pussy and she jumps, then smiles. He pulls her tight against him and as it fits nicely against her lips. She reaches behind her and pushes his cock against her lips and likes the feel as he continues to tease her, but now, her curiosity piques.

“You going to put your cock in my wet pussy?”

“Eventually, if you want me to.”

“Eventually, I want you to,” she replies.

As he caresses her back and shoulders, she reaches between them and fingers her clit. She’s horny and he’s teasing her, exactly what she wants from her lover, but still wants him inside her the sooner the better. Being a patient girl, she waits for her turn to be the aggressor, but her patience is running thin.

She suddenly becomes aware that this is his first time being with a naked girl and wonders about him.


They separate and look at each other.

“Yes, dear sister.”

“This is your first time with a naked girl, is it not?” she asks.

“Yup, it is.”

“Yet you are so calm and so in control I have a hard time believing it.”

“Me too, Sis. I can’t believe it either. I’m still excited about your naked body in my hands, but for whatever reason, I’m in control of me now that my nervousness is behind me just like you said it would,” he announces proudly.

“Most boys want to get their cock in their girlfriend and fuck, not realizing there is more to sex than just penetration. It’s a very intimate connection between two people, but I must admit, I love having sex.”

“So you want me to put my cock inside you now?”

“Sorry, Bobby. That’s not what I was driving at for the two of us. It’s just that other boys do it that way. It happened to me my first time and he wasn’t even a virgin. He wasn’t as loving as you are and you don’t know how that makes me feel, but I’m relaxed with you as a sex partner. It’s just one more thing I love about you.”

He reaches for her ass and squeezes her cheeks, runs his fingers through her crack several times, then down to her pussy. She moans sweetly and closes her eyes as his touch turns her on.

“God that feels so good. Push two fingers inside me please.”

She moans as his fingers penetrate her slowly. She’s wet and soft with two fingers inside her. He pleasures her and she reacts the only way she can.

“Bobby, I can’t wait any longer. You have to fuck me! Now!”

She slides off him and lays on her back with her legs wide apart. He freezes as her pussy stares at his eyes.


“Sorry, Sis. Your pussy is so inviting I have to eat you.”

“Please make it quick! I need to cum!”

As he creeps between her legs, he licks up her juices and loves her taste.

“Once more, then slide your cock inside me. I can’t wait any longer!”

He licks her lips one more time, then moves up her body, stops at her tits and licks them. Then his cock finds her entrance and with a little help from a little hand, she grips his cock for the first time. Rubbing it against her slit, her wetness makes his cock head slippery as hell.

Urgently, she directs his cock to her essence and as it slowly slides farther and farther inside, her eyes close and mouth opens until his full length is no longer visible.

For him to feel this the first time overwhelms him so he lingers as she gets a handle on her euphoria. She grips his ass cheeks and pulls him inside her as far as he can go. It feels so good she wants all she can get.

“Fuck me, Bro,” she says as her lust reaches her limit and gets the better of her.

He pulls out a few inches and slides his cock back in. Feeling the pressure of her pussy on his cock is causing an unforgettable feeling.

“Good god, keep fucking me. You feel so good.”

“Damn, Sis. I never knew how good this feels!”

He continues to work her and after two more strokes, she has another orgasm and loses control of her body, shaking and cumming on his cock. He stops fucking her, but she wants more and encourages him to keep going. His strokes get longer and that causes another orgasm, but it’s not as intense as the first one.

“Fuck me deeper and faster. I so love this.”

As she gets her energy back, she raises her legs over his back, locking them in position behind him, and holds on for dear life as he fucks her the way she wants it. His passion is driving him to fuck her pretty hard and that causes another intense orgasm in her passion filled body. His own orgasm is growing deep in his balls and soon, he explodes in his sister’s pussy giving her another orgasm. Unlocking her legs, they fall to the bed and her body goes limp.

Both are exhausted, but he has enough energy to roll off her. When she gets some of her energy back, she rolls to him and takes his cock in her mouth, for the first time, spending far too much time sucking him clean, then lays back on the bed satisfied with her brother’s first act of sexual satisfaction, an impressive performance for someone that has no clue what to do.

Getting her energy focused on him, she asks, “Can we do it again? I had my first orgasm by cock using your dick. That was so fantastic I want to feel it again… and again… and again,” she admits with passion.

“I’m sure we can squeeze that into our schedule for today… Do you realize your brother lost his cherry to his sister?”

“I’m proud to be the one so own it… Time to fuck again,” she says as her anticipation reaches a peak.

This time, Susie straddles her brother, lifts up, points his still hard cock at her pussy and lowers herself to devour all of it. As his cock slides in, his eyes close and her tightness takes control of his brain.

Her eyes also close as she feels his cock stretch her pussy. Both feel like they have died and gone to heaven and they know it will end with an intense orgasm, but not yet.

As she fucks her brother, he’s becoming sexually attached to her as he tries to hold still while she fucks him. He watches as his cock slides inside her pussy and it turns him on so much, his passion increases and her’s is multiplying.

The feel of his cock in her pussy is off the charts as her strokes start short and he learns she has a short fuse. He also learns he has a short fuse as she increases the length and speed of her strokes. Their eyes close as the splatter of cum happens deep in her pussy, causing each to orgasm.

Getting themselves back on earth, Bobby is wondering.

“God, Sis. That was fast. Are you satisfied? Did I do something wrong?”

She gives him a loving hug, saying, “No, Bobby, you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s all about the passion we have for sex. That’s only one reason for a short fuse, but they will get longer the more we fuck, I think, I hope.”

“Are we going to continue fucking ourselves silly like this?” he asks.

“Only if you want to,” she says with a sexy smile.

“Well, let’s settle this right now. I want to continue as long a you want me.”

“Good deal,” she replies.

“But, don’t you have a boyfriend you can fuck as well?”

“I do, but he’s traveling with his family for the summer and I’m left at home horny for sex.”

“You said you had your first orgasm by cock with me. Is he satisfying your sexual desires?”

“No, not yet.”

“Then you need to train him like you’re training me, Sis. Yes?”

“Yup, you’re right, but you are a good student and he’s more a wham, bam, thank you ma’am type of lover.”

“Train him the way you trained me. If he continues on the short sex path, squeeze his balls to get his attention. If he continues treating you like a slut, you need to move on and find another boyfriend, one that respects your wishes and treats you like a person.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s hard to do that some times, but you’re right.”

It’s getting late and they’re getting hungry so he offers to buy dinner at a local restaurant of her choosing. She makes her selection so they shower together for the first time, clean up, towel dry and dress.

Susie is wearing stretchable shorts that cling to her body, and most of her curves, and a small tank top that gives her tits some attention. Before they leave, he feels her ass and learns she’s not wearing panties and she smiles at him. Then he squeezes her tits and she’s not wearing a bra either, so this should be an interesting dinner. She gives him a shy smile as he wonders. He’s not wearing underwear either and she knows it.

“You don’t look comfortable in those clothes.”

“I’m not, really. I only want to wear them in private with my lover, but I don’t want to wear them when I’m with you in private, if that makes any sense.”

“Then why are you wearing them?”

“Because I know it will turn you on.”

“And likely every guy in the restaurant.”

“You want me to change?”

“I don’t cause it makes you a very sexy sister and I would be proud to be your date, but if you’re not comfortable wearing them, you might want to consider changing into something you feel more comfortable in.”

“You’re right, Bro, but I want to be sexy for you.”

He snaps her into his arms and embraces her, one she will remember for a long time. They kiss and he slides his hands under her shorts and caresses her bare ass too much, too long, then spins her around and captures her tits in his grip, kneading them and pinching her nipples as she reacts. Then they’re off to the restaurant.

* * * * *

Arriving at the restaurant, they walk in and he sees several eyes on his sister. Noticing there are no empty tables as far as he can see, they are seated at a table in the corner where few people can see them. They didn’t request it. It just happens that way. Lucky them.

The waitress gets their drink order and goes off, leaving them to look over the menu until she returns with the drinks, then takes their order. When she leaves, they look at each other, wondering how they should behave while in public.

They decide to stay cool by not teasing the other physically and just enjoy a nice dinner together, but the anticipation starts building between them and both are aware it’s happening. She’s getting turned on by him looking at her with a sexy smile, knowing he’s not wearing underwear.

Knowing she’s not wearing underwear is turning him on and he’s left to deal with it. Instead, they resort to verbal teasing, making sexy innuendos about body parts that please the other, then the subject changes as they continue chatting.

“I think if I were to touch you right now, I’d burn my finger,” he says and smiles.

She laughs and says, “Thanks. I really needed to hear that from you.”

“So, do you stay in touch with your boyfriend while he’s traveling?”

“Every day, sometimes every other day or every three days, depending on where he is, what he’s doing and whether or not he has cell service. He calls me when he’s free and when he does, he sounds bored out of his mind and sometimes I receive the result. He apologies and all, but I wish he wouldn’t do that to me,” she says, not very happy with him.

“I’m getting the impression he’s not a good choice for a boyfriend.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ve been contemplating letting him go and find a real man to spend my time with, someone just like my brother.”

That hits him deep inside, but he sets it aside to press on.

“So you are searching for another, like I will be very soon, I’m guessing.”

“Yup,” she says. “And since you brought it up, I want to be clear about this, Bobby. What I have taught you about me also goes for girls in general, meaning my intent was teaching you about girls, not just me, and you listened. Every girl wants respect from a boyfriend, even a causal acquaintance will want that. She also wants to feel at ease with her date so once she tells you she feels good about you, she’s hooked. It should only get better from there.”

“Thanks, Sis,” he says as dinner arrives.

They dive in and keep the conversation to a minimum as they feed their faces. When they’re finished, he pays the bill and as they’re walking toward the door, he sees several eyes on his sister. He also can’t help but notice her ass as it bounces and makes plans for later. His dick is waking up and he’s expecting this to be the beginning of a long night.

On the drive home, he reaches inside her shorts and teases her pussy, letting her know he has learned some of what she has taught him. She struggles under his teasing, squirming and wiggling nearly out of control.

“Good god, Bro. I love it when you tease me like that. It makes me so horny, I want to fuck you.”

She reaches for his cock, but is not able to get a good grip on him so she retreats to just petting it.

After they arrive at home, enter the house and lock the doors, she drags him to her room and when they reach it, she stops, strips both pieces of clothes off and he follows in her footsteps with a smile.

She mounts his naked body and the sparks begin to fly. His hands grip her ass cheeks like he owns them and she gives him kisses he isn’t expecting, but loves it just the same.

As they tease each other in unison, their passion grows. Bobby gets an idea and isn’t sure he can pull it off, but goes for the gold despite his hesitation, deciding he’s strong enough to do it.

One by one, he moves his arms behind her knees and takes possession of her cheeks. Lifting her body up above his rigid cock with his strong hands and arms, she points it in the right direction as he lets her down slowly. Her eyes disappear and her mouth opens as the size of his cock sends her to another world.

He lifts her up and lets her down, increasing her euphoria as she moans loudly. She hangs on to his neck as she slides on his cock and there’s no doubt in his mind she enjoys being fucked this way. He joins her in euphoria as she smiles and his cock feels her tight pussy. Doing most of the work, lifting her up and letting her down, he feels her tight pussy and closes his eyes, soaking it into his mind for future reference.

As their passion rises, so does his pace, lifting her, then dropping her on his cock as her eyes disappear. His penetration is deep and her passion rocks her world into one intense orgasm. Sensing her orgasm coming on, he fucks her hard, but he’s not there and is growing tired of lifting her.

He walks her to her bed, lays her on her back, then he lays beside her.

“That was intense, Bro.”

“Very intense, Sis. I’m tired.”

With that said, their eyes drift to a close and fall asleep. They have no real desire to do that because Susie wants to fuck him all night long, but sometimes, shit happens.

* * * * *

Waking up early the next morning, they discover that having sex is not a high priority at the moment so they consume breakfast dressed in their birthday suits, when an idea pops into Susie’s head.

She asks, “You’ve never been to the mall, have you?”

“Nope. Never had that desire.”

“Today, I would like you to go to the mall with me and I’ll show you some of the stores inside which will interest you.”

“What are you trying to accomplish by doing this?”

“It will get you out in public so you can integrate yourself into life with a better, new yet different outlook.”

“Sounds like something I should do, but don’t want to.”

“You need to! You can’t spend your life behind a book, Bobby. You need to get out and enjoy life. This is a good first step to help you to accomplish that. Come with me pleeease?!”

“I’ll think about it as you suck me and after I eat you.”

“That’s a deal I can’t refuse.”

Lucky for them they have finished breakfast. Now being hot for his cock, she crawls under the table and wants to attack it with passion. Instead, he stands and helps her to her feet, leans to a side, grabs her at the waist with his arms, picks her up, spinning her upside down as he stands straight up. She squeals as she spins and loves it, but also trusts her brother’s strength to keep her safe, knowing what he’s going to do to her.

She sucks and licks his cock as much as she can and he feels her. It feels different sucking her brother’s cock this way, but she manages and he likes it as he eats her pussy. They eat, lick and suck and soon enough, he grunts when his cock fires several shots into her mouth.

Her satisfaction is written on her face as she licks his cock clean. He’s eating her pussy and she’s squirming into his face as best she can as she licks him clean. While her pussy is getting the wetness licked up by her brother, she has an orgasm caused by his concentration on her clit so he has more licking and sucking juices to do.

As she returns to life from her climax, he takes her to the shower, still upside down, and she still licks his cock while enjoying the ride. They shower, get dressed and he has a decision to make.

“Well, young man. You going with me?” she asks.

“I don’t know, Sis. In one way, I want to, but another way doesn’t want me to.”

“You’ll be fine. I’ll take good care of you.”

He knows he’s in good hands so he makes his decision.

“Okay then. Lets go before I change my mind,” he says and means it.

She drags him to the car and they’re off. She smiles the whole trip to the mall and is excited her brother is with her. Parking the car, she holds his hand after they get out and head toward the main entrance.

Out of nowhere, Bobby sees a girl he has seen at college and checks her out. She’s good looking, like his sister with similar attributes, and she piques his interest.

He doesn’t know her name so he has to improvise and as she walks toward him, he smiles at her and gets the urge to talk to her. She walks by, smiling at him so he stops, causing Susie to stop as well.

He turns toward her and raises his voice, shouting, “Pardon me, young lady!”

She stops and turns to him with a smile on her face.

“Hi, Bob. Long time no see,” she says, still smiling.

He lets go of his sister’s hand and walks to her, about six feet away.

“I feel weird, you knowing my name, but I don’t know yours.”

“It’s Amy. Glad to meet you,” she says and shakes his hand.

“Out of curiosity, how do you know my name?”

“You have been the talk of the college for the last two years, but no one wanted to break the ice because you’re such a loner.”

“Oh. They were right about that, but things have changed… Anyway, pardon me for being weird, but I have a question to ask you, but it’s a little out of the ordinary.”

“Go for it,” she replies.

“Would you be willing to give me a hug?”

She pauses, doesn’t answer, then the smile on her face tells it all. Not hesitating any longer, she reaches for him and gives him a hug. He embraces her and they stay that way as they talk while looking at each other. He’s surprised.

Then he says, “I would like to take you on a date, if you’re willing.”

“I’m willing. When, where and what time?”

“How about a matinee at the cinema tomorrow, then dinner at the Italian Restaurant here in town, then call it a night.”

“I’m go for that. What time are we going?”

“Is about 2 good for you?”

“It’s a date,” she confirms.

“I’ll pick you up and we’ll head to the cinema. Give me your address and phone number and it’s set in stone.”

They break their embrace and exchange the necessary information.

“Okay, Amy. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Roger that. See you tomorrow, Bob… Oh! One more thing. Would you answer a personal question or two for me?”

“Sure, if I know the answer.”

“Would you tell me who the female friend is with you?”

“Susan is my sister, but I call her Susie.”

“Why were you holding your sister’s hand as I walked toward you?”

“Well, believe it or not, this is my first trip to the mall so I think she’s afraid I will change my mind or doesn’t want me getting lost, maybe both. If that answer is not what you are looking for, we can talk about it tomorrow, if you still want to go out with me.”

“Yes, I still want to go out with you and I feel that was an honest answer, but it raises more questions than it answers. Tomorrow, Bob.”

“Tomorrow, Amy.”

They break up and go in opposite directions and as he walks toward his sister, she’s all smiles.

“Starting early I see,” she says.

“What do you mean?” he replies.

“You are using your new knowledge to pick up girls already. I hope you have fun tomorrow… You said you will call it a date early so you won’t be able to exercise your knowledge and get laid.”

“Possible, but I don’t have great expectations for my first date. You told me to treat a girl with respect and put her at ease, so that’s what I did. Telling her tomorrow will be early doesn’t make her think we will have sex so the pressure is off.”

“You certainly did that. No one asked me for a hug before a first date. That’s a unique approach, dear brother.”

“Just following your instructions! Would you do the same as she did if I came to you out of the blue and asked the same question?”

“Yes. I believe I would, as long as you appear to be forthright.”

She grabs his hand with a smile and they head into the mall, showing him all the stores he might be interested in. When they reach the food court, they stop and get a bite, then head to the car. It was a nice outing and informative for him, but now he’s ready to go home and they have a nice, short chat on the way.

“Thanks, Sis. I needed that.”

“You’re welcome, my dear brother. Glad you enjoyed it.”

* * * * *

When they arrive at home, Bobby gives his baby sister a little kiss, then goes to his room, with a smile on his face, assuming she will show up soon for more sex. Instead, Susie goes off to her room, changes into cutoffs and a t-shirt, then does things she needs to get done, mostly house work. When Susie doesn’t show up, Bobby changes clothes and goes downstairs to the weight room.

When Susie finishes what she planned to do, which wasn’t much in reality, she goes looking for her brother, but he’s not in his bedroom like he always is. Instead, she finds him in the basement lifting weights. They are heavy enough to challenge him and he’s sweating up a storm. She can see every muscle on his toned body stick out like a sore thumb as he works his muscles.

As Susie stands in the doorway watching, her pussy starts leaking. She’s turned on by his muscles and strength. She learns she likes watching him work out with his muscles being a large presence on his body, something she doesn’t remember seeing before now.

“Want to do something different?” she asks.

“After I finish my routine, Sis.”

Susie watches a little longer, then the next two times he changes to a different muscle, she takes a piece of her clothing off and tosses it at him. Each time, he looks at her and smiles, but continues with his weights as his dick shows interest. Soon, it’s bulging the only piece of clothing he wears when lifting weights, his bright orange shorts with an elastic waist band.

When Susie is naked, she pads to him, stands behind him so she can reach for and caress his bulge. They both smile as she squeezes it, then not getting any attention, she pulls his shorts to his ankles and that’s when he puts the weights down and faces her. Still with a smile, her naked body is a rather pleasant distraction.

Bobby embraces her, gives her a kiss as he feels her tight ass and caresses up and down on her back as his semi hard cock teases her. He’s sweaty and makes sure he rubs as much on her as he can, having no desire to wait, especially since she cut into his workout routine. She’s grabbing his ass cheeks as she holds him and gets wet from his sweat.

“You are one sweaty mess, you know,” she says, mostly stating the obvious.

“I am and you are about to love it.”

He grips her cheeks to make sure they are soft, smooth and tight, then lifts her up. As she smiles, she wraps her legs and arms behind him as he straddles the weight bench and sits on it. His cock is hard and when he sits on the bench, it presses against her pussy.

“What are you going to do to me?”

“How bout you doing something that will please us both, young lady.”

Saying nothing, she smiles, lifts up, reaches between them, guides his cock to her pussy and slowly sinks down on his wet length. She closes her eyes and her mouth opens as she slowly settles down on his cock, splitting apart her pussy lips.

Her breathing gets faster as she raises off his cock and slowly drops down, causing her to moan loudly. As his cock is being squeezed by her pussy, he also closes his eyes and moans loudly. The harmonic song they sing has nothing to do with lifting weights and that’s not hard to figure out.

She picks up the pace as his cock strokes inside her, giving them pleasure as it builds. Experiencing this new sexual position, his hand assists get faster and faster as she’s dropped on his cock with her expression being euphoric. His eyes are closed and his mind is lost. She feels much the same way as he pushes her toward a climax.

She’s feeling him deep inside her, she can’t take it anymore. Her orgasm sends her into tomorrow and as she cums on his cock, he deposits load after load in her pussy, then stops lifting her. His workout is complete.

Resting a bit, he holds her tight and carries her to the shower where they clean up and dry off. He carries her to her bed since it’s the closest, lays her down and he lays next to her. His body is satisfied by is sister and it begins to affect him emotionally.

“Good god, Bro. You never fail to get me off. Every time we fuck, I cum and it’s all your fault,” she says as a weak smile turns into a bigger, happier one.

“Good for us, Sis. I don’t always know when you cum, but I’m glad you do,” he tells her.

“Then I will tell you when I cum from now on… What do you want to do to me now?”

“How bout we stay right here and enjoy each other?” he suggests.

“I’d like that.”

So that’s what they do as she crawls on top of him and gets cozy on his chest with her legs straddling his. His hands spend a lot of time on her back, also gripping her ass cheeks, and his fingers spend lots of time in her crack. Every once in a while, he picks up her chin and gives her a kiss on her lips, some of which get passionate. He doesn’t stop caressing her back, especially her soft, pliable ass.

Later, a naked Susie makes dinner for them and they eat while she rubs his naked dick under the table with her feet. He gets the hint and his foot reaches for her pussy and does the same to her. Her smile tells him he’s getting to know her quite well, also meaning girls in general.

On his bed later that evening, they chat and tease each other, which ends in more sex. Later, they slowly drift off to sleep after another round of great sex. It seems having sex is the top priority for them these days.

* * * * *

The next morning, Bobby wakes up with his sister curled against him and when she wakes up, she’s horny, ready for a morning tribute to life. They fuck missionary style and both climax, then rest next to each other. The sex is intense and they both take time out to survive it.

“Thanks, Sis. If I had known sex is this much fun, I would have pursued it many moons ago.”

“I said the same thing after my first time. I wanted more sex the next day so I understand your desire for sex now.”

“Good… Today is my first date with Amy so if I return alone, I will come see you. You okay with that?” he wonders.

“I am,” she replies. “And even if you come home late and alone, wake me up and you can sleep with me, if nothing else, okay?”

“I will do that,” he replies.

They get off of bed, take a shower together and when they are dry, he gives his sister a big, tight, naked hug.

“What was that for?” she asks, returning his hug.

“For being my best friend and the best sister in the world,” he replies.

She embraces him and they hold each other tight far too long, then they head to the kitchen and eat breakfast, both naked as a jay bird.

They spend the morning together, teasing the other until he has to get ready for his date. His confidence has risen and he feels comfortable taking Amy out today, something he wouldn’t have dreamed of doing three months ago. When the time comes, he gives his sister a kiss, a tight hug and heads for his car.

* * * * *

Amy is waiting for him on the front porch, afraid he wasn’t going to show up. As he drives up, she gets up with a smile on her face, meets him half way and gives him a hug he’s not expecting, but he returns it with a smile. She learns fast.

Susie has informed him of his manners and how to get on her good side so after greeting each other verbally, he holds Amy’s hand, leads her to his car, opens her door, lets her get in, closes it, then he gets in and they’re off to the mall. He doesn’t meet her parents like he was expecting to, nor is he disappointed about it. As he’s driving to the cinema, he holds her hand once in a while and she has to ask.

“So, how close are you and your sister?”

“Very close, Amy. She’s my best friend for several reasons, one of which is I’ve been a recluse for several years and she lead me out of it using a series of challenges. While a recluse, I would stay home and read or exercise. What she did yesterday was take me to the mall to prove to me it’s not as bad as I thought and she’s right. I owe her a lot for teaching me a good life doesn’t mean I’m suppose to live without living,” he explains.

“It’s hard for me to believe that a guy with your good looks would do that, but I do believe you. I didn’t think you would be that type. I should thank her some day,” Amy says.

“I can arrange that… I’ve seen you on campus several times, but you never talked to me. How come?” he wonders.

“My mom taught me if a guy is interested, he will come to me so that’s what I’ve been doing. Same for yesterday when you approached me.”

“Have you been interested in guys that didn’t approach you?”

“Many, she says. “But I get over it just as fast… One of these days, my knight in shining armor will come after me, but I’m not worried, yet anyway.”

“To change the subject, what movie would you like to see at the cinema?”

“I need to see what’s playing first, then we can fight about it until I win,” she says and laughs with Bob.

“Okay. Sounds like fun,” he says with a smile.

“By the way, Bob, is it okay with you if I call you Bobby?”

“It sure is okay with me. That’s what my sister calls me.”

“Good, from now on, it’s Bobby.”

Arriving at the cinema, he holds her hand as they walk in and look over the movies that are playing, then she tells him what movie she wants to see. He agrees with her choice, to avoid a fight, so he buys two tickets, then gets a large drink with two straws, but no snacks. She doesn’t eat junk food and neither does he… He’s learning a lot about her, so far.

They watch the movie while holding hands and it turns out to be entertaining so they are happy with their choice as they leave the cinema. She thanks him for the movie and off they go to the restaurant.

After they are seated and the waitress disappears, he asks, “So how many boys have you been out with so far?”

“Three, only one has piqued my interest, but it ended up going nowhere.”

“Can I ask you a personal question?”

“I guess so,” she replies.

“Are you a virgin?”

Amy turns several shades of red and Bobby sees her face and turns somber.

“I’m so sorry, Amy. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. If it will put you at ease, I’m a virgin.”

She looks at him and a smile creeps to her face as some of the fear leaves her.

“I must say, you are direct.”

“Sorry bout that and you aren’t the first person to tell me that. It frustrates me when people beat around the bush and don’t ask the question they want to know the answer to, but I do. It saves time and frustration on my part.”

“Okay. Because you have been honest with me, you deserve an answer so yes, I do consider myself a virgin.”

“I detect a ‘but’ in there somewhere,” he replies.

She smiles, then says, “There is, but I will save that for the appropriate time… You are very perceptive, young man.”

“Yup, I’ve been told that too,” he replies.

“So how long have you been a recluse?”

“Since I entered senior high. I didn’t like too many of the kids, some of which were bullies. I was a weakling back then and was afraid of them. It was a struggle for me to go to school, but I did and it was scary, to say the least. Since, I’ve been working out with my dad and I’m not such a weakling anymore.”

The waitress interrupts the conversation with dinner and they eat while it’s hot. So far, she’s impressed with him and he’s interested in her. When they finish eating, he pays the bill and they return to his car.

In the car, she asks, “Can we stay here and talk for a bit?”


“Since you’ve built up your muscles, have you been in any fights?”

“First of all, just because I’m stronger than I used to be, doesn’t mean I want to fight everyone I see… I’m sorry, Amy, I shouldn’t have jumped down your throat like that. The fact is, I still don’t have any desire to fight, but if it’s inevitable, I have no desire to lose. But, to answer your question, I have been in one fight,” he says, looking down and perhaps somewhat embarrassed.

“Apology accepted and I wasn’t trying to imply anything when I asked. I just wanted to know the answer. So, would you tell me about the fight?” she asks.

Bobby becomes somber as he looks at her and explains.

“I was reading something on the bulletin board, actually minding my own business, when some guy nearly bowled me over from my blind side, nearly knocking me off my feet. I collected myself, shook off some of the pain he caused me, then I turned to face him.”

“He called me a bunch of names for getting in his way and that got the attention of several people standing nearby. Then he took two swings at me, one immediately after the other and the gawkers gathered quickly. I blocked both attempts with one arm and he looked at me with fury in his eyes. I told him if he attacks me again, I will break his fucking collar bone. Yes, I was a little pissed.”

“Well, instead of making him think twice, like I hoped it would, it enraged him and he took one more swing, which turned out to be his last. I blocked it with one arm and hit him square on his collar bone using an open hand with the other, hard enough to break it. Everybody heard the cracking sound, including me, but I don’t know if it broke, just cracked or if there was multiple cracks or breaks.”

“He walked away in severe pain, not saying a word, and I never saw him again. All the gawkers that were watching just walked away, not saying a word and nobody talked to me about it so I’m hoping it’s over.”

“Where and when did that happen?”

“It happened about a year and a half ago at college, about three weeks before the first semester finals began.”

“Did you have a game plan and if so, what was it?” she asks.

“No game plan until I saw the gawkers gather. I didn’t want to turn it into a long lasting spectacle to entertain them so I gave my adversary one chance to walk away, but he didn’t. So I ended it as soon as I could… To this day I wonder if that incident caused people to stay away from me, but I guess I will never know.”

“Are you concerned about this incident backfiring on you at all?”

“I hope not, but I guess it can happen… I wasn’t happy about what I did, but I did it and there is no turning back,” he tells her. “It was the first time I made an attempt to defend myself, but I also feel I should have handled it differently. Not knowing why he ran into me and assaulted me so fast, I have no idea how I could’ve handled it any other way and here I sit, still with no ideas, just conjecture.”

“Since he was ready to beat on me so fast after he bowled me over, I was thinking he did it on purpose, but I don’t know why and have nothing to back it up, and no reason why he would do it. I don’t even know the guy that did it. I’ve never seen him on campus either.”

“Good concerns, Bobby… Remind me not to get on your bad side,” she says.

He looks at her and smirks.

“Okay… Don’t get on my bad side,” he reminds her with a smile.

She gives him a hug because she can see that incident has had a profound affect on him. They talk for a long time, then he notices the sun going down and needs to make a move.

“I need to take you home since the sun is trying hard to disappear,” he says.

She chuckles, becomes somber and explains.

“Like you, I’ve been afraid to live life. Many times I’ve thought about doing something different, but fear has always stepped in and stopped me so here’s me facing my fear. For so long, I have wanted some lucky guy to make a woman out of me and I hope you are willing to do that. Will you?”

“It sounds like you are as direct as I am,” he says and smiles.

“I can be,” she says with a smile. “So what do you think?”

“If you want me to, I would be honored. I don’t know any quiet places around here. Do you?”

“I only know one. My parents home.”

“Are they home?” he asks.

“Nope, they’re gone for the next three days.”

“Sounds like the place to go… You ready for this?”

“I’m as ready as I will ever be,” she murmurs.

He drives to her house and parks in the driveway, gets out and opens her door. She gets out and holds his hand as they proceed toward the house. He can feel her shake as they reach the door and she grabs his other hand as they stand there facing each other.

“Amy, I can tell you are nervous and I’m not interested in pushing you if you’re not ready. It’s not going to hurt my feelings if you want to wait for another time,” he tells her.

She’s quiet, not looking at him, but is still holding his hands. Fear is going through her mind, not knowing how he’s going to handle her, but she just got her first clue and makes a decision.

“You’re right. I am nervous, but you’ve been honest with me, treated me well and are now concerned about me. I don’t think I can find a better person and I hope I’m right about that.”

“You are right, Amy. Not to worry because I will not do anything you don’t want me to do. Yes, I am a virgin as well, but I will not force my will on you. I don’t want my girlfriends afraid to have sex with me. I’m in full control of my actions, including now.”

With that said, she hugs him, then unlocks the door and leads him inside. Once inside, she disables the alarm and escorts him to the livingroom where they sit on the sofa.

Bobby insists they start by exploring the other’s facial features to help her relax and she learns he’s doing what he said he will do. That leads to kissing and in the process, their passion grows to an elevated level.

She searches his body, with both her eyes and hands, and feels his muscles, smiles, unbuttons his shirt and pushes it off, allowing it to drop to the floor. After hitting the floor, he slowly unbuttons her blouse and pushes it off, allowing it to drop to the floor behind her.

The first thing he notices is her bra straining to keep her tits contained. He hugs her again and kisses her lips as he unclasps the bra and pulls it from her body, allowing it to drop to the floor between them, then she kicks it to the side.

Her nicely shaped tits stare at him and his eyes are pleased. She’s naked from the waist up, like he is, but before he proceeds, he needs to clear the air.

“Amy, are you protected?”

“I am, Bobby. No problem there… But, I have to tell you something I warned you about earlier.”

He embraces her, pulling her to him.

“I remember.”

She explains, “About six months ago, I was using a dildo on me and I must have gotten a little too aggressive, well I did get too aggressive because I broke my cherry in the process. The pain hit me fast and I knew instantly what I had done. I guess you know what that means.”

“I do, Amy, and that is not something you have to make apologies for, be afraid of, or be embarrassed about. Sometimes, shit happens and it happened to you, just like it does to me. Relax. Look for something beautiful as you approach this next step in your life. It’s not going to be a bad thing. In fact, it’s my strong belief you will enjoy what is going to happen to you tonight.”

She kisses him with passion, then takes him by the hand and leads him to her bedroom. Her fear and nervousness has all but gone, well at least most of it has, and she’s ready for her first time.

As they stand by her bed, he releases her skirt and let’s it fall to the floor, then he slides her panties to her ankles and she kicks them away. She’s completely naked in front of him and she doesn’t seem to be the least bit nervous.

Her pussy is bare, her tits are a nice fit on her body, her tummy is flat, her legs look strong and she looks really good when she’s naked. He takes time and looks her over well, then speaks his mind.

“You look like a perfect ten from my viewpoint. The best thing you can do for your boyfriend is not wear clothes. You shouldn’t hide your body from him.”

She laughs as he smiles.

“For the record, that was meant as a compliment, not a joke.”

“I’m sorry, Bobby. I took it as a compliment, but it just hit my funny at the wrong time. Nobody has ever said anything close to that about me.”

“How many times have you been naked in front of a man?”

“You are the first.”

“That’s why you’ve never heard it before. I’m just the lucky son of a gun to be the first, pardon the pun.”


“Yup. At some point, there is a good possibility I will shoot cum inside you, so my gun stands at the ready.”

She laughs and leans into him with her forehead against him, then gives him a hug and kiss as he feels her tits against his chest. His fire is now lit and so is hers.

It’s her turn so she reaches for his pants, removes the belt, unhooks the catch and lets them fall to the floor. His cock is bulging his skivvies and she’s ready to reveal his secret form of pleasure.

When he kicks his pants to the side, she squats down, reaches for his skivvies and pulls them to his ankles. He kicks them aside and stands there as naked as she is. Her eyes stare at his asset as her fire starts burning.

He can see in her eyes she wants his cock in the worst way. As he’s looking at her and for whatever reason, she’s not afraid of his size and reaches for his cock, stroking him as it gets longer and harder, if that’s at all possible.

He thought she would be afraid of his size, but he’ll save that question for later. He gives her a kiss as he slowly pushes her to sit on her bed. Sliding back, she crooks her finger at him and he climbs over her, licks her nipples and lightly bites them as she moans, then he moves to her lips, kissing her with a little wetness.

Moving to her pussy, she willingly opens her legs and he starts at her outer lips, slowly circling her pussy with his tongue. He finds every pleasure nerve she has as she moans and squirms, waking the neighbors. Moving to her thighs, close by her essence, she guides his head back to her pussy and he forces his tongue into her abyss and sucks the juices out.

“You taste really good, young lady.”

“I was hoping you would say that. It makes me…horny,” she says. “Now you have to get your dick inside me before I do something too soon!”

Thinking his sister said something similar to him a while ago, he almost told her, but caught himself in the nick of time.

She raises her legs as he slides up her body until he’s even with her head and kisses her one more time before his dick makes her happier. He lines it to her essence and applies a small amount of pressure as her anticipation rises above the occasion.

It slides in as her eyes disappear and her mouth opens so he stops, just to let her get use to his size. She wiggles for more and he delivers another inch, then slowly creeps inside her until he bottoms out.

“Oh god. It’s so deep, so big, so wonderful.”

He pulls out and inch or two and pushes back in as she moans her heart out, letting the neighbors know she has lost her virginity. He continues moving his cock inside her and it slides easier after a while. She’s tight and wet and he’s hard and big, the perfect combination they need and want for their mutual success. They fuck and she turns into a wild child as she moves her ass all around, feeling him inside her.

After fucking for a while, she meets every thrust of his cock she can as her orgasm builds faster than his. She explodes on his rock hard cock and a few strokes later, he explodes in orgasm as he shoots rope after rope in her pussy, grunting at each shot.

He stops fucking his girlfriend, gives her a sweet kiss and gets off her, laying next to her, still with energy to fuck her again if she wants it. Arriving back on earth, she rolls to his side and reaches to his lips for another kiss.

“That was fantastic, Bobby. If only I knew sex was this much fun, I would have started some time ago.”

“I’ll say the same, Amy. It was wonderful having sex with you.”

“What a feeling it is. Want to do it again?” she asks, excitedly.

“Yes! Absolutely!”

He pulls her on top of his body, she kisses him and displays her excitement, but is not sure what is expected of her so he helps out.

“Straddle me, sit it on my stomach, then reach between us and guide my cock to your pussy and we’ll start all over again.”

She does it and as his cock slides in her pussy, her mind goes somewhere, possibly other than earth, but he hopes she’s still with him. Her expression is euphoric and she has a new purpose in life. Sex is the only thing on her mind as he penetrates her in places no other cock has been.

On her own, she lifts and drops on him and she goes off into euphoria again. She does it several times and when she has her second intense orgasm, she’s all done for the night. There’s no energy left inside her after two intense orgasms.

She drops on his chest and he holds her to him. Her mind is off somewhere in euphoria and his cock is still buried deep inside her. Resting there for a while, she gets herself back together and kisses him all over his face too many times to count and he loves her reaction.

“That was quite an experience for you,” he says.

“It was, something I will never forget, but I’m so tired I can’t believe it.”

“Me too… You were not afraid of the size of my cock. How come?” he asks.

“My mom burned into my brain that a big cock will be the best feeling in the world so if I have it, enjoy it and treat it well.”

“Interesting. Well, I think I’d better go and let you rest your weary bones.”

“Okay, but I want to suck you clean first. Mom told me to do that too,” she says.

She sucks his cock clean, then stands up and helps him to his feet. She mounts him, wrapping her arms and legs around him with warm intentions.

“I hope we can do this again, if you want to?” she questions.

“Oh yeah, I want to so I will be in touch in a couple days. My parents will be home tomorrow and they will be full of pictures, videos and excitement to show us what they did.”


“Us being my sister and me.”

“Oh, I forgot about your sister already. Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. I will likely forget something about you too so don’t worry about forgetting.”

She’s still mounted to him and they linger that way.

“Thank you for being the right guy to make a woman out of me. I was afraid my first time wouldn’t go well and I’m so glad you made it a wonderful experience.”

“Did your mom tell you about your first experience?”

“Yeah, she did, but also said it is rare to find one that’s as smooth as you are.”

“Thank you for the compliment and you’re welcome, Amy,” he replies, holding her ass cheeks tight.

Then she gets somber and her voice gets lower and weaker.

“I’m so glad we bumped into each other at the mall. It has been rewarding more than I was expecting and thank you for dinner, before I forget it again. I’m so glad things worked out the way they did. For whatever reason, I wasn’t expecting you to show up today and I’m so glad you did. Thanks again, until next time, Bobby,” Amy says.

Slowly, she drops to the floor and lets him get his clothes on. Once dressed, she escorts him to the door, still naked, gives him a kiss, a hug, then slaps him on the ass as he leaves. What a woman.

As he gets in his car, he reminisces about the experience he just survived. She’s as horny as his sister and he loves it, but now he has two women to keep happy and wonders if he can.

* * * * *

He drives home, goes straight to his sister’s room and since the door is wide open, he walks in. Laying on her side, Susie is awake, but there are no lights on in her room, having just hit the sack five minutes before. He turns the room lights on as he pads to her bed.

“How did it go?” she asks.

“Home plate, Sis. She was a virgin and is no more,” he says as he sits beside her, leans over and plants a kiss on her lips.

“Wow, you must be so proud of yourself,” she says as he climbs on top of her and gives her a wet kiss.

“I am, thanks to your advice. I did everything you told me to do and she wanted me to take her cherry. It really wasn’t her cherry, but it was her virginity. You seem to be my good luck charm.”

“I’m so proud of you… I’m tired from doing housework after you left so you ready to sleep?” she asks, not knowing he’s ready for an invitation inside her pussy.

She’s naked so he gets off the bed, takes his clothes off and gets in bed behind her. They snuggle together until they can’t get any tighter. He reaches for her ass cheek and separates them as his cock fits between them, then lets her cheek go. Resting in the crack of her ass, she feels it, but it’s fairly limp.

Not satisfied with that, she reaches for her cheek, pulls it up and, with her other hand, reaches between her legs and forces his cock tighter against her, then lets her cheek go. Resting in the crack of her ass, she feels it, but it’s fairly limp so she writes him off for the night, much to her dismay.

As they lay together with his arm over her body, Bobby doesn’t say anything, but his cock keeps twitching between her cheeks. Then the surprise happens. It gets bigger the more he thinks about fucking his sister. It pokes her as it grows, then it wants its rightful place between her legs, then it wants a place between her lips. She’s squirming to make it happen and now it wants to be inside her pussy.

Surprised, she looks over her shoulder at him and says, “I didn’t think you wanted me tonight because you seemed to be tired from your exercise with Amy.”

“I never said I was tired from being with Amy. That is something you assumed.”

She turns over to face him and his hand begins roaming her body.

“Are you still horny?” she asks with excitement in her voice.

“I’m available if you want to borrow my cock for a while,” he says as his hand slides down her body and grabs her ass.

She looks at him with lust in her eyes and says, “Fuck me, Big Boy. Send it inside me as far as it will go and don’t stop fucking me til I cum.”

“You’re not horny are you?”

“I wasn’t expecting you to give me any tonight so I just wrote you off, but I am preparing to fuck your brains out in the morning.”

“Bad sister,” he replies with a smile.

He slaps her ass and she laughs her ass off as he teases her pussy. The fire is lit and she squirms under his torch. He gets on top and as she spreads her legs, he drops in between them and uses his cock to tease her.

She’s not having any of that so she grabs it and guides it to her pussy with haste. Rapidly sliding his cock inside her, she grunts as if tomorrow is too far away to think about.

His time with Amy has turned him on and he’s ready to deliver for his sister, something she wasn’t expecting. Bobby puts serious energy into fucking her and she’s loving his depth, moaning for joy. She continues moaning because of the tightness of his cock in her pussy, reacting with several squirms and thrusts toward his cock.

She’s grunting as his cock pounds into her and her expression is delirious. She moans as his cock works her toward orgasm, but he keeps fucking her as her eyes disappear and her moans get louder.

“I’m cumming!” she shouts.

His cock is slow because of Amy, but it still performs. Susie raises her legs to his back as he fucks her faster, then unlocks them and pulls her knees as close to her as she can, wanting all she can get.

He’s fucking her with passion and as it rises high, he fucks her faster and faster, then proclaims his fate. He shoots rope after rope inside her, giving her an intense orgasm. As the torch slowly burns out, they rest with him on top of her, but moments later, he rolls off.

“Good god, Bro. Make it two more orgasms,” she says, smiling.


“Yup. I had a smaller one when you shoved your cock in my pussy.”

Okay, so its two more orgasms for the record books and she’s counting. She curls to him with a content smile on her face so he’s happy he’s able to satisfy her. After they lay there for a while trying to recover, he wonders about his sister and Amy.



“Are you jealous of Amy at all?”

“Maybe. I was happy you got a date, but not as happy you fucked her. Did she enjoy your cock as much as I do?”

“I believe she does.”

He pulls her on top of him and says, “I will always make time for you, Sis. Not to worry. There’s no reason to be jealous because I love my sister more than I love Amy. Well, I don’t love Amy at this point. I’m just lusting after her.”

“Good to hear, Bro,” she tells him as she smiles.

“I explained some of what you did to get me out of my cave, but wasn’t very detailed. I think she’s interested in what you did for me and wants to meet you so we must agree not to tell her the intimate details so I don’t get in trouble. I told her I was a virgin and she accepted it. You and I never had sex and I never touched your pussy, but any other place on your sexy body is okay as far as I can see. What do you think?” he asks.

“Agreed. How detailed do you think she will get?”

“Don’t know. I don’t even know why she wants to meet you, actually.”

“Oh. I guess we will find out sometime then,” she responds.

“I believe you’re right. I told her I will call her day after tomorrow for another date.”

“I bet she was tired when you left her tonight. Am I right?”

“Yup. She was definitely tired. Her body is physically close to yours… That doesn’t change anything between us, does it? And please be honest with me, Sis. One thing I don’t want to do is hurt you.”

“I don’t think so, Bro. I love you too.”

She slides to his side, cuddles to him and slowly falls asleep…with his cock in her hand.

* * * * *

The next morning, Susie wakes up first and, seeing his erection, crawls on top of him horny as hell and slides his cock inside her pussy. That wakes Bobby up and he slowly focuses on the girl laying on his chest.

“Good morning, Sleepyhead,” she says.

“Morning. Sleep well?”

“I did, and I’m still horny.”

“I believe that’s true since my cock is nice and warm right now,” he replies.

He wraps his arms around her and they engage their bodies using a single rod between them and when it grows hard as hell, it feels better inside her. She fucks him for a few minutes, then rolls them over and he starts a fast attack to make her cum with stars.

He’s relentless as he fucks his sister, primarily because she likes it that way and doesn’t complain. As she approaches orgasm, he fucks her deeper and slower and as her orgasm wakes the house, she announces it. His orgasm is not close so she enjoys this orgasm by herself.

As they recover, she says, “That was wonderful, another orgasm for the record books… Mom and dad are arriving today so I need to finish the house cleaning I started yesterday. Want to help?” she asks.

“Sure, under one condition.”

“Ut oh. What’s the condition?”

“We both have to be naked as we work,” he demands.

“That’s not a condition! That’s standard operating procedure when home alone.”

“Vote that in stone and it’s adopted,” he says and gives her a hi five.

“Good… For a few more minutes, leave your cock in my pussy so I can squeeze you for a while. When we’re done cleaning, which won’t take long by the way, I want to suck you clean, then we can take a shower. Or, we can take a shower, then I can suck you off. Your choice when we’re done cleaning,” she says.

“I can tell you my choice now, Sis. You can suck me clean and if you’re a really good sister, I will fuck you from behind while we’re in the shower.”

“I like that plan even better,” she agrees.

She goes right to work and sucks him clean and he loves the job she does as he squirms with his eyes closed. With his senses returning, Susie drags him to the kitchen and while she makes breakfast for them, he watches her naked body. She knows he’s watching and her libido is on the rise.

After they eat, he gives her a thank you hug and kiss, then they tackle the house cleaning and his cock gets longer and bigger the more he glances at his naked sister.

When finished, they take a shower together and he fucks her from behind as promised, each having mind blowing sex with a satisfying orgasm. Then they dry off and rest on his bed as they catch up to themselves.

After a while of silence, Susie is pondering something she has been wondering about since their discussion about her boyfriend. She’s nervous about asking, but she overcomes.

“Bro, have you ever thought about watching me get fucked by another dick?”

“Can’t say that I have, but now that you mention it, is that something you want me to do?”

“Call me kinky if you want, but I would love it if you would do that. It sounds dirty and also outside the norm, but knowing you are watching is a turn on. Are you willing to do that?”

“Absolutely. It should be interesting. When you’re done and the dick is gone, I’d like to fuck you again. Sound cool?”

“I will definitely love that. Let’s figure out how we can do it as we wait for mom and dad to arrive.”

They talk and talk and as their plan comes together, smiles come to their faces. It’s a good plan, but only time will tell if it will work. Bobby will be hidden in her closet when they come into her room and watch the event as it happens. Hopefully, he can prevent himself from rubbing one off as they fuck in front of him, but only time will tell.

* * * * *

Later that day, Bobby goes to the weight room and does his routine while Susie does her thing. Mom and dad arrive when he’s close to finishing his routine so Susie tells him. He showers and joins them and they’re excited about their long weekend. After they get settled in, the family gathers in the livingroom for a show and tell. It was an adventure for them and they tell the story with excitement.

At the end of the story, mom and dad take them to dinner at the same Italian restaurant Bobby took Amy to yesterday.

After dinner has been served and eaten, Susie decides to spill the beans.

“Since Bobby hasn’t said anything about it, I have to tell you that he went on his first ever date with a girl named Amy yesterday and they ate here at this restaurant,” Susie informs her parents.

Mom and dad are ecstatic to hear about their loner son going on a date.

“How did it go, Honey?” mom asks excitedly.

“I’m surprised to tell you it went rather well and I’m suppose to call her tomorrow for a second date.”

“Good for you, but why are you surprised?”

“I wasn’t expecting much on my first ever date so when it turned out well, it was surprising to me… So now that Susie has spilled the beans, where should I take her on our next date?” Bobby asks.

Susie responds quickly, saying, “Ask her if she likes to bowl. If that doesn’t go over well, ask her if she wants to go swimming, either in the lake or the pool.”

“Good ideas, Sis. Anything from the older folks?”

“Older folks?” dad says as they giggle. “Find out if she likes to dance and take her to a bar with a dance floor.”

Mom inserts, “How about a movie?”

“We did a movie and dinner yesterday, Mom,” he explains.

“Oh, then how about the water slide… Or a boat cruise on the lake… Or the tourist train ride?”

“Good ideas for me to consider. I’ll find out if she has any desires when I call her tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.”

As dinner comes to a close, they leave and drive home. Mom and dad call it a night because they are tired from the trip so they disappear. A little later, Bobby is in the livingroom reading and Susie comes bouncing in like she just downed an energy drink, takes the book from him and lays on top.

“What do you want to do, Bro?”

“What do you want to do, Sis?”

“Good question. How bout we go to your room and fuck our brains out?” she whispers.

“With mom and dad home?” he whispers.

“We’ll need to be quiet, but we can still fuck,” she replies, whispering.

He pulls her lips to his and gives her a kiss, then pulls her to his lap and embraces her as she giggles like a little girl. She’s adorable when she wants to be.

He stands with her in his arms and carries her to his bedroom. He pleases her in ways she loves with special attention given to not making any noise, a dream at best. As they fuck through a major portion of the night, they have no fear of getting caught. Putting it in a more relatable format, they don’t really care if they get caught because they are too happy to care.

* * * * *

The next morning, they have no plans for the day so Bobby calls Amy about 10 and they talk for five minutes before he asks her about what she wants to do on their next date, and she surprises him.

“I would like to meet your family, especially your sister, if that’s okay with you, and I would also like you to spend the night with me.”

Bobby is really surprised by her choices.

“Okay with me… For my own curiosity, do you bowl?” he asks.

“I do.”

“Interested in taking a boat cruise on the lake?”

“Sounds like fun,” she says.

“How about the tourist train ride?”

“That sounds like fun too.”

“Do you dance?” he asks.

“I do, but haven’t been invited to a dance in years. Do you?”

“Never learned… Do you drink alcohol?”

“Don’t like that stuff,” she replies.

“Me either. Do you smoke?”

“No. Don’t like that stuff either.”

“What else do you want to do?” he wonders.

She pauses, wondering if she should tell him what she’s thinking and decides to take a chance.

“I’d like to take my boyfriend to bed and let the sparks fly.”

“Oooo, love that idea,” he says. “So, when would you like to go out again?”

“Well, if possible, tonight is my last night alone before my parents return so I would like you to spend it with me,” she asks nervously.

“I can do that. Anything else for today?”

“If you don’t have plans, I would love to take the cruise on the lake you mentioned. I’ve never been on one of those cruise boats, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time so it should be fun.”

“I’m busy now. Pick you up at 1 and we’ll take the 2 o’clock cruise. It’s only an hour long so we’ll have to figure out something to do after that.”

“I’ll see you at 1 then,” she says, looking forward to the cruise.

“Okay. 1 o’clock, Amy,” he says and they hang up.

He thinks to himself it’s easy to talk to her and make plans, just like his sister is.

* * * * *

Susie is wondering if he talked to Amy so she comes bouncing into his room and jumps on his lap, giggling like a little girl again.

“Well, what’s the story?” she asks.

“Date today, out of here at 12:45 to pick her up for a boat cruise at 2. After that, we’ll figure out something else to do.”

“Sounds like fun. When do you want to watch me get fucked?”

“How about tomorrow night?”

“Excellent choice. I’ll set it up with an ex so it’s a date.”

Bobby is thinking she wants to know if he will get jealous if she fucks another cock, so the plot thickens. It’s actually something he wants to know as well.

* * * * *

Bobby departs to pick up Amy and again, she’s waiting for him on the porch. She walks to him when he gets out of his car and she hugs him tight, happy to see him again. He can tell she’s not wearing a bra and wonders about plan C, the all nighter. He also wonders if she wearing panties, already being turned on by his date.

“Hmmm. You’re not wearing a bra this time. Are you wearing panties?” he asks.

“Well, I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself after we get in the car.”

“Such a tease you are,” he says, both with smiles on their faces.

They exchange hugs and a kiss as he opens her car door and lets her get seated, goes to his side and gets in. He immediately goes to her knee and pushes her skirt to her hips and feels for her pussy. Yup, she’s wearing panties. Disappointed, he gives her a quick kiss, starts the car and off they go to the boat cruise, not saying anything about his disappointment.

Arriving, he gets the tickets for the ride and they get in the line to board the boat. There’s only about twenty people in front of them so they should get a nice seat on the top deck where the view is the best. Once settled in on the boat, he goes to get them a water to keep their lips wet for whatever reason, then she engages him in chat.

“Have you been on this cruise before?”

“Several times,” he says.

“Several times? How did you pull that off?”

“I used to work for them when I was younger. As a deck hand, I had a lot of responsibilities and I took them seriously, but for some of the others, it was just a job. I worked for them a whole summer, but haven’t signed up since. Still, it’s a nice, relaxing ride, narrated by the Captain,” he informs her.

“Well, it must have been fun, if you take the others out of the picture, don’t you think?”

“I liked the cruise, and job I did, but I didn’t like the people I worked with, not upper management, but the other deck hands. I felt out of place. I got the job done, but the rest of them had to be convinced to work. I believe if you are being paid to work, you better do the job, plain and simple,” he explains.

“Sounds reasonable to me. Were you paid well?”

“Minimum wage for deck hands, but it gave me a little spending money.”

“Would you do it again?”

“If the other deck hands did their job, sure, but I’m not making it my life’s work. No money in it for deck hands. Captain, maybe, but you have to be licensed to be a Captain.”

Then the Captain gets on the public address system and announces the blowing of the horn, which is required by law, then it sounds off and it’s loud as the cruise ship departs the dock. The boat can hold 800 passengers per cruise and today is just shy of a full load. It’s a nice, relaxing ride and they enjoy it. When it returns to the pier, they are nearly the last ones off the ship, but don’t really care.

Getting into his car, they have to make plans and the first one they make is to get a small lunch so they find a place and eat. When they get back in the car, she’s acting different so he assumes something and goes in to find out.

He pushes her skirt up to her hips and feels her pussy. She looks at him shyly and he gives her a kiss, and it turns passionate quickly. Her panties are gone and he wants her to explain, just to make her talk about something so intimate.

“Why did you take your panties off in the restaurant?”

“I could tell you were disappointed I wore panties, but I had to wear them on the cruise with the wind blowing like it was so I waited til after the cruise to take them off. I want to be sexy for you and that is what drove me to do it. I hope you appreciate my action and believe you do.”

“You’re damn right I do,” he replies.

Now they have to make another decision. This one is a little more challenging because Amy wants to go home and fuck until morning, but she’s afraid to tell him that. She doesn’t want him thinking she’s a slut, but when she’s with him, she wants to be one horny, sexy girl, hoping he likes her that way.

“So, have a special place you want to go?” he asks.

“Let’s go bowling. One game, then we’ll go to plan C,” she suggests.

“Cool. Let’s do it.”

She slides close to him for this part of the ride and puts her hand on his leg, which makes him wonder what she really wants to do, so he has to ask.

“Amy, would you rather do something else, instead of bowling?”

She continues looking ahead, not wanting to admit anything so he gets more direct.

“Would you rather go to your house?”

She leans her head on his shoulder and squeezes his cock as he gets the hint. She’s horny and it shows as she continues to squeeze his dick. As he gets harder, she continues to squeeze and rub it til she’s satisfied it still works.



“It’s okay if you want to have sex, but beating around the bush about it doesn’t help. Just say what you want and we might just do it, no problem.”

“Okay. Yes, I want to fuck and get your cock inside me. I’m horny as hell and in bad need a good dose of your cock.”

“Now your talking. I love it when you talk dirty. Now we’re heading to your house instead of the bowling alley.”

“Can’t wait, Bobby. I won’t get tired as fast this time. I’m ready for you.”

On the way to her house, his hand is between her legs teasing her pussy, especially her clit, and she’s squirming the whole trip home.

* * * * *

Arriving at her house, she drags him to the back door and enters, locking it behind them and as soon as they are inside. Her passion is easily visible on her face, more accurately in her eyes. Quickly, she gets his cargo shorts off, then his shirt.

This time, he’s not wearing underwear because he made the assumption they will be fucking in plan C. Amy is instantly turned on by it and it shows in her expression as a smile comes to her lips. While he watches her taking her summer dress off, he takes his shoes and socks off. As she loses her clothes with haste, he can see wetness between her legs.

Naked, she kneels in front of him and sucks his cock until he can’t get any bigger. She stands, moves them to the sofa where he sits, she straddles his telephone pole, guides it to her pussy and devours it. As she’s dropping on his cock, her eyes disappear and her mouth opens in the throws of passion as she moans her heart out in pure pleasure.

Sitting on his cock, she remains motionless as she cherishes the feel so deep inside her. Stroking his cock as he caresses her tits, she pinches her own nipples and fondles her tits, not necessarily in that order. He makes her tits feel good as she fucks his cock and feels the special pleasure her body is getting.

Bobby is feeling the pleasure as she strokes his cock. The tightness of her pussy is making his cock prepare for the inevitable while neither of them have any limitations about the sex they are enjoying. His cock is on fire in her pussy and they can’t stop fucking.

Creeping up on her is an orgasm as it builds to an intense climax. Soon, she cums on his cock and she stops fucking until her climax subsides, then continues. He decides to let her get what she wants, then he will give her more pleasure, like it or not.

As his climax nears, he just lets it go and grunts, then moans, giving her another orgasm. She flops on his chest as they recover from the intense, fast, and unexpected orgasm they both experience.

As life returns to her body, she lifts up and looks at him, giving him a kiss and it turns very passionate. Finally, she has to break it off because she decides it’s more important for them to breathe than to kiss.

As Bobby catches up to her, he asks, “Ready for more, young lady?”

“Not yet. I need to rest, then we can go at it again.”

“Okay, Babe. Stay where you are. I feel like holding and caressing you.”

She smiles as wetness appears in her eyes and leans to him. He wraps his arms around her and holds her tight, like he usually does, as she relaxes against him, being totally content in his arms.

After a while, she wiggles her tight ass and he pushes her to a sitting position. He sits up as she wraps him up and he swings her around and lays her on the sofa with her ass hanging off the edge.

She spreads her legs as he slides his cock all the way inside her in one motion and she sucks in a huge amount of air. Being already wet and ready for his cock, he bangs her hard as her mind goes to another world and his cock gives her intense pleasure.

As he fucks her hard and fast, she moans and wiggles her ass, getting all she can. The harder he pounds her pussy, her eyes disappear and her body stiffens up as an orgasm continues to build within her.

Her vocals reach new heights as she tells him how his cock feels and holds nothing back. Hearing the dirty talk from her, his orgasm builds and soon, he lets lose with an intense orgasm. She’s right there with him and cums on his cock with her orgasm just as intense.

Moving into recovery mode, he lays beside her and catches his breath with her doing the same.

“God, Bobby, you wore me out again. I guess I underestimated this encounter.”

“Not a problem, Amy. Let’s go find a restaurant, have dinner, then return and pick up where we left off,” he suggests.

“Good idea.”

They share their first shower together, then Amy puts on a t-shirt, a pair of shorts and shoes and she’s ready. He puts his cargo shorts and shirt on and off they go. When they’re done eating, they stay and chat, then finally head for home.

It’s nearing dusk when they park in the driveway, get out and go inside where she strips naked and gives his dressed body a tight hug.

“Aren’t you going to let me take my clothes off?”

“Nope. I’m going to take your clothes off,” she says.

She rubs his cock to test its stiffness, then removes his clothes and he stands before her with a semi hard cock, which she grabs and strokes in fascination as it slowly grows to its full length. He grips her tight ass, then lifts her up as she wraps her limbs around him and he pads to the back of the sofa and lets her down. Standing there with a confused expression on her face, he sees she needs additional direction.

“Bend over the back of the sofa and you will experience your next pleasure pot,” he tells her.

Her expression changes in a heartbeat and bends over the sofa. He drops to his knees and grips her cheeks as he spreads them apart, wets his lips and runs his tongue over her pussy as she feels the pleasure of his efforts. He locates and teases every nerve she has that sends pleasure stimulus to her brain, having an orgasm as a result.

She’s moaning as his tongue slides over her most tender parts when inspiration jumps into his brain. His tongue moves to her mound and lays it flat and wide, then he drags it across her clit, through her pussy, across her perineum, across her asshole and up to the end of her crack and she loves the feel of his tongue on her intimate parts.

“That feels so good, so dirty you have to do it again!” she says.

He does it again, and again, and again as her requests don’t stop, until he stands and pushes his cock against her essence.

“Yes. Fuck me, Bobby. I want it now!”

He fucks his girlfriend with tenderness and softness as his cock penetrates her intimate parts. She’s moaning her heart out as his cock delights the senses and her brain.

Her moans inspire him to fuck her faster as he feels the wetness and tightness of her pussy so she’s not the only one feeling pleasure. He fucks his girlfriend harder and eventually, their excitement reaches the limit and they cum together in a hail of stars, breathing hard and sweating.

It’s recovery time and Bobby raises up, walks around the sofa and plants his ass on it while she doesn’t move, just breathes hard. When she gets enough energy in her body, she crawls over the back and lays across his lap, holding herself to him. She gets cozy against him and he holds her with the little strength he currently has.

After a while recovering, she says, “That was totally an amazing experience you know.”

“I felt it too, Amy. It was awesome. How many times did you cum?”

“I lost count, but it was several. Each one felt fantastic.”

“I’m happy for you. It was a satisfying experience for sure,” he adds.

“You are an amazing boyfriend, Bobby.”

That hits him in a way he wasn’t expecting and he thinks about that until morning as he continues to pleasure his girlfriend.

“For someone who claims to be a virgin two days ago, you sure seem to have lots of experience pleasing me,” she says.

“Yup. When we set up our date this morning, my awakened desire for sex made me think of ways to please you. Whatever comes to my mind is what I try and if you don’t like it, I move on to the next one, but so far, you have liked them all,” he informs her.

“Well, you definitely have the talent young man.”

As their chatting wanes, they fall asleep, but wake up a short time later and fuck again, repeating that practice a few more times throughout the night. She also comes up with different ways of pleasure, but he only has one orgasm. She never noticed and he doesn’t care because he knows what to expect when he gets home.

* * * * *

Waking up late the next morning, they embrace and take a shower to get ‘all night long’ off them. They still want sex, but they need a shower pretty bad since they both smell like sex and neither denies that fact.

In the shower, they clean up and she wants his cock from behind so he fucks her until she cums, then slowly pulls out and cleans his cock off. Out of the shower, Bobby reveals he needs to go home so he apologizes, gets dressed, gives her a passionate kiss and leaves her standing near the door, still naked. This time, she misses his ass as he goes out the door. He turns and smiles as he walks away.

* * * * *

When he arrives at home, mom and dad are at work and Susie comes running, mounting him in the same effort. He smiles and embraces her body with a new zest for life as he holds her tight. She gives him a passionate kiss as he holds her by her firm ass cheeks because she’s naked, much to his surprise.

“Just out of curiosity, why are you naked?”

“Because I want you to fuck me so I need to be prepared when you arrive.”

“Very smart, my dear sister. So how do you want it to happen this time?”


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