Naked Bisexual Lube Wrestling

An adult stories – Naked Bisexual Lube Wrestling by Kumquatqueen,Kumquatqueen Naked Bisexual Lube Wrestling. Ten women, one guy. Exactly what it says on the tin.

“Ali? Love?” My girlfriend Becca entered our bedroom, putting her phone away. “We’re invited to a party at Jen’s, Saturday after next.”

“What sort of party?”

“Thegood kind!” Becca gave me a wicked smile. “Some friend has moved back to London, from abroad. It’ll be a proper ‘filthy lesbian celebration’, she says.”

“A good party? That’s what we call sapphic orgies now, is it?” I raised an eyebrow, my pretend snark hiding my enthusiasm. One doesn’t want to look like a total slut.

Oh, who am I kidding? Ilove being a total slut, at any appropriate event. Like a ‘good’ party at Jen’s.

I love Jen, one of my oldest London friends, but she has varied friend groups. Some are rather too straight and vanilla. Not to mention the patronising disablism that too often comes with those. I don’t lay myself open for that without good reason. At least my work colleagues have all got with the programme, now; me being a wheelchair-using dyke. Some took more hitshitting with the metaphorical clue-bat than others.

“Speak for yourself! You’re the one who ends up snogging half the room at every do.” Becca sighed. She’s shyer than me, when it comes to fun flirtation. It’s not that she minds me kissing other women – or men, sometimes – but she has body image problems and thinks people won’t be interested in her.

Which is daft. Sure, she’s a stocky butch shortarse, so she’s not the typical fantasy of straight males, but given Bec’s a gold-star dyke, who gives a shit? I tell you, I’m the beholder, and she’s beautiful. So much personality shining out her face; cute little smile, kind eyes. That’s enough for me, even before reaching her most fantastic huge tits, needing specialist shops to provide bras for. They are truly lush and outstanding. I didn’t know brascame in a KK cup until I got together with her! Her body is broad, solid. She’s pure muscle, and power. Each thigh is twice the size of my head! Which makes her arse a huge heaven of flesh to hang onto, while I shove my head between her legs… that’s heaven, trust me.

I love watching her own the track, when she plays roller derby. She’s grown her hair out a bit, at least in the middle. It’s like a wide short mohawk, no longer bristly. I love the feel when her head is fuzzy and shaved, too, but sadly that usually means she’s going a bit mentally wobbly. Doesn’t think she ‘deserves’ her gorgeous hair, or she wants to avoid attention for her looks, that kind of shit. I’m the opposite. I’ve usually got my hair sticking up in floppy spikes, in a colour that stands out. I used to be peroxide blonde most of theof the the time, in my twenties, but in recent years I’ve worked through shades of red. Deep Fire, the current orange-red dye says.

See, I’m going to get attention no matter what, so I roll with it. Not a pun; I said that even before Becca bullied me into finally getting a wheelchair. That was five years ago; I’ve got a more supportive model, with a headrest, now. I use it most of the time when I’m out. I’ve got a neurological condition that causes pain and fatigue, sometimes unpredictably. Ican do pretty much anything – as long as it’s not for long, as then I’m likely to crash and need a day in bed to recover. Or two, off my tits on the good painkillers. Lovely lovely opiates…

It means conserving energy is important. Leaves more of it for sex, right? I try to avoid needing Bec to be my ‘carer’. She insists all couples look out for each other, that’s all. True enough, but I don’t want to need her help pulling me out the bath again, no matter how many jokes she makes about my naked body being ‘all wet for her’! She says I keep her grounded, whatever that means. She’s not been sectioned in the local mental hospital since we moved in together, nor tried to kill herself in a decade, so I guess I’m doing it OK.

That’s all a bit depressing. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah, slutty lesbian orgies!

“The room would love to kiss you, too. You’re just more shy.”

“Don’t want to be kissed by just anyone,” Becca grumbled.

“Well then – can’t complain, can ya?” She’s kissed Jen – and Jen’s charming girlfriend Dani – at almost every party we’ve been at. I encourage them. “Oh, was that a hint? Come here!”

Becca did that shy smile of hers. It grew as she settled on the sofa and pulled me on top of her, my little tits making dents in her big pillowy ones. When she came up for air after a good amount of kissing, I heard, “Love you, Ali.”

Nearly two weeks later, I was looking forward to Jen’s party. Yes, it’s Dani’s flat too, but Dani’s the career woman, working the 9-7, while Jen’s job gives her plenty of time to look after the home. And her siblings, and her friends, and various waifs and strays. She’s warm and friendly to everyone. Heart of the community, they’ll call her when she’s elderly.

Jen called. I stuck her on speakerphone.

“You know my wee brother Ben? Yeah, well. His fiancé dumped him, so he’s been living with me this past ten days.”

“Oh no! Poor sweetie!” Becca called out.

Ben’s four years younger than Jen. She calls him her ‘baby’ brother. He’s never grown her levels of common sense. A sweet boy, though – he’s been at lots of her more sedate parties. I say boy – he must be early twenties by now. Cute young thing.

“Poor love,” I told Jen.

“Yes. So, I was wondering if it would be OK to have him at the party? He’s very well behaved, he’d be happy to just look, not touch, but let’s face it, a dozen naked lesbians might be just the thing to perk him up!”

“Something will perk up! Becs? You know Ben. What do you think?”

As I predicted, Becca was nervous. She’s wary of men, in general. Not just lack of interest in them.

Jen tried persuasion. “He’d love to see you, Becca. He’s got a thing for big tits! Mummy issues, I reckon. He won’t make a move, though, I’ll make sure of that! Please?”

It’s rare for Jen to ask anyone for anything. Which meant Becca wanted to agree, for her. “You’re sure he’s well behaved?”

“Always has been. If he isn’t, I’ll set Dani – no, Rachel and Emma, on him!”

“Now there’s a fate worse than death!” I joked.

“Mm…” Becca daydreamed of several occasions when I had, indeed, let Rachel and Emma loose on her. Filthy kinky sex had ensued. I’d enjoyed every moment of watching my girl panting and screaming. I loved the pair of them, and loved fucking them, too.

It was a consolation. If I ever got to the physical point where I couldn’t properly satisfy Becca in bed any more, there were people like Emma and Rach I could delegate to. Even if we disguised it as a simple sharing thing.

On the subject of disguise, I didn’t want Ben’s first impression of me on Saturday to be the new electric wheelchair. Or have it damaged if I left it in the hall, for my drunk friends to trip over.

Jen had everything figured out, of course. “He’ll be out in the day. Come round early, late afternoon, and we’ll hang out. You can leave the chair in my bedroom. It’ll be safe there, and Bex can get it back if you need it.”

We had a plan.

It should be a good, if quite small, party. Of the kind that involved reasonable amounts of booze – lots for most of them, though in my case, alcohol enhances painkillers so a bit is encouraged, but not too much – no-one wants the enhanced hangover! And large amounts of cuddling, snogging, and possibly even shagging various cute women. We would overthrow the patriarchal norms of heterosexual monogamy! Becca might have said that, when she was younger. Me, I’m just a simple sex-obsessed girl.

I was glad we were going round early. It meant we were getting the trains before they got crowded with pre-loaded revellers on a Saturday night. I love the freedom of my chairs, but drunks tripping over me is a hazard.

Jen greeted me with one of her effusive hugs, her breasts right over my face, given I was still in my wheelchair. Seated hugs are great – you get to nuzzle the tits of everyone who comes up to you! Or sometimes, they’re nuzzling yours. They should use that in some advertising campaign… There’s so many people who would benefit from a chair to help them get around more, but think that’s ‘giving in’. I was one of them, until I became a convert.

Only when Jen stepped back did I get up to flop on her squishy sofa. Jen’s freckly and cute. With her long straight brown hair, she’s always had this ‘girl-next-door’, wholesome, vibe. It may be aging into MILF-next-door, but nothing wrong with that. I mean, ILF still.

Jen did the host thing. “You comfy there? What are you drinking? Becca, can you help me clear this space? I want the dining table folded and put out in Dani’s room.”

“Why?” Becca asked, wondering why Jen wanted half her lounge-diner empty. A dance floor, maybe? Would Ben’s spirits be revived by funky moves?

“Dani found another of her bargains on eBay. She’s bought a paddling pool. A huge one.”

“Three metres ten?” Becca read the label. “That’s like… ten feet!”

“Nearly twice your height,” I reminded her.

Becca’s face lit up. “Remember that party, when we did lube wrestling?” We’d had a small round pool, then.

“My thoughts exactly,” Jen said. “Watching that should cheer anyone up! Especially Ben.”

“But…” Becca had reservations. “Don’t you remember Emma bitching for years, about getting oil-based lube out of long hair?”

“Two months of extra conditioner, every day…” I agreed. Emma had moaned for months and still did, every time she was reminded of the lube wrestling. Clearly her disrupted haircare routine was more memorable than her wrestling bout with me had been, both of us sliding naked around an oily round pool, her mostly holding me down. The pool had been dumped afterwards. I’d done three bouts – with the others, I don’t know who won. We certainly felt we both had!

The doorbell went. Rachel had come straight from work; her Emma would be along in an hour or so. Jen updated her; I reminded her how Emma still complained about that party a few years earlier.

“Worth it, though,” Rachel grinned, remembering. “Mm… Being pinned under her body, trapped, just sliding around… Not to mention watching everyone else.” Rachel gazed appreciatively at both of us, licking her lips.

I’d loved play-wrestling with Emma. Losing, obviously. Nothing to do with muscle weakness – the woman’s 6’3 and used to be an Olympic athlete. Lying under her long muscular bare legs, her solid-backed tits pressing into mine as she stole a kiss – it hadn’t been a hardship! Rachel and Becca had giggled their way through a five-minute bout of alleged wrestling that was more like frantic fondling. Not a bad thing – both of them tended to take life too seriously and needed to laugh more. Bec walloped Rach in the head with one of her giant breasts – it was hysterical! You couldn’t blame them for collapsing when they both slipped and fell down in the lube!

Emma’s been good for Rachel – she’s all calm and quiet, to Rachel’s constant controlled fury. A bit like how I try to keep Becca from fretting about injustice in the world and trying to solve it all herself.

Jen laughed. “You didn’t hear?”

“Hear what?”

“The great advance in lube-wrestling technology!”

Jen leaned in, conspiratorially. “Water-based lube! Washes off a treat!”

“Doesn’t that cost a fortune?” I asked.

“On the contrary. See this bottle of powder? It was about 20 quid, yeah, but it makes up 25 litres of lube… Ha! You get me?”

I suddenly had extremely happy thoughts about naked women sliding aroundround in large amounts of sexual lubricant…

Becca caught my eye. “I’ll wrestle you?”

I sighed. “Nice and careful, you mean?”

“More like, let’s slide about and I’ll have you on top of me, trapped between my tits…”

I nodded. Enough of these guys knew me well enough to be careful. I might be crap at any actual fighting, but hey, immediately surrendering to any of them would still be fun. Emma holding me round my waist, no escape from her naked body over mine… oh, the hardship!

Jen added, “And Ben knows the score. Look, don’t touch. Unless he’s invited, of course.” She sighed. “Poor poppet. If any of youwere willing to wrestle him, it would make his day. Week. Year, probably. His ex really did a number on his confidence.”

Ben arrived soon after our friends Lucy and Tess. He was subdued compared to his usual self, despite attempting to smirk about being the only man at a party full of women. “Really, I’ve made it in life, right?” He morosely sipped his bottled beer.

A couple more queer female friends, changing their clothes right in front of him, provided entertainment, but didn’t cheer him up any.

When Emma entered, as per usual in a low-cut dress showing off her fabulous cleavage plus her long, long legs, Ben might have started to believe his words. Her partner Rachel wore leather trousers with heeled boots and had rather a nice cleavage of her own, in a subtle way. I wouldn’t object to conceding immediate defeat if it meant her lying on top of me again…

Apparently Rachel was our guest of honour, back permanently in London from a couple years working in Spain. So she came over to where I sat, bent over, and kissed my cheek in greeting. As she straightened, my chin hit her breasts. This was only a good thing. As she started to rise, I buried my mouth between those cute little soft hills.

It’s almost worth needing to always sit down for hugs. It means every time I’m out, I always get a lovely cleavage in my face. It really wasn’t a hardship to conserve my energy, and fight the urge to stand, in that scenario!

“I like the red hair, Al. Makes you look like a fiery sex fiend! Just in case people hadn’t guessed.”

“Says the woman in black leather showing off her tits.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing!”

Emma put her arm round her gobby girlfriend. “Oh, Rachel’s avery bad thingindeed…”

Yes, that’s the level of our friends’ parties.

The last few guests arrived. Only ten of us all together, plus Ben. Quality over quantity. If you’re wondering how many of them I’ve fucked, that depends on how you define sex. Most, I suppose. How many I’ve properly kissed? That’s easy; all of them. Not Ben, though – just a peck on the cheek at New Year’s.

Everyone got tipsy. I carefully nursed one beer, having taken only the painkillers which enhanced the effect of alcohol. My limbs all felt fine, for once! Maybe the meds were working.

Lucy’s a sweet pouting curly blonde who plays up to the stereotype sometimes. She refused to let Ben be a gentleman, giving up the armchair to her. Instead, she wedged herself sideways next to him, her legs across his. Serious flirtation, or just our Lucy being our Lucy? Little difference, really. Lucy’s girlfriend Tess perched on the opposite arm. Ben just slouched back and smiled at the pair of them. One blonde, one brown, like complementary book-ends.

Some more drink, especially by Rachel, Tess and Lucy, though Dani and Emma weren’t far behind. I guessed Jen’s hosting instincts were keeping her more sober than I was. Unusual. Perhaps she wasn’t well? Emma and Rach couldn’t keep their hands off each other, macking on each other like teenagers. They’d been living together for weeks now – you’d think it would have worn off. Though, my Becca’s still worth long snogs. I couldn’t talk. I reached over and curled up by her side, my head on her shoulder.

The conversation got raunchier. Gaby and Bryony were enjoying their first night out since Bryony birthed their baby. Bryony had been checking her phone anxiously for updates, but after her second of Dani’s infamous cocktails, even she lay back, relaxing. The discussions covered all manner of dirt. I was glad to hear Bry’s body had recovered enough for excellent sex, even if apparently missionary didn’t do so much any more. “Doggy-style is where it’s at, now!” she said. Gaby just smirked, silent!

Emma mentioned her recent holiday with Rach, visiting a deserted beach in Sweden, where they’d both swum in the nude. We all pictured that in our minds! Emma’s a tall blonde Valkyrie of a woman, your perfect Scandinavian fantasy. Rachel’s got the build of a model, though I guess she’s now aging out of that range, in her late twenties. A few curves just makes her hotter, but no onenoone asked me. Herme Her face isn’t blank like a model though – you can tell she’s either pissed off, or thinking of subversive ideas. The pair of them are total devious kinky minds. I bet they’d gone for a sauna, and likely applied those birch twigs… I love seeing Rachel having to stop being bossy, squirming and being made to submit. Emma needs all her physical strength to make that happen! Or just the threat of it, of course.

Dani, Jen’s girlfriend, told Tess about her new Blu-Wand. She claimed it was an even better vibrator than her previous magic wand. Tess didn’t believe it. “You’re having a laugh! Not possible. No way!” So Dani suggested Tess gave it a go.

“Show us,” Lucy said.

Turned out, Tess had her trusty fake Hitachi in her bag. As you do. I mean, I actuallydo do. Becca jokes that I’m such a pervert, I use my mains-powered ‘massager’ on my actual muscles. They actually do work for that purpose, if you get a painful knot.

Tess dared Dani to try a swap.

Next thing I knew, Jen had found extension leads, plus condoms for hygiene, and Dani, Tess and Rachel were ‘testing’ the three competing vibrators, lying in a row on the cleared floor space.

Yes, I can clarify, that was three hot women gagging for it. One, Dani, naked from the waist down. Another, Tessa, with her dress flipped up and leggings and pants pushed down to her knees, splaying herself in front of us audience on the semi-circle of seats. Rachel didn’t undress at all. She just unbelted her leather jeans, shoving Dani’s outdated wand into her boy-shorts and downwards to where she liked it. The other two favoured an upwards approach, wands between their bare thighs.

“Wow,” Ben murmured.

“It’s probably not hot for you,” Lucy said, “seeing as they’re all mostly dressed.”

Ben blinked. He said nothing. Just observed.

So did I. I like watching sexy stuff, when it’s real, not porn. My ex Andy got me into the pleasures of watching people stripping and doing hot things. It’s good, especially seeing as I can’t join in, myself, as much as I’d like. These girls, publicly masturbating for all to see? Hot as hell.

Dani reached across to roll up the dial of Tess’s vibe. Her own, rather. Then Dani closed her eyes as she arched her back in satisfaction, holding the borrowed vibrator in the right place.

“That’s hot, all right,” Ben told Lucy. She giggled. Lucy always looked prim and proper, today in a Fifties tea dress, but that rosebud mouth of hers was as dirty as any of ours.

Rachel hit a couple buttons of Dani’s previous ‘massager’. “This one’s only got two settings! Not enough, and too much!” she complained.

“That’s why I wanted the analogue cont-rol!” Dani gasped, enjoying the effects of her borrowed vibe, similar to her new toy. Dani’s long dark-brown legs seemed longer than ever as she stretched out her feet, tensing and flexing to help deal with the sensations she was applying to her shaven pussy.

Tess was enjoying herself, her round thighs akimbo. She pushed her leggings down below her knees, out of the way. Her silky pants followed, the gusset of them dark from getting so wet. Looking at that – and Tessa’s cute legs and the big juicy labia round her sweet cunt – I was getting wet too. I snuggled up to Becca and snuck a hand up under her skater dress. I’d convinced her it was still hot enough that legwear would be superfluous…

Tess squeaked, then breathed harder. I guessed her vibe and Dani’s were similar. “Turn it up!” I called out. Becca giggled by my side.

“Last one to orgasm gets a spanking!” That was Lucy, amusing herself by getting Ben to blush, beneath her. She kissed his red cheek. Her partner Tess growled, nudged the control of her vibrator, and squirmed on the floor, her breasts shaking under her stretchy dress. Her succulent thighs jiggled, but only intermittently. I suspected Lucy knew Tess was likely to be the ‘loser’!

“Come on, Rach!” Emma urged on her own girlfriend. “Unless you want to be stripped naked in front of everyone here, put over my knee and given a sound spanking!” Emma laughed. “What am I saying? Of course you do, you little slut!” True enough. Rachel’s probably the kinkiest of all of us. Which is saying something!

Jen knelt in front of Dani. “Aren’t you gorgeous, love! Not to mention being a great hostess for our friends! Not just providing booze, but a sideshow! Yeah! Can’t wait to see you naked and in the pool!” She rubbed over Dani’s nipples, despite them being under two layers, on general principle.

“God,” Dani groaned. As she lay on the floor, I saw her tummy shaking, her top riding up, and her crotch juddering up and down. Not so dignified now! I liked that.

Dani’s orgasm was one long groan. Beautiful, but once she was still, I think all of our eyes switched to Tess, in the middle, and Rachel, on the right.

Tess was smiling, eyes shut, wriggling her hips round the pleasure stick. Rachel had her vibe shoved sideways into her leather jeans, and was shrugging, only tiny movements showing she wasn’t unaffected.

“Turn it up,” Emma told her.

“It’s too much! There’s only one other setting, remember!”

“Do it.”

Rachel’s a fiercely independent woman. She doesn’t take orders, or any crap, from anyone.

Except Emma.

“Oh!” I loved how Rachel’s calm face suddenly contorted, totally under the spell of the vibrator. I wondered if she was embarrassed about getting off for an audience. Would that make her more aroused, or less?

Emma moved to the floor, to hold down Rachel’s feet. Ben and I got excellent views of Emma’s breasts as the woman knelt on all fours; the slit in her dress exposed all of her lengthy legs. I approved.

“There, girl. You take it, love. Yeah. Like that. No hands! Let it happen. Let it go.”

Rachel panted and whimpered as her body betrayed her, pulsing uncontrollably as the vibrator transmitted unbearable amounts of sensation to her clit. Her knees flapped open and closed – nothing she could do about it – and her arms, above her head, hammered fists on the floor. She whined, gasping.

Emma just smiled at her wrecked partner, all her usual self-restraint utterly destroyed by a simple electrical device.

When Rachel’s face suggested actual distress, Emma pressed the control button to ‘Off’.

“Whew.” Sweat trickled down Rachel’s forehead.

Emma stroked her girlfriend’s hair, soothing her. When Rachel was happy to sit up, she rested in Emma’s lap, Emma leaning against the TV table.

Now it was only Tessa lying down and squirming, wriggling from side to side.

“That’s how she usually comes,” Lucy confirmed.

Ben stayed silent. He seemed stunned. Mesmerised, even, watching every movement. I don’t think he could believe what he was privy to, and didn’t want to remind the lesbians he was there.

Technically, I think we’re all a bit bisexual apart from Becca, but I’m not sure any of us except Rach have been traditionally fucked by a guy in years. I suppose, I’ve sat on a couple chaps’ cocks. And Bryony got pregnant somehow; I’ve never asked for the details. Rachel says Emma would potentially consider a sperm donor donating ‘direct from source’.

Fucking guys? Well, that’s different. I love pegging. Women or men, not that I’ve got the strength to do it much. Shame. Fuckingwith guys, messing with their wee minds? Now, that’s where it’s at, in my book. Not Ben, though. He’s Jen’s wee brother; off-limits.

Tess lay still, exhaling heavily. Emma had extracted the vibe from Rachel’s unforgiving jeans, though it looked like there was still a bulge in the leather.

“Christ, that killed me. I’ll be too tired for more, tonight,” Rachel said, resigned.

Emma reassured her. “You’ll recover in ten minutes. I know you, love! Let’s take your top off so you can cool down.”

Rach wasn’t wearing a bra. She might be cooling off, but the atmosphere in the room heated up another notch.

She had culturally-approved perfect breasts, lovely rounded peaches. At least sometimes culture recognises beauty. I know Rach and Emma get hacked off with being ogled, but they really are a gorgeous couple. I just wish different types of looks got as appreciated as much. In particular, my beautiful Becca. Sometimes I feel I’m fighting a tide of fuckwits and catcallers, as well as her mum. All instilling the opposite of self-worth in her, the fuckers. Just because she’s short and strong andso bloody amazing!

I snuggled up to Becca more, and gave her a kiss, because we were surrounded by safe sensible people. She wouldn’t be worrying about keeping me safe.

“You enjoying what you see, love?” she asked.

“Of course. Why don’t you take your top off?”

She’d put on a figure-hugging dress, in the end, rather than her weekday crisp cotton shirts, butch as hell with combat trousers. The dress stretched thin, nearly see-through, over her chest. I loved it, but y’know, why block our view of her with superfluous clothes?

Becca grinned at me. She yanked the dress off over her head in one efficient motion, biceps and triceps on full display. Which resulted in Bec in a black mesh vest, showing off her deltoid muscles and her tits… I knew I was gaping gormlessly at her, so suckered by her body, as always, so I just kissed her shoulder and stayed cuddling her reassuring solidity.

Emma shifted back to the sofa, on the other side of Becca. They looked pretty snuggly, too. Rachel got up, then sat leaning against Emma’s legs. Lack of comfy seats, or submission to her sometimes-Mistress? I wasn’t asking. I was distracted by Dani’s long fine legs, worthy of a dancer, and Tess sitting herself up, her dress falling back down and making her briefly decent again.

I bet that dress wouldn’t stay on her long!

“Come and take your spanking,” Lucy told Tess. Lucy has the sweetest polite voice, but she’s a filthy sex fiend!

Tessa pouted. I knew the spanking wouldn’t be serious. For Tess and Lucy, the fun was in the indignity of Tess bending over, showing off her fantastic arse, and Lucy pretending punishment while playing with her.

“Yes, you, my girl. Come on. Tell you what, hon, you just bend over the arm of the armchair here, and then Ben doesn’t have to move! Kick those leggings and pants off. Plant those big black tits of yours in his lap! All that hair over the other side. Now, lift up your dress and hold the skirt by your waist. Don’t move your hands. Now, Ben, have you ever seen such a beautiful bare black ass?”

Ben shook his head. He was beyond words.

“You have not, because she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. My Tessa! But I’m going to make her even more beautiful.” She slapped Tess’s big brown backside a few times. I purred, remembering a couple times in bed with Tess. Lovely lass, bit of a chip on her shoulder about being audibly East London. I might have got together with her, if I hadn’t met Becca. I sighed. If I hadn’t met Becca when I did, I might not have fucked up my thing with Laura and our friend Andy. I still kind of regret that. At least we’re on speaking terms again, but I think I broke Laura’s heart. Ah, well, it’s been ten years. Time heals a lot. Just not my body.

“Hold her shoulders down. This is one time you’re allowed to touch a black woman’s hair!” Lucy giggled with glee. I wished I could see Tess’s arse, even if there weren’t any marks on it. I bet she was getting wet…

“Are… Are you OK with this, Tess?” Ben asked. Kudos to the boy, understanding basic consent. “And if I hold you like this?”

Tess moaned. I suspected she liked being restrained by her huge mass of hair. “Yeah.” She made a happy noise. “You’ve got a huge boner!” She wriggled. “Serious, girls, this guy’s got his giant dick pressing right in my tits!”

“I don’t want to hear about my brother’s cock! Giant or otherwise!” Jen exclaimed. “You leave him alone, I’ll set up the paddling pool… Dan, help me? Thanks, Emma.”

Lucy must be doing something to Tessa, because I saw Tess roll herself back and forth over Ben’s lap. Adorable little panting noises, she made. Ben’s jaw set rigid, as he gazed out of the window with a glassy stare. I guessed he didn’t know what to do with the bare-bottomed girl lying on him! He’d promised to behave…

Lucy’s sweet innocent face popped up again. “Go on, Ben. Toss yourself off against my girl’s tits. You know you want to.”

I heard a squelch, which I guessed was Lucy’s hand meeting Tessa’s soaking wet pussy. Then Ben made some noise. Had Lucy managed to reach to undo his flies?

Jen spoke loudly, blocking whatever they were up to. “I need the pump! Becca, plug in the electric pump and pass it me.” Oh, for blowing up the paddling pool! I’d assumed she meant some sort of sex toy… I guessed she wanted to hear her brother wanking even less than she wanted to hear anyone talk about his penis!

The whirr of the inflating paddling pool masked any noises Tess and Ben might be making. I wondered if Ben had actually done as advised, until Tessa sat up, all flushed. A large wet puddle soaked the middle of her chest. A blatant giveaway! I blew her a kiss. I guessed she’d loved a cutesy play-spanking with Lucy’s fingers in her cunt. Mostly pleasure, rather than pain, just adding a little spice to the sensation; Tess likes being sweetly naughty rather than a full-on pervert. My Becca, now – she’s up for almost anything…

I started to admire young Ben, sneakily getting himself off in a roomful of women. The lad had balls!

Tess and Lucy wedged themselves on either side of Ben in the large armchair. If this had been their plan to cheer him up, it was a damn good start.

The paddling pool was huge. It did fit in the room, once Dani swiftly pulled a tall green plant and a standard lamp out of the way. Four people could lounge comfortably, feet hardly even scissoring.

Lying down and legs scissoring, however – I reckoned that was a good idea…

“Who’s going first?” Jen called. Dani had whipped up a bucket of gel, and poured it along the bottom of the pool. It oozed slowly along the lurid turquoise plastic, making small puddles in the wrinkled floor.

Lucy grinned at Tess. “Come on, sweetheart. You’ve got half your clothes off already. And your dress is all wet! It needs off, too.”

Tess, now aroused and ready for anything, leered at her cheeky girlfriend. “You think you can take me in a wrestling match, girl?”

Lucy, petite, blonde, and with no muscle, would fail dismally. Wouldn’t she? I think we all shifted in our seats, eager to see her naked, vulnerable, and pinned underneath Tessa! Especially once that demure cotton dress was cast aside. Lucy’s tummy was succumbing to her thirties, but oh yeah, she was still a cute wee thing. Delicate collarbones, little pink nipples. And a right slut.

And intelligent. My real weakness. Proven by Lucy’s reply. “Dani? Would you join us? Make it more fair?”

“No! Danika? Two on one, that ain’t fair! Not fair! You’re ‘avin a laugh!” Tess objected to the unfair fight, not to the concept of naked Dani on her, I noticed!

Dani just laughed and removed her own sleek buttoned-up top. She’s dark too, but slender up and down, with her actual-black hair in a sharp bob, a bit like that sexy Vulcan woman off Star Trek. Her white teeth show up extra well, making her smiles extra gorgeous. She beamed one of those smiles, all lipstick and charm, as soon as she was bare. Lovely perky tits with near-black nipples, smooth skin all over. “Get someone else on your side, then?”

So Tess roped in Bryony, who was quite amenable.Interesting. Tessa chucked her dress over her head and onto the floor, bra following it, breasts falling downwards. Gorgeous hanging handfuls – double handfuls – but nowhere near as big as my Becca’s. Few tits are! Tessa’s were paler than the rest of her chest, with fat dark nipples coordinating perfectly. I’d sucked them a few times, and loved it. So had she.

Tess, now nude, stepped over to the paddling pool. She put one foot in, then fell over as soon as she lifted the other.

“That’sone way to do it,” Jen said. “Sorry, guys, I should have warned you! Please be careful, everyone – it’s fiendish slippery, and I don’t want to have to call an ambulance for any broken limbs! Or dislocations!” Jen glared at me. I stuck my middle finger up at her, but the girl had a point – I have a genius for wrenching my hips or shoulders. I went and fetched myself another beer, partly to prove I could, then decided it would be best to rest on the very comfortable sofa – and for now, Becca – for the rest of the night, watching the show.

It would be a crying shame, not getting to slide around in the pool, though. Nothing like a bit of wrestling with a slippery naked woman, your leg between hers. Ben raised his bottle to me. Likely we had the same thoughts of staying on the couch, but for very different reasons. He just wanted to be allowed to stay!

Dani took an almost-graceful dive over the side of the pool. Firm body, smooth chestnut colour with a hint of gold…

“Mm,” Becca murmured by my side.

“Oh yeah,” I agreed. Dani doesn’t really get into fucking anyone except Jen – and same for Jen, now, sadly – but nudity and fondling is all good fun.

Which was exactly what Dani and Tess were doing. Both were trying to slap handfuls of lube onto the other’sothers body, while tumbling and sliding about. Lucy and Bryony sat at one end of the area, much calmer, scooping up gelatinous lube and carefully applying it to themselves and each other, more like a bizarre spa treatment, until they too accidentally slid down, bumping into the others. Bryony’s quiet wife Gaby reached in to gather up more gel and assist with the application.

Four very different naked female bodies. All kind of cute, but it was seeing them moving, rolling about, not just sitting, that I really liked. I’m not attracted to stereotypical looks, but how someone moves; that’s what turns me on. If they’ve got a dirty mind, that clinches it.

Becca has total confidence in controlling her body. She knows what her muscles can do. Which makes her sex on legs. Just watching her walk gets me hot! In the meantime, Lucy lay giggling in the corner, lying on her back, thanks to Tess yanking her down by her ankle.

They’d all clearly had had enough drinks that they couldn’t count to four. Bryony’s wife Gaby stripped off and followed Bryony into the centre of the pool. Bry slipped from her seated position to prone; Gaby then landed on top of her. Gaby’s hair’s grown long. It was tucked up in a sleek bun, but now it was falling everywhere. She shrieked, until muffled by her face ending up on Lucy’s chest.

Once she turned over, Bryony lay on her back, exhausted, not moving. She was the one who had their baby, some months back, so this must be one of her and Gaby’s first baby-free outings. She’d gained raspberry-ripple stretch marks on her tummy, but generally her body had survived pregnancy well. Her golden bristly hair glistened from the lube. Tess reached over and rubbed her chest gently.

“Oh god, gentle on the tits… Don’t touch the nipples,” Bryony begged. Not unhappily, I didn’t think.

Gaby called out, “It’s OK! If you don’t touch her nipples, she won’t leak! But her breasts love it, if you’re careful.”

“They’ve doubled in size,”Tess remarked, carefully weighing Bryony’s pink boobs in her hands. They had red-brown teats which were bigger and browner than when I’d last seen Bryony naked. Must have been about a year ago – she’d been pregnant and at that radiant stage, pure sexy curves, before getting to the months of complaining she was an unsexy beached whale. I bet she’d have still looked great, then. Bryony lay with her eyes closed, making small happy noises, so I guessed Tess was being gentle enough.

Gaby spoke. “I think of it as a pregnancy upgrade to her body. Like, any time I upgrade her computer, she bitches and complains, theneventually she concedes it’s an improvement. Just like getting bigger breasts and extra curves round the hips. More of her to hold! You happy there, babes?”

Bryony murmured, sleepily. Tess snuggled up to her, their bare bodies sliding easily over each other, Tess enjoying fondling a handful of Bryony’s white thigh.

The scene was remarkably civilised; sure there were five slicked-up naked lesbians, but apart from Lucy and Dani’s wild giggles as they slipped and slid over each other, it wasn’t particularly sexual. I mean, I enjoy looking at cute girls without clothes on, and these cuties were most enjoyable. Anyone would think the combo was designed for an artist: white-skinned Bryony cosying up to dark Tess, opposite copper-toned Dani holding down golden Lucy, all their feet tangled round Gaby and her long ponytail, lying in the middle. It was a shame they would never allow any photos to exist. I tried to fix the image in my mind, for future fantasy.

“Ha!” Lucy had wriggled out from under Dani’s body and sat up. She flipped round and tried to flounder over to Tess, pushing herself against Gaby, who slid to the other side. “Whee!”

Tess pushed Lucy back, hands on her girlfriend’s waist and arse. Lucy gave up on sitting and let herself lie down across Gaby’s leg. Gaby pushed herself round and pulled Lucy onto her chest, like a sea-otter with a cub.

“Hee!” Lucy wriggled, making her well-lubricated breasts rub over Gaby’s chest. When she managed to get nipple over nipple, Gaby moaned, loving it. Gaby too was writhing around, not trying to shake Lucy off. Gaby tucked her long legs round Lucy’s ankles, then wrapped her arms round Lucy’s chest. Gaby’s hair might be getting full of gel as she lay in the lube, but Lucy wasn’t going anywhere.

Not that she was trying, until Tess sat up, then fell forwards, landing on Lucy’s arse.

Tess planned to take her revenge.

“Oh yeah! Look how wet and sticky you got! Rubbing yourself off on someone, getting her thigh in your cunt so you can get off, you little slapper!” Tess spoke fondly. She liked Gaby, especially if Gaby was helping hold Lucy still. Tess scooped up a handful of lube and held it where it was needed, between Lucy’s legs.

I appreciated the sight of Lucy gasping at the cool goop landing on her fanny, while Gaby lay in the slick stuff alongside her, the subtle curve of her slim hips displayed perfectly. Lucy stared wide-eyed in my direction, her little nipples reddening and wrinkling as she arched her back up towards Tess’s firm hand.

Bryony opened her eyes. She tried to keep them that way, given the entertainment: Dani threw her naked body at Lucy, both of them bumping into Gaby, then rolling off with a squelch. But our poor new mum couldn’t stay awake. The energy just drained out of her, despite the other four women rolling up and over each other, their hands roaming all over. They needed to lube up areas between legs and the back of buttocks very carefully indeed. The quad couldn’t stop giggling as they slipped around, using dozing Bryony as a cushion.

A phone rang.

Bryony startled awake, worried.

“Bugger. I think it’s mine,” Gaby said. Jen found it, and Rachel held it up to Gaby’s ear, all shiny from globs of lubricant.

“Oh? You’re doing well and he’s settled beautifully? Seriously?” Gaby spoke to the babysitter. “Really? I know, love, you did say we could stay out all night, if he was happy, but Bry’s shattered!”

“You can stay here,” Jen said firmly. “Seriously, both of you! Have Dani’s room, and get a good night’s sleep!”

Gaby was the sensible co-parent, calmly supporting her wife. “You heard? You sure? OK, then, I’ll put Bryony to bed and we’ll see you after breakfast. Oh, you’re so kind, poppet! Thank you so much!”

Bryony tried to calm her heart rate down. “Really, everything’s all good?”

“All fine, lovey.” Gaby managed to haul herself over to her shining coated wife and take her in her arms. “I know, first night away from him! Isn’t it exciting!”

Bryony forced a smile. “I know! But it’s… oh!” She buried her head in Gaby’s chest, causing both of them to slide down into the pool. Their legs knocked Tess over onto Lucy and Dani, who all fell over like a set of curvy sexy dominoes. God, I wanted to be in there with them!

Gaby spoke. “Come on, Bry! Let’s get you showered off and we’ll get into bed. Just you and me, eh? No small overlord screaming! Jen – give me a hand?”

Gaby rose from the pool to standing, her hands in Jen’s. She was a tall lean figure, naked, and sparkling thanks to the lube all over her body. A perfect centrepiece for our party! She stepped onto the old towel Jen provided as a foot mat, then reached to assist Bryony in the same way.

Bryony really did look like a goddess as she rose from the pool. Her short yellow hair made for a striking contrast with her pink body, as did a full triangle of golden-brown pubes against white stomach with red lines, and armpits dark shadows against her breasts.

Gaby was right. Bryony’s body really was more lush than before she’d had the baby. Bigger, rounder breasts; softer, somehow. More curves round her arse. There was a sort of glow to her. Like she knew how powerful she’d been, growing an entire new person. And Gaby worshipping her, even more than she had beforehand. They’d always been a strong supportive couple; now, I’m sure an atomic bomb couldn’t split them apart. I was delighted to hear Bry had physically recovered from the birth. Wouldn’t catch me doing that! I wondered how a baby affected her – and Gaby – psychologically.

“I don’t know. I should get back…” Bryony fretted.

“He’s fine! You trust my sister, right?”

“Iknow. Just… ” She grimaced. “And my breasts are aching already. I didn’t bring a pump… Or even a toothbrush!”

“Spare toothbrushes in the bathroom, guys. All part of the service.” Jen was the perfect host, as usual.

“Service? Are you going to soothe her fevered tits, too?”

Jen made an obscene gesture at Rachel, who’d made the suggestion.

Gaby realised both she and Bryony were covered in lube from head to foot. Even if it washed off easily, they’d need a shower before going near any bedding. “Can we have another towel, Jen?”

“Plenty in the bathroom. Feel free to use whatever you need.”

“Right. Come on Bry, I’m taking you to bed. But first, a shower, and we’ll relieve that ache. I’m not having you in pain. Let’s get you in private, and you can touch yourself, and I can help. Suck, too. Any excuse!”

Bryony whimpered slightly, somehow small in tall Gaby’s safe long arms. One nipple was leaking already. Gaby wiped up the milk and licked it off her finger.

“God, that’s hot,” Becca murmured in my ear.

“Mmm… Yup. Not that I’m ever doing that gestating thing.”

“Me neither.”

We might both not want to inflict our physical and mental issues on a new generation, but I caught Emma’s shy look at Bryony, and how Rachel squeezed Em’s hand. They’d be figuring out how to get Emma up the duff, I had no doubt. Rachel would be a good co-parent, I reckoned. Especially with Gaby as a role model.

Gaby bent to suck Bryony’s big breast, not the nipple but a large area around it. Bryony groaned the happy noise of a woman being turned on via the mains switch. Gaby stood up again, grinned round the room. “Goodnight, guys. I’ve got a lady’s vital needs to sort out. Thanks Jen, Dani. See you in the morning – if you’re awake!”

Bryony saluted sleepily, and let her wife usher her out of the room towards Dani’s bedroom. Via the shower. The lube made their skin all shiny, even if water-based gel did get absorbed fairly well into the skin. Dani had also got out, and showed them everything a couple might need for a night away. Meanwhile, Tess and Lucy were left to wrestle with much more space…

“Well,” Dani said, once she’d shut the lounge door and we couldn’t hear the erotic noises – even if they were dozy – from the other room. “We’re getting to the right sort of tone for the evening. Who’s up next?”

“Ha!” Tess exulted. “You have so lost, and I’m not even joking! Loser! Loser!” She straddled her girlfriend’s hips, making fucking motions as she held Lucy’s shoulders to the floor with ease.

It was hot as far as it went. But I knew what I wanted to watch. “Let’s see some proper wrestling! Becca, go for it!”

“Yeah! Becca!” Lucy shrieked. Anyone would think she wanted to lie helpless under Becca, too. Good taste.

“Excellent volunteering of your lady there,” Rachel said.

“Of course,” I agreed, hiding my sadness I couldn’t properly fight anyone. Maybe I’d just join Becca after the fighting was over, to slide around in drunken giggles.

“Emma? You’re the only one with a chance of taking down Bex, sorry, Becca.” Rachel’s ‘resting bitch face’ turned nearly to a simper, as she hoped for a positive response from her partner.

Emma is naturally smiley. She’s the calm, friendlycalm friendly one out of the two of them. But this was definitely a real grin. “Achance?” she scoffed. “I can take Becca, no problem!”

“Oh yeah? That’s fighting talk!” Becca would probably have defended herself, even without a few of her disgusting alcopops inside her.

“Yeah. I’ll pin you, shorty!” Emma promised. She’d probably had to trash talk the competition in the Olympics. “You and your little dawg…”

“In your dreams! I’ll get you on your back, begging for it…Blondie!” I loved seeing Becca so viciously passionate, spitting out her challenge.

“Right. Fight it is.”

“Fight, fight, fight!” I chanted, getting everyone into the spirit.

“Get your kit off, get your kit off…” Rachel sang, waving her bottle of cider wildly. That stuff was over 8%. Almost scrumpy! I wasn’t going to let Rachel near scrumpy, ever. I don’t mention it to Becca any more, either. You know how everyone has one type of alcohol they’ve been put off for life? Yeah, well. Scrumpy is Becca’s.

Becca stood up, ripped off her tank top and bra to show off her mighty ripped chest supporting those grand tits, and dropped her shorts.

Whoo-hoo! I cheered. Those pills with my beer had done the job. I’d have celebrated even without them. Becca in the nude is an amazing sight, every time.

Becca saluted the room, hand held aloft. Stark naked. So brave, my girl. Then she eyed Emma. “Come on, if you’re hard enough!”

Emma said nothing. She often doesn’t, unless she’s really got something to say.

A minute later, Emma had ditched that elegant velvet shirt and the jeans that accentuated her mile-long legs, in favour of just showing us said amazing legs. And her firm arse, as she strolled nonchalantly to the paddling pool, bent over – great view – and carefully stepped in.

Becca had got into the pool without mishap. She sat, leaning back on one firmly-inflated end wall. Emma took the other end, and tickled Becca’s feet with her own.

“So,” said Becca.

“Ready to rumble?” Emma asked, casual as could be.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Good.” Emma nearly growled her next sentence. “You’re goingdown!”

My pussy tingled from her words. I couldn’t wait to see my girl fight.

Becca got to her knees and shuffled forward, wary of the treacherous surface. Worse than ice. Maybe just because you don’t go ice skating naked.

Emma might have done. She told me once about ski-ing near her mum’s, in Norway. Locals, who don’t fall often, go in T-shirt and shorts. Or a little bikini, for that perfect winter tan. It works, apparently, with the light reflecting off all the snow. Even, she swears, the odd naked guy.

“Ibet they’re odd,” Becca had commented.

“Some. Some just think they’re god’s gift. Which makes it funnier when you ‘accidentally’ bump into them and their perfect bronze body, and they fall over…”

See? Emma sounds all peaceful mellow hippy, but she’sevil. Emma also knelt up, looming over Becca, who must be a foot shorter. Emma’s over six foot.

Becca attacked first, lunging to the side of Emma’s crotch, grabbing her by the thighs, and attempting to throw Emma over her back as Becca carried on sliding past.

It almost worked. Emma landed on Bec’s arse, and groped her legs. Quite high up. Becca went splat under the weight, lacking any friction to help her stay on all fours.

“Gotcha,” Emma hissed, trying to manoeuvre herself about on Becca’s not-yet-slick back, attempting to pin Becca’s shoulders to her sides with her legs.

Becca pushed Emma’s legs apart, then twisted. Those core muscles did their thing; Bec rolled until she was face-up. Still under Emma, though. Emma’s knees were round Becca’s head, always a sight to remind me of some wild parties. But then Emma’s body slid off Becca’s.

Becca sat up, panting.

So did Emma, less obviously out of breath. This time, Emma went for Becca. It was a clash of titanic tits. I’d love to be in between the pair of them. Except for the getting mashed and injured, obviously.

Becca’s superlative lower body strength got her out from under Emma again. They both crashed to the ground, sliding. But Emma’s arm muscle plus superior height and limb length gave her the advantage. She could toss a leg over Becca, then hang onto Becca’s bobbed hair. Was my girlfriend done for, lying on her back, held down? Maybe she should have shaved her head, again?

Becca yowled, then head-butted Emma in the breasts. Oh, yeah!

Emma slapped Becca’s breast. Becca clawed her hands and scratched back, along with kicking aimed at Emma’s thighs. Their legs were interleaved, hips bucking up and down as if they were fucking.

It was as hot as watching them fuck. So much energy and bare skin, all gleaming and slippery. Becca whacked Emma in the bum with the heel of her foot.

“Ah, fuck!” Emma complained.

“Not tonight, darling.” Becca joked despite being out of breath. “I’ve got a fit bird to go home with.”

The teasing promise made Emma chuckle. Just enough distraction to enable Becca to kick Emma off her, followed by a push off from the pool wall into Emma’s chest. I thought my girl had her now, barrelling on top of our sexy Swede, but no: once again Emma’s height was an advantage. Becca tried to curl up, tucking her legs in round Emma’s, not leaving any body parts to pull on.

It didn’t work. Emma gripped Becca’s arm like grim death. Becca’s attempt to yank Emma’s hair didn’t help – her hair slipped through Becca’s fingers.

This was a full-on classic bitch-fight, and I was loving it. Rachel and I grinned at each other, both delighted with how our girls were acquitting themselves.

Becca had Emma’s shoulder down for a couple seconds, but Emma burst out of the hold. Emma had her revenge seconds later. Becca managed a backwards somersault to escape, going splat in a puddle of lube, squelching as she moved. Emma gathered herself up and tried for another grab. She was tiring. Her fast breath hit Becca’s face.

Becca was tiring, too. If there had been a medal in it, or her life depending on it, I’m sure she’d have found more energy. As it was, both of them grappling for an advantage on their sides, rubbing their bodies together, she offered an out.

“Call it quits, and get them to bring us another drink?”

Emma agreed. “You’re on. Waitress! Another Kronenbourg, please.”

“An orange WKD, please, Dan.”

They lay back at the kitchen end of the pool, glossy, flushed red all over, both beautiful.

Emma called softly, “Join us, Rach?” Rachel didn’t answer. “Are you coming in, Ali?”

“I can’t wrestle.” I shook out my crap arms. “I dunno.”

“That’s hardly a hardship! We can just slide about. I don’t want to accidentally pull your leg off!” Emma would be careful, I supposed.

Becca pleaded, “Come on, sweetheart!”

How could I refuse Becca, after she’d been practically making personalised porn for me? “Mm. Yeah. All right.”

Becca called out, “Take her top off, Rach!”

Rachel did that raised eyebrow thing at me. I nodded. So Rach squatted in front of me, undoing buttons on my dress shirt, then stood to sweep it back off my shoulders.

“No bra? You sly horse!”

I told her, “If anyone gets to see under my shirt, why make them waste time getting to the good bits?”

Also, either I take about ten minutes to get the bloody thing on, or I give in and get Becca to help. Given I’m not running nor jumping, my breasts don’t really need support. Especially at this kind of party.

“Fair point. They’re very good bits!” Rachel peeled off her own slinky top, then her boots, and her leather jeans. Her men’s jersey shorts highlighted her arse rather well. Fondlable. I gave her bum a squeeze. She’d have been disappointed if I hadn’t.

Rachel paused. “Em?”

“Just take the pants off. Come here, love.”

Ah, Ihadn’t been mistaken earlier. Rachel was packing. Her crotch was accessorised with a nicewith nice fat purple cock in a black rubber harness. Emma liked a partner with a cock, so Rachel obliged, quite frequently. It showed off her smooth bum and legs nicely.

I flicked my eyes to Ben, wondering what he thought about not having the only cock in the room. I bet – knew, actually – that Jen owned a few, which was probablynot a fact she wanted to share with her brother!

He blinked a few times, probably confirming to himself Rachel’s phallus wasn’t flesh, but otherwise the guy seemed remarkably chilled. Having Lucy and Tess adopting the roles of his personal cheerleaders probably did that. They perched on either side of him, still naked from the pool, Tess wrapped in her towel on the arm, Lucy settled next to him, towel under her protecting his trousers from the lube, but failing to hide anything above her waist. As I admired the view, Tess’s towel gave up on keeping any modesty. She didn’t react, just passed him his beer bottle.

It was like a remarkably chaste lap dance – the same composition. Only without that desperation behind the eyes of dancers deciding what they’ll do for more money, nor the lordly look of the punter. Here, the chair contained just happy giggling. Similar ‘looking, no touching’ rules to the classier type of strip joint, I supposed.

Ben looked at me. He liked what he saw. I mean, straight men usually like any topless woman, especially if they’re remotely young or slim. I’m not trim and muscled like I used to be, but I’ve still got it. And very nice tits, if I say so myself!

He nodded approvingly, still too shy to say anything. He probably knew, or had cottoned by now, that Becca and I weren’t monogamous, at least with women.

Bec has never done a man and is very happy that way. Me, I like men’s bodies, some of them. Ben had the little goatee that so many men his age had, but unlike lots of them, it didn’t look too bad. Wouldn’t mind fucking him, if Bec was OK with that – she often encourages me to get dicked, if she knows the guy. It’s a shame Andy, my old flatmate, moved up North. Whether Ben would be interested in me, who knew? Not in front of his sister, naturally, but in general? Maybe…

I stood up, let my blood catch up getting to my brain, and wriggled out of the rest of my clothes. Facing Rachel, who’d appreciate that, and my back – my bum – to Ben. My arse may not be muscular any more, but it’s still round and curvy and very definitely female.

Tess and Lucy wolf-whistled, so I guessed I’d succeeded in looking cute, even if he was too polite to comment.

Rachel grinned at me. “Want a hand getting in?”

“Oh, just crawl, both of you,” Emma grumbled.

Emma likes bossing Rachel about. She’s the only person in the world Rach will take it from. Doesn’t mean I’ll listen!

I took a dozen careful steps to the paddling pool. Its rubber wall flexed and bulged as Becca propelled her naked body around it. The pool was clearly slippery as fuck. I got onto my hands and knees, conscious that Ben, Lucy and Tess would all be getting a perfect view of my buttcrack.

And, as I took Becca’s arm and slithered over the side of the pool, second leg waving wildly in the air until I collapsed on top of her, they’d also be getting an eyeful of my cunt.

Hey, bodies are meant to be shown off, right? The tattoos on my hip still look good; I’m confident about showing them off. Always wait for a recommended artist, folks. The number of smudged stamps you see every summer, seriously? Not sexy, looking like a marker-pen scribbled on you.

Not that I’d ever say that to Lucy or Becca; I have some tact. Lucy’s are the trad ‘I got drunk at a festival’ tats; Becca was more trying to change herself into something she could live with, trying anything she could afford, in desperation. So they’re part of her history, they mean something. Her semi-colon on her inner wrist is small and perfect, as are the tiny letters which come after. I hope she won’t need to commemorate another survival.

I ended up lying on her, my lovely Becca. I kissed the smeared bird on her breast, then along her side.

The effort pushed me backwards, which made me slip down her, trying to catch myself. My mouth went over her tummy button so I licked it, knowing she’s ticklish. The lube tasted ok.

“Eh, no! No eating her out in this pool,” Jen called out.

“I’m only at her navel!” I objected, no matter that Becca squirmed just as if I was in her cunt. She slid away. My chin then hit bristles, where she’d trimmed her pubes short.

“I’ve met you,” Jen retorted. “Give you an inch, you take an ell… of a liberty!”

“Yeah, Al,” Becca grinned, then bent her legs, put her feet on my shoulders, and pushed me away from her with all the strength of her quads.

“Whee!” I flew across the pool, landing on the far side and Emma’s thigh.

“Hello, love,” Emma beamed down at me. “I know we can’t grab onto you or pull on your joints, but is pushing all right?”

I assessed my body. “Not here or here,” I tapped the corners of my hip boneshipbones, sore as usual. “But anywhere else should work. I think?”

“Curl yourself up safe, then,” Rachel suggested. I tucked my knees to my chest, lying on my side.

“One, two, three,” Rachel chanted.

She and Emma pushed my back and bum, spreading their force across their four hands. I shot across the pool, crossing a couple yards in an instant, until Becca caught me between her open legs.

“Goal!” she yelled.

“Again!” I begged her. She span me round on my back, placed a firm hand on each shoulder, then shot me back at Rachel. Rachel was careful not to knee me in the face, so I bumped into the inflatable wall.

“That’s where the goal should be,” Emma decided, twisting round to turn me and fire me back towards Becca’s end. Emma thought my arse cheeks were the best place to push. She wasn’t wrong, on both safety and fun grounds.

I’d just stopped rotating and got my bearings, when I spotted Emma and Rach wrestling. Rach was managing better than I’d expect; she must have been hitting the gym in Spain, but then Emma applied her superior height and strength to force her partner’s shoulders to the ground.


“For you? Ya think?” Emma was cheerfully sarcastic.

“OK, I submit!”

That seemed to be the magic phrase, because Emma grinned, lifted herself off Rachel’s chest, then grabbed Rachel’s strap-on cock. A few nudges, and she was making Rach slide in small circles. Then, just like with the discus, Emma applied more circular force. The spin and momentum sent Rachel flying towards me and Becca, the girl’s legs and arms all flailing wildly as she screamed.

Partly so I didn’t get squashed, Becca shoved me back towards Emma. I yelled out in joy. It had been a while since I moved so fast, so easily. And it was well fun, skimming across the pool, slicked up, bumping into my naked sexy friends.

I was sort of sitting this time, and managed to crash so my head fell into Emma’s sticky cleavage. Oh no, what a hardship, etc. She giggled, all wobbly soft breast under my ear, before whizzing me back to the others.

I pantedf as I fell sideways, lube now on my face as well as everywhere else, but this pool playing was fantastic.

“How you doing, pet?” Becca asked me.

“Aw, this is all lush, babes! Loving it. I guess I know, now, how an air hockey puck feels!”

Becca looked thoughtful.

“Hockey,” Rachel said.

“Bet you want your legs to be the goal,” Emma told her.

“Now, now,” Dani warned. “Nothing too shocking in public, thank you.” I think that was more about what she thought Jen’s sensibilities were about Ben, than wanting to protect Ben from corruption! I looked over to Ben, who was watching every glistening movement of our nude slippery bodies, hardly daring breathe for fear Jen would ask him to leave or that Tess or Lucy would stop lying on him.

“We could mark goals on each end of the pool. Where’s that crap lipstick you wanted to chuck out, Dan?”

Jen marked out a couple feet square in basically a soft purple crayon. She threw it to Dani who did the other end, somehow holding her towel all round herself, dignified as ever.

“If Ali’s our puck – insert your own Midsummer Night’s Dream references – then we need another player on my team,” Becca said.

“Jen?” I was well up for sliding Jen’s body over mine again.

But Jen shook her head. “No. I’m bleeding like a stuck pig. I was just getting myself a heat pack.” She ripped off her dress to show a cute black crop top and cycling shorts, opened the microwave, and took out a large squishy package. The sudden bulge in her crotch might have looked sexy, only she slumped on the sofa, face drawn with pain. The heat pack was in the shape of a cow, so there was a cute face of a black-and-white cow poking out of her waistband. Dani cuddled her. “I’m too knackered,” she whispered.

If everyone else was exhausted from their wrestling – Tess, Lucy, Dani – then there was only one other option. I mouthed to Becca. “What about Ben?”

Becca shrugged. “If you want. Oh! You do, don’t you? You filthy wee…” Out loud, she called over, “Will you be on my team, Ben? If you keep your pants on! I don’t want to accidentally grab…” She mimed handling a cock, with distaste.

The request surprised Ben. “I mean.. I could…?”

“Get your kit off, get your kit off, get your kit off for the girls!” sang the Tess’n’Lucy fan club on Ben’s lap.

“Not all of it!” Jen really didn’t want to see her brother naked. The sibling thing was probably part of why she’d refused.

“I… I’ve got swimming trunks. Back in a mo. Excuse me?”

Lucy and Tess drunkenly moved aside to let the boy up. “Come on, get your shirt off now, where we can see.”

He was flushed, not just from that last cocktail Dani had mixed for him.

“Off, off, off!” Lucy chanted, slapping the armchair in time with her words.

He turned away from his sister, grinned, and started to unbutton.

“Woo-ooh!” Lucy hooted.

He pulled off the shirt, swung it round his head like a stripper, and flung it at her. It landed over Lucy’s head, where Tess tried to force it to stay. Lucy batted wildly against Tess, then figured out where she was hitting, and groped at Tess’s breasts instead. This distracted Tess enough that she slid off her arm of the chair, on top of Lucy, which certainly didn’t help Lucy’s escape from the shirt!

While they were still occupied and Lucy blinded, Ben slipped back into the room. I’d been idly considering how he’d look in budgie-smugglers, but these short trunks were nearly as revealing. He had good legs, was too young for any tummy, had a decent firm chest. I reminded myself, I mustn’t touch. Not without asking, anyhow.

Ben stepped over the side of the pool, skidded, and only the inflated side stopped him from landing flat on his arse. That, and Emma and Becca both leaning over to try to catch his windmilling arms, their breasts dangling for a perfect visual.

It broke the ice. “Thanks,” Ben said, panting in relief. “You can let go now. If you want.”

Rachel had grabbed me round the waist, to pull me out of their way. That was her excuse anyway – the fact that I now lay sideways between her legs, my face between those perfect satisfying round tits of hers, was pure bonus. Emma had fallen over her knee, so sprawled out by our lower legs, hanging onto Ben, whose bottom had nearly squashed my foot.

I’d have to be careful. With five of us in the pool, there was no empty space on the ground. Everyone’s legs were getting everywhere.

I checked Jen wasn’t looking, and made the effort to run my toes along Ben’s cute young arse.

He looked over in surprise. I smiled sweetly. He grinned back, happy. Becca took the opportunity to tug his arm and yank him over to her end of the pool. He managed to remain sitting up, somehow seated in the pool’s rigid corner.

“OK, guys?” Dani took control. “Ali, can you curl up in the middle like a good little puck? Flat hands or forearms only on her, thank you. Anything else we need to know, Al?”

I loved Dani’s tact. “Mind the tops of my hips, if you can. And no, no shoving fingers in my cunt. I’m not a fucking bowling ball!”

Becca giggled. “Aww! If you insist.”

“It could be arranged,” was Rachel’s throwaway comment.

“Some other time,” Emma suggested.

Poor Ben just went red again.

I tucked my knees under my breasts, my arms folded in between.

“Bec? Put me fairly in the middle, would you?”

She spun me more than necessary, but decided I was roughly in the middle of the slippery field. My four players knelt upright, giving the appearance of actually taking this game seriously.

“Go!” Dani called.

Four sets of hands landed, simultaneously, on my wet naked body.

Normally that kind of erotic vulnerability is Becca’s thing. She’s the one with the bondage fetish, I just like how she responds to it. But all these hot sticky hands on my back, my arse, my breasts… Ben pulled one hand away, as if my tit had burned him, before placing it on my shoulder instead. I blew a kiss at him, reassuring him I wasn’t going to complain about the sexual touch.

For a long moment, I simply received stroking, gentle presses in eight parts of my body. No-one knew where I’d end up, but for sure I wasn’t going to be in control of it. A majority of the hands in unison resulted in my slow turn clockwise.

Becca was well into the game, pushing against my back and shoulders, her feet against the pool wall, shoving me into the wall of flesh that was Emma and Rachel. Ben was more tentative, not wanting to hurt me, not sure what he could do.

Which gave Emma and Rach, united in their keenness and their knowledge of my body, the advantage. Emma pressed my arse and thigh, Rach my lower leg, both of them prostrating themselves as I was shot in between Becca and Ben, spinning. My feet bounced off the end of the pool.

“Goal!” Rachel yelled.

Becca nodded at Ben. “One. Two. Three.” They both pushed my knees and bum. I went flying back to the other end of the pool before Em and Rach could get themselves up.


“It makes a noise,” Rach commented.

“Enough of that ‘it’, thank you,” I told her. “Emma, teach your girl some manners!”

“I try! It’s an ongoing project. Rachel, behave.”

“Ooh, promises!”

Becca swam a sort of breaststroke over to me, checked the grip was OK, and hauled me back to the middle of the pool.

“One-all,” Dani announced. “And we bully-off again.”

Ben mirrored Becca, following her lead, pushing my back towards the girls’ blockade. It was like a naked Red Rover, and wasn’tthat now a fantasy of mine? I wouldn’t be able to do it myself, but watching Becca and most of her roller derby team, kit off, fighting rather differently on the track…

Maybe I’d be their princess behind the wall, needing rescue? I pictured Becca in all her naked glory, head down in determination, forcing herself through a wall of bare-breasted lesbians to rescue me…

It seemed I was under the bare breasts of a lesbian already. Emma fell on top of me, her nipples grazing over mine. She copped a quick kiss while she was at it, then pulled me into her lap. “Cute little puck, aren’t you? Shame to push you away. Here goes.”

She got her hands under my bum, thumbs sliding in my crack more than needed, and threw me just like her shot-putting days. Javelin, more like: I whizzed through the lube layer on the pool, and landed in Ben’s arms. He was still kneeling; I was now between his legs.

He was hard. He’d caught me before my knee could do him a mischief, but I felt it. He knew I knew, and was blushing again. Poor boy. He was the lone man, practically naked, surrounded by naked women, and not just naturist respectable naked women, either. We were all a bit drunk – Lucy and Tessa very much so, cat-calling from the sidelines.

“Oi, Ali! Get off my brother! You horrible tart!”

“Not my fault! He’ll have to push me.”

“Here goes,” Ben said.

He used all his force round the sides of my back. It propelled me to Emma, who tried to catch me with an arm, but, like a greased seal, I slipped underneath to the end of the pool.

“Yay!” I yelled.

“Hey, who’s side are you on?” Rachel objected. “New ball, please!”

“I’m sure a cricket ball appreciates a good bat,” Becca retorted.

“I’m sure yourarse could do with a good bat! Knocked for six – six of the best, same thing, right?”

“A six in cricket isone hit!” Ben, aghast at Rachel’s apparent ignorance of sport basics, had to comment.

Oh, dear. If he hadn’t figured out our common interest in kink, he was about to.

“I know that. I’m not a heathen!” Rachel took advantage of Ben’s distraction to shove me, hand on each breast, back towards Becca. I couldn’t hold my knees up any more, and sprawled out, face down.

“OK?” Becca checked.

“Hell, yes!”

She ran a hand up my thigh, then, just as the pressure between my legs got good, my horrible tease of a girlfriend pushed me away again. Whoosh! Over the floor again, but this time lying on my front. My breasts bumped over a wrinkle in the plastic.

It was just as well I was covered in lube. It would hide how wet I was.

My head hit the far end of the paddling pool. My body was now in a straightish line, and I’d slid underneath Emma and Rachel’s hands. Accident, or on purpose?

As the pair of them steered me about, it occurred to me theymight be pushing on my arse and pulling round my chest just where my breasts were, in efforts not to hurt me. But I doubted it. Plausible deniability, more like!

Another fast skim across the slippery surface. My nipples got flicked by that fold in the floor sticking up, making me gasp. I gasped again when I ended up sideways, across both Becca and Ben, who sprawled together. Becca seemed to actually like Ben, which was unusual for any guy. Maybe, one day, she’d suggest I do something with him? I wouldn’t ask. Just asking would be pressure, in her book.

Becca gazed lovingly down at me, helped me turn onto my side. I supposed getting her to massage and soothe my bashed nipples would be cheating. She stroked my hair. Ben just lay his hand chastely on my thigh, arranging himself to block access to the goal.

The opposition got to all fours and stalked over to us. Me, rather.

They pounced.

Emma tried to pull Ben away – he must be a fair bit lighter than Becca – while Rachel’s plan was to drop her top half down onto her elbows and push me where he’d been.

What happened was Rachel just propelled herself backwards, and Ben tucked his arms round two sides of the pool, leaning back as nonchalantly as he could while trying to kick Emma off him. The pool creaked ominously, but hey, it wouldn’t be a disaster if it popped. Becca tried to fold me round – or just ran her hands up my legs for no reason, it was hard to tell – then slipped and landed over me as Rachel clung onto one arm.

I’m all for Becca’s tits over my face, but on the unforgiving hard floor it was a bit too much like asphyxiation.

Ben came to my rescue, pushing me out from underneath Becca’s slicked-up breasts. Becca collapsed in relief, dropping to the ground. Which also helped shove me in the right direction. Rachel was still hanging on to Becca’s forearm, lining the side of the pool. I just needed to stretch my leg out…

“Goal,” I said.

Emma shuffled on her knees over to me. I looked up at the majestic sight of her body, glittering and near-white. A genuine blonde, I could see from very close up. She leaned over, but didn’t lose her balance as she carefully lifted me under the knees.

I pivoted on my arse. Normally I never let others control me, never submitted to anyone, but this freedom of flying around the pool was great. Even if it was tiring on the tummy muscles and all the ones involved in laughing too much.

“We’ll shoot you, my pretty.”

Emma channelling the Wicked Witch was too much. I giggled, uncontrollably.

Which made Becca concerned enough to lie down next to me, and left Rachel the chance to push my body, torpedo like, at the goal. Using the handy angled bit between my legs… My pelvis joints groaned, but I loved it. Tomorrow, I’d get Becca to distract me from any pain by giving me lots of pleasure, instead.

Ben diverted me off course slightly, pushing at my side in approved chaste but I still slapped the end of the pool with my head. My hair must be sticking out at all angles, wet from slick.

It was near the corner of the pool. “Hey, does that count as a goal? Ref!”

“Yes, yes it does,” Dani confirmed.

“No way! It was offside, outside the markings!” Ben was getting into this.

“The referee’s a wanker, the referee’s a wanker!” Becca doubled down.

“Do you want a yellow card?” Dani glared down at Bec.

“Ooh, is that a promise?”

Ben coughed, then spoke. “It’s not slander, it’s a statement of fact! Danika, were you, or were you not, engaged in a masturbation competition earlier this evening? Yes? Right, it’s proven beyond all doubt; the referee really is a wanker!” I couldn’t stop laughing. Ben was being so polite about it!

“Ref’s a wanker, ref’s a wanker, now she’s blind and cannot see…” Becca adopted the tune ofClementine.

Dani’s dignified response was to pour the rest of the bucket of lube over Becca’s head.

A pint or so splashed over Ben, too, sloshing all over. It made me go splat on my front, again. I’d only just stopped laughing! This was painful!

Emma and Rach approached again, on the warpath on their knees. Trying to control their own giggles.

Only to splay their limbs and fall, in the new lake of slipperiness.

It only took one shove from Becca, in my side, to send me spinning towards the other end of the pool, for a definite goal.

I collapsed, my core muscles, and most others, utterly exhausted. “Time!”

“Five-two. What do you win?”

Becca appeared to have already won Rachel and Emma on top of her.Perfect. I glanced over at Ben, who had managed to get back to his corner. He was watching the writhing women making up one big puppy pile.

“Did you enjoy that, Ben?”

He couldn’t contain his pleasure. “Oh, just dip me in lubricant, and throw me to the lesbians… I never want this moment to end!” he sang, changing the ‘chocolate’ from the original Jerry Springer musical line.

I just lay there, totally dog-tired. Despite not actively moving about, being shoved about and all the laughing had exhausted my abdominal muscles. And my others. But, like Ben, I was very happy to watch.

Despite the power of her thighs, Becca couldn’t fight both women at once. Though I’m not sure how much she tried! Emma had got Bec sitting back between Emma’s own legs, and Rachel kneltknely between their open legs, kissing and fondling down Becca’s body, all the way down.

I spoke up, from my position on the floor. “Oi! Get your tongue out of my girlfriend!”

Taking her time over leaving Becca, Rachel lazily slid over to me. She knew I was joking. “Why? Is there somewhere you’d prefer me to put it?”

“Sadly, I’m too exhausted. Give us a kiss.”

She’s a friend with excellent benefits, Rachel is. She pulled my body along hers, and we lay there kissing, our hair forming wet strands in the lube, until I was too tired even for that.

Emma and Becca were doing the same, only with more energy and definitely more probing hands! Ben tried to look casual, looking down over us as he sipped the beer his sister had given him, but his legs were crossed. Trying to hide another erection, no doubt!

I vaguely noticed Dani had showered – her hair now shone in a classic wet way. Jen got up. “I love you all, but I’m going to bed. If any of you crash on the sofa, I’ll see you in the morning.

We all wished her goodnight and hoped her cramps would be better by the next day.

Dani closed the door behind her. “Well, guys! No sister to traumatise, now. What happens at Danika’s, stays at Danika’s. Just saying.”

Ben blinked. His mouth went round. I don’t think it had actually occurred to him that he might get any action tonight. Bless.

I was suddenly tempted. He was a sweet boy, and tonight had proven his decent standards of behaviour. He really should be rewarded. I looked at Becca.

But Becca was busy. Emma’s hands covered her nipples, though the rest of her breasts spilled over Emma’s forearms. Gorgeous. Rachel had crept back to Becca, too, to recommence her good oral work between Becca’s legs. Too tired to move, I managed to keep my eyes open. They were on the same level as Becca’s juicy cunt. Rachel straddled one of Becca’s legs, which left me a reasonable view from the other side.

Becca’s free leg kicked.

“Hold that down, would you, Ben?” Emma said. “Thank you.”

“Are you OK with that, Becca?” Ben asked, as he did as he was told. He did have lovely manners.

“Don’t… Don’t you dare move…” Becca moaned. It took a lot to make my girl come, sometimes, but with a three-person team on the job, she might just manage it! Plus she knew I was there, watching. “Oh!”

She was looking at me. “I love you,” I told her.

Becca really was gorgeous. Ripples of muscular flesh up and down her belly, as her great thighs quivered and wanted to clash together above Rachel’s head. Emma gave my girl a wicked smile, then dropped – more hastily than planned, given the slippery situation – to plant her face over the centre of one of Becca’s great tits, still toying with the nipple on the other.

Rachel spared a moment to stroke her greased-up lady as she landed alongside, then returned all her attention to Becca. Becca’s welcoming cunt really does have a pearl of great price above the entrance. I could, and would, and have, licked it for ages, until my shoulders seized, just to feel how my girl responded. Getting someone else in to assist isn’t just perverted, it’s sensible!

Rachel applied four fingers to Becca’s juicy, squelching pussy. A bend of her knuckles got Bec squealing. Becca’s thighs threatened to clap together, whacking Rachel’s ears. Bec was trying to control herself, not give in to the urge to jerk every muscle.

I wanted to see my girl losing all control. She was already sticky and slippery all over, at the mercy of two women. It wouldn’t take much more to have her lose it completely, not even caring if she kicked someone in the head.

Ben had his hand on one ankle. I grabbed round Becca’s bent knee with both arms, holding her calf to thigh, and indicated to Ben he should copy me. Confused, he did so.

There you go, babe! No escape! Four of us, all making sure youwill experience pleasure! You’re completely at our mercy, now…

It worked. The suggestion of bondage and helplessness sent Becca’s legs rocking violently, and her hips bucking up into Rachel’s face. I don’t think Rachel got any blood in her mouth, nor would have minded much if she had! Bec needs to feel she doesn’t have to be the one in control. It was difficult, for a while, when I didn’t have the hand strength to restrain her properly, but we got through that with a bit of imagination. Nowadays, I want the Velcro restraints on her before fisting her. We both know it’s to protect me from injury, but it also turns her into a gushing, desperate mess.

When even that’s too much for me, even that small repetitive arm movement, that’s what magic wands are for. Every woman needs electrical backup. I just rely on them more than most.

Rachel coughed, kissed Becca’s sweet clit, then got back to tonguing.

I liked watching Rachel’s red lips against those dusky pink folds and the stark white of Becca’s inner thighs. A beautiful composition of colour.

I caught Ben’s eye and made a kiss in his direction. He was doing a sterling job, not pushing any boundary, so I didn’t have to deck him. I could kiss him, even. Or more, as a thank you. Or just because I could. He was young and single, never going to turn a hot woman down. He was sweet, well-behaved, and frankly deserved his fantasy party to come true. Ten ‘lesbians’, all paying him attention.

Subtract his sister of course, and Becca. And Gaby and Bryony, off in bed. That still left Tess and Lucy, Rach and Emma, and me. Half of us. Five women to one man. Not a bad ratio.

Dani would, I guessed, refrain from touching him because of going out with Jen, but the woman certainly was admiring his body! Like the rest of us, she’d probably never seen him in such skimpy clothing. He was worth looking at.

I licked my lips at the boy. His face showed interest, which I wanted to encourage. I summoned the energy to put his hand onto my shoulder. Then I hung on for dear life as Becca lost it. A mighty orgasm for my mighty girl.

“Oh! Ee! Ee! Ali! Love you, Ali…” She loved how I let other people play with her, so I got the credit for her orgasm despite not even touching her. Then a scream with no words at all.

So much raw feminine power being unleashed, there. I loved Becca’s power.

God, I loved my girl. She was fucking fantastic.

And fantastic fucking, for that matter. When I woke up the next day, I’d suggest that…

Rachel stayed put while Becca slowly eased up on her wild spasms. She only sat up once Becca’s body ceased shuddering completely. “‘Love you, Ali?’ Jeez. I do the work, give a great tongue job, and you get the credit!”

“Thanks, Rach. And you guys,” Becca remembered.

“It’s called delegation,” I said, sleepily. “I’m building up my management skills.”

“Oh, aye? How are you describing that on your CV?” Rachel was back to sarcasm; all was well with the world.

I didn’t answer. I was way too drunk and exhausted to write a CV at this time of night. With all the tensing as I’d been flung about, my body was done in.

I dozed.

“Al? Hey. Ali, love? You’re zonked, hey? Guess you won’t be snogging Ben tonight. It’s all right, I saw you looking! Hey. You with us?”

I couldn’t bring myself to scoop gunk off my face. I managed a tiny nod.

“Great. Let’s get you showered off and get a cab home. Ah. Can you move?”

“Is the house on fire? If not, no,” I answered wearily.

“Thought so. How are we going to do this?” Becca drummed fingers on the pool wall.

“Stick some towels on the carpet and roll her out?” Rachel’s suggestion.

It was what they did, in the end. I felt like I’d been hit all over with sticks. Partly from their hands, partly because that’s what a night out does to me.

“OK. Let’s see if we can get you to standing. Emma, can you give me a hand? And you, Ben. It’s OK, she does this. She’ll be better after a night’s rest.”

Ben and Emma crouched by Becca. The trio hefted me up. I tilted, wobbly, to lean on Becca, knowing she’d hold me safe in those strong arms. She kissed my cheek. “Got you, love. Ben, can you take her under the other arm, take her weight? Great. She’s going to be a dead weight until we get her in the bath. Em? Can you lay some towels in the bath, for her to land on? I don’t want her hitting her head on anything hard.”

“Not unless it’s your nipples! Sure!” Emma ran off; Becca and Ben started frogmarching me towards the hall, and then the bathroom opposite. Emma confirmed the bath was as padded as possible.

“After you.” Ben realised we’d need to go sideways into the bathroom. No shower screen, just a curtain, thankfully.

Becca was still in control of the situation. “OK. Let’s let you down. Balanced on the bath edge? Right, I’m lowering your top half. Ben, can you lift her legs?”

It wasn’t elegant, but Becca protected my head as I slid into the bathtub.

“What now?” Ben asked.

Becca was starting to rate young Ben. He wasn’t running away from my failing body. A big plus, in her book. “Now, we pull the bath mats and all out from under her.”

They did. “It’s like the magician tablecloth trick,” Ben said. “Maybe not so impressive, but much prettier than crockery!”

“Thanks,” I mouthed.

“Can you get the shower nice and warm? Here goes. Let’s get you cleaned off. God, love, how much lube can anyoneget in their ears?”

I was able to take the sprayer and wield it myself for a bit, cleaning off my face. The pair of them sat me up. Becca washed my hair, I rinsed. Ben sat on the closed toilet, watching. Once sure I was safely lying back in the tub, Becca stepped in and had her own shower.

I gazed up at my sex goddess. She shook herself – an epic sight, from my position below her – and got out to get dry.

“Go on, Ben. You need to shower too.”

He stepped in between my feet, and took the spray. “Take those trunks off!” I told him.

His shyness returned. But the man did drop his shorts, picking them up and washing them, before hanging them on the rail over the bath. A man standing up by your ankles, as you like down, gives a fabulous view of his legs. Too bad my body wasn’t up for getting my hands up into that shadowed crease between his thighs…

“Nice arse, Ben. Hey, turn round!” If I had to lie here helpless in this bathtub for a while, I was damn well going to make the most of it!

Eventually, hiding himself behind the shower head, he did.

Let’s just say he had nothing to be ashamed of. I looked it all over, to be sure. His balls were particularly impressive, from this angle.

Becca dried her hair roughly with a towel. It made her look nearly cute and fluffy. “Bet you’d like to sit on that, Al!”

I managed to squash my laugh so I wouldn’t get tired out any further. “Duh. Course I would. Not tonight, sadly.”

Poor Ben had a coughing fit.

“What do you say, Ben? Fancy coming over soon, and giving Ali her annual fix of manliness?”

Ben sputtered. He really hadn’t been expecting that – nothing beyond our flirting. “Are… Is she serious?” Ben asked me.

“She’s always serious. Too serious,” I told him. “What do you think?” I tried to look sultry, despite my limbs having turned to lead. At least I was naked, wet, clean, and reclining at his feet. I attempted my best seductive tone. “Would you? Am I fuckable?”

I said the words, instantly feeling the fear.

Everyone knows disabled people aren’t supposed to want to fuck. Work, yes. You have to try to work, or you’re dismissed as a scrounger. Benefits scroungers, scum of the earth.

Go out and about? That’s generally acceptable nowadays, though dressing to kill at the same time shocks people. Daring to be noticed in a wheelchair? God forbid! Though the same folk complain when they trip over me, the constant hazard, so screw them.

Wanting accessible sex? How to explode the minds of Daily Mail readers! Not fast enough; I’d better do some more filthy sexy stuff so they all detonate faster…

I steeled myself for the usual polite rejection: ‘Sorry, you’re just not my type.’ Even if I had been for the first few hours you knew me, until my body crashed. Don’t lie to me or yourself, please.

Ben looked down, hand over his stiff cock. “God, you’re fuckable all right! I mean… from my point of view. Can you make sure, though, I don’t hurt you and that?”

“Don’t worry, Becca will be on hand.” He looked, nervously, in her direction. I bet he’d never had a threesome. He’d have confessed to Jen, if he had.

Becca explained, “No, I’m not interested in you. But if Ali’s sitting on your dick, I’ll be there to make sure she doesn’t fall over sideways, that kind of thing. And you know I’m not going to cause aggro from you getting seduced by my bird, and that. Right, good.” He wasn’t running away. Not even figuratively, his only option given he was trapped in a bathtub, both of us between him and the exit. “We’d better get a date in the diary, quick.”

“Are you calling me desperate?” I asked. Being her ‘bird’, I could cope with.

“No. Just this chap’s going to get snapped up soon and be in another monogamous relationship, most likely, so you’d best get your skates on. That’s ametaphor! ”

I met Becca at my first attempt at roller derby. It didn’t go well. She took me to hospital. I’m banned from any skating, ever. Worth it, to find her, though.

“Right. Could you guys help me out the bath, please?” I tried to look cute, and light, as I fluttered my eyelashes at my pair of naked flunkies.

Ben took my arms, Becca pushed me up to vertical again. Once I was sitting upright it was possible to pull me to standing. They helped me step out, resting my knee on the side of the bath rather than lifting it high.

I sat down hurriedly. The pair of them got me dry enough for my clothes. “Stay with her a mo,” Becca asked. She left the room.

“Have we cheered you up a bit, Ben?”

“Cheer me up? Oh, the ex? Now, what was her name, again? Somehow, I’ve completely forgotten!” Switching to more serious, he said, “Thanks. I really needed this boost from you lot. She’d got me thinking I was worthless. Just crap.”

“No. No you aren’t.” I leaned forward at the same time as he did, to enable a very nice kiss.

“No, you’re not worthless at all. AndI say that, too, not valuing your cock in the slightest.” Becca had returned, sadly now with clothes on, with my wheelchair.

I’ve got used to the confused stares, when people see me in a wheelchair for the first time. The pitying looks? They still piss me off, every time. The chair is a means of transport! It frees me from not being able to do stuff. It’s great, albeit not a total miracle.

Where was all the pity and concern when I kept crashing out on the sofa every night, and was spending all weekend in bed, eh? Apart from Becca, and Laura and Andy before her, I’ll tell you: bloody non-existent! People just told me to ‘get a grip’. Take vitamins, eat properly, get enough sleep, all that bollocks what I was already doing.

Fight through it, pace myself. Add a simple device tohelp me pace myself, and suddenly I deserve to be waited on hand and foot! Even getting told off, if I stand up for a moment.

People are weird.

Ben, to be fair, was just surprised. “You use this normally? Like, you’re not just injured recently?”

“It’s an ongoing thing. Chronic and tedious.”

I was impressed when young Ben said nothing to that, other than a murmured, “Makes sense.” He still didn’t freak. Full credit to the lad. I supposed he was Jen’s brother.Some of the family common sense had filtered down to him!

He just hefted me to standing, passed me to Becca with a final kiss, and watched me settle myself down. Ah, the bliss of back support and a head rest!

“Comfy, lovey? I’ll order us a black cab.”

Dani headed to bed, but Ben hovered, as we said our goodbyes. He wanted a goodbye kiss, hesitated about how to go about it. I did the usual tutorial, ensuring he was by my side. I grabbed his arm, so his face came down. One nuzzle of my tits, tick. I gave him a few inches more free rein, steering in the appropriate direction. We managed a heartfelt snog. I let him go when I’d had enough. He nodded respectfully at me, feeling he’d learnt a new skill.

Without Jen or Dani in the room to object, Rachel and Emma were mid-fuck in the pool. Emma sat astride Rachel, thrusting her hips with pure feminine power. Tess and Lucy were snuggling – nearly shagging – on the sofa, debating whether to join in in the pool, or not. Ben looked from one couple to the other.

I made my chair sidle up to him. “I don’t think there’s a wrong answer, Ben. Enjoy either, or both. See you soon! Bye!”

Jen told me, the following week, she was impressed that all of Tessa, Lucy, Rachel and Emma had slept in the lounge. She guessed three on the sofa, one on the chair cushions?

Myself, I’d lay money that at least one, probably two, of them had slept with Ben, in the double loft bed in the spare room. When Ben visited us a fortnight later, he confirmed Lucy and Tess had indeed ‘followed through’ on their cheering-up mission.

I think I cheered him up further. That’s another story.

Soon after that, Ben acquired a new girlfriend. She’s a sound woman. She survived not just Jen, butall of us giving her the shovel talk, for starters. He’s back doing monogamy.

Ah, well. Becca’s got a great cock, too. Three of them, in fact. One’s even got this fantastic spiral ribbing…

I don’t need a man. I’ve got my Becca. Better health would be nice, but with my Becca, I can do anything. Like multiple women.

I just need a nap, after.


Becca narrates my story ‘Wheelchair Bound?’ about Ali, which takes place about 5 years earlier. Rachel stars in Gas Station Guy and appears in the I Say Ass, You Say Arse series, particularly ISAYSA: Contrasts. Younger Ali also features in Educating Laura, especially chapter 5.


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