Neighbor Saw My Wife Naked by CastorbeanBen,CastorbeanBen

This is a story that unfolded over the course of a few weeks with our neighbor, Glen, a retired older man who lives in the house directly across the street. Like many of these stories, things started out innocently enough but grew progressively wilder as time passed, eventually leading to him seeing more of my hot little wife, Madison, than any neighbor would ever expect.


It was a beautiful Friday morning, and I was out of the house before the sun rose to hit the road for a job that was a couple of hours away. Around 7:30 AM, I realized I had forgotten to roll the trash bin out to the curb. I cursed at myself and picked up my cell phone from the passenger seat to call Madison.

The phone rang three times before she answered.

“Hey babe, is everything okay?” Madison asked, her tired voice indicating I had just woken her up.

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” I replied. “I just forgot to roll the trash out to the street. The garbage truck usually comes to pick it up around 7, but would you mind looking out the window to check, just in case?”

“Yeah, no problem, I’ll take it out if they haven’t been through yet. I’ll text you!”

With that, Madison ended the call, and I turned my focus back to the road.

Madison hopped out of bed, stretching her arms high over her head as she yawned towards the ceiling, working the stiffness out of her tiny, toned 5’1″ body. She grabbed a hair tie off the nightstand and worked her shoulder-length blonde hair into a messy bun as she headed through the house towards the living room to look out the window to see if the neighbors’ trash had already been picked up.

Madison was completely topless, wearing nothing but a loose pair of shorts that she occasionally wore to bed. Madison isn’t shy by any stretch of the imagination, and she frequently walks around the house in various states of undress.

As she trotted over to the wide, ground-level living room window, she squinted and looked up and down the street to see if any of the bins had their lids open, the telltale sign that the trash pickup had passed. She saw a few cans still full of trash and smiled to herself, fortune settling upon our family with a later-than-usual pickup.

Just as she had gathered the info she needed, something else caught her eye outside the window: our retired neighbor, Glen, directly across the street, sitting in a chair on his porch. Their eyes locked for a second, and Glen raised his hand to give a friendly wave.

Madison’s stomach dropped in embarrassment as she realized she had been standing in front of our neighbor for a solid 10 seconds, nothing but a window pane and maybe 50 feet of distance between them, completely topless. Her toned stomach, perky B-cup tits and accompanying soft pink nipples were on prominent display.

As Glen waved in a casual, neighborly fashion, Madison was taken entirely off guard, so she just awkwardly waved back, smiling as best she could through the humiliation, her lightly-freckled cheeks reddening by the second.

Madison then turned away as nonchalantly as possible and quickly exited the window’s view, walking back to the bedroom, throwing on a robe, and fixing the tie firmly around her trim waist.

As she shook her head to try to clear some of the redness from her face, she heard the billows and clanks of the garbage truck making its way down our street.

Madison put on some slippers and hurriedly made her way to the garage, where she grabbed the trash bin, rolling it out to the end of the driveway just in time to catch the garbage truck.

She gave the sanitation workers a friendly wave as they emptied the bin, and then the truck was on its way.

As it pulled away, Madison saw our neighbor, Glen, walking down his driveway to grab his own empty can, so she made her way across the street to meet him and apologize for any awkwardness, deciding that owning the situation would be better than any lingering tension.

Glen was the definition of “sweet old man,” a clean-cut guy in his late 60s with gray hair, pressed clothes, and always quick with a greeting, a joke, or a laugh. Overall, he was a great neighbor and a real friendly face in the community. Madison wanted to make sure that there wasn’t an uncomfortable cloud in the air between them.

“Sorry about the window earlier,” Madison said with a timid giggle as she walked up to him, a small amount of blush returning to her cheeks. “I had just hopped out of bed, and I was checking to see if they had picked up the trash yet.” As Madison spoke, she crossed her arms over her chest, simultaneously holding her robe tightly closed and illustrating what she meant.

“Oh, honey, don’t you worry,” Glen chuckled warmly, patting Madison on the arm in a comforting gesture. “I don’t care what people are wearing in their own homes, I just saw you looking back and forth all worried, then caught your eye, so I was just wavin’. It took me a second to realize you were….”

Glen trailed off, gesturing vaguely at Madison’s robed body.

“Yeah,” Madison laughed in response, smiling and still red in the cheeks. “I just wasn’t thinking, I guess I’m still getting used to living in a street-level house and not a 6th-floor apartment. I’ll be more careful about drawing the curtains.”

“Don’t even give it another thought,” Glen responded, waving a hand through the air as if dismissing the notion. “Ha, in fact, that window is about the only excitement I’ve gotten in ages. I should be thanking you!”

Glen shot Madison a wink, effectively lightening the mood and setting Maddie at ease.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Madison responded with a laugh, returning his wink and feeling that the situation was sufficiently alleviated with Glen’s jest.

With that, they said their farewells, and Glen grabbed his trash bin to roll it up to his garage. Madison did the same and headed back into the house. As she traversed the garage, through the house, and into the living room, Madison once again peered out the corner of the window to see Glen returning to the chair on his porch.

Madison pondered to herself just how often she neglected the open curtains. She wasn’t one to care about a little exposure, but she didn’t want things to be awkward with her favorite neighbor. Truthfully, she was a bit too careless with the nudity around the house. Madison considered whether this had been an isolated incident or whether she had been inadvertently flashing Glen on a regular basis.

Madison felt a pang of humiliation, realizing she had possibly been exposing herself to her sweet, old friend for months, even years. Still, it’s not like “naked neighbor” scenarios were that rare, and Glen, being older and retired, probably didn’t care about what one young wife wore in her own space.

After a moment, she decided not to worry about it, their discussion didn’t seem awkward, and she felt better having cleared the air. She pulled the curtains closed and went about preparing for work.


That evening, Madison filled me in on her encounter with Glen over the phone, and I found it extremely humorous. I frequently told Madison to shut the curtains whenever she was parading around the house undressed, and she always responded that no one was looking or that the windows were too reflective to see inside, and generally ignored the possibility that someone could see her. While the event could have been much more embarrassing, the fact that it was our kind, old neighbor took it down a peg.

Glen was a good guy and definitely harmless. I’m sure he certainly didn’t mind getting an eyeful of Madison’s fit, sexy body, especially a direct view of her tits, but I think Madison dwelled on it much longer than he did. Even his comment about enjoying the show didn’t raise any flags, and he was probably trying to be friendly and do his part to dismiss any uneasiness.

The whole neighborhood loved him, but he seemed like he might still be a bit lonely. His wife passed away some years back, and his kids didn’t come around often. I think Madison felt bad for him, so she always made an effort to talk with him whenever she was getting the mail or out in the front yard since he was always sitting out on his porch. I realized that he probably had gotten a few looks at Madison through the window, but that was our fault, not his. And to be honest, I didn’t really care. It was funny more than anything else.


The weekend came and went without incident, and Monday morning had me back out on the road working on the same job a couple of hours away.

Madison woke up well after I had left and began getting ready for work. She brushed her teeth, showered, dried her body with a towel, and then wrapped it around her hair as she went to the kitchen to start some coffee, still stark naked, minus the wrapped towel she was using to dry her hair.

As she passed the living room window, the curtains drawn shut this time, she paused momentarily, remembering the accidental show she had given Glen a few days ago.

Madison stepped towards the window, raising a hand to lightly grab the edge of one curtain panel, wondering whether Glen was sitting in his usual spot on his porch. She considered what Glen had said to her about the window being the only excitement he had gotten in a long time. For some reason, the thought brought a smile to her face.

A crazy idea popped into her head. Madison bit her lip through a mischievous grin as she quickly unwrapped the towel that was twisted around her still-damp hair and fastened it around her waist, leaving her breasts and a generous amount of her smooth stomach wholly uncovered. Madison fixed her wet strands of bright hair behind her ears, took a few deep breaths, and threw open the curtains.

Madison was bathed in a beautiful morning glow, and her eyes slowly adjusted to the outdoor light. Sure enough, Glen was sitting out on his porch again. It only took him a second to notice Madison’s slim, topless figure from over the top of his newspaper. He instantly broke out in a sunny smile and waved at her.

Maddie waved back, smiling ear to ear and shooting him a wink from where she stood in the window. After he had gotten the chance to peek at her exposed tits for a few seconds, Madison turned away and walked towards the kitchen to fix herself some breakfast and coffee, leaving the curtains open to brighten up the living room.


Madison finished getting ready for work and eventually made her way to the car. After she pulled out of the garage, rolled her window down, and wished Glen a good morning with another wink as she passed his yard, she began the short commute to her office. She noticed that he was still smiling as she drove away, and that made Madison grin to herself for the entire drive.

The morning was uneventful after that. Maddie went to work, rode the elevator to her office floor, and got to whatever mundane tasks were laid out for her team.

As she typed away at a report, Madison’s mind kept drifting back to the living room window and our friendly neighbor. For whatever reason, the prospect of him seeing her through the open curtains brought a smile to her face.

Madison didn’t have any particular excitement, certainly not in a sexual way; she just thought it was adorable that our retired neighbor brightened up so much whenever he saw her through the window. The first time had been awkward, but now that they had addressed it, it was almost like a little inside joke between them. And although Madison had been more and more frequently guilty of a little good-natured exhibitionism over the past months, this was the first time she had intentionally “flashed” someone.

The more she thought about it, the less the word “flashing” even seemed appropriate to her. He had probably gotten glances at her through the window a hundred times, she was just owning it now that it was out in the open.

More so, it almost felt like an act of community service. Glen was always out tending to his yard or sitting on the porch reading the newspaper or a book. He didn’t have many people in his life, and while we were too busy to visit him often, the intimate act of Maddie showing him some skin brought a smile to the kind, lonely older man across the street. It didn’t cost a cent but clearly cheered him up considerably.

Putting aside any thoughts of public misbehavior/civil service, Maddie finished the workday, bid her coworkers farewell, and made her way to her car for the commute home.

Upon pulling onto our street, she saw Glen sitting on his porch reading, per usual. He heard her car pulling up to the driveway and greeted her with a wave. Madison noted that he looked a bit more spry for the hour than usual and thought to take the opportunity to check in again.

Madison pulled into our driveway, exited the car, and shouted a greeting to Glen as she looked both ways before trotting across the street to his front yard. Glen rose slowly to meet her as she approached, pressing both hands into his lower back as he stood, cracking and popping a bit in the way we all will at that age.

Madison wanted to do a quick temperature check to ensure there wasn’t any awkwardness after their follow-up greeting in the window that morning. She decided that a good litmus test would be to see if a normal conversation flowed without tension.

“Good evening, Glen,” Madison said cheerfully as she approached his porch. “Anything exciting happen today?”

Madison instantly bit her tongue, hoping it didn’t sound too much like an invitation to talk about her willful exposure.

“Not since this morning,” Glen chuckled, still stretching his back. “It’s been too hot to work out in the yard. I’ve been sitting in the shade drinking coffee all day. I only know the hour by who comes and goes.”

“I swear,” Madison giggled back, “you would mow your lawn every day if you could!”

“I don’t have much else to do,” Glen replied with a shrug, looking across his neat and orderly yard. “It beats watching game show reruns or throwing sticks at kids on bikes.” Glen accentuated his joke with a mock-throwing gesture, earning another laugh from Madison.

“Well, didn’t you used to be an ace at bowling?” Madison asked. “Hugh has been working out of town lately, but maybe we could all go together when he’s back, and you could give us some pointers?”

“I’d sure be up for it,” Glen replied excitedly. “I don’t roll like I used to, but I’ve still got it all up here,” he tapped the side of his head. “Just come over and grab me off the porch whenever you want to hit the lanes!”

“Will do,” Madison chirped, smiling. “Well, I should go settle in. Have a good evening, Glen!”

With that, she stepped towards Glen, gave him a quick peck on the cheek, as she often did, and walked back to our house across the street.

Madison didn’t detect a fleeting hint of awkwardness in their conversation, so it was clear to her that everything was still good and no lines were being crossed. Again, she thought to herself, it wasn’t even that she had changed anything. She had walked by the window topless many times. The only thing she was adding now was a friendly wave to a kind old neighbor.


I worked late that evening, and I had decided to pack a bag so I could get a hotel closer to the gig that I was working to save me a few days of sunrise road trips. Madison and I talked on the phone that night, and she caught me up on the scenario.

While ordinarily I might have been a tad jealous, it was hard to be cross when the guy glancing at my wife was nearly 70. Rather than chastise her, I just laughed along with Madison’s story and warned her to make sure Glen wasn’t getting the wrong idea. Honestly, I still found it pretty funny, and part of me figured that nurturing this tiny piece of exhibitionism might reward me in the future in case I ever wanted to talk her into hitting up a nude beach or something.

We said our good nights, and I went right to sleep.

Back home, Madison was about to fall asleep when she remembered that she had left the curtains open in the living room after her last escapade. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t have cared one way or the other. But having the curtains drawn gave her a reason to throw them open in the morning. So, Madison hopped out of bed, trotted to the living room, and closed the curtains in anticipation of the following day.


The next morning, Madison woke up before her alarm, her lips working into a smile as the new day came into view. She rolled out of bed, showered, wrapped her hair with a towel, and walked to the living room window.

Madison couldn’t keep the smile off of her face, and once again took the towel from her hair and wrapped it around her bottom half, lower on her hips this time, well below the navel, showing off a hint of her lovely hip bones, almost her entire toned stomach, and of course her perfect, perky breasts. She did her best to secure the towel, but it was difficult to get a good knot with her hips being wider than her waist and the towel being a bit short.

She eventually settled the towel around her, did her best to dial down her grin, positioned herself directly in front of the window, and then, grabbing the curtains high, threw them open with a flourish. In what had quickly become a sort of tradition, Glen was sitting out on his porch enjoying the morning air when he saw her.

As if he was expecting it this time, Glen quickly set his newspaper aside and offered a smile and a wave to Maddie, who stood behind the pane of glass, returning his smile. She held the curtains ajar, her arms wide above her head, accentuating her tits and slender torso. She shifted her weight from foot to foot a couple of times, causing her mostly-exposed hips to sway gently.

Spurred on by Glen’s grin, Madison was giving him a couple of seconds to enjoy the sight when she caught something in the corner of her eye.

It was our neighbor, Duncan, from the house right next to Glen’s across the street. He was out in his yard uncharacteristically early, picking up some of his kids’ toys.

While Glen was a lovely old man, Duncan was less so. Middle-aged, doughy, balding, and while not necessarily “mean,” he was always a bit cranky–definitely not someone Madison wanted to catch a peek at her tits.

Duncan briefly glanced up at the motion stirring in the window and immediately did a double take as he caught sight of Maddie. She jumped, startled at being spotted by him, and took a half step back. This unexpected jolt caused the loose towel that was around her hips to start coming undone, quickly dropping a couple of inches and bringing her crotch nearly into view.

Madison bolted one hand down and grabbed the towel just before it gave way completely, and with her other hand, she quickly drew one panel of the curtains closed, hiding herself from the view of her onlookers. Madison blushed furiously. She figured that Duncan had only gotten a fleeting glimpse of her, probably not even long enough for his eyes to focus on her nearly-nude form, and she caught the towel before Glen got more of a show than would have been appropriate.

Still, the towel nearly dropping was too close for comfort. The neighbors almost got a look at her pussy, a thought that stirred a multitude of emotions within Madison.

Peeking out the corner of the curtain, Madison saw Glen and Duncan talking, apparently exchanging a chuckle. She couldn’t determine what they were saying but figured she would rather not know.

Madison shook the thoughts from her head and hurriedly got ready for work. She went through her regular morning routine, hopped in the car, and took off for the office, driving a little quicker than usual. She still gave Glen a warm smile and a wave, but she really just wanted a little bit of distance between her and the situation to prevent her from blushing uncontrollably right before work.

As Madison pulled into her usual parking lot, walked to her building, took the usual elevator, and walked onto the office floor to exchange chatter with the usual people, her thoughts were preoccupied with the earlier events of the morning.

For various reasons, Madison was quickly growing fond of her morning antics, despite the close call with the towel. There was something that felt freeing about it, something that felt innocently playful, and even something that felt a little bit wild and risky, but she didn’t want to damage her reputation among the rest of our neighbors accidentally. She enjoyed her inside joke with Glen but didn’t want to extend the fun to the whole street. She needed to be more careful.

As Madison sat at her desk, considering the moment when her towel nearly dropped, which would have left her completely exposed to her onlookers, she had a few conflicting emotions raising butterflies in her stomach.

On the one hand, she was embarrassed that our neighbor Duncan had possibly seen a flash of her tits (and almost worse), but on the other hand, she felt almost disappointed that it hadn’t happened. She kept wondering to herself whether she would have panicked and thrown the curtains closed if it had just been Glen outside. Would she have just — let it happen?

As the day went on, the same thoughts persisted: would she have let her neighbor see her completely naked? Would that be okay? Has he seen her whole body through the window before?

Madison was wrestling with the fact that part of her really did want the wardrobe malfunction to occur, under the right circumstances. Glen just seemed so kind and so lonely all the time. She had never seen him smile so much as when she visited the living room window, and it was innocent enough. He was a retired old man, and he clearly wasn’t getting the wrong idea. He understood the context of their situation, and he had not been the slightest bit crass about it.

Madison finished her workday, bid her coworkers farewell again, and headed home. The entire drive back, she was biting her lip, weighing the situation as if it carried more weight and consequence than it actually did.

As her car approached our driveway, she caught sight of Duncan out mowing his front yard. They met eyes through her windshield and exchanged an awkward wave.

Then, she saw Glen on his porch. He gave her the warmest smile, which caused her own lips to curve into a smirk.

She decided right then and there that she really did want to take her recurring sketch with Glen to the next level. For some reason, she wanted him to see everything.


The following day, Madison once again woke before the alarm. She still couldn’t put her feelings into words, but she almost felt like a kid on Christmas Eve — she barely slept a wink.

She got out of bed, took her usual shower, and dried off before walking out to the living room window, this time completely naked, no towel to be seen.

Madison stood before the drawn curtains, feeling the butterflies rise in her stomach again. She really wanted to see Glen’s expression when she opened the curtains today. She wanted to see if there was a difference in his smile, a different vigor in his wave, and she figured that she could use his reaction to formulate a guess as to whether or not he had seen her entirely nude through the window in the past.

She reached for the curtain’s edges, then hesitated momentarily. She wasn’t sure if anyone else was outside, and while it was unlikely that anyone was, she didn’t fancy the idea of Duncan or any of our other neighbors getting treated to the same surprise she had for Glen. She thought about peeking out the window, but if Glen were already watching, she would risk ruining the casual, playful vibe that she had built up over the past week.

After a moment, she decided that she would pull one panel to the side, holding it close to her body the way someone does with a shower curtain when they lean out to ask you for something.

Madison gathered up the fabric of the curtain, gripping a generous amount to her chest, and began to slide it open.

She peeked out onto the street and saw that, sure enough, it was vacant, save for Glen reading his newspaper on the porch. Glen saw her immediately and lowered his paper to shoot her a smile and a wave, and Madison instantly lit up with her own bright smile in return.

Exhaling hard and gathering all the bravado she could muster, she pulled the curtains entirely open, revealing her completely naked body to Glen. Through the wide window, Madison was visible from the knees all the way up. The morning light made her softly tanned skin glow, accentuated the soft, warm pink tone of the small nipples that adorned her youthful breasts, and gave Glen an unobstructed view of her toned arms and legs, elegant torso, candy-sweet hips, and smooth pussy from only 50 feet across the street.

Glen had already been grinning warmly, but as he took in the sight of Madison’s toned, supple, yet feminine body, he broke out into a toothy, ear-to-ear smile. His expression was infectious, and Madison broke out into a wide smile as well, blushing a bit and shyly shifting back and forth.

Madison gave her elderly friend several seconds to enjoy the sight of her. Glen could not stop smiling and began slowly nodding his head appreciatively. Madison shot him a wink and then turned away from the window, pausing to give him a second to see her firm, round ass before she walked away toward the kitchen.

Once confident that she was entirely out of view, she started laughing and shaking excitedly, stomping her feet several times to dissipate her nervous energy as some color found its way to her cheeks. Madison could tell that Glen really loved the view, and she was instantly glad that she had decided to treat him to it.

Madison calmed herself with some deep breaths but couldn’t stop smiling. She took inventory of what she could discern from the exchange.

She had never seen Glen look that happy before, which warmed her from the bottom of her heart, but she couldn’t say that he looked “surprised” exactly. This somewhat convinced her that he had likely been incidentally treated to some peeks of her body as she walked by the window in the past, but surely nothing as direct as today.

Madison was strangely exhilarated. She wasn’t aroused, she wasn’t curious, she simply felt that she had really made someone’s day, and it put her on cloud nine. She loved that he had enjoyed seeing her, and his smile didn’t disappoint. She felt confident in her act. After all, if he had gotten inadvertent glances at her before, then her becoming complicit in the exposure didn’t hurt.

Madison snuck by the window back to the bedroom, got dressed for work, and once again left for the office. As she got into the car and pulled out of the driveway, she rolled down her window and called out to Glen from the street.

“I hope you have a good morning,” she beamed with a sunny smile, shooting him an enthusiastic wave.

“Best morning I’ve had in years,” Glen shouted back through genuine laughter. “Have a good day at work, sweetheart!”

With that, he waved her off, and she drove on.


The end of my work project was near, and it looked like I would be clear to go home by that Saturday. Madison and I talked on the phone each evening as my distant assignment dragged on, and while I continued to tease her for her antics, I loved hearing the excitement in her voice when she talked about her daily adventures. I would much rather she dip her toes into the pool of exhibitionism through a window from a street away than with her coworkers, as I have written about previously.

Still, Maddie had a bad habit of escalating things over time rather than enjoying them for what they were. She’s a highly productive person, but her gears are always turning as she plans for a “next step.” However, sometimes her antics get ahead of her, as would prove to happen over the next few days.

Thursday morning came, and Madison didn’t see any reason to break her streak with Glen and the window. Rather than delay, she hopped right out of bed, let her messy hair hang down her shoulders, and started walking for the window.

She paused at the bedroom door, considering how to play out the scene today. Hesitantly, she decided to dial it back a little bit. She walked to her dresser, opened a drawer, and produced a low, lacy black thong. She stepped into the garment and then quickly made for the living room.

Madison stood at the curtains and prepped her pose and expression. She wanted to see how much it made Glen’s day to see her, even if she wasn’t totally naked. She was still modeling a racy pair of panties for him, and she was entirely topless. She looked down at her hips and legs, appreciating how the underwear hugged her curves and accentuated her toned edges. It really didn’t leave much to the imagination, which suited her just fine.

Without further delay, she opened the curtains, baring her tits to the mostly empty street. She caught Glen’s attention instantly, as he wasn’t even reading his usual paper this morning. As Madison waved a friendly good morning to him, he raised his hand, made a circular gesture, and then pointed upward while mouthing something.

Madison realized that he was signaling her to open the window, something she hadn’t seen any purpose in doing up to this point. Her curiosity won out.

Smiling, she complied, undoing the locks and opening the window. She leaned forward onto the windowsill, jutting her breasts out almost playfully. A surprisingly cool summer morning breeze blew across her, hardening her nipples instantly and raising goose flesh across her skin.

“Beautiful weather this morning,” Glen called across the street. “You should open up a couple of windows to get some fresh air into the house!”

“It is gorgeous outside,” Madison replied with a laugh. “How are you doing today?”

“Better now that I’ve seen your smiling face,” Glen shouted charmingly.

Their banter was interrupted as Madison caught sight of a set of fingers parting some window blinds on the second floor of our other neighbor, Duncan’s house. She could just make out a set of eyes looking in her direction. Madison quickly raised an arm to cover her exposed breasts.

“I’ll come over to say hi in a bit, Glen,” she shouted across the street. She shot her eyes dramatically toward Duncan’s house and pulled back inside, closing the window and drawing the curtains shut before she had much of an opportunity to show off her outfit.

Madison returned to the bedroom, dressed, did her hair and makeup, and finally traversed through the house and opened the garage to leave for work. Before getting into her car, she stepped outside and scampered across the street to finish her chat with Glen.

“Sorry,” Madison sighed as she climbed the steps to his porch. “I think I was bugging our dear neighbor Duncan.”

“Ah, don’t worry about him, he’s a nice enough sort, just grouchy because his wife and kids keep him on the run at all hours,” Glen said with a stifled laugh. “He probably appreciates a morning hello just as much as I do!”

“Well, tough luck for him,” Madison replied with a wry smile, patting Glen affectionately on the shoulder as he sat in his chair. “I prefer chatting with you.”

“Heh,” Glen scoffed, shaking his head with a smirk. “In that case, I’ll do my best to keep my shouting down. But you’ve gotta get to work, missy! Be careful, or I’ll chat your ear off!”

Glen reached an arm up and returned Madison’s gesture by patting her twice on the hip as if to shoo her off.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Glen asked expectantly as she turned to leave.

“Of course! Same time, same place,” Madison said matter-of-factly, winking at him over her shoulder.

Madison left his porch, walked back up to our garage, hopped into her car, and pulled out of the driveway.


Madison had another half-productive day at work as her mind was a bit scattered. She wracked her brain, trying to think up something new to make Glen’s day. Unable to come up with anything within the realm of sanity, she decided that it would be fun to repeat her nude performance to see how he would react a second time.

In all honestly, what more could he even hope for? A cute little blonde wife letting you get an eyeful of her tight body from across the yard would be a welcome fantasy for most men. Again, if Madison didn’t mind, I didn’t care, and if it made Glen’s day, there was virtually no harm.

Madison counted the minutes until her shift was over and hurriedly left the office for home as soon as it was. She turned in early that night, anxious for the next day.

Friday morning finally arrived, and Madison once again woke with a smile. She quickly showered, towel-drying her hair and body before discarding the towel in the hamper in favor of trotting out to the window entirely nude once again.

She gave a slight peek out the corner of the curtain to make sure no one else was outside, and noting that the coast was clear, she opened the curtains slowly. Her friendly acquaintance across the street perked up at the sight of her.

Madison yawned and gave an exaggerated stretch, showing off her slender frame, appreciable thigh gap, round, perky tits, and beautiful little pussy to our neighbor.

Glen had the same wide smile as before, but Madison was surprised to see him once again gesture for her to open the window. Madison raised an eyebrow but complied, lifting the window open and leaning out onto the sill again.

Before she could shout a greeting, Glen held a finger up, motioning for her to wait a moment, as he sat up from his chair and quickly hobbled off his porch, making his way across the street.

Madison’s stomach dropped. She had grown accustomed to showing off from across their yards, but she hadn’t expected him to close the distance. She was completely naked, her tits, ass, and crotch 100% uncovered, and her neighbor was jogging directly to her.

She was not mentally prepared to have him see her naked body up close, but it would have seemed out of place for her to cover up or leave, and as Glen quickly closed the distance between them, still smiling ear-to-ear, all Maddie could do was swallow hard and put on her best casual smile.

Glen strode right up to where Madison was leaning out the window and greeted her as happy as a clam. He wore thick, transitions-style glasses that had turned dark in the morning sun, but his eyes were dead level with Madison’s exposed tits as he stood just a few feet away to chat.

“Good morning, sweetheart. I thought I’d saunter over here this morning since you mentioned not wanting to shout across the street,” Glen said happily. “How are ya, neighbor?”

Madison was leaning forward, bent at the waist, and propping herself up on the sill as she peered out the window. She wasn’t jutting her chest out nearly as boldly at this point, but there was no doubt that Glen had a close-up, unobstructed view of her tits.

“I’m doing great, Glen,” Madison replied kindly. “How are you feeling today?”

“Better than ever,” he bellowed, maintaining a friendly grin. “When is Hugh getting back into town? Haven’t seen him in a good while.”

Glen’s glasses lenses were dark, but Madison knew he was probably savoring the direct view of her pert breasts, enjoying a close-up and detailed view of her nipples. Madison shifted uncomfortably, and even though she was leaning forward quite a bit to prop herself on the windowsill, she knew Glen still had a straight-on view of her pussy between the gap in her thighs that she couldn’t hide.

As their casual conversation went on, Madison bent forward more, placing her elbows and forearms on the windowsill, hoping to limit how clear of a view Glen might have of her slit, but giving him a more prominent view of her breasts in the process. Madison’s face was growing redder and redder. She couldn’t tell where Glen was looking, but she knew in the pit of her stomach that he was checking out every detail of her body.

The conversation was brief, but to Madison, it felt never-ending.

“Well,” Glen said eventually, patting the windowsill twice for emphasis, “I’d better let you get ready for the day. It was really nice to see you for a minute, Madison.”

As he was saying this, another neighbor drove their car down the street, pumping the brakes and slowing considerably as their vehicle lined up with the window. Maddie could make out a man in the driver’s seat leaning as far as he could towards the window and squinting his eyes as his car crept along–another neighbor catching a view of her tits, if not more.

Madison gulped before she spoke. “It was great talking with you too, Glen,” she managed to say with passable cheer and a smile.

Glen wished her a good morning and reached up to pat her on the shoulder affectionately. Madison smiled, but Glen wasn’t really making the first move to leave. Ready to break from the situation, Madison decided it would be best to shut the window and walk away.

Swallowing hard, Madison stood up from where she was bent over on the windowsill, which gave Glen an inarguable, direct, eye-level view of her pussy from the front. His smile somehow broadened even more as he stood facing her crotch through the window opening, and Madison knew his eyes must be fixed on her slit.

She stood on her toes and reached high to grab the top of the window, which caused her hips to stick out further towards Glen, improving his view of the smooth outer lips that graced her thigh gap before she could slide the window shut. Then, noting that Glen was still staring at her body from behind his tinted lenses, she smiled weakly and waved at him before closing the curtains.

Madison turned and immediately sat on the living room floor, her back to the window and her face flush with abject humiliation. She leaned over and peeked out from behind the curtains to see Glen finally working his way back to his porch.

Maybe he wasn ‘t really looking that close.

Madison breathed deeply for a moment, and then began laughing to herself.

There was no denying it: she had just let an old man see her bare pussy. It was right in front of his face; there was no way he wasn’t looking. It was ridiculous.

She had basically asked him to come to the window when she mentioned not wanting to alert her other neighbors the other day. He had probably misunderstood, and because of that, Madison had just given her elderly neighbor a close-up view of her most intimate area.

Madison decided that it really wasn’t that awkward. He had already seen her naked lord knows how many times, and he was nothing but casual and polite for their whole conversation. Here she was, a woman in her late 20s, feeling embarrassed that her elderly neighbor had seen her naked. He had probably seen dozens of women nude over the years, and he was as sweet as molasses to her.

The more she thought about it, the more she was just embarrassed about the unknown man who had driven by. She wasn’t sure who it was, but she knew it had to be one of our neighbors since we live in a dead-end cul-de-sac. She needed to be more careful about that, but Glen was just a kind old man. He seemed happy to have a chance to see his young neighbor’s body, but he seemed to really enjoy talking with her as well. They were building a nice friendship, and it was silly for her to feel embarrassed.

Madison exhaled sharply, stood up, and set about getting ready for her day.

Honestly, the event was quite centering for her. She had bared all for her newfound “best friend,” and he hadn’t reacted off color in the slightest. This gave her an avenue to keep expanding her penchant for showing off in a very safe environment.

Madison went through the usual errands of the day and found that she was able to focus better at work. She resumed chatting with her coworkers, finished a few projects, and made plans to hang out with some friends over the weekend. Through all of this, she still managed to feel like she was in a good place with Glen. She enjoyed giving him a little extra-special hello in the morning, and he seemed to enjoy it just as much.

Though she was still slightly shaken from the morning events, she made plans in her head to resume her routine the next day. Even if it was just a wave-and-walk-away this time, she just loved to see the happy look on Glen’s face. It checked all the boxes for her. It made her feel like she was doing a good deed, it made her feel pretty and appreciated, and it had become a friendly little social exchange.

Madison rose the following morning and couldn’t have been in a better mood. She put some music on, danced as she got ready for the day, sang in the shower, and then, once again, abandoned her towel after drying off in favor of going naked, heading straight for the living room window to check the next thing off her morning to-do list.

Madison centered herself in front of the curtains, breathed deeply, put on her sweetest smile, and threw the curtains open.

Lucky for her, the street was once again unpopulated, minus Glen. He had begun waiting for her in the mornings, not even touching his newspaper until after their exchange.

Glen perked up immediately as he and Madison met eyes. Madison gave him an enthusiastic wave and prepared to turn around and walk away as planned.

However, she noticed that Glen once again raised a finger, indicating that she should wait a moment, and then he stood up, grabbed two mugs of coffee from his porch table, and began to cross the street towards her.

Despite all of the time she spent talking herself into believing the events of the past morning were no big deal, Madison still felt pangs of humiliation settle in her stomach as the friendly neighbor crossed the street into our yard. Her heart was warmed at the thought of him bringing her a coffee, but it made the situation impossible to escape, as she didn’t want to meet his kind gesture with a rude refusal. Madison swallowed hard against the lump in her throat and reached down to slide the window open. It couldn’t be any worse than yesterday.

The window slid open, and Madison softly assumed her position, bending at the waist and laying her forearms along the windowsill. She smiled politely, trying to appear as casual as possible despite her current leaned-forward posture resembling being bent over a desk more closely than anything else.

“Morning, neighbor,” Glen said through a cheerful expression that set Madison slightly at ease. “I wanted to thank you for yesterday, so I brought you a coffee.”

Glen smiled sweetly as he extended one mug towards the open window. Madison received it and smiled a little wider.

“Thanks, Glen, that’s so kind of you,” Madison beamed, her mood lifting as she became slightly less embarrassed that her neighbor was just feet away from her completely nude body.

“But what do you have to thank me for?”

“Just for the talking like this,” Glen replied earnestly. “I don’t talk with too many folks outside an occasional hello, let alone a pretty young girl like you. I really look forward to seeing you every morning.”

Madison blushed, and this time it wasn’t in embarrassment, but because she was legitimately flattered.

“I look forward to seeing you too,” Madison said honestly. “I have really enjoyed chatting with you more this past week, Glen.”

Madison noticed Glen was not wearing his dark glasses this morning and instead sported an old pair of bifocals meant for reading. Despite her breasts being directly in front of him, he surprisingly looked her right in the eyes.

“So,” Glen said after a long sip of coffee, “how has work been?”

“Ha!” Madison broke out laughing. “Not so fast. Let’s talk about you! Got any big plans for the rest of the summer?”

“Oh, I’m not that interesting,” Glen replied, shaking his head and taking a long swig of coffee. “And I never was good at holding conversations with pretty young girls.” Glen winked playfully.

“You think I’m pretty then?” Madison asked with a jokingly sultry voice, raising her own mug to her lips and batting her eyelashes.

“Well…” Glen trailed off, his eyes drifting down to Madison’s exposed breasts, wandering between them. “Taking a good look at you, I would say a guy would be crazy not to think so.”

Madison followed his eyes as they traced her body. She noticed him tilt his head and squint his eyes, and she blushed as she realized he was attempting to get a better view of her crotch. She didn’t shift her hips away this time.

Madison vaguely became aware that Glen’s gift of a coffee served more reasons than kindness alone: it also guaranteed at least several minutes of close-proximity conversation with his young, naked neighbor.

“Yes indeed,” Glen muttered, apparently finding the best angle to admire her slit. “Just the prettiest little thing.”

Madison’s cheeks began to grow warm. She took another sip of coffee and closed her eyes, as if to give Glen a private moment to enjoy her pussy, smiling softly as her body tingled under his gaze.

Glen shook his head and shifted the conversation towards more trivial topics, and Madison tried her best to drink the piping hot coffee as quickly as possible, realizing it would be best not to drag the conversation on too long.

Glen was in the middle of a story, his eyes returning to meet Madison’s, only dropping to her nipples or crotch for an occasional glimpse when Madison noticed something in the distance. Someone was once again peeking through the blinds from Duncan’s house across the street. Madison felt a shiver roll across her body, but then the blinds snapped back into place.

Her focus had shifted back to Glen when she caught more movement across the street. It was Duncan after all, and he had stepped out of his front door onto his porch. He looked nonchalant for a few seconds, but Madison’s heart dropped when he turned and looked directly at her.

Madison’s attention was now split between her two neighbors. She couldn’t help but notice that the more she looked away, the more Glen drifted closer, his gaze fixed on her private parts as he craned his neck, obviously trying to keep the best view of her slit.

She moved her attention back to Duncan across the street. Their eyes met, and he smiled. Rather than a warm, friendly smile like Glen, Duncan had an absolute shit-eating grin as he crossed his arms and leaned against his house. He was a fair distance away, but Madison was worried that he might still have a clear view of her tits. She crossed an arm over her chest.

“You okay, sweetheart?” Glen asked, snapping Madison’s attention back to their conversation.

“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry, it’s just –” Madison shifted awkwardly and looked back towards Duncan, whose eyes were still fixed on her from across the street.

Glen followed her stare, turning to see Duncan standing on his porch.

“Oh, good morning, Duncan!” Glen shouted with a wave. “How are you doing?”

To Madison’s absolute horror, Duncan hopped from his porch and began briskly making his way across the street toward them. Madison panicked and looked back and forth for a blanket or something. Seeing nothing within reach, she froze, her mouth slightly agape, and turned back to meet Duncan’s eyes again as he finished crossing the yard to stand by Glen.

“What are you two up to?” Duncan asked, still smiling crookedly, looking directly at Madison through the window.

“H-hey, Duncan,” Madison stuttered, smiling weakly, practically paralyzed in embarrassment.

Madison was propped on her elbows, leaning out on the windowsill, one hand holding the mug of coffee and her other arm held tightly against her chest, covering her nipples but doing little to make the view less obscene. She wanted to leave, but standing up would give her less-than-affable neighbor the same direct view of her pussy that Glen had been treated to the day before.

“Hey, Madison,” Duncan said in a friendly enough tone, his eyes darting over Maddie’s body unceremoniously.

Duncan moved past Glen and hoisted an elbow up onto the windowsill next to Madison.

“Geez, aren’t you cold in there?” Duncan asked with a chuckle, eyeing Madison up and down the length of her yoga-toned body.

Madison did her best to angle her hips the other way so that Duncan couldn’t get a direct view of the precious real estate between her hips, but with him this close, it wasn’t doing much good.

“Hey,” she said timidly, “I should get ready for work. Thanks for the coffee, Glen.” She reached out the window to hand the half-drank cup of java back to Glen.

“But it’s Saturday,” Glen said in a confused tone, reaching slowly for the mug.

As she reached out, stretching her body towards her older neighbor, her jaw dropped, and she let out a stifled gasp as Duncan actually grabbed the windowsill and leaned his head into the window opening, smiling snidely as he positioned himself to get a close, unobstructed view of Madison’s pussy.

“Sheesh,” Duncan sighed. “Hugh is one lucky guy, you are in wickedly good shape, Madison.”

Madison’s lightly freckled cheeks turned bright red instantly.

While Glen obviously enjoyed the view, Duncan regarded Madison’s body with all the decorum of a dog eyeing a piece of meat.

Glen quietly took the cup, and Madison instantly pulled her hand back and placed it firmly over her exposed pussy, but it was too late. Duncan had already gotten a complete view of it from barely a foot away. He had seen everything.

Madison stood up, one arm around her tits and the other used to cover her crotch. She felt ridiculous and humiliated, covering herself like this in her own home, and she quietly kicked herself for being too surprised to act earlier.

“Have a good morning, guys,” Madison said awkwardly, hoping to dismiss them.

Her two neighbors returned her well wishes but made no immediate attempt to leave. Feeling faint, Madison took the arm off her chest to try to pull the window shut quickly. As she reached above her head and grabbed the top of the window with one hand, she pulled hard, but couldn’t quite get the stiff window closed.

She looked out the window to see Glen’s smile returning as he looked directly at her tits, and Duncan did the same, his unkempt face twisted into a self-satisfied, snide smile as he got his first direct look at her breasts. She pulled harder, but it wouldn’t budge.

Finally, she swallowed her pride and quickly raised the hand that was covering her pussy up to the top of the window, stood on her toes, and gave it a firm pull, finally sliding it into the closed position. The action once again put her perfect, smooth labia and dainty slit on direct display for her two neighbors.

Madison quickly shut the curtains, but not before she got one last glance at Duncan, who was feverishly darting his eyes between her perfect-handful tits and her sweet pussy. His victorious smile was nearly venomous.

With the exchange finally over, Madison breathed a sigh of relief, walking over to the sofa and collapsing onto it to catch her breath.

Madison couldn’t determine exactly why she was okay with her elderly neighbor seeing her body almost daily, why she got a kick out of teasing her coworkers, but her greasy neighbor seeing her completely naked up close made her feel dizzy. Maybe it was the difference between deliberate exhibitionism and an awkward situation that was out of her control. It made her feel small; it made her feel submissive. And the idea that she would have to look Duncan in the eye knowing that he had seen her pussy up close was crushingly embarrassing.

She had barely even regarded poor Glen, who was the reason she had taken up the window escapades to begin with. She pondered to herself if she should go clear the air with him, but it might be too awkward now.

Madison needed to gather her thoughts, and ended up canceling all of her Saturday plans to take some time to calm down. She got dressed, took a bath, threw back a much-needed shot of vodka, and sat down to watch some TV.

After a couple of hours of thinking over the situation, Madison began to chuckle to herself again. She had kept telling herself that there was no harm in some well-meaning exhibitionism, and the past couple of mornings getting out of control must have been karma for her rambunctious behavior.

Madison sat up from the sofa and strode across the living room to the window facing the street. She pulled the curtain open a bit and saw Glen reading his newspaper on the porch. He didn’t notice her, as he probably wasn’t paying attention to the window outside of their “morning tradition,” but it comforted Maddie to see that the street was going on business as usual despite her.

Madison decided this situation was best put behind her, and it served as a good reminder to keep the curtains drawn. As much as she enjoyed her little good-mornings with Glen, she decided that it was best to take a break from showing off through the window.


Madison had filled me in on the week’s events once I got home. She had thought it through by that point and came around to see the humor in the situation’s absurdity. I didn’t want to scold her, so I just teased her a bit and said I was glad she learned her lesson, and that I would happily cash in my “I told you so.”

I offered to go have a little talk with Duncan and Glen, but Madison urged me not to. She said that she was really responsible for the whole thing, and it wasn’t that big of a deal. So what? Two more people were on the list of those who had seen her naked. It was just a bit of peeping at worst, and she was the one at fault. I conceded to her request and let it be, but I made her promise to be more careful from now on.


Over the next few days, Glen continued to wave and say hello every time their paths crossed outside, and for quite some time, he didn’t mention the sudden disappearance of the morning flashes. Madison figured he caught on to the fact that Duncan strolling over made the whole situation too awkward to continue.

One day, maybe a week later or so, Madison came home from work and saw Glen finishing up his lawn care routine, blowing his grass clippings back into his yard with a small leaf blower. Despite the awkwardness that had transpired, she walked across the street to chat with him.

“Hey, Glen,” Madison shouted in a friendly yet hesitant tone as he shut off his blower and turned to smile at her.

“Your lawn is looking fantastic, as usual. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m getting by,” Glen replied, setting his blower down and stretching his back. “I’ve been missing our conversations, though. Are you doing all right, sweetheart?”

“I’ve missed talking with you too, Glen,” Madison said sweetly, reaching a hand out to brush Glen’s arm. “Things were just getting a bit carried away with other people joining in, you know?”

“Ah, right,” Glen said contemplatively, glancing toward Duncan’s house. “I meant to apologize for calling him over the other day when we were out on your lawn. I didn’t think you would mind, seeing as he’s had the same view as me the past couple of years since you moved in. I shouldn’t have assumed it was okay.”

“The same view as you?” Madison asked, the lump returning to her throat.

“Well, yes, I just meant the same view of the windows. I don’t think anyone minds a bit if they catch a sight of you through the glass. Heck, most of them get a kick out of it. But I reckon this whole side of the block has gotten a look, I just thought you knew.”

Madison felt the rollercoaster free fall feeling in her stomach again, as her recent concerns about the other neighbors seeing her were confirmed.

Glen noticed the distant expression on Madison’s face and chimed in to comfort her.

“It’s really nothing, honey,” he assured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Your house is a good ways off, and again, I don’t think anyone cares too greatly at this point. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

Madison thanked Glen for letting her know, and headed back across the street to our house. She proceeded to take inventory of all the blinds and curtains to ensure they were closed.

She wasn’t as bothered as some people might have been. Again, Madison is extremely comfortable with her body and probably way too open with sharing the sight of it. Still, ultimately she preferred to be somewhat in control of who was looking.

All in all, the situation wasn’t so dire. Madison made sure to keep the curtains drawn for the most part whenever she was undressed, and things remained civil between the neighbors and us. Still, this ended up being a pivotal piece of the puzzle clicking into place, and the picture that would eventually come together would be one of Madison becoming more of an exhibitionist than she ever would have imagined. But those details belong in future stories.


Thanks for reading! If you liked the story, make sure to drop a rating and review, and send me feedback if you want to see more of Madison! Remember: you don’t need an account to rate, comment, or send feedback, so let me know what you want to read!

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