Never Too Old Pt. 03

An adult stories – Never Too Old Pt. 03 by Willywin,Willywin Authors Notes

Has Jackie gone too far in trying to reconcile with her husband. Is it time to cut and run. Stephen was good for her, perhaps too good. But she couldn’t give up on George – could she, should she?

Some sex, which is surprisingly difficult to write. I pictured it, the characters in my head, but trying to put those images down on pen and paper wasn’t as easy had I’d imagined. I am sure those that cannot write sex scenes will criticise, and hopefully those that can will offer constructive advice.

I admit I struggle with the BTB mentality, which seems to be prevalent with ‘anonymous.’ Sandy just calls me her softy but reminds me it is fiction. I’m nearing the end and haven’t quite decided what to do, writing two, possibly three endings.


Chapter Three:

Sat across from Jackie, it wasn’t exactly what Stephen had been hoping to hear.

“A partnership” he queried.

It wasn’t quite the proposal Emma had suggested to her mother. “An equal partnership,” corrected Jackie, emphasising the ‘equal’.

As if afraid to stop talking less he say no, Jackie went on at breakneck speed to explain the conditions under which she was prepared to sell him 50% of her business. Throwing in that if he wanted to put the McCabe name above the door, he was welcome to do so, although she felt her name would be better for continuity.

Name aside, she would continue run the business but for three days a week, she’d draw a commiserate salary and 50% share in any profit dividend plus a personal commission related bonus. They could enter the partnership with each having the first option to buy the other out if one decided to sell.

She slowed down as she saw he didn’t look that enthused. She said this arrangement suited her because she’d be able to spend more time with George hopefully to repair her marriage.

Feeling she had to, Jackie smiled, “Perhaps ‘Rogers & McCabe’. That has a sexy ring to it don’t you feel?”

He suddenly laughed as if disbelief at what he’d heard, then with a grinning innuendo filled drawl. “Basically, you want to rescue your marriage by taking me as ‘your sleeping’ partner.”

After months and months of growing sexual tensions it came naturally for Jackie to brush her hair from her ear and smile “Trust you to put it like that.”

He chuckled, and then more firmly… “Is that a Yes?”

Jackie sat back; she wasn’t slow in reading his take. “George is a good man, and… Look I like you; you know that, I like what we have. But I’m not about to jump into bed with you in order to…”

Stephen almost taunted with is attitude to her husband. “Excuse my frankness, but a ‘good man’ doesn’t neglect a woman as beautiful as you. Whatever George is or isn’t, he doesn’t deserve you.”

Jackie scoffed, “And you do?”

Shooting back, “I’d like to be a part of your life, yes.”

She swallowed a little taken back by Stephens unusually aggressive approach. She asked, “Stephen… Where’s this coming from…”

He sat back, stirred his coffee. “I’ve tired of waiting for you to make up your mind.”

“Waiting?” Jackie looked puzzled, “I’ve told you… You’ll finally get your hands my business, well half of it and first shout on the rest.”

Stephen shook his head. “No… I’m tired of waiting for more than what we have.”

Like a light bulb had been switched on, Jackie opened her mouth and then said, “Oh?”

“Yes – Oh.”

In a way of asking ‘why me’ she told him. “You have your other women.”

They both fell silent. Jackie spoke first. “Look – This is a good deal!”

He laughed. “For you. You’ll be working three days a week, have you given any thought to the other two days when you’re not there, not to mention the weekends? You’ll still be drawing a salary, plus you want 50% of any profits – and a Commission… And me, well I get to fork over a small fortune for the privilege of letting you do so.”

“Stacy is quite capable of picking up any slack and it would help for a smooth transition should I sell you the other half of my shares.”

“So now you’re picking who will run the business once you leave?”

Jackie felt she needed to explain some more. “I didn’t quite mean it like that…”

Stephen spoke over her. “For arguments sake, what if I need to liquify my investment and make use of the sell/buyout clause, is it likely you’ll have the funds to reimburse me… If not, I’ll be stuck with a 50% shareholding in a business, a business that I don’t have any deciding say in how its run – a business that no one else is likely to want to buy…”

He paused. “So, I ask again… What is in it for me?”

Jackie felt wrong footed. “We could negotiate on any salary and commission.”

“Won’t cut it.”

Jackie was exasperated. “Stephen, I thought you’d welcome the opportunity to get your hands on the business.”

Stephen sat up and looked her in the eyes. “But I wouldn’t be, would I? I’m not getting my hands on your business… So, to be more direct, what I want to know is – what else would I be getting my hands on? What else would my money be buying me?”

She looked at him, saw the way he looked at her. She knew what he meant, she wasn’t sure she liked the message, what he was being less than subtle in insinuating. “You don’t give up do you.”

“Okay Jackie, hand on heart, and be honest… Tell me you hate the idea of us two together.”

Jackie seemed lost for words. “Are you being serious?”

“Have you ever known me be anything but when it comes to you?”

“Stephen, you’re being an ass. I’m married, we already do more than I should… I’ve come to you with this proposal to save my marriage…”

He gave her his smile.

She suddenly remembered her daughters’ words and mumbled, “A Friend with benefits!”

Stephen leant in, “What was that?”

She smiled, “What you’re wanting, the two of us, to be friends with benefits…? I believe that’s what they call it!”

“I want us to be together, yes”

Jackie paused. “Why ask this of me? Why now?”

Stephen looked serious. “Come on Jackie.”

Jackies feathers seemed ruffled.

Stephen softened his demeanour. “You’re too afraid – afraid you’ll find something your marriage doesn’t give you. So, by all means you tell yourself you love George.”

Jackie half growled. “Do you know how long George and I have been married? I’m not going to throw that away.”

Jackie sighed, calmed herself, looked at Stephen. “Stephen, truth is you’re right… I am scared that if I let myself…” Another pause, “That if I start… I won’t be able to stop…”

Stephen smiled. “We can have what we want. If you want romance, I can be romantic. If you want red roses with chocolates, I’ll give you red roses with chocolates. I like you and you like me.”

Speaking as if she was struggling. “I’m not going to leave my husband for you.”

Stephen sighed. “I’m not asking you to… Although I wouldn’t blame you if you did… Not, after the way he’s treated you.”

Jackie sighed heavily. “You just want a booty call.”

Stephen laughed. “Jackie, I’m not about to ask you to run off with me. But yes, I would like a ‘booty call’ but more than that, I would like us to date, I’d like ‘you’ to give ‘us’ a chance.”

Stephen sighed heavily. “Look… If you want no strings with no promises, we can have no strings with no promises, we can be friends with benefits… If you feel better telling yourself it’s strictly a business agreement; I’ll go with that too.”

Jackie leant forward. “If I was to say you’re right. If I admit, yes, I have been fighting myself, that I too have been wanting more, that I’ve dreamed of more… I can’t just…”

“I’d say you can, I say allow yourself to live, to have some fun, to let things fall where they will… If you want discrete, I can be discrete… But, if by any chance you want a little excitement, a little risk, something to liven up the day – then I can provide that in bucket loads too. You don’t have to leave your marriage.”

“But What if George found out, what then?”

“So, you’re going to let yourself be unhappy over something that might or might not happen.” Looking and sounding as if he was giving up, “You’re right, my bad, don’t know what I was thinking.”

Jackie could see Stephen was pissed off. She hadn’t meant him to be, and what he was asking wasn’t anything she hadn’t thought about, wasn’t anything she hadn’t been wanting herself.

Jackie laughed, “That’s quite some al a carte buffet you’re offering me…”

“You still haven’t said no.”

She smiled. “No, I haven’t, have I.”

“Does that mean you’re tempted?”

“Oh God Stephen… Of course, I’m tempted. Do you know how many men I’ve looked at, wanted to be with other than George…? One – you.”

“So, what’s stopping you?”

“Oh, the fact I’m married.”

Stephen shook his head. “Jackie, You’ve never been less married.”

Jackie huffed with a half laugh. Knowing his words rang true, “I’ve been tempted for a long time.” She looked thoughtful. Then being serious she leant forward. “But I don’t know if I’m ready to be just another notch on your bedpost?”

He laughed. “A notch on my bedpost? Don’t sell yourself short.”

Then he smiled. “Jackie, I’d like to think you know me well enough to know you mean more to me than that.” He saw her head was somewhere else; she seemed deep in thought. He wasn’t sure she was hearing him…


Jackie jumped from her thoughts and chuffed disbelievingly, “Yeah.”

“Okay” said Stephen. “Cards on the table… You clearly don’t want to leave George… Neither of us know if there is a long-term future for us… We both know you are unhappy with things as they are… And you know you can’t keep going on the way you are… And that’s why you’ve put forward the proposal you have.”

Stephen took a deep breath. “Jackie. Even though it’s not good business, I’m going to take the deal regardless of what your answer is… But I like to think we’d make a good partnership, both in and out of the bedroom.”

Jackie smiled. “I’m worried I’ll feel as if I was giving up on George.”

Stephen, “Then don’t… Throw as many bones his way as you want… Just throw one my way.”

Jackie laughed. “Throw one your way?”

Jackie licked her lips, they felt dry. She began to smile. “You say no strings?

Stephen grinned. “Promise… No strings?”

Stephen decided to seize the moment, what had he to lose. He stood, walked to her side of the table, leaned in, and not caring who was watching he leaned in and kissed her, it wasn’t quite what she’d expected from him standing up, and it wasn’t quite an ‘Officer and a Gentleman’ moment, but nevertheless, she melted into his kiss. She did so enjoy Stephen’s kissing. When they kissed. he gave her palpitations, sent her pulse racing. Their secretive relationship as it was, was exciting. This kiss was exciting, she felt her heart beating. This kiss was perfect. Not too much, not too little, not too hard, not too soft, not too short, not too long, affectionate with a wonderful undercurrent of unfulfilled passion – just perfect. It wasn’t so much a kiss as an invitation.

He pulled back. “Well? Do I leave by myself or do I leave with you?”

With her passions aroused she didn’t hesitate to reach for her leather shoulder bag. The look they gave each other said they wanted each other. Taking her hand, he pulled her from her chair, then with both of them smiling and Jackie wanting to burst into happy giggles, he slipped his arm around her lower back, and made to guide her out of the coffee shop and into the sunshine.

On the pavement he kissed her again, then guessing she might still want to be led, pulling her by her hand he began to walk her to his car. She didn’t need to be led as she quick stepped to catch up. Now she was letting herself be as keen as he was. In the back of his mind, he didn’t want to give her the time to change her mind.

“Let’s go to my apartment”

They left her car. It didn’t register that that was what they were doing, what she was doing, she just wanted to be with him. As they drove into town barely a word was said. Feeling she needed more than silence she turned the radio on, and then, with a smile, she slid her hand over his upper thigh and over his obvious erection. How he didn’t get pulled over for speeding is anyone’s guess?


The first thing he did after entering his apartment was to kick the door shut behind him, and as he did, she pressed and he pulled her to him, he planted another kiss to her lips. This kiss was longer, passionate, full of lust, there was a shared hunger between them. They banged against the wall. She had to have him and he had to have her, her arms around his neck, his arms around her back. Jackie just let her passion and her forceful kissing run free as if there would be no consequence. Neither held back, both were assertive, both wanting, fighting to come out on top.

They began to tear at each other’s and their own clothing as they fumbled their way to what she presumed to be Stephen’s bedroom; she was as enthusiastic as he was to get there. She had no thoughts of George at all, she was all Stephen. They were kissing, biting, chuckling, gasping, grunting. She gasped “Ouch” as she banged her head and laughed as pictures were knocked skewwhiff. Under their breath they began goading one another, Jackie eyes wide open to what she was doing, telling him how bad she wanted him. Then, out of nowhere, for a moment, she thought of George. She was about to commit adultery. Her heart was racing, her groin aching, throbbing as if to banish George she pushed against Stephen and pressed into him.

She gasped as if out of breath. “Don’t be gentle. Not today…”

He growled, “God you’re sexy.”

Jackie kissed him and for the first time thought of her marriage, of George, of what sex with George had been like. In an instant she growled, “I’m telling you – I want different…”

Not really knowing what she meant, “Different?”

She held his face, “It’s the only way I can do this… You have to be different – than George…”

“Okay… but how the fuck do I know what he’s…”

Jackie stopped him, “Just fucking use me.”

He grunted. “Oh God baby.”

Jackie gasped again and with a big grin, “Let’s just get all the nasty dirty stuff out of the way so we don’t have to tip toe around…”

Stephen grinned as he squeezed her buttocks, “Oh – am I going to fuck you.”

Jackie laughed, “You better.”

With that he unceremoniously threw her onto the bed to wild squeals of joyous delight.

The curtains were open, the room filled with bright sunlight, the triple glazing keeping the street noise out. Pulling her half-slip down he stroked his hands along her thighs and over her granny pants, rubbing two fingers into her camel toe he kissed her neck. She was squirming, gasping, grunting, squealing with laughter, telling him not to bite

He laughed as he knelt and pulling at the elastic. “These definitely have to go…” He began to tug them down. Jackie was still laughing as she helped kick them off. As soon as she had she turned onto all fours to scramble her way onto the bed as if to escape his clutches. She then let out a loud yelp. Turning her head she gave him the biggest grin; she’d just received a playful slap to redden a bare ass cheek. A few more playful slaps followed.

This, their first time together was hectic, frantic, there was no script. Stephen still had the wherewithal to use a condom, even though she hadn’t asked him to.

She reminded him he wasn’t to be gentle, and he wasn’t.

Stephen took Jackies wholesome curvy womanly body as he would that of a hooker, as if she was bought and paid for, as if she was his to do with as he wished. To begin with he pushed her belly down on the bed, her reddened ass smarting and on display to him. With her knees pressed together, he knelt astride to mount her from behind. There was little foreplay. His hand that had been gripping the nape of her neck to hold her in place, slipped around to her throat to pull her head up by her chin, he pulled her head as far back as the arch of her back allowed. He began to whisper on her ear, “God, I want you”, “You want my cock?”. He growled as if demanding an answer, “You want my cock.”

She gasped as best she could hardly able to talk, “Yes I want your cock… Fuck me.”

He was taunting, teasing, “You’re so sexy, so hot.” With that he thrust violently inside her, she gasped as she felt his length push inside her, felt his body hit hers, she was wet, flooding. She took him, all of him, over and over, not that she had a choice as he fucked her. He was the second man she’d ever been with, and it immediately feet so different, perhaps it was the way he was moving, his energy, his physique, she didn’t know, perhaps it was the way he was holding her, she only knew she loved it. She took all he had to give, was urging him on to fuck her. She could feel the difference in age between Stephen and George and the difference in their attitude to sex… This was sex for sex’s sake and although there was only eight years between Stephen and George, that was enough for them to be a world apart. Stephen was a far more aggressive man, he was so sure of himself, she felt a strength an arrogance in him, in the midst of her lust she could feel the unapologetic power behind his thrusts. Stephen hadn’t let his body go to seed, he didn’t have a middle age spread, he had a thick head of hair that she could run her fingers through.

He blew onto the nape of her neck. “God, you smell good…” Then growled, if you were my wife…”

She snapped, “But I’m not…”

He snarled, “Right now you’re mine… And now I’ve got you I don’t know if I care to give you back.”

She literally felt her vagina cramp around his cock and her chest tighten at his words. She wanted him more than ever.

That afternoon they fucked in countless positions. Stephen taking the lead, Jackie letting herself be manhandled from one position to the next, any resistance she might show met with firm harsh slaps to the ass. They fucked doggy, his thrusts from behind humping her up the bed towards the headboard, his hands grabbing her hips to pull her back onto him, they fucked missionary, kissing wildly as they did, they fucked sideways, spooning, her on top, reverse cowboy, and lots of oral – even licking her asshole, a first for her. Stephen’s tonging sending her over the edge accompanied by wild screams, all while his fingers were working her pussy until she bucked and wetly and noisily spurted like a fountain. He bit and sucked her nipples, spanked her, choked her. Jackie was clawing and biting back, biting at his back, his chest, his shoulder, dragging her nails like talons down his back to grip his buttocks.

By the time he was finished with Jackie, she was an absolute sweating heaving exhausted wreck, she truly felt fucked, it wasn’t simply that this had been the first time she’d been fucked in well over a year, it was as if she’d been fucked – ‘for the first time’.

As she was gasping for breath and enjoying the afterglow, she couldn’t get over the feeling, she knew she wanted more.

For the first time in her life, she had felt lost in a sexual experience, it had been like a haze, at times as if she was having an out of body experience. For the first time she’d been rimmed and couldn’t believe how good it felt, she had pushed her ass out and with her own hands had pulled her ass cheeks apart to allow him easier access, just like she’d seen in porno films.

Jackie lost count of the orgasms or their strength, each seeming to endlessly run into the next. Then when she was little more than a rag doll and didn’t think she could take any more he held her tight and came, he came with a roar to fill the condom.

As she stared at the ceiling, she felt satiated, exhausted, used, bruised, she’d felt able to express her love and need for him without being in love – it was the best feeling. Jackie was happy and soundly, soundly fucked. Jackie caught herself thinking ‘Why didn’t I do this before, why did I wait so long’, ‘What the fuck was wrong with me.’

He knelt back, his cock wet, the tip of the cum filled latex condom hanging heavy. She didn’t say but when she saw him removing it, she was amazed at the amount of semen filling the teat. He grinned, her smile feeding his ego. Panting as he slipped it off, he walked into the bathroom.

As Stephen walked across the carpet Jackie watched his buns and rubbing her own ass cheeks, chuckled. Then forcing herself to climb from the bed she followed after him, feeling her tender ass.

Thirty minutes, a lot of laughter and talking and kissing and a glass of wine later it was she who now knelt beside his prone body. Jackie began to roll another condom onto his erection. She’d given him a mischievous look before feeling it apt to demonstrate a skill she had perfected in the years before she met her husband, starting the condom off with her mouth, as she used to for her dates, before skilfully rolling it down his erection.

Jackie climbed over Stephen’s midriff, she lifted up and easing herself back felt him enter her pussy. Then, gently rocking back and forth she asked if he wore condoms with his other lady friends. He laughed and told her he did, safe sex and all that. This was when, biting her lip, she lifted up to reach between them.

“In that case I don’t believe there is any need for you to wear one with me…”

He smiled, “I hate to mention him, but what about George.”

“What about him?”

“Err…!” He joked, “I know where I’ve been.”

She then realised what he was saying, he wasn’t necessarily talking about pregnancy, he was saying that perhaps it would be wiser to be careful, STD’s and all. Jackie chuckled and looking down between them she began to roll the latex back off his erection.

“My husband, I don’t think he’s been fucking around… besides, George and I… We’ve, we’ve not been…”

“Intimate?” he finished for her with a grin, remembering her confession when George had unilaterally left the marital bedroom.

She smiled at him, “In a long time… But… If… When… If ever… Should he and I… Well, I can always… I can always make him wear a condom – if it bothers you.”

He laughed, “Jeez Jackie, where have you been all my life – come here you sexy dream… I’m going to send you home with a smile, a limp, and a full pussy.”

Jackie laughed, “That’s all well and good, and in time no doubt you will… But I think I’d like to try out your shower before I leave…”

Jackie pushed Stephen back onto his back, then slowly, ever so slowly without breaking eye contact and with one hand on his chest to support herself, she used her other hand to guide his bare cock between the hanging open folds of her labia. Feeling him slide into her felt so good. Biting her lip she savoured the moment; then wriggling a little as if to tease, she sank herself down. Her eyes opened wide with delight as she began to realise just how thick his girth was, and the depth that he was going.

He smiled up. “There is nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she is doing.”

She grinned. “Nothing sexier than a man who takes what he wants.”

When he came for the second time he was fucking and bucking up beneath her as if trying to throw her from his cock while at the same time holding her tight. Jackie for her part was grunting and shrieking and grunting while hanging onto him for dear life. He forcefully dug his fingers into her ass cheeks and holding tight he erupted with the loudest gargled growl. He literally felt his cock grow while being squeezed by her cunt muscles – it felt as if she was milking his cock of everything he had. In his head he pictured himself flooding her; he loved that image. Jackie saucily kissed his lips as he was filling her and she was draining his balls. Jackie delighting in what was a sweaty body sticking moment.

Jackie couldn’t get over how different he felt, she was enjoying the new experience, that feeling a different cock pulsing inside her, the thrill that came from being with her lover rather than her husband.

She gasped as if explaining, “I want you to know, you can do anything you want to me.”

He grinned. “Anything?”

Jackie smiled, “Anything?”

He chuckled, “I’ll hold you to that.”

Jackie laughed.

He smiled. “You know acting like, as if it’s just sex, it won’t stop me having feelings for you – nor you for me if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Jackie smiled and now not knowing if she really believed it, she replied, “Just remember – I’m doing this to save my marriage.”


Over the following week as they felt the need to take every opportunity to fuck, and their affair went into full swing, there were two sets of lawyers busy working to draw up all the necessary documents. Jackie was genuinely happy.

Ten days later, in her office in front of her staff and selected members of his staff, and also in the absence of George, after jointly making a small speech assuring every one of their future – she signed over 50% of the company to popping Champaign corks. While they were all smiles, congratulating each other, unseen and somewhere in the banking ether a bank transfer of $1,500,000 was winging its way into a newly opened bank account.

Afterwards, after the celebration and the end of the free flowing champaign, and after all the employees and witnesses had left for home, Stephen followed Jackie into her office and closed the door behind him. With her eyes fixed on his commanding figure she was leant, invitingly, back against her desk. Then, inside the privacy of her office, with arms embracing, they celebrated and consummated the deal in their own inscrutable way.

That night, when she got home, she couldn’t wait to tell George of the sale. He was caught off guard, he hadn’t expected anything like this, her ‘big’ announcement both surprised and pleased. He did feel put out that she hadn’t consulted or informed him of what she was planning. But he was happy, even if he was a little disappointed to hear she’d only sold half the business and would still be working most of the week. As she left him to go change, her selling half her business suddenly felt like a pyrrhic victory.


It took Geoge several days to really come round to the idea, knowing his wife had sold half her business began to feel like a good thing. He felt that at last she was thinking of him, of them. He began to feel better, felt encouraged. The first morning they sat down to breakfast together when she would have otherwise normally been rushing out to work, felt good.

Away from George, especially when in her lovers’ arms, Jackie shocked herself at her own willingness to push the envelope. She had a second wind, felt rejuvenated, liked the feeling that she had such a big secret, and that in itself was like an aphrodisiac. She did things with and for Stephen she never thought she would. She was getting the attention and all the sex from Stephen that she could handle; it was as if he couldn’t keep his hands off her. She was getting all the sex she wanted that, despite their improving relationship, she still wasn’t getting from her husband.

In his apartment Jackie would literally spend an hour or more licking and loving and worshipping and kissing and masturbating and sucking his cock, talking dirty to each other. Sometimes he’d take her, sometimes he’d cum and she’d catch his load on her tongue, Jackie making a visual spectacle of playing with his deposit before throwing her head back to gulp and swallow.

Jackie was puzzled the first time Stephen asked her to do a cat walk parade for him, she felt awkward, but she did it to please him, and once into it, she loved strutting her stuff. Doing all the turns, to the left, the right, the left again, hands on hips, sticking out her ass, wearing heels and all the expensive sexy lingerie he bought her – and some she’d bought herself.

Then came the sex toys, going online together to shop, she would masturbate for him. It was a very, very sexual time for her.

Within weeks he told her he wasn’t seeing anyone else. She felt good at hearing this but also bad, feeling guilty as she reminded him, she wasn’t looking to leave George. Jackie consented to Stephen recording them on his phone, and then after watching and finding herself turned on, they invested in a better-quality video camera and tripod, they soon added some lights, then two more cameras, then a fourth. They bought themselves a ‘cloud’ account and together she’d watch what he’d put together, even helping him edit some footage.

At times as they edited their handywork they talked as if they were producers. Stephen persuaded Jackie to talk into the camera as if giving an interview or making a blog, describing ‘to the audience’ all about herself, her favourite sexual positions, her favourite toys, what was good about each one. She even did a segment describing all the risqué places and situations they’d had sex and how and where they’d nearly been caught. She literally lost years as her complexion glowed, and all the sex was better than a work out at the gym – she was never fitter.

This happiness and sense of having her needs met spilled over into her relationship with George. No longer snappy, she was less indifferent, and certainly more patient. She felt weird as she did and didn’t feel guilty about her ongoing relationship with Stephen.

Stephen was certainly an imaginative partner, opened her up to many new experiences, he being the more experienced of them. With her having promised to do anything, he took full advantage, introducing her to mild BDSM, rope play, restraints, punishments, dares, photography, videoing. Besides being lots of fun, he was also firm and demanding of her, very demanding. Jackie reciprocated by being just as demanding herself.


All of what they did was leading towards the sexual act of all acts, the one act she never ever considered, it had simply never been on her radar – anal defloration.

When Stephen first raised his desire to fuck her in the ass, she was shocked, immediately said ‘no way’. He knew that to take Jackies anal cherry he had to show patience. Taking his time, he set about getting her used to the idea – even if with some apprehension.

The first thing he did was introduce Jackie to the novelty idea of butt plugs. Initially toying with her sphincter he began by inserting a small plug, one to start her off, one that she could get used to, one that opened her sphincter. She found it wasn’t that bad and it got her use to the feeling of having something in her poop chute, it certainly helped ease her worries. Before long Jackie could take a slightly bigger plug and walk with it inside her as she did her catwalks. Before she knew it, she had a small collection of various sizes, some with tails, fox, bunny, horsetail.

Stephen just loved running his hand over her flawless looking bottom, feeling and firmness of her ass cheeks. Her sphincter muscle tiny, taught and pink.

When he felt she was ready he put together the most romantic setting he could devise, soft lights, soft pillows, candles, his big bed, lots of foreplay, lube. Knowing she was a virgin back there he was careful; he was gentle. Using a finger to tickle, to open her sphincter, he played with her. He’d had enjoyable experiences of anal sex with many women and he knew not all women enjoyed it – but those that did, well they were worth their weight in gold. So, taking great care so as not to frighten Jackie, he carefully prepared her for and walked her through her first time, all the time encouraging her, and refusing to let her falter.

To Jackie’s amazement, and Stephen’s, delight, when it did finally happen, Jackie took to being buggered like a duck takes to water. There was something about that full feeling of Stephen’s cock moving inside her bottom while simultaneously being stimulated by the fingering of her clitoris. She loved it, it was like nothing else. Yes, the first few times it hurt, well was more uncomfortable than painful – but her ass did feel as if it was on fire. She liked the experience and seeing how Stephen had enjoyed himself only made it better, she wanted to do it again. The more he sodomised her, the more she took to it, and the more verbal she became – taking it up the ass like a trooper as they say. Over the following weeks she became accustomed to him, he could be more forceful eliciting a grunting, trance like euphoria in her. It was an experience like no other – especially with a vibrator also buzzing inside her pussy.

He was chuffed to realise he was to be her first. He told Jackie he felt like her ass was his, and only his, announcing her ass now belonged to him and was for him and him alone. She understood his ego trip but felt otherwise. Playing to his ego, but with fingers crossed, she promised with a loving kiss that that her ass would be his and his alone.

But she knew, if by any chance she could get her husband interested, this was something she wanted to experience with George.

From being so nervous that first time, from fearing the pain never having done it before, she now didn’t hesitate to accommodate her lover. Luckily Stephen knew what he was doing. Afterwards, one of her thoughts being, and one she voiced to Stephen, ‘Why didn’t I do this before.’


Jackie liked it when Stephen would tie her wrists, and then hang her by the arms from a hook above her head, watching as she spun while just about able to dance on her toes. She liked the idea of him filming her for their viewing pleasure. when he filmed her dangling, she’d kick out at him as he taunted her with what he was planning to do to her. She’d laugh and screech that he was a ‘jack ass,’ and he’d playfully swat her bottom with a traditional teacher’s cane or a long switch like the kind you’d see in a horse ring.

Stephen was genuinely taken by Jackies willingness to try new things, new toys, if his first wife had been anything as open as Jackie in the bedroom he might never have wandered. He lamented the fact he knew what they had couldn’t last, not if she returned to George, but was determined to enjoy her while he could.

Jackie was now comfortable in saying she loved him while they were ‘making love’ knowing it was in the context of her loving being with him during sex… She would profess her love for him, but didn’t feel she was ‘in’ love.

Sometimes they’d treat themselves and book themselves into an expensive hotel. There they’d role play. Coming up with scenarios where he’d be a business man picking her up. But first he’d send her into the bar to sit by herself while he stood back to watch her being hit on, only to then step in as her white knight. Later, in their hotel room he’d have her pressed up against the window, slowly and purposefully fucking her while they looked down over the streets below and looked out over the skyline, her arms stretched with palms flat against the glass. He would be teasing her, asking how many people did she think might be looking up.

Her sexual proclivities confirmed Stephen’s impression of George was cemented – ‘a big chump’. He told Jackie as much, usually while he was bucking hard into her wet juicy grabbing pussy, asking if she’d really be happy going back to ‘the chump’ and only ‘the chump’.

Their affair, despite all the sex, wasn’t all about sex. Away from their trysts, especially on a weekend, if Jackie could get away, they’d do things together, he’d take her Kayaking, they’d go for drives, attend the odd baseball game, have picnics… Fuck out in the open.

Jackies affair with Stephen left her less irritated with George, she now had an outlet for her frustrations, a means to let off steam, plus, and it was a big plus, she was now in a position to spend more time with George. Jackie began to cajole her husband into doing things together – which because they weren’t arguing became more enjoyable. George, with Jackie’s encouragement started to do more, like walking, even cycling again. Five months into the affair and although Jackie and George were still sleeping apart in separate bedrooms, there was a definite noticeable improvement and warming in their relationship. They could now hold a conversation without it turning into a shouting match, still no sex but now they had meals together.

She did try to ask George to move back into the bedroom but when she did, he would shut that down.


Then one day, out of the blue, Jackie asked Stephen how he felt about women with tramp stamps. Having no opinion one way or the other he asked why. She told him how her daughter, a few years earlier, had gotten a tattoo while on Spring Break, and after seeing it, she herself had always wondered if she dare get one. Then she asked. “Do you think I’m too old… Would you be willing to take me to get one?

Stephen made sure Jackie wasn’t doing something she’d later regret… But after seeing she was genuinely keen and that she had talked herself into wanting one, he was all for it, saying he’d take her. Jackie then told him that she wanted him to accompany her because she wanted him to help pick one out. When he asked why, she aroused him with her directness…

“I want something to remind me of you…”

He nearly choked on the Scotch he was drinking. “Jackie,” he advised, “Tattoos are permanent, and it’d be for life, it’d still be there long after we’ve gone our separate ways.”

Jackie smiled. “Well, after you’re out of my life, which you will be one day… I would at least have a wonderful reminder, and you will know I have…” She looked at him. “I’m serious… It would have to be discrete though…”

Stephen then asked, “What will numpty ‘no balls’ say when he sees it?” Numpty ‘no balls’ being Stephen’s nickname he’d assigned to George. One he knew both infuriated but amused Jackie in equal parts.

“My husband’… I doubt he’ll say anything.”

“But what if he does? He might miss a lot, but he’s not blind.”

“Then I’ll tell him it’s yours…”

Stephen choked again and spluttered. “Hang on, I’m not too sure that’s a good idea… You’re supposed to be reconciling – but more importantly, Numpty keeps guns…?”

Jackie started laughing… “You should see your face… Of course, I won’t tell him about us, I’m not mad… But… If ‘George’ says anything, then I’ll make something up” She shrugged her shoulders, “I’ll tell him I did it for him.”

He looked into her eyes, “Say you love me.” He knew this was something she didn’t easily volunteer.

She hesitated.

“Tell me.”

She looked at him with a straight face. “Please… Don’t make me.”

“Say it.”

She gulped, still straight faced. “I love you.”

He laughed, “Liar.”

She laughed.

“Okay…” he smiled. “If you’re really sure… I’ll take you for your tramp stamp. I’ll be happy for you to get a tattoo. Perhaps my initials.”

“What, no, that’s not what I…”

She stopped when she saw him breaking into a laugh. “You should see your face.”

Jackie smiled, “Touche.”

Then as if to check. “Jackie, you are you sure…? I don’t want to take advantage.”

“I’ve told you of my reasons.”

A week later they entered a tattooist parlour, they browsed through the designs adorning the walls plus looked at lots of designs in various folders. There were lots of topics to choose from, religious to military to sport, to daggers, to hearts and much more.

Jackie asked whereabouts on her body he felt she should have her tattoo. He told her wherever she wanted, but to be daring it should at least be where it could be seen when she was wearing something sexy or by the pool or at the beach.

He smiled. “Perhaps the nape of your neck, the back of your shoulder, the small of your back, your private area, maybe on your ass cheek – that would be nice, even your ankle if you didn’t mind it being on show.”

He then said “The small of your back, above your bikini line.”

She smiled. “I wear swimsuits.”

“Okay, the nape of your neck, behind your hair, you’ll know it there as will anyone who nuzzles you.”

Then he produced a small sketch. “I err… I drew this… What do you think?”

She looked at the design, she smiled, “You drew this?”

“You said you wanted a tattoo to remind you of me.”

Jackie saw it was a three inch, or there abouts, heart shaped garland of flowers. “Why this design?”

He smiled. “Forget me nots. Blue suits you, and the heart shape, well that should be self-explanatory.”

Jackie smiled, “I like it, I think it looks pretty.”

The tattooist noted Jackies age on the waver, ‘Man’ he thought to himself ‘She was one hot lady.’

At Jackies request the tattooist took Stephen’s design and found a pattern of forget me knots she liked and managed to work it into Stephen’s design. Stephen had such a hard on and inside her pantie’s, she knew she was so wet. She had one change, because it was so pretty, she wanted the tattoo slightly lower than her nape and just below the base of her neck – so it could be seen with a low neckline. As the tattooist finished and applied a gauze covering, he asked if she had considered some piercings. She looked at Stephen, and said, “Maybe another time.”

When she got back home, she knew she had to tell George, she had a whopping great gauze square on her back to explain away. She saw him sitting down and told him she had a surprise, but asked him not to be angry, that she knew it was silly thing to do but nevertheless she had wanted to do it… Then she lifted her hair and gently removing the gauze showed him the raised swollen and colourful design. She couldn’t see it herself but had a picture on her I-phone. She didn’t know whether to expect fireworks or indifference. Instead, she got a pleasant surprise as stood to take a closer look he told her it looked nice then asked if there as any particular reason she’d had a tattoo and why she’d chosen that design.

She smiled and simply said “No reason… They’re Forget me nots.”

“Well, it looks nice, suits you. I like it.”

Jackie turned to him; she felt a pang, felt she should have done something like this for him, she felt the need to be nice back. “George… One day we will travel the World together – you know that don’t you?”


Stephen’s birthday came around and so she could be with him on his birthday Jackie had to think up some excuse to George, so she could be away overnight, Jackie had started to feel guilty when lying to George, she put that down to their slowly improving relationship. She told him she had to attend a two-day course on employment law.

In reality, the first day was spent at a racing car track, her treat to Stephen – a ‘Speed experience’ where he got to drive racing cars. Then that night, as an invited guest to his birthday bash, she let him know she was going ‘commando’ under her party dress, a low-cut little black number with a low scalloped back that showed off her tattoo and meant she had to go braless.

Stopping over so she could spend the night happily romping around his big bed, naked apart from a sexy red ribbon around her neck.

Satiated after an hour-long fuck, Jackie got up from the bed and going to her clutch she returned with an oblong gift-wrapped box. After telling her she shouldn’t have, he opened it. Inside the box was a very expensive and limited-edition Rolex. He gave her a look as if to say it was too expensive.

She smiled. “Hey, someone put over a $1.5million in the bank burning a hole in my pocket, and its accruing interest.”

Stephen was really chuffed and she felt really happy seeing how he really loved the watch. She smiled to herself, if only he knew how she’d agonised over which style she thought he would like.

He gave her a lip-smacking kiss and asked if, at the end of the month, she fancied flying to Las Vegas for a few days, the treat he’d always promised her. They could hit a show or two, take a chance at the tables.

She laughed, “A dirty weekend?”

Then, without hesitation she replied that she’d love to and with that they tumbled into another fuck. The next morning was even better, a rare treat for her waking up by his side, when she awoke, she was looking at him as he slept, patiently waiting for him to wake. Watching his breathing, she wondered if she should wake him. Then, after a morning wake up birthday blow job, it was a skip and a jump into the shower where they soaped one another. She liked being his sexy loofer before heading into the kitchen to enjoy breakfast, feeding each other waffles covered in Canadian Syrup.

Jackie didn’t think of George until later that afternoon when she was driving home, hoping George had been okay left at home by himself, hoping he’d coped while she’d been away, even if only overnight. She was already formulating what excuse she could give her husband to get away for an even longer break. Would another seminar be too much for him to believe?


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