Our Summer with Aunt Sam by willwork4wine,willwork4wine

After the tour, Aunt Sam took us back to the house to fix dinner. She took care of the salad and vegetable and asked if I could do some steaks on the grill. It felt good to be asked to take care of the main course and I was careful to do my best and ensure the steaks came out just right.

After dinner Jules and I were exhausted and seriously ready to crash. Aunt Sam told us to have a good night and sleep as late as we wanted.

Jules turned off the lights, then went to the bathroom to clean up and get ready for bed. I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into the upper bunk. About 10 minutes later, I heard the door open and Jules step inside. I opened my eyes a little and saw her turn and close the door. The nightlight in the bathroom was just enough for me to see that she was wearing a tank top and panties, actually a thong. Her perfectly round ass was outlined by the fabric and totally visible for a second before the door closed and everything went dark again. I knew Jules wore thongs, but until that moment, I hadn’t considered that she only wore thongs, which was the most probable explanation for wearing the thong to bed. I definitely was going to be seeing a lot more of the female body than I had expected, even if it was my sister’s and Aunt’s.

“You asleep Tom?”

“Not yet.”

“What do you think so far?”

“Well, it’s definitely going to be an interesting summer. Aunt Sam is ‘totally’ different than Mom and seems to be very open minded.”

“That’s an understatement, but I like her.”

“Me too.”

We both closed our eyes and drifted off to a long and relaxing sleep.

The next morning, after breakfast, Aunt Sam took Jules and me to town to get some outdoor clothes. While there, we also bought a bunch of groceries and had lunch before coming back. When we got back, Aunt Sam told us to change and meet her in the greenhouses. She said she could really use a few hours of help each day and both Jules and I said we’d be glad to.

Jules stepped out of the bathroom and said, “What do you think?” She was wearing a bikini top and pair of cutoffs that weren’t as short as Aunt Sam’s, but were torn and threadbare in several spots, showing off a fair amount of skin. The top was a string bikini with ties around her neck and in back.

“If I was a cartoon character, I’ll probably be rolling my tongue up,” I said, causing us both to laugh.

“Well, I figured if we’re going to be spending our days outside, I might as well get a good tan.”

“You could have just gone topless then,” I said with a smirking smile.

“Well, I didn’t want to make my little brother uncomfortable and cause a tent in his short,” she said with a similar smirk.

“It would be worth it. And besides, I don’t think Aunt Sam would mind.”

“I doubt she would either. I’ll bet you she usually works naked in the greenhouses based on what she said about staying as cool as possible, and what’s she’s wearing now is for our benefit.”

“You might be right, and from what I’ve seen, I’ll admit that would probably tent my shorts too.”

“Oh really. Are you turned on by our Aunt little bro?”

“Who wouldn’t be?”

“I’ll give you that.”

We headed down to the greenhouses and Aunt Sam gave us a detailed tour of the plants, equipment, and what she needed us to do. After no more than 30 minutes, I was totally soaked with sweat from the humidity and began to understand Aunt Sam’s view on clothing out here.

The rest of the first week followed a pretty standard routine, with Jules and me helping our Aunt around the farm. After work, we’d relax on the porch and Aunt Sam let us drink beers with her, which was pretty cool. We also got more comfortable with sharing a room together. It was actually a snarky comment that I made that broke any remaining tension.

“You know, sis, if you want to stay cool and work on your tan, you should just wear one of your thongs.”

“You’d probably love that.”

“I would.”


“Hey, just because I’m your brother doesn’t mean I can’t acknowledge that my sister has a totally hot ass.”

“Seriously, you think I have a hot ass?”

“Hell yes. Ok, not to be too weird about it, but you have the most perfect ass of any girl I’ve ever seen, including online. And I’ll say that it’s the perfect ass for wearing a thong and you look amazing in them.”

“So you’ve been staring at my ass at night, huh?”

“Well, yah. If that creeps you out, I’m sorry. It’s just an incredible ass.”

“No, it doesn’t creep me out and I’m actually kind of flattered by it. Your comments are really sweet and not vulgar like some guys.”

“Well, their honest. I mean, between being around you and Aunt Sam, I’m probably the luckiest 17 year-old guy out there.”

“And if I’m being honest, I have to say you have one of the best guy bodies around. Your entire body is toned and your abs are ripped. Sure, you don’t have all the muscle of some of the guys who lift weights all the time, but I’ve never been into that type of guy. And, if it doesn’t creep you out too much, I’ll add what while you’ve been stealing looks at my ass, I couldn’t help but notice the curved bulge in your boxers. At first, I thought it was just a partial boner, but it’s been the same all week. I’m thinking my little brother may be seriously hung.”

“Define seriously?”

“Like probably 8 inches when hard..Well?…I know every guys measures their dicks, so how big is it?”

“Alright, it’s just over 8 1/2″ when it’s totally hard.”

“Fuck Tom, that’s like porn start hung.”

“Maybe, but it hasn’t helped me get laid. The two girls I’ve gotten naked with wouldn’t even try to fit it in. They said it was too big.”

“Show me.”

“Now who’s the pervert?”

“Seriously, I’ve never seen one that big and I really want to see. Tell you what, if you show me, I’ll show you my pussy.”

The thought of seeing Jules’ pussy was something I had been curious about for a long time. Besides, it’s not like I’ve ever been shy and maybe seeing each other naked would make rooming together more casual.

“Ok, deal.”

I took hold of either side of my boxers and pushed them down, letting them fall around my ankles. The conversation had made me aroused and although I wasn’t hard, my cock definitely arched out in front of me and was continuing to grow. Jules was mesmerized as she watched it grow and harden until it was pointing straight out.

“Oh my God, it’s huge. It’s totally amazing to see such a big cock on such a lean body. Damn bro.”

“Thanks. I hope you don’t mind it getting hard, its just that the conversation and actually getting naked in front of you is kind of arousing.”

“I don’t mind…really, not at all. It lets me see how big you really are. And it’s cool that you shave. It looks even bigger that way. I’ve made each of my recent boyfriends shave. I hate getting hair in my mouth.”

I’m not sure Jules realized what she was implying by her comment, but I let it go. “Ok, do I get to see you too?”

“Yah, that was the deal.” With that, Jules pulled her tank top off and pushed her thong down to her feet and stepped out of them. Her breasts were pert and very firm without any hint of sag. She had small pink aureoles that puckered up into her nipples. Looking down, I could see that she shaved bare also, her full, pouty lips clearly visible.


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