Panty Game by HJO66,HJO66

Just as Mell was entering her room and I reached the bathroom door and stepped past it on my way to my room Mom’s door suddenly creaked and she stepped out of her bedroom and headed down the hallway towards me and the bathroom.

It was pretty dark in the hallway, so I didn’t think she had seen Mell, but I was pretty sure Mell had seen her. Mom probably just assumed I was coming from the bathroom.

She was wearing a short nightshirt that didn’t quite cover her panties completely and I couldn’t help but notice the way her big braless breast bobbed and weaved beneath the thin shirt as she approached me rubbing her eyes.

She stopped in front of me a moment and yawned deeply then said, “Why are you up so late sweetie?” she asked.

“I…I just had to pee,” I stammered.

I saw her glance down a second at my hand clutching Mells panties tightly and then she suddenly laughed and said, “Oh my god me too I’m about to wet myself,” and then she quickly stepped into the bathroom flipped on the light and closed the door behind her.

“Whew that was a close one.” I mumbled under my breath as I made my way to my room.

Just a few short minutes later I heard the toilet flush and very soon after Mom opened my door and popped her head in just as I was filling Mells panties full!

She quickly shut my door back with a loud slam and I heard her began to stammer just on the other side, “I… I just wanted to sa..say goo…goodnight.”

I didn’t answer her as I could not speak at the moment.

I quickly found my phone and called Mell, “Mama just walked in on me while I was cumming in your panties!”

“What!” Mell screamed.

“Holy fuck Alex that’s not good did she see my fucking panties; I saw her come out of her room, but I don’t think she saw me what in the fuck is she doing up this time of the night anyway?”

“She had to pee, I’m not sure about when she opened my bedroom door, she shut it back pretty quick, but I think she may have seen them in my hand in the hallway.”

“Fuck Alex that’s not good that’s not good at all!”

“Maybe not though she had to pee really bad, and it happened quick,” I replied.

“Mell what should I do now what if she tells Dad fuck, I am so screwed?”

“Just calm down Alex she’s not going to tell Daddy are you fucking kidding me she knows he would beat you half to fucking death same as I do, she’s gone back to bed already and I will feel her out in the morning and see what’s on her mind.”

“Mell I’m sorry are you mad at me?” I asked.

“No Lover boy you know I could never be mad at you don’t worry about it I will fix it in the morning I promise but, in the meantime, bring me those fucking panties!” She barked.

About thirty minutes later Mell text me, “Thanks perv I really needed that one and I just soaked down a yellow pair for you, I put them in the hamper right on top, fix them up for me in the morning before Mama and Daddy get up and bring them to me, will you?”

“Sure, Mell whatever you want I love you.” I text back excitedly.

“I love you too Killer now get some sleep and I’ll see you early in the morning, ok?

“You got it Mell, goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Lover boy.”


(Chapter Three)

When Susan turned from Alex’s bedroom door after she had slammed it back quickly and then tried to tell him goodnight, she was completely flabbergasted.

What in the fuck did she just witness, was Alex just now jerking off into a pair of panties?

She suddenly remembered seeing something in Alex’s hand when she was still half asleep and about to piss all over herself.


Alex had been coming from the bathroom with panties in his hand.

Oh my god Mell, he had been coming from the bathroom with a pair of Mells dirty underwear in his hand.

It had been but a very brief moment, but she had clearly seen his hand wrapped around his dick and the cum squirting from it as he cupped the little crotch of Mells panties in the palm of his hand.

Susan felt butterflies in her stomach as she made her way back to her bedroom. Her husband Derek was fast asleep, and she was trembling when she slipped back into bed, pulled the blanket up over her, and slipped her hand down her panties.

Susan lay there in the dark as still as possible with one hand beneath her nightshirt squeezing her big nipples and the other down her panties as she moaned very quietly and masturbated to what she had just witnessed.

Alex had a beautiful cock on him, and she came hard in just minutes thrashing about and gasping loudly while thinking about how it had been spurting cum when she seen it.

After her breathing calmed Susan lay there in her soaking wet panties thinking about how terrible what she had just done was even though she had never came so fucking hard in her entire life.

After thinking a long while on it she finally got out of the bed and went to her bedroom door and quietly opened it and stepped out into the hallway again.


(Chapter Four)

Early the following morning I retrieved Mells panties from the hamper and did as she had instructed and then took them to her. As I held the cum filled panties out for her to take, her eyes suddenly got as big as saucers and she stammered, “Alex tho..tho, those are Mama’s panties!”

“What?” I spoke.

“Your fucking crazy, I got them out of the hamper just now and they were still soaking wet from when you masturbated in them last night, they were right there on top just like you said they would be.”

Mell suddenly grabbed me by the hand and in a trembling voice said, “Holy fucking-fuck Alex, bring the panties and come with me.”

She led me to the bathroom where we searched the hamper together and found nothing and I said, “Mell, you must be mistaken Mama has her own hamper in her room she never puts anything in ours.”

Mell cut her eyes at me sharply for a moment and then with a very shaky hand reached and took the panties from me and held them up by the waistband with the fingers of both hands and the crotch was sagging heavily with my load.

“Look at them Alex, look at them very closely, these panties are two sizes fucking bigger than mine, last night I put yellow panties in this hamper, and these are fucking white!”

“You sure Mell?”

“You damn fucking skippy I’m sure.” Mell said, as she glared at me with lust in her eyes.



“Why would Mama put her panties in here and why would they be all wet?

Mell just looked at me for a moment like I was stupid, “Sit down Alex and pay close attention and try to follow along, will you?” as she pushed gently on my chest, and I sat down on the closed toilet bowl lid.

“Alex, what was Mama wearing when she came out of her room last night?”

“That short nightshirt she always wears why?”



“What color were Mama’s panties?”

“Wh..whi…white, I stuttered.

“Alex, I’m telling you that these are Mama’s motherfucking panties and there is no fucking doubt about it, now listen to me closely Alex, real fucking close, ok?”

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