Payback for Teasing Me by anothershyslut,anothershyslut

“Your ass looks good,” he told me as I was walking away.

“Oh yeah?” I grinned at him over my shoulder. “You like what you see?” I bent over the arm of the couch so that my pussy was pressed against it. I arched my back a little and shimmied my hips. “You wanna touch it?” I asked, catching his eye.

“Oh, very much so,” he said. He came up behind me and rested one hand on my lower back, firm enough to hold me down, while he caressed my ass with the other. I could feel myself getting wetter even before he started letting his fingers graze me between my thighs. Then he squeezed my ass low enough that his fingers nearly pushed my panties and leggings into my pussy. I made a low moan sound.

“You wanna spank it?” I asked him, and my voice sounded kind of hoarse. Without a second’s hesitation he brought his hand down on me hard. I yelped, more from the shock than the sting of it. His hand rubbed my bottom for a moment where he had smacked me, where the skin was now extra sensitive. That act of tenderness was as much of a turn on as the physical pleasure of his touch. My resolve to tease him started to waver. When he raised his hand again my breath caught in my throat, and this time when he spanked me the noise I made couldn’t be blamed on anything but pleasure. I bit my lower lip and pushed away from the couch to stand upright. “Thanks,” I smiled at him then started to walk away again.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, catching me around the waist and pressing himself against my back so that I could feel what I had done to him.

“You think you’re the only one who can be a tease?” I asked, pulling away from him. “This is payback for yesterday.” I looked over my shoulder at him and had to stop myself from laughing at his confused and slightly frustrated expression.

He tightened his hold on me. “Oh no you don’t,” he said. He lifted me by my middle and spun around to toss me on the couch.

I shrieked with laughter. “What are you doing!” I yelled at him, but I had a big smile on my face.

“You’re gonna get it,” he said, unbuttoning his jeans.

“Nuh-uh,” I protested. “I can’t be a tease if I give in to you in the end.”

He stood in front of me and slipped his hand behind my head, his fingers in my hair. He closed his hand and suddenly he had a fistful of my hair, pulling just the way I liked it, forcing me to look up at him. “You’re not gonna say no to me, are you?” he asked, his eyes locked on mine.

I shook my head, thoughts of teasing forgotten, my smile replaced by slack jawed surprise at the fire that he ignited in me.

He leaned in close. “Trick question,” he whispered in my ear. “You just told me no.” He brushed his lips against mine, but denied me a kiss. His hands moved purposefully down my body to grab ahold of my leggings, and with a quick jerk he lifted me and pulled them down past my ass, catching my panties along the way. He only pulled them as far as midway down my thighs, and he pushed my legs back so that my knees were practically resting on my shoulders.

“That makes you a bad girl,” he informed me, lightly tracing his thumb up and down my slit. He made quick work of his zipper and, after only pulling his pants halfway down his thighs, plunged his hard cock into my waiting pussy. I gasped at the sudden fullness. My hands grabbed at his biceps and I held on tight as he started pumping his cock into me. “You wanna be a good girl for me again, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said, though it came out as little more than a whisper. He stuck his thumb into my mouth. I started to suck on it, and it tasted of my arousal.

“Then be a good girl and cum for me,” he said, tracing my bottom lip as he took his hand away. He reached down and pressed his fingers into my bush so that when he thrust into me his cock stroked my g spot even harder. Then his thumb started rubbing circles around my clit. I felt pleasure like a shockwave course through my body.

“Oh my god,” I moaned. He kept his rhythm steady and told me that he knew this was what I needed, and that I shouldn’t say no to him ever again and he’ll always give me what I need. I felt my face and chest flush, but I couldn’t focus long enough to be embarrassed about how I looked. The pleasure was beginning to overwhelm me. “Please don’t stop,” I begged.

“Don’t tease me, baby,” he said, his voice rough. “Be a good girl and cum for me.”

My mind was turning to mush. I had a last fleeting thought of gratitude that the couch was leather, since I was squirting and I could feel it becoming a puddle under my ass. Then there was nothing left to think about, and my existence became entirely centered on this feeling.

“Be a good girl. That’s it,” he encouraged as my body began to tense and my pussy clenched around him. “Oh fuck, yes,” he said. “That’s a good fucking girl,” and he let himself go with me.


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