Penthouse A – An Evening Out Pt. 02 by WhoWouldHaveGuessed,WhoWouldHaveGuessed

“Good morning,” I say quietly.

“Mmmm….,” is all you can manage as a reply.

“Sleep well?” I answer.


“Did you enjoy the evening?” I persist, as I try to awaken you.

“Incredible,” you mumble.

I decide that this is going nowhere, and that I should take matters into my own hands, or, in this case, mouth.

I slowly descend beneath the sheets in the King Size bed until I’m between your legs. I take in your musk and kiss your pussy gently. You open your thighs slightly and the dance begins. I tongue you and gently flick the tip back and forth, then plunge it into you until I feel your hips join in the dance. You raise yourself and lower yourself, meeting my mouth as your needs become more insistent. I place my hand just under my chin and move my thumb to your opening, giving you both the sensations of my tongue and my finger, and then placing one of my fingers on your remaining little hole. By now, you are gyrating shamelessly.

“Fuck,” I hear you say, and I simply answer by humming while I continue to tongue your pussy, finger your clit and press against your bum.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck….” I hear you say. Now I am happy. That’s a thing you do, saying a word over and other again. Your mind fixates and forgets everything else. While mumbling “fuck”, your hands cradle my head, pulling me closer, deeper into your pussy. You’re hungry to go over the edge.

“Uhhhhhhmph,” you growl, and I know you’re almost there. I increase the speed and the pressure until…

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh…..myyyyyyy………Gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhd!” you howl. I hold everything still while you shudder and clinch and contract until your pulses and shivers and waves eventually slow down to a crawl, and then I hear you sigh with a sound of deep contentment. “I love morning sex,” you whisper with your eyes closed, and that’s the last word I hear from you, as I pull the blankets up and over you to make you warm.

You fall asleep, and I shower. I take the hotel pen and write a note on the pad of paper that’s been placed on the desk. I put the note on the pillow next to you and take in the scene: You, sleeping after your morning orgasm, unaware of how beautiful you are in the morning light. “My God,” I say to myself as I gaze at you. Silently, I listen to your even breathing, and then I carefully open the door and quietly step into the hallway, leaving you alone and sleeping as I head downstairs to the hotel restaurant for my morning coffee.


“Well, THAT was a nice way to start the day!”

I look up from the morning newspaper as I hear your voice, and there you are, radiant and clothed in a translucent, beach sarong.

“Yes, it was,” I answer. “Good, you dressed for the pool.”

“As you asked me to,” you reply, “but what about your note? I can’t swim with IT inside me.”

“First things first,” I answer. “But you followed what I asked you to do, right?”

You put the note down on the table in front of me. On it I have written, “It’s going to be a great day. Let’s go have brunch and then enjoy the pool. Put the toy inside your pussy before you come down. I want to play with you in the restaurant.”

“Yes,” you answer. “I did as you wish. The toy is inside me, ready for you to vibrate through your phone anytime you open the app.”

“Ah, the wonders of technology,” I quip.

“Would the lady like a coffee?” and we look up to notice the waiter who, as so often happens, hasn’t waited to be acknowledged before he interrupts….

“Coffee? Yes, please!” you answer, and the waiter retreats toward the bar to prepare your morning java.

“They have a great brunch here,” I comment. “I don’t know about you, but I’m famished.”

At that moment, your body slightly jolts, and immediately, your face shows surprise. You look toward me, and then down at the table, where my hands are holding my coffee cup.

“You don’t have the phone! Where’s the fucking phone? My toy is going off!”

I smile.

“Double date…. Remember?”

Last night’s sentence returns to your memory. Mentally, you hear the words, “We’re on a double date,” and you ask slowly, “But where is the phone? How is my fucking pussy vibrating? Does HE have it? The man from the couple we watched last night?”

“By the look of things,” I answer, “she does!” And I nod in the direction of the bar. There you see the couple sitting together enjoying their morning mimosas. The man is looking in your direction, and the woman, holding the phone, looks like she’s texting. Each time she touches the phone, a little charge comes through, wirelessly, to the toy in your pussy. The man is watching you react, and clearly he is enjoying the scene. He can’t hide the little smile on his face.

“There’s no END to you!” you exclaim, and I shrug my shoulders.

“There may be an end to me, but we haven’t found it yet,” I reply.

Your coffee arrives, and then we enjoy brunch, albeit one that is periodically interrupted by a surprise vibration from our guests across the restaurant. It always makes you twitch, and I’m enjoying it as much as the couple seems to be.

As for you, I have no idea what you’re thinking.

“This is …. I don’t know.” You finally say. “I haven’t even met that couple, and they’re using YOUR phone and the app to play with my pussy! I don’t even know their names.”

“You didn’t know MINE, when you first played with me, if you remember. Don’t worry about them. Enjoy yourself. Think of it as brunch foreplay,” I suggest, and you roll your eyes in reply.

“So, since this is a double date, will I eventually be meeting these people?” you ask.

“Let’s see what evolves. This is jazz. We’re improvising.”

At the end of brunch the couple stands up, and we watch as they walk toward our table. It’s clearly time for introductions.

“Very nice to meet you,” the man says to you. “I’m Jake and this is Stacey. We’re old friends of this guy here,” Jake gestures toward me, and I smile warmly.

“Old friends indeed!” I say back. I introduce you by name, and Stacey then turns to me, “Oh, I believe you may have dropped this.” She hands me the phone, which I take back without comment.

“We’re going to go hang out at the pool this afternoon,” Stacey says to you. “Join us if you want. What a lovely brunch. We enjoyed it VERY much.” And then, to me, Stacey says, “By the way, nice app. I may need one of these myself!” And, with a mischievous smile, they are gone.

“No end to you,” you repeat. “No fucking end to you.”

We spend the afternoon at the pool. There is time to just lay out in the sun, time to swim, time to have drinks and chat. Even Jake and Stacey drop by for a few minutes of small talk. Eventually, the sun begins to set, and we decide to leave the pool and get ready for dinner. I leave you for a moment to walk over to my friends who are still laying out by the pool, and you see us exchange something.

“What was that?” you ask when I return.

“What was what?”

“You exchanged something…. What?”

“Oh, THAT?” I answer smiling. “The extra room key. We’re trading windows tonight.”

“Trading windows?” you ask. “We’re trading fucking WINDOWS? What kind of double date IS this?”

…to be continued


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