Perspectives Pt. 1a – Rachel by Silasmarner,Silasmarner

Would he think it is cute?” She wondered as she patted her belly. She raised her shirt until she could see the underwire of her bra and rubbed her fingers over her belly button before moving the tip of her finger under the waistline of her skirt just above her panties, thinking about Mr. Morgan’s wandering eyes.

But you’re married Mr. Morgan,” she thought as the mischievous smile, no longer hidden behind the façade of innocence, appeared.

She felt the soft satin of her panties with her fingertip as she reached around to lower the skirt’s zipper so her hand could move lower. She could just pull her skirt up but she like how her hand flet sliding down her stomach going underneath the fabric, she pulled the zipper and felt it free the tight skirt’s pressure on her hand…

Then the doorbell rang.

Rachel jumped and clasped her hands to her mouth to stifle a scream. Adjusting her clothes, she opened the door to see the delivery driver with a second smaller bag.

“Sorry, Ms. Morgan. I forgot this one.” He handed her the bag and left. She shut the door, laughing at herself as she gathered the food and went back to the office.

Rachel brought the food to the kitchen and Mr. Morgan helped get it out. They always ate in the kitchen, usually with Laci, since he had a rule that lunch should be taken away from work so no eating at the desks. He talked about the trip to Denver and she listened with the thought of this morning and the delivery driver’s words in the back of her mind. The feeling in the pit of her stomach came back, but it was fierce and stronger than usual, and she knew Mr. Morgan was the cause.

She wasn’t experienced with men. She had a boyfriend for the last year, but they were never allowed alone. They kissed and held hands, but the few dates they went on were chaperoned. Once he put his hand over her shirt and bra which she didn’t mind but then his sister came in. That was the extent of her sexual interactions. One boyfriend who was leaving for college in two months. She wasn’t opposed to trying things with him, but he was stiff, clinical. Not sexy. A boyfriend to take to prom and an occasional movie so their parents can say they look nice together. Rachel could have found a way to be alone with him, but she wasn’t bold. She wanted to be though.

As Mr. Morgan talked more, she watched him. His eyes were a deep green and she smelled his cologne across the small table. His dark blue shirt was rolled up just under his elbows showing the dark hair on his arms. She imagined the hair on his chest and thought to the times she saw him kiss his wife. He would put his hand in the small of her back and pull her to him.

Ms. Morgan.

I want to be Ms. Morgan too. It’s time to be bold”

Rachel listened as she scooted away from the table and took off her jacket. She was aware that her top didn’t cover her bra straps and felt vulnerable with the low silky neckline that barely covered her. Mr. Morgan stopped talking for a moment and she felt his eyes on her just like this morning. Her legs were wobbly, and she was thankful she was sitting down. Slowly, while putting her jacket over the back of the chair, Rachel worked her mind back to the conversation.

“Sorry, that jacket’s too hot. You were talking about the ski lodge you and Laci stay in.”

“Oh, yea, the lodge,” Mr. Morgan replied as he averted his eyes back to his lunch. After cleaning up they went back to work. Several times Mr. Morgan came over to her desk to discuss paperwork when he could have just talked to her from his office, maybe to catch a glimpse down her shirt, she hoped. Maybe. She liked that thought and felt like her boldness worked. She was proud of herself, but the day was coming to an end, and she wouldn’t see him for two weeks.

As she finished up the last of some email responses, Mr. Morgan came over to give her instructions for the next two weeks while he and Laci were away. She could smell the hint of alcohol in the air with his cologne. It fit him, like his shirt and his beard, the new Ms. Morgan thought to herself. As she turned her chair to face him her eyes were level with a huge bulge under his belt. She froze. It looked so big. She had never seen one in person. He was talking but she wasn’t listening. She was so close to it.

How bold are you, Rachel?”

The thought was barely in her mind when she said what she did. Looking back, it was as if she was watching someone else in that split second of time. She never knew how she was able to do it. Risking her job, her family friends, a marriage, her reputation.

“What is that, Mr. Morgan?” She asked pointing to the bulge in his jeans.

He stopped talking and looked down, right into her eyes.

“What do you mean?” He replied.

Not hesitating, “That” she said pointing closer. “What is that bulge in your jeans. I don’t know what that is, Mr. Morgan.”

She saw him swallow hard and his breath sounded shallow, but she also saw the confused look in his eyes change to something else, fierce, and primal.

And she waited, looking up at him.

“I don’t know if I can tell you, Rachel. Only good girls get to know that and I’m not sure you’re a good girl.”

Rachel scooted closer to the edge of her chair, “I’m a good girl, Mr. Morgan. I promise.”

“Can I trust you?” He asked.

Rachel wanted nothing more at that moment than to see it. She lowered the straps of her shirt letting it fall to her waist exposing her white bra. “Do you want to see them? I’ll let you look at them. So, you know you can trust me”

Mr. Morgan moved closer to her and ran his hand through her red hair, then down her back to the clasp on her bra. She pulled up her tight skirt so he could stand between her legs as she started undoing his belt. She felt the pressure release when her bra opened and the hair on her arms stood up while the delicate straps moved down her shoulders falling to her elbows. The satin straps felt different coming off, not like in the dressing room with her friend Emily; they tried on undergarments and took them off to try on more. Emily with DD bras and Rachel with a C that was too big last year but probably the right size now. It was fun and friendly. This was fun but friendly wasn’t the right world. Dangerous? Sinful? Something more than sexy. She lost the thought as she moved her hands from his belt, one at a time, through the straps so that her bra fell off completely. She quickly moved her hands back to his belt buckle.

Does he like them? She arched her back up so he could see them better. They fell like teardrops on her small body, her skin seemed even more pale the further it went from the freckles that covered her and the closer it came to her nearly invisible nipples that were larger than she liked. Only the slightest hint of darker skin, hardened now, with ridges and goosebumps meeting the air, could be seen. The same dark skin that made her pause this morning was now on full display for Mr. Morgan. Feeling the curve of her breasts on her arm she squeezed them together, moving her arm slightly under the bottom curvature she pushed them together and up for him.

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