Poolside Ch. 03, Pt. 3 by LeoDavis,LeoDavis

I rolled her back under me and moved down to her pussy. Her juices and a lot of my cum were matted in her thick pubic hair. I couldn’t see any blood although there was a tiny bloodstain on the sheet beneath her.

Angie’s eyes were carefully watching me. “This is the only time we’ll ever be able to share the taste of your first time. Your woman’s secretions are intermixed with my cum.”

I gently lapped up a mouthful of our juices, and carried it to her mouth. Angie hugged me and opened her mouth. We shared this special treasure, passing it from tongue to tongue until it was gone. I moved back and forth from her pussy to her mouth until I couldn’t lick up any more.

Angie’s eyes sparkled. “That was incredible! Thank you, lover! Now it’s my turn!” She giggled, rolled out from under me, and pushed me back on the bed. Angie began to lick and suck on my semierect penis and balls.

I pulled her legs back toward my head. “We can do this at the same time, Angie!”

With her lower legs under my shoulders, Angie leaned back and I kissed her labia. “EEOW! That tickles!” She cried, then giggled in her joy.

I pulled her thighs back, pressing her pussy against my face, and I began to gently lick her clitoris. “OH! MMMMMMH! YES!”

Soon we were licking and kissing each other. Angie started to giggle again.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“Everything’s backwards! Your balls are on top, and I can feel your nose inside me! This is fun!”

Yes, it was fun, particularly with an eager young woman who was willing to try anything I suggested. Angie came twice, nearly smothering me when she clamped her legs around my head during her climax. I was just lifting her to a third orgasm when her stimulations caused me to explode into her mouth.

Angie worked her lips around my penis, gathering in my cum. I didn’t feel her swallow. I was still trying to suck her to another orgasm when she pulled away from me and turned around. She looked like a chipmunk with her cheeks bulging out!

She flopped down on top of me and when I opened my mouth, she pushed a huge wad of cum onto my tongue. Angie giggled as we passed it back and forth. More fun, the way sex should be!

When it was gone, I suggested a shower to rinse the sweat off our bodies. We climbed off the bed. Angie turned on the light and looked closely at the faint trace of blood in the midst of the other stains on the sheet.

“That’s exactly how I feel!” She said.

I gave her a puzzled look, and she explained. “A teeny bit of blood in a huge pool of our combined juices! I felt so little pain and so very much pleasure and passion and love!”

I was standing beside the bed and Angie jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She began to kiss me, break away and talk, then kiss again.

Kiss. “Thank . . .” Kiss. “You . . .” Kiss. “For . . .” Kiss. “A won . . .” Kiss. “Der . . . ” Kiss. “ful . . .” Kiss. “First . . .” Kiss. “Time!” And she kissed me for a long, long time.

I untied and removed her tiny negligee top. I carried her into the shower as she clung to me. Angie was making little buzzing and purring sounds against my neck.

We played for a long time in the shower. Angie was already aroused, and my fingers almost brought her to orgasm several times as I rubbed her. She stopped me. “I want your penis inside me! I want REAL sex again!” .

I pushed her back against the wall and lifted one of her legs onto a built-in seat. Then I entered her as she stood there. As I thrust in and out, Angie moved her hips with me. After only a few moments Angie’s legs began to tremble and she screamed and fell against me, still standing, impaled on my penis. “OOOOOOOOH!”

I could feel her vagina pulsing all around my penis, and her orgasm trembled down her legs and up her body. Her legs were so tightly pressed around me I could feel every tremor.

Angie gradually calmed down. I was still inside her, with my hands holding her up by her bottom. Her feet were off the floor. I let the shower run down our bodies.

“Can I put you down? My legs are getting tired!” I asked.

“Wait! Hold me just a little longer! Please! This feels neat! And my legs are still shaking!”

My legs were just starting to tremble when she said, “I think I can stand now!”

I squatted down until Angie was standing, then pulled my erect penis out of her. “But you’re still hard! That isn’t fair!” She kissed me passionately.

We dried off and Angie pulled me by the hand back into the bedroom. “Angie, there’s another bed! We don’t have to sleep in that one!”

“I want to! It’s my first-time love bed, and I don’t care if it is gooey and sticky and smelly!”

She shoved me onto my back right in the middle of the gooey and sticky and smelly first-time love bed. I lay there with my erection pointing toward the ceiling.

Angie’s eyes sparkled. She straddled me and wiggled the head of my penis around on her labia. She teased me by sliding most its head in, and then quickly pulling it out again. Her manipulations were affecting both of us. I could feel my penis getting hot, and her pussy made little popping sounds as she pulled the head of my penis out of her.

Finally she slowly lowered herself all the way down my penis. She watched my penis disappear inside her with a look of pure joy on her face. She bent forward and back, testing the sensations inside her. I could feel the head of my penis sliding back and forth across her cervix. I reached up and began to caress her breasts and rub her nipples.

Angie squeezed my penis with her vagina. She wasn’t as strong as her mother, but she still had time to learn! Then she began to go up and down and twist from side-to-side, finding the movements that most excited her. And me.

She teased us both. When she got almost to orgasm, she would stop and wait, then begin again when her breathing changed. She kept her eyes wide open and she was carefully watching the expressions on my face. Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore and I began to thrust myself against her movements, and this time Angie kept going. We both exploded, screaming as her climax shook her whole body and as my penis pulsed several shots of cum deep inside her.

Angie flopped down on top of me and we wrapped ourselves around each other. “I could feel every burst from you! Inside! It felt so good! Mmmh!”

As we held each other in the afterglow of our passion, an unexpected feeling bubbled up from deep within me. “I want this woman to marry me!”

Before I could put this feeling into words, Angie whispered, “I want to make babies with you!”

“Now?” Was my brilliant reply.

“Not now, silly! I want to practice making love to you for YEARS, first!”

“Me too!” I said and kissed Angie. Her vagina squeezed my partially-erect penis which was still inside her, and we clung to each other as we drifted off to sleep. I could feel her entire body on mine, and I felt a feeling of complete joy spread over me as we drifted off to sleep.

Light coming in the windows caused me to wake up and my movements woke Angie. “Hi, lover!” She said and kissed me. As she slid up me to my mouth, my flaccid penis slipped out of her.

She hit me playfully on my chest. “I’m starved! I want breakfast! I need something to eat!”

I pointed toward my groin. Angie hit me again. “I need more than that, lover!” And she hugged me and giggled.

Angie crawled off me and told me what she wanted, and I called room service while she scampered to the shower. They told me it would be thirty minutes, and I carried that message into the shower with Angie. I started to fondle her, but she stopped me. “No time for that! I’ve got to shave my legs and you’ve got to get cleaned up and dressed to let them bring our breakfast in!” As soon as I was cleaned off, she booted me out of the shower. I could hear her singing a happy song as she shaved. Would married life with Angie be like this? God, I hoped so!

I shaved my beard at the sink, rinsed, and just managed to get the robe on before they arrived. As soon as the two waiters left, I opened the bedroom door and called Angie.

She came out naked and proud. I took off my robe, and we ate breakfast sitting side by side, kissing frequently. We explored each others bodies with our eyes. We spent long moments just looking into each others faces and grinning at each other.

After we finished, I stood behind Angie and rubbed her breasts. “Bend over!” I ordered.

Angie did as I asked, and I gently slipped my penis into her from behind. She slowly pulled off of me, and with a look of complete wonder on her face, said, “Let’s do that on the bed!”

We mated doggy-style for a few minutes, then lay on our sides with me entering her from the rear. That proved to be the best position for her, and as she began to climax, I exploded into her. We talked, giggled, cuddled, and took a nap. The kind of sex we were having really took all our energy! It was completely uninhibited, natural, and incredibly energetic!

We awoke just before Noon. I had slipped out of Angie as we slept, and she twisted around so that she was facing me.

“I like all the neat ways we already made love!” Angie exclaimed. “But are there other, err, positions or things we could try, too?”

“Angie, you sound like a kid in a candy store! You’re insatiable!”

Angie grinned and blushed. “You know, like I mean . . . as long as we’re here, and . . .”

“OK! I get it! Yeah, there are a few more athletic things we could do, but they’re mostly just variations on stuff we’ve already tried. Not that they aren’t fun, too! But with just the two of us, love, the only other really different thing would be anal sex.”

“Just the two of us? Oh, I don’t want to share you! And you called me ‘Love!'” She leaned down and kissed me. “Do you? Love me?”

“Yes, Angie. I love you!” Angie kissed me and hugged me as hard as she could.

A couple of minutes later, she looked into my eyes. She was really happy, and she felt playful. “But if you love me, why would you want to have anal sex with me? Isn’t my pussy good enough?” And she purred.

“Angie, some people just do the missionary position, man on top, and that’s it. Others do all sorts of things I don’t even care to imagine. But I’ve done anal sex, and it is sometimes really great for both the man and the woman.”

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