Poolside Ch. 03, Pt. 3 by LeoDavis,LeoDavis

Where the hell had they come from? Obviously they could easily have gotten a keycard, but I had set the chain on the door as soon as the waiters left. That was part of my half-conceived plan to double-cross Doris and stay with Angie. The chain was still on! I put on my shorts and robe and looked around. The only reasonable possibility was a coat closet next to the doorway to the suite.

The closet was empty. I squatted down and saw slight, female-sized footprints on the rug, and then I realized that there was also a triangular scuff mark made by a door. With that to guide me, I found a hidden latch, opened a small, concealed door, and I slipped under the closet rod and into a narrow room.

It was full of video and photographic equipment, all pointing toward the bedroom. I could see and hear everything Angie and Doris were saying through what I thought had been a mirror on the bedroom wall. There were two chairs facing the bedroom. Those two bitches had sat there and watched us make love!

Angie had the sheet pulled around her legs and was sitting on the bed, naked from the waist up. Tears were streaming down her face. Doris was standing next to her, and Karen was off to one side.

“You were LISTENING to us? That’s why you came in? You HEARD what we were going to do and you came in to stop us?” Angie asked and then she began to sob. Doris reached to comfort her, but Angie pushed her away.

A video camera was still recording, and I could see the entire scene on a little display screen. I didn’t know whether to be really angry or really scared.

I shut off the recorder, and realized that it was simultaneously recording two separate tapes. I pulled those two out of the machine, and after looking around, found a dozen others marked “Angie & Don.” I took all the tapes and got out of there.

I sat down in the sitting room looking out the window. What was I going to do now? I hadn’t imagined something like this happening! My plan, if you can call it that, had been to tell Doris I wasn’t going to break up with Angie. But now I didn’t know what to do. My thoughts raced from idea to idea, clouded by my feelings for Angie.

Through the closed door I could hear pieces of their conversation as they raised their voices. I deduced that Doris had been in the room before I arrived, and that she had let Karen in later when Angie and I were in the bedroom. They had probably been in there all night, watching and taping. They also probably had another room nearby in case they needed to go to the bathroom since the taping room was so small. These thoughts were easier to deal with than my intense feelings of love for Angie and what her mother was probably telling her.

After about five minutes Aunt Karen came out. “Doris is explaining the whole thing to Angie. It’s going to take a while. I didn’t want to listen anymore.” She said.

“I’m sure that’s no problem!” I snarled. “Hell, you can always watch the video!”

Karen’s eyes got cold. “So you figured that out, too. That was just to protect Angie in case you went too far. Which you were about to do with that sex up her ass stuff.”

“Try it sometime! You just might enjoy it!” What a brilliant retort.

“It really doesn’t make much difference. We were about ready to interrupt you two anyway. Angie’s going to need some time to get herself together since we don’t want her to say anything about this to her father – or to anyone else.”

I sat silently for a couple of minutes, trying to decide what I was feeling. I was really angry, I knew I had been really manipulated, but most of all I felt really guilty for hurting Angie. I could hear her frequent cries of anguish through the closed door. I also felt incredibly stupid for underestimate Doris.

“How’d you know about the video room, anyway?” I asked.

Karen gave me the same cold smile I had seen on her sister. “Jack and I are partners in this hotel. We control this room. It’s been very helpful with some difficult business deals.”

I could imagine. Some guy caught on tape screwing the wrong person, a little blackmail pressure, and the deal’s done. By getting involved with these women, I was in something way, way over my head! I felt like a goldfish swimming with sharks!

“YOU FUCKED HIM FIRST? MY OWN MOTHER?” I suddenly heard Angie scream. I felt like I’d been slugged in the stomach. Any hope of taking Angie with me evaporated.

The bedroom door snapped open and Angie ran naked into the room and stopped in front of me. I stood up. “Did you really fuck my mother before you fucked me?”

“Angie, I . . .”

“OH GOD!” She shrieked and ran back into the bedroom, slamming the door hard behind her.

I stared at the carpet. I was holding my breath against the pain. Karen quietly said, “Knowing she shared you with her mother helps break the emotional bond you two formed. It will take a few days, but Angie will come to realize that Doris has done her a favor. But this is the beginning of helping Angie to get over you.”

“Thanks a whole fucking lot! Maybe you could show her the videotape, too.” I muttered. “Angie’s going to flip out when she finds out that her mother and aunt were watching when she lost her cherry! And you’ve got it on tape! And then you two perverted bitches have the nerve to say that anal sex is wrong!”

I finally cracked her ice-cold demeanor. “Quiet down! Angie cannot EVER find that out!”

I pointed to the pile of videotapes which I had stacked near the window. “Two copies? One for each of you sickos? Is this how you get your kicks? Watching your niece get fucked for the first time? Will you two get each other off together on it?”

“There’s no need to be so crude! We were just being careful!”

“Fuck you! I’m taking these tapes with me to destroy them! Get your sick jollies somewhere else!”

“I can’t let you do that, Don.” Karen said very coldly. And she stepped toward the tapes.

“If you touch those tapes, I’ll fuck you in YOUR ass! The sick way your mind works, you’ll probably enjoy being raped!” Karen quickly backed away. Now Karen was staring thoughtfully at the rug. We could hear Angie crying. “So one of you did wake us up last night, didn’t you?” I asked.

Karen looked up at me and nodded. “I dozed off and fell out of the chair.”

“Just couldn’t stay interested unless we were actively copulating, right Karen?” She just glared at me.

About a half hour later Doris came out of the bedroom carrying all of my things. I could hear Angie sobbing through the open door. Doris closed it.

“Get dressed and leave, Don. You did your part very well, at least until the end.” Doris said.

“Can I kiss Angie goodbye?”

“No. And I doubt that Angie will even want to talk to you for a long, long time. That’s the way this always works.”

I wanted to say something to Doris about Angie being better than she was in bed, but I couldn’t put the words together. Doris turned and went back into the bedroom. I could still hear Angie’s sobbing even after the door closed.

I took of my robe and shorts, then got dressed under the critical gaze of Karen. I deliberately faced her, not hiding myself at all. The shiny evidence of making love with Angie was obvious. “My daughter is thirteen. You’ll be too old when she turns eighteen. Too bad. You’re really good in bed. Angie was lucky.”


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