What a cold bitch! I felt like a piece of meat. Were all women this calculating? Was the “You only want me for my body!” complaint just a ploy to control men? I hoped not, but at that moment, I was afraid it was.
As I walked out of the room carrying the tapes, Karen began to use the phone. I had a bad feeling about that. I got off on the second floor and went to the end of the hall, then down two flights of stairs to the basement. I found myself in a service area. I looked around and located a huge gas hot water heater, larger than but similar to the one we had at the pool.
I opened an access panel and I could see blue flames coming from a two foot by four foot matrix of gas jets. I tossed one of the tapes onto the gas jets. It caught fire immediately and gave off terrible black smoke. I closed the panel, and the smoke was vented to the outside chimney. After about a minute I looked in and the tape was completely gone. I threw another in and closed the door. Then another.
When the tapes were all gone, I climbed back to the first floor, and went through the lobby to my car. A really big thug was leaning on it and waiting for me. “Where’s the tapes?” He asked. Obviously Karen had called him.
I told him I had burned them, but he went through everything I had to be certain I didn’t have them. Then he made me walk inside and show him where I had managed to destroy them. The lingering smell of burning plastic convinced him. “Fuck! She’ll be pissed!” He said.
He didn’t follow me as I walked back to my car. I drove away. Katrina had “my” shift at the pool so I didn’t have to go to work. I went back to my apartment and stared at the wall. I didn’t bother to eat. I just sat there and wondered what kind of monster I was.
What was going through Angie’s head? How much had I hurt her? I knew I had fallen in love with her, if that was any excuse. Were those really her feelings too? Or was she just grateful I had saved her from Bud? Why had I gone through with it? I hadn’t been too terribly afraid of Doris since I had easily gotten it up with Angie. So was it the smug anticipation of being Angie’s first lover that had enticed me into this mess? Was deflowering virgins that big a turn-on for me? Hell, I’d even deflowered another one just a few weeks earlier!
I still wasn’t hungry on Monday, but I ate a light lunch and then went to the pool. Angie came, swam with some friends, and left without looking at me. I didn’t get to swim that night. Families were leaving for vacations, and attendance was really low. That meant there weren’t many people still available for my after-hours parties. Katrina was working full-time for one of the other guards, and she kept staring at me with a puzzled and worried look on her face. Can women read men that clearly?
“You don’t seem to be yourself, Don.” Katrina remarked. “Are you feeling okay?”
I lied and told her I was fine. She obviously didn’t believe me.
Tuesday was much better. Angie came, swam, and talked to me for a few minutes. She whispered that she understood. I doubted it. That night I had an amorous after-hours couple for a party at the pool, and I got to swim laps after my run. When I finished, I stayed in the pool listening to the rhythmic, wet slap-slap-slap as he pounded into her. I thought of Angie and my eyes burned. I blinked away the tears and washed my face in the pool. I was really glad when they finally finished and left.
Wednesday morning Doris called and asked me to stop by. I got there about 11:00. Not surprisingly she was fully dressed when she opened the door. She led me into their family room. “I want you to watch this, Don.”
The video was from a hand-held camera with its own light. I saw bars and I realized it was taken in the jail. I saw someone lying down, and then Bud’s surprised face as he awoke. Bud screamed. There was a lot of commotion and some cursing, and then I could see that a group of big guys had stripped Bud naked. They pinned his face against the concrete floor and forced his behind to stick up. Bud was cursing.
Somebody walked up and shoved what looked like a piece of closet rod about a foot in and out of Bud’s ass. He shrieked, screamed a couple of times, then began to whimper. He kept saying, “NO! NO!” over and over. Then one of the men pulled the stick out and began to fuck him in the ass. Bud screamed with each thrust. The ass-fucker climaxed with a loud series of grunts and pulled out.
When a second guy prepared to fuck Bud, the camera angle changed, and I could see shiny, red blood flowing from Bud’s behind. I grabbed a wastebasket and threw up. Then I grabbed the remote control from Doris and turned the tape off. “Why?” I asked.
Doris gave me her nasty smile. “Don’t you want to watch the rest? There are eight of them who fuck him, several of them twice.” She paused and looked at me. Her cold stare gave me the chills. “When they were done, Bud couldn’t even crawl. He just lay there on the floor of his cell, whimpering and bleeding from his ass.”
I started to tremble, both from fear and anger. Doris gave me that cold smile again.
“Bud violated the trust of this family. Now he’s castrated, and for the next twenty years or so he’s going to be the fuck-boy of every animal in prison who wants him. They don’t like rapists very much. Since he can’t get it up any more, they may cut it off just for fun. After all he doesn’t need it now, does he? Do I make myself clear?”
I nodded. I had nothing to say. I was angry at myself because I was visibly shaking. Doris showed me out, and I drove up to the pool early. I was still trembling. I swam laps until it was time to guard. I didn’t feel clean. I even felt sorry for Bud. I kept hearing his screams.
That evening I was in the middle of my weight routine when Angie suddenly drove up. She walked over and asked, “Is there anyone else here tonight?” I shook my head. I was more than a little afraid of her being there. If Doris ever found out . . .
“Please put the weights away and let’s swim.”
I stashed the weights and bars, and went down to the pump room to change into my suit. Angie followed me. “Don! Look at me!”
I turned, and she carefully stripped off her clothes. She grinned. “I still want to go skinny-dipping with you!”
I started to cry and I grabbed Angie and held her against me. She pushed my shorts and jock down, then pulled off my shoes. Then we kissed, hard. This time she kissed away MY tears, but she was crying too.
She broke away and ran up the stairs. She dived in and I followed her. I caught her in the shallow end. She wrapped her legs around me and we began to make love.
“I want to make love beside the pool. On the mats. Like we almost did!” She said.
We teased each other as long as we could and finished in the missionary position, both of us yelling together. We took another swim and held each other in about five feet of water.
Angie fondled my penis until it became hard. “We never did anal sex. Can we do it here?”
I kissed her, and with the help of the warm water, she gradually took all of me into her anus. She began to slide up and down on my penis, moving easily because of the support of the water. I gently rubbed her clitoris, and we both came again.