Poolside Ch. 03, Pt. 3 by LeoDavis,LeoDavis

She pulled off me and rubbed my penis until it was hard again. It took quite a while. “I like it better in my pussy.” She said. I slid myself into her, and we held each other in the water, joined together as man and woman.

“I know my mother and aunt did what they thought was best, but . . . I was really hurt because I thought you were just, well . . . ”

“Paid help?”

Angie nodded. “Yes. I really hated you, and then I remembered the devastated look on your face when I screamed at you that you and my mother . . . You really do love me, don’t you?”

“Yes, Angie, I do. Very much. I’m glad you came up here tonight, and not just because of this.”

“I had to! Tomorrow we leave for Europe, and when I get back you’ll be gone back to school. Will we see each other again?”

“I don’t know, Angie. We live in different parts of society, really in different worlds. If we’re both free in a couple of years, maybe we can get past this and . . .”

She put her finger on my mouth. “SHHH! Right now may be all we ever get. Make love to me again, my wonderful lover!”

With considerable difficulty I climbed the ladder with Angie impaled on my penis. I carried her over to the cushions, and lay back with Angie on top. “No, Angie, love! I can’t do that! We’ll make love to each other!”

I caressed the entire front of her body as she rode me. We never broke eye contact until her orgasm overwhelmed her and I ejaculated. We held each other for a long time. Neither of us fell asleep, and we didn’t talk. We just held and caressed each other. We stared into each other’s eyes, lost in our thoughts and in our love. It was after 4:00 a.m. when Angie lifted herself off me and stood up. I started to get up, but she gently pushed me back down.

“No, lover, just stay here until I’m gone!” She said. I could see tears welling in her eyes. “Mom was right about one thing. You were the right man to take my cherry!” Then she leaned down and gently kissed me. “Don’t ever forget that I love you, too!”

She got up and ran quickly through the gate. I heard her sob as she ran down the steps to the pump room to get dressed.

A few minutes later she came back up and ran to her car. She didn’t look back. I watched her car as she drove away, and I listened until the sound disappeared. We never even said goodbye.

I got up and put the cushions under cover. I found my way back to the pump room and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and was surprised to see tears streaming down my face.

I realized that it would be nearly impossible to overcome the difference in wealth between Angie’s family and mine. And could Angie really get past the fact that I’d also screwed her mother? I wasn’t sure. But more importantly, Doris would never let me marry Angie because I knew their family secret. Love doesn’t always conquer all.

I knew that Angie would be a different person once her mother taught her how to be really cold, devious, and manipulative. I doubted I would be able to trust her, let alone love her, once her mother “trained” her. But I loved her right now, and the sense of loss hurt. Unbelievably much. And I had betrayed her trust.

Then I wondered whether Angie had just fucked me a few minutes earlier because she wanted to, or because her mother had told Angie that she could manipulate me this way. The anal sex was Angie ignoring her mother. But the other? The fact that I could even momentarily entertain that thought reinforced the conclusion that Angie and I had no future together. I spent the next hour sitting beside the pool, tears dripping onto the concrete, while I thought about the Angie I loved but who would never be the same for me again. I went back to my apartment a little after dawn.

Two days later I was guarding an empty pool and thinking lonely, dark thoughts when Nancy Sharmon arrived. The last time I’d seen her my cum had been dripping from her pussy. That memory lightened my spirits! As she signed in, I remarked, “Hey there, Nancy! I haven’t seen you since that morning after your sister’s party!”

Nancy gave me an angry look. “You really fucked me, good, Don! Literally and figuratively! That’s the only time I’ve ever passed out after sex, and then when I didn’t get home until after dawn, my fuckin’ father called me a cheap slut and grounded me! And I’m almost twenty-one! Crap, I can’t wait to get back to college!”

“Well, you and the others did everything you could to get me turned on!”

She grinned. “We did, didn’t we? I thought the tit-icing got things going pretty well! And I even woke up a little and got off again with my fingers while I watched you doing Barb. Did I scream like that? Too bad we can’t party like that again, but I just got my car back and I’m on a short leash.”

“Since nobody’s here, wanna skinny-dip?”

“Hah! You wish!” she replied. Then after a moment she asked, “How come you couldn’t fuck Alice into a coma? She said you were a good screw, but she still had no trouble getting home on time.”

“You and Barb let loose. Alice is still a little uptight.”

“So I was a better lay than my sister?” Her face brightened.

Before I could answer her, a car came to a skidding stop in the gravel parking lot. Mary Sharmon jumped out, dragging Alice with her. Mary glared at me, then called Nancy over to the far side of the pool. It looked like they were having a three-way verbal cat fight, but I didn’t try to hear what they were saying. I had a pretty good idea of what their mother was saying to the two sisters I’d screwed.

Mary sent her daughters to Nancy’s car and glared at it as it drove away. As soon as we were alone, Mary stomped over to me. “Couldn’t keep it in your pants, could you? Well, enjoy today ’cause it’ll be your last one working here!”

My initial panic was suddenly replaced with recognition. At the birthday party I had thought Mary’s voluptuous figure looked familiar, but I hadn’t realized I’d seen a picture of it before, naked. At the party Mary had been all smiles, but now, with her face twisted into a sneer, I knew where I’d seen her face before. I smiled.

“What’s so funny, you bastard? Alice finally admitted that you screwed her, but said she only did it because she had watched you screw her sister. Nancy just admitted it, too. My husband’s on the club managing committee, and as soon as I tell him, we’re going to get you fired and charge you with rape!”

“Get real, Mrs. Sharmon! I didn’t rape either of your daughters, and you know it. And you truly don’t want to get me fired.”

“Really? Why the hell not? Give me one good reason!”

“Actually I have several. Pictures.”

Mary looked really puzzled. “Pictures? What . . .”

“Yeah. In the first one, Richard Johnson has his little four-inch dick up the ass of his blonde secretary, and in the background you’re screaming your head off while you fuck Bob Hamilton. In another one, Richard has his dick up YOUR ass, Bob’s is in your cunt, and your mouth is covered with cum you’ve just sucked out of a third husband’s prick. In another one, you’re licking the blonde secretary’s cunt while Richard . . .”

Mary had turned pale. “STOP IT!” She screamed. In a softer voice she asked, “Where did you see those?”


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