Prince Albert by feministcockslut,feministcockslut

There was a period of time where I travelled a lot for work. Rarely anywhere interesting, but that didn’t mean that I couldn’t occasionally make my own fun. I was in a relationship at the time, but there were certain things I enjoyed from time to time I didn’t want to have to explain or justify. And sometimes I just wanted a new experience.

One of those times, I was in quite a beautiful but quiet location. My team often travelled together which limited my chances for under the radar fun (they knew my partner and I didn’t want any complications), but this time I was alone.

I had finished for the day earlier than expected, so I retreated to my room and pulled up a couple of dating apps. On one in particular I was very upfront about what my situation was; available tonight only, just looking for some excitement. As I’m sure you can appreciate this was like catnip for many men.

After lots of the usual, ‘wanna fuck’, ‘I’ll make you scream’, I started flicking through all the dick pics I had been sent. Most weren’t especially interesting. I’ve always been a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to a nice cock. While I can occasionally be tempted by something a bit different, if a guy has a thick, veiny, cut 8″ cock with a neatly trimmed bush, shaved balls and a good thick head, there is a pretty good chance I’ll be keen. 

Tonight however was one of those nights where something unusual popped up and the collector in me decided I needed it. His message was pretty bland, but in his pic he had a good body and a particularly fun looking dick. It was about 8″ and as described above. Additionally the tip curved down like a hook nose. I knew from some previous encounters that could hit my spot, something special when I was bent over face down, ass up. The pièce de résistance was the Prince Albert piercing.

Through the fleshy part of his helmet he was a thick silver metal bar, with a small ball right on the tip. Remembering how hard I had once cum with another Cyril Sneer cock, I couldn’t pass up the chance to find out what would happen with this added into the mix.

I messaged him and let him know I was eager to play. He must have been watching his phone, because he sent his phone number instantly.

I took a deep breath and hit call, “Hey, it’s feministcockslut.”

“Haha. I guessed that.”

I got straight to the point, “Where do you want to meet?”

“You can come over to mine, if you’d like. Or we could go to yours if you’d prefer. Or we could do a car meet if that’s your thing too?” he quickly fumbled out all the obvious options.

“Where is your place?”

“I’m in Newtown. You?”

“Oh god that’s a bit of a trek. I’m probably an hour away.”

“We could meet in the middle. I know a nice quiet place. We could park up and…” he trailed off.

“Hmmmmm”, I stalled thinking through the options. I didn’t want to spend two hours driving across a city I didn’t know very well. I also didn’t particularly want him to come to where I was staying. The chances of someone from work connecting the dots were slim but it was still a possibility. I hadn’t had any fun in  a car since I was a teenager. It felt riskier now than it used to. I could feel the momentum to do something start to ebb away.

“I can see if I can find us a hotel near you, if that works better for you?”, he interrupted my thought process.

“I don’t mind.”

His eagerness tipped me over the edge. If I didn’t make a decision right away, I’d just end up playing with myself and probably regretting letting the chance to find out what he could do with that piercing gnaw at me.

“No, fuck it. Let’s do a car meet. Send me the location and what kind of car you’ve got and I’ll meet you there in an hour”. 

He might not be able to find a hotel, or he might be too cheap to cough up, or he might just get cold feet, I reasoned to myself.

“Ok. Cool. I’ll send it to you right now.”

“See you soon.”

He was keen to please and obviously wanted to make me comfortable, so I felt reassured I wasn’t about to get murdered. In any event, I’d send a friend the details in an email scheduled for the following morning. I would cancel the email if I got back safe or would mean at least someone would know where to start looking for me if I wasn’t.  I quickly stripped off my work clothes and jumped in shower. I prepped. primped and shaved all the important areas. I always loved the act of getting ready for cock like this. Fighting off the temptation to get myself off, which I know would cause me to ghost whoever I’m about to meet, but giving myself just enough attention to get the blood pumping so that I would be excited enough to overcome all my nerves and anxieties.

His directions and a picture of his car were waiting for me on my phone when I finished drying myself off. He had an estate car, so I hoped there might just be enough room to have fun without the weird contortions and awkward bumping into things that I remembered from my wayward youth hanging round with older boys in their souped up little cars.

I hadn’t planned on an evening like this when I packed my case to leave for work, so I was delighted to find a tiny beach skirt tucked I had forgotten to unpack hidden in between the rest of my sensible wardrobe. One important lesson teenage me had learned was that skirts are 100% your best friend when your planning to get into trouble in a car. I threw on a t-shirt, grabbed my trainers and tied my hair up in a messy ponytail. I figured socks, panties, a bra and a hotel hand towel were best placed in my bag, so I could clean myself up afterwards before I grabbed my keys and took off out the door.

I had to keep reminding myself to breathe slowly, so that I didn’t amp myself up too much and end up getting pulled over by the police. That could prove very awkward and in my current state of arousal, if the officer happened to be decent looking, I’d probably try my luck. Which would be way riskier than I would like. I just wanted to have some excitement, I didn’t plan to blow up my life for a quickie. So I very consciously drove at the speed limit. I also didn’t want to get there first. I would much rather arrive and find him, than have to sit around tapping my fingers nervously, worrying that he would stand me up.

I got to the location as directed by Google Maps. There didn’t appear to be anyone there, but the road seemed to continue a little bit further. I drove very slowly down it, eyes peeled for his car, for a turning or an opening and ultimately for any sign of danger.

About 200m on from the pin he had sent me, the tarmac turned into a dirt road, but it started to open up. It looked and felt like the kind of place you would come to hide out in a car and meet a stranger. Which was oddly reassuring.

Then as I drove, a shape started to emerge from the murky darkness. His car was black, and as I got closer it started to look like what I was hoping for. But there was no guarantee this wasn’t a coincidence, so I pulled my car over on the opposite side.

The headlights in the other car flashed twice at me, as a message buzzed on my phone.

“Hope that is you. Just flashed my lights.”

I took my car key fob off my bunch of keys and double checked my bag with my hotel key was tucked away out of sight. I took a very big, very deep breath and opened my car door.

I walked across the small dirt road. I was glad I didn’t have any sexy heels in my bag, otherwise I would have worn them and this was definitely a trainers kind of environment. I was very conscious of him staring at me, taking me in. I couldn’t reciprocate or I might fall over, so I just stared down at my feet occasionally glancing up to make sure I was on the right path to his passenger door. My little lycra skirt rode up, it was designed to just about cover a pair of damp bikini bottoms, tonight I was pushing it. At least the weather was warm and pleasant, so I wasn’t relying on it for anything other than my modesty. The night was very quiet, with just the occasional noise of a car passing in the near distance.

I arrived at the door of his car. Before I reached out to open it, I bent down a little to make eye contact with him and confirm he was who he said he was. Not that there would be much I could do at this point. I was long past the point of no return.

He smiled at me. He was cute, in his late 20’s or early 30’s. Light brown, kind of sandy coloured hair. A stubble-y beard, that could have been almost red. He had a white t-shirt and jeans on.

As I opened the car door, the dome light came on and I was able to see that the car looked clean. A quick glance at the back seat told me he had folded down the back seats and thrown a blanket down.

I sat into the passenger seat and looked over at him.

“Hey, I’m D.” He awkwardly offered me his hand to shake.

“Hey, I’m feministcockslut,” I replied as I limply shook his hand.

“Eh, erm, so…” he fumbled to figure out what was the right thing to do or say next. There isn’t a lot of recognised social convention around meeting a stranger for sex in a car.

“It’s ok. We don’t have to chat. Unless you’d like to?”

I couldn’t stand the awkwardness.

“We can just get right to it, if you’d like?”

He grinned and leaned over towards me. His breath smelt minty, as if he had been chewing on gum seconds before I joined him. He smelled like a man just out of a shower too.

We started to kiss. He leaned awkwardly over the gear stick, as I sat back into the seat. 

He was a good kisser and as he took my cheek in his hand, I started to feel myself relax.

He slowly moved his hand gently from my cheek, to my neck. My breath started to quicken.

I shifted in my seat, wanting to open my legs just a little.

He read my body language and his hand dropped from my neck.

His hand fell just between my knees, gently encouraging my legs further apart.

My pulse quickened and I felt the rush of anticipation flow into me.

He picked up the pace, kissing me deeper, more instantly now.   

I shifted in my seat once more, as I felt his hand inch closer to my pussy. I could feel the wetness starting. 

My breathing quickened again, as he adjusted himself and I felt the tips of his strong fingers brush against the swelling lips of my eager cunt.  

I spread my legs as far as the door and the bulkhead would allow, rotating my hips and my pelvis to offer myself to him.

Through his kiss, I felt him grin as his middle finger easily slid inside me and I let out a small involuntary groan.

As he started to finger me, I started groaning more, my kissing slowing down. I started to push myself onto his hand, wanting to feel it more and more.

“Get your cock out,” I whispered at him.

I felt his finger stop thrusting inside me, as he tried awkwardly to open the fly on his jeans with his left hand, while he had stretched across with his right to play with me.

“Awwwww,” I blubbed like a disappointed toddler, as he pulled his hand away from me. 

He licked his fingers clean, with a grin before undoing his zip. He reached into his trousers to pull out what I could already tell was an engorged member. Having to do that ungentlemanly bend and flop to make his penis squeeze through all the necessary openings of boxers and jeans.

I was mesmerized as the silver piercing glinted and flashed in what I suddenly realised was quite bright moonlight.

“You don’t have a tongue piercing, do you?”

I tore my gaze away from his crotch to meet his eyes, looking expectedly at me.

“No. Why?” I replied.

“Haha, lets just say I had a bad experience once and I’m much more cautious now.”

“No. No piercings,” I whispered.

I looked back between his legs. He wasn’t rock hard yet, but you could see he was on his way. His shaft and helmet poked out of the fly on his jeans, the piercing like one of those drawings of the movement of a planet around a star. 

I reached over with my right hand and gently wrapped my hand around the shaft.

“Mmmmmmm,” he purred.

I very slowly started to stroke up and down, just a couple of millimeters at a time to begin with, studiously avoiding his helmet and the glinting prize attached to it.

“I’ve never played with a pierced cock before.”

I dragged my eyes away from it, to look him in the eyes again. 

The look of excitement and anticipation on my face made him break out into a grin.

“There’s no need to be afraid of it.”

He flicked a damp finger that had very recently been inside me against the stainless steel making a dull sound.

“Just don’t try to rip it out.”

I could feel his dick stiffen some more, as my strokes began to get a bit longer, pushing down towards the balls encased in his jeans and almost up as far as his bejewelled head.

In a swift, practiced movement I unwrapped my hand from his shaft, pulled it towards my own mouth, spat into my palm and returned my hand to it’s previous position.

“Oh fuck,” he grinned at me “Good girl.”

I grinned back at him, making eye contact once more and licking my lips in preparation for my next move, as I relished in the knowledge that he was excited by the fact that I knew what I was doing. Some men get weird about a girl who likes to fuck, they want everyone to pretend they are some innocent little virgin who needs to be teased and tempted into doing all the things that the man enjoys. Other guys get off on sluts who love getting fucked just as much as they do.

I leaned over him, encouraging him to sit back into the drivers seat, as I let a long line of saliva drool out of my mouth to land right on the tip of his now rock solid cock. It pooled and then dribbled its way over and around his piercing, as I unwrapped my hand from his shaft once more. I spread just my thumb, index and middle fingers around the bulbous red helmet and starkly contrasting steel ring, squeezing and rubbing the spit lube into every crevice I could find.

“Can I suck it?”

“Fuck yes.”

As I slid my hand down over his helmet, returning it to the shaft I locked my eyes onto his and slid down off the seat, positioning myself onto my knees in the footwell. Then I snaked my body around the gear stick so that it was poking me in the ribs and slowly lowered my wet eager mouth down onto his delicious member.

I wrapped my lips tightly around the head of his cock, forming a tight seal and start to suck. I can feel the piercing against my tongue, so I started to flick and swish it in my mouth. 

“Mmmmmmmmmmm fuck yes,” he moaned breaking eye contact, closing his eyes and leaning his head back into the chair.

I gather up all the saliva in my mouth and push it all forward against my lips as I give an extra hard suck, while pulling his cock out of my mouth with an audible smacking, POP!

“Ohhh jesus” he groaned.

His eyes snapped open and he looked straight down to find me grinning from ear to ear, my mouth and his cock dripping with saliva, as I quickly started to jerk him off, my hand a blur as I rubbed him from top to bottom, with the aid of my mouth lube.

Before he could gather himself, I got my hand as far down the shaft as I could, pointing all 8″ straight up in the air. I took a second to admire his dick before I opened wide and got my mouth back on it. The sensation of the piercing on my tongue just different enough that I can’t forget it’s there for even a second. 

I took my hand away and put my hands on his hips either side of him. I started to bob, up and down on his cock. Never letting it out of my mouth, working my way deeper toward the back of my throat. 

I had sucked my fair share of cocks before but until that moment I realised I had never truly enjoyed it. I knew in that moment that this was different. If I had been told there and then that all I was going to do that night was suck on his dick, I would have been happy with that. All I wanted in that moment was to pleasure that cock. To make it cum in my mouth. To worship it.

I went deeper and faster. The piercing hitting the back of my throat. I was eager to take more, but his jeans prevented me. I pulled my head off his dick, leaving a nice pool of drool puddle onto his jeans.

As I went back down on him, I felt him reach over and grab hold of my ass. He pulled my little skirt up and over my hips.

He ran his hands over my bare cheeks.

“Oh naughty girl, no panties.”

I went back to work, eager and enthusiastic. His cock was fully engorged as I choked myself for him but I needed more.

“Take your trousers off”, I slurred at him.

“Let’s get in the back.”

He opened his door and started to get out. 

I opened my door and after a quick danger check around the moonlight woods, I followed him around to where he was about to open up the boot of the car.

I sank to my knees in front of him, distracting him from what he was doing. I started to unbuckle his jeans to finally free that magnificent dick. I reached inside and found his freshly shaven balls. 

I grinned up at him as I finally got a chance to get his whole cock inside me. He put his hands on the back of my head pushing me further onto his dick, every inch deep down inside me. I held it as long as I could. Then as I went to pull back, I realised he was holding me down. I tried again to get some breath but he held me for another brief second before eventually letting me go.

I gulped a big lung full of oxygen just as a big wad of throat slime slid down my chin onto my T-shirt. I looked up at him.

“Let’s get those tits out.”

He grinned down at me, as he offered me his hand and helped me stand up.

He put his hands on my waist as I reached down and pulled off my top, placing it on the roof of the car. My lack of a bra meaning that all I was wearing at this stage was my trainers and my little skirt around my waist.

He pulled me in close and we started to kiss, deeply. I could feel his stiff dick gently rubbing against me. I started to grind my hips towards it. 

Then I felt his hand slide into the small space between our two sweaty bodies. He grabbed hold of his cock and started to rub it against me.

At first he rubbed it against the top of my pelvis, before he started to stroke it over and around my pussy.

I spread my legs apart, so he could get that piercing into and onto all the right places. We had stopped kissing as we both focused on the sensations south of the border.

I moaned in his ear, “Fuck me deep.”

He reached down and grabbed my knee, lifting my leg up so he could dip the tip of his cock inside me.

“Ohhhh fuck baby, don’t tease me. Fuck me deep.”

He entered me properly. I started to gyrate my hips at him, eager to feel him hit my spot.

We try in that position for a minute or two, but it just doesn’t get to all the right places, so I take my leg down and his cock slid out of me. 

I reach down to open the boot of the car. Then I crawl up on all fours, presenting my pussy to him. After a minute or two I look back to see him pulling off his shoes and jeans. Then he positioned himself behind me.

He started to rub his helmet with its accessory against my opening again. I closed my eyes and focused on enjoying the sensations. The piercing just gently flicking against my clit and then running up along my pussy lips was the most enjoyable tease I’d ever had. I started to grind back against him, signalling for him to push his cock inside me. He took the opportunity to lightly slap his cock against me rather than give me what I wanted.

“Put it inside me baby. Please.”

I pushed myself back further towards him. I felt his hand on the small of my back, steadying and directing me. Then I felt him poised at my entrance before his dick popped into my eager little cockhole.

“Ohhhhh fuck yes,” I purred gratefully.

He took his two hands and placed them on my hips, holding me in place so he could control the speed and depth. He kept a slow shallow, rhythm.

“Deeper baby.”

He started to speed up and push deeper inside me. I could hear him start to groan. He fucked me like that for an enjoyable few minutes.

“Pull my hair.”

His hands left my hips and one of them grabbed hold of my pony tail as the other went back into the small of my back, forcing me to arch my back.


He did as requested, pulling harder on my hair so that my face pointed right up at the dome light that was switched on over the back seat. The unmistakable sound of his flesh slapping against my ass filled the air around us.

“Take my cock you little slut.”

I have always loved when a guy calls me names.

After a few minutes, he started to slow down. Eventually he let go of my hair. 

I took the opportunity to start to lower myself from all fours so that my face was down on the floor of his car and my ass sticking straight up at him. As I started to push myself back onto his dick, I could feel how close he was to hitting my G spot. I started to bounce on his cock, timing my movements with his thrusts so he would get as deep inside me as possible.

The sensation of meeting a complete stranger in a secluded spot, just to find out what this moment would feel like, his Prince Albert tipped cock smashing relentlessly against my most sensitive parts was indescribable. I started to build up to an enormous orgasm. 

“That’s it. Don’t stop.”

“Oh fuck, faster.”

I felt myself get closer.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck yes.”

“Cum on my cock you cuntmeat little whore.”

His growl in my earhe growled sent me right over the edge into a deep long shuddering orgasm.

Just as I started to regain my senses I realised he was speeding up his thrusts. ‘He must be close’ I thought to myself as the thought and the pounding started to bring me back towards the edge.

“Get over here.”

He pulled out and I rushed to comply, eager to taste him. As I did so I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Jesus, did you cum already?”

I hesitated thinking our lack of condoms was suddenly a very bad plan.

“Haha, no. That’s all yours.”

He nodded towards the thick white cream covering his cock.

“Wow well I haven’t done that before.”

I sank to my knees in front of him, now eager to taste myself too. I grabbed hold of the base of his cock, drinking in the sight. I ran my tongue from his balls all along the underside of his shaft along the glinting metal piecing and up to the tip, gobbling up as much of my own flavour as I could.


I scoopped a bit off the top side with one finger and offer it to him.

He leaned down awkwardly to lick my finger as I enveloped the head of his dick in my warm mouth.


He stood up straight and put his hand on my head to guide his cock deeper into my waiting face.

He quickly picked up the pace and depth as he started to fuck my face.

“Good little whore. Are you going to swallow my spunk?”

“Of course.”

I pulled his dick out of my mouth. He took hold of it and started to jerk it.

“Open wide. I’m a very heavy cummer.”

I did as I’m told, opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue, while my fingers went to my pussy.

“Oh fuck you dirty little slut, here it comes.”

I saw his balls start to tighten. Then he erupted onto my face. Luckily I shut my eyes quickly as they were quickly flooded by jizz. He covered my face before filling my mouth and finally coating my tits.


I exclaimed as soon as I’d swallowed. I realised he wasn’t lying about being a heavy cummer. I’d never had so much love juice on me at once.

“Told you.”

He scooped some off my eye lids and fed it to me.


“Here you can use this to clean up.”

He offered me a towel from the back of his car. As I cleared the gallon of salty treats from myself a thought comes over me.

“If you are up for round two, why don’t we take this back to my hotel?”

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