Proclivities – Pt. 04: The Photos by Mastered_again,Mastered_again

“Take my ass! Fuck it with your big, hard cock and make me cum!” I exclaimed as my climax hit and all that kept me from tumbling over was George’s firm grip.

“Here it comes, bitch!” he roared with one final thrust, his cock twitching and squirting within me while he firmly held himself pressed against my ass, relishing the conquest.

Both of us drained, he rolled us onto our sides, while we struggled for air and I remained impaled on his slowly softening cock.

I felt his hot breath on my neck as he said, “God damn, woman…that was…sensational!”

I didn’t say anything at first, just pushed my ass against him, my mind a complete jumble. Finally I replied, “All I can say is WOW!!”

His arm circled across my chest, holding me tightly and planting soft kisses on my neck, as we wordlessly savored the afterglow. Slowly my mind drifted, once again considering all that had transpired over the weekend, from the melancholy of Friday afternoon to the unexpected but immensely satisfying surrender of my ass. Toss in his thoughtfulness of the ballgame on Saturday and the tender actions to make me feel welcome. As much as I tried to be realistic, I couldn’t help wonder if I were falling in love.

It was just a weekend, you silly girl! Tomorrow, it’s back to work. Work! Oh my god, how am I going to handle that? What would I say if Barbara asked, “So how was your weekend?”

I was so swept up in the moment, I hadn’t considered that. I’ll definitely have to discuss it with George, but now was not the time. Enjoy the moment. I’m sure he’ll sort it out. He had a way of doing that. I smiled contentedly and wormed closer to him. Unfortunately, doing so expelled him from my ass and his soft slippery cock rested between my cheeks, followed by an unexpected feeling of emptiness that was as much emotional as it was physical.

George softly stroked his fingers along my side, I just wanted to lay there and luxuriate in his caresses, but my body had other concerns. Even though I suppose I should have expected it, I had not.

“Sweetheart,” I said, turning to view him obliquely.

“Yes?” he casually replied.

“I’ve got to use the bathroom.”

“Okay, sure,” he replied, lifting his arm. “I’m thirsty. How about you? Would you like some water?”

“Yes, that would be nice. Thanks.”

As I slowly sat up on the edge of the bed, then tested the reliability of my legs, gingerly making my way across the room to the bath and joking to myself if I’d ever walk right again. From the corner of my eye, I saw George head downstairs.

I sat on the toilet and was mortified by the volume of air escaping my ass, accompanied by his cum. Damn, I hope he didn’t hear me. How unglamorous! I cleaned up and flushed. Just as I stood, George appeared with a bottle of water in each hand. Obviously he’d already drank from one and handed the other to me. It still amazed me how casual he was, as if everything was perfectly normal. Yet, the tenderness in his eyes revealed he was not emotionless. How was I to make sense of it all?

A flush of embarrassment washed over me and I felt the blood rise in my cheeks. Hoping to hide it, I opened the bottle and eagerly drank. I was still thirsty, after all.

“I needed that, thanks,” I said.

“You’re welcome, but are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m good. It’s just…well…”

“You sure?” he asked nervously.

“Yeah, I’m sure. I was just kind of…noisy in here a minute ago. And, well, like you said before, embarrassment isn’t fatal.”

He smiled and laughed, “That’s a relief!”

I had to laugh at his double entendre. How did he always find a way to make things right?

He turned, put his water on the vanity and turned on the shower. “Care to join me?”


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