Propose She Fuck Someone New by Nakedcraving,Nakedcraving

I first thought of it after about five years of being married, and after reading scores of articles and letters about wife sharing I began to fantasize about making it a reality. When I first mentioned the possibility to Claire she simply laughed, then said I was just trying to justify my being with another woman, which I denied, arguing if that was the case I could simply do it and say nothing. I asserted that many societies practiced wife sharing as a matter of courtesy, hospitality, where a man would offer a houseguest his wife as a gesture of good manners and friendship.

She said we didn’t live in one of those societies and all the examples in the world wouldn’t convince her to fuck another man for my enjoyment. “Why would you want to do that?” she asked. I didn’t have an answer for her and just shrugged.

“I don’t know,” I said honestly. “It just excites me tremendously,” I added. “I can’t explain it, except for what I’ve said. I thought you would like it. I thought it would give you some pleasure and a little control in our relationship. I’m sorry I brought it up,” I said.

After a few more attempts at convincing her I gave it up and left it alone. However, it seems the seed was sewn and it took about two years for her to bring it up to me again one night after we’d had a very satisfactory session of torrid and romantic sex.

We had fucked for about an hour and we were both spent and stretched out next to one another getting our breathing back to normal when she said, “You ever think about your fantasy of having me get laid by someone else?”

I turned to face her and raised up on an elbow. “Why do you ask?” I said. “Interested?”

“Just wondering,” she answered. “I’ve been thinking about it myself,” she added.

“And what have you thought?” I asked.

“I’ve thought maybe it’s not so crazy after all,” she replied. “Maybe I could enjoy myself. Maybe fucking someone else would not be so bad.”

“So what brought this on?” I asked, kissing her on the cheek.

“I like to fuck,” she said, “maybe it wouldn’t be so crazy to have another man’s cock in my pussy. Maybe I could see myself liking it. Maybe it’s not such a bad idea after all.” She was silent for a while, then smiled and asked, “Did you know that Mandy has a lover?” Mandy was her best friend and a woman she spent a lot of time with.

“She does?” I said. “And how has that worked out for her?”

“She likes it,” Claire said. “Fucks him about once a week. Barry knows, supports her affair, like you suggested, and they seem to be one big happy family. He’s been fucking her for about three years now,” she explained. “She tells me it’s liberating to fuck another guy once in a while. Let’s her know her husband cares about her pleasure. She says he’s a lot bigger than Barry and she likes the feel of a bigger cock now and then. She likes talking about her lover with her husband.”

“So you’re considering it?” I said.

“I’m thinking about it, yes,” she said. “I just can’t decide who would be a good candidate. Whose cock I’d like to try,” she said with a wicked smile. “You know any guys with big cocks your wife might enjoy fucking?” she asked in a droll tone.

My heart was beating as I listened to her talk about fucking someone else, considering just who she might like to sample. “So then you really don’t think it’s such a nutty idea?” I said.

“Well, Mandy swears by it,” she replied with a grin. “She tells me that since she’s been fucking her lover her marriage is a lot stronger and she feels freer and more in control of her life. Can’t argue with success,” she said. “So, could you handle my fucking someone else?”

I said I hoped I could, that it made sense to me, and that was why I brought it up a few years back. She listened, then smiled. “So if I had a lover you’d be okay with that? You wouldn’t get all pissed off and hurt?”

“Depends on if I liked him or not,” I said. “I can’t see me being pleased if the man you’re fucking is a jerk, but it mostly would be up to you, of course, not me. Who you’re fucking is a decision you’d make. If you like him, that’s the most important thing. I would not like it if someone was trying to take you away from me, or was not good to you, but if just for sex, then I think I would be fine with it.”

“Well, just for the record,” she said firmly, “I wouldn’t be okay with you fucking some chick other than me. Not fair I know, but I would not be a happy wife with that,” she said with conviction. “My pussy is where I want your cock to be.”

“So if we’re going to do this, then there should be some rules. Maybe we should think about it for a few days and maybe talk about it again this weekend,” I said. “Maybe we should each come up with some guidelines and decide on a plan.”

She smiled and said she’d do some thinking about it, and by Sunday she’d come up with some proposals. We agreed and both turned over to sleep on it.

On Sunday we sat down after breakfast and we each had a list. “First off,” she said, holding up her piece of paper, “I would not like to be a spectator sport. I don’t want to fuck for an audience,” she said. “You don’t watch. Clear? Can we agree?” I nodded and asked what else. “Well, I pick,” she said. “Whoever gets in my pussy will be my choice,” she said. “You won’t be supplying men to fuck your wife. I will decide, okay?”

“That’s fair,” I said. “But I’d like to hear all about it later. Can you agree to let me be apart of it by telling me everything that happened, everything you did, every lustful moment?” She thought for a minute, then nodded.

“Maybe, and I’m not sure on this, but perhaps someday you could be present, but not at first. What do you think?” I said that sounded fine. “Next, I don’t think it should be here. I’d feel more comfortable if we didn’t involve our home, our place together,” she said.

“I was going to say that,” I said. “I think keeping it on neutral territory is best, safest.” She agreed and we went on to the rest of our lists.

“I think it should be all or nothing,” she said. “There should be no limitations. We would be free to do anything our lustful little hearts desire. Kissing’s fine, oral, petting, fisting, whatever.”

“Fisting?” I said.

“I’ve been doing research,” she said. “I don’t want to have to say, ‘No tongues,’ or whatever. Whatever he does to me is fine, if I like it,” she said. “If he wants to eat my pussy, or fuck my ass, and I don’t mind, then it should be okay. Agreed?”

“Whatever you both decide is fine with me,” I said. “I can’t imagine you’d like ‘water sports’,” I said.

“If he wants to piss on something, it won’t be me,” she said. “That would disqualify him right then. If I like it, it’s okay.”

She went on to say that she wanted no time limits. “If we fuck for a day, two days, a week, all that is negotiable, okay. I don’t want to be on anyone else’s time schedule. I fuck for as long as I want, okay?”

“All right,” I said, “with some logical exceptions. I probably draw the line at months.”

“Agreed,” she said with a smile. “I won’t be going off to Europe anytime soon. I agree,” she said.

“What about THE ABILITY TO END THINGS?’ I said. “If either of us wants it stopped, then we should be able to call it off. You think?”

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