Room at The Top of the Stairs Pt. 01 by Elizabeth_Strokewell,Elizabeth_Strokewell

KEITH was walking through a city laneway when he saw a doorway with a curious sign on it.

‘Mistress Elizabeth Strokewell.’ it read. ‘Professional Dominatrix. Treatment, Therapy & Correction for Submissive, Errant Men & Women. Please Enter to Enquire.’

Keith stopped in his tracks. He’d often fantasized about having his bottom spanked by a professional domme and this looked like it might be his opportunity. He looked at his wristwatch. There wasn’t anywhere he needed to be. ‘What the hell?’ he thought, ‘I might as well make an enquiry!’ He pushed through the doorway and climbed a narrow set of stairs to an upper floor. He came to a small reception desk where a pretty young woman sat operating a computer.

“Yes, sir?” she said, “Can I help you?”

“Hello, Miss!” Keith replied a little nervously. He’d never revealed his most secret obsessive desire to anybody, not even to his most intimate girlfriends. “I saw the sign on the doorway downstairs, Miss, and I thought I’d enquire!”

“Oh yes!” the young woman replied. “And what sort of corrective therapy are you interested in, sir?”

Keith cleared his throat. “Well, Miss, I’d – I’d like to have my bottom spanked, Miss! By a strict, dominant female!”

“Oh yes!” she replied. “Well sir, you’ve come to the right place! Miss Elizabeth offers three levels of service! Firstly there’s her simple spanking service in which you will have your bottom school-caned while you’re fully dressed!”

“Oh yes, Miss, that sounds interesting!” Keith replied. He’d always enjoyed watching erotic schoolmistress spanking videos and he felt his penis swelling in his trousers at the thought of it.

The young woman continued.

“Next comes the Mistress’s bare-bottomed service, in which your trousers and undies will be taken down first! A variety of implements will be used on your bare bottom! If you become genitally excited then a complimentary hand relief can be given!”

“Oh yes, Miss, that sounds good too!” Keith’s fingers went to his now swollen erection, via the pocket of his pants, where they stroked and kneaded pleasurably.

The young Miss continued.

“Finally, there’s the Mistress’s fully naked service in which you’ll undress completely for your spanking and also enjoy an introductory session of submissive corrective training! This service also includes a complimentary genital relief! Do you have a preference for one of these three services, sir?”

Keith thought about the options. His penis had stiffened fully and had become very sensitive. He’d certainly need to have it relieved, that was for sure.

“And what are the prices, Miss?”

The young woman explained the price schedule. As he expected the simple spanking service was the cheapest, followed by a bare-bottomed spanking with a complimentary relief, followed by the fully naked service with all of spanking, submissive training and relief.

Keith thought about it for a moment. He could afford them all. “Gosh, Miss,” he replied, “I’m not sure which one to pick, Miss!”

“Well sir, will this be your first spanking with a pretty professional Domme, sir?”

“Yes, Miss!”

“Well, most of the men who come in for a simple spanking get very carried away and wish they’d asked for the bare-bottomed service instead which includes a complimentary hand relief. Many of them relieve themselves at the spanking bench during their treatment by frottaging themselves against the bench through their trousers, which typically leads to a very messy conclusion in their trousers, sir, as you can imagine!”

“Yes, I’m sure!” Keith replied. He was certain that his own drooling erection was already making a mess in his undies as he kneaded it even more pleasurably.

The young Miss continued.

“Speaking of the second bare-bottomed service, sir, many of the men who select it feel that they’d like to be more fully undressed before Mistress and be more fully submissive to her, which is something that you only get with the fully naked service. So the best option, if the price is within your budget, is to select the fully naked service which includes a spanking together with submissive training and a genital relief. If it’s any help to you sir in deciding, the fully naked service actually incorporates the two other services too, so you’re really getting all three!”

That sounded pretty good, Keith thought.

“Okay, Miss, let’s do that! I’ll have the fully naked service please Miss, with spanking, submissive training and relief!”

“Very good, sir!”

Keith found his wallet and extracted a few notes from it. He handed them to her.

“Thank you, sir!” she said. She tucked them into a pocket of her skirt. “And would you like a receipt for that, sir?” she asked. “Oh no, Miss, that won’t be necessary,” Keith replied. He didn’t need evidence of his dalliances.

The young Miss stood up. She stepped out from her desk and locked a gate at the top of the stairway to block further visitors, hanging a little sign in it which said ‘Temporarily Closed – Please Try Again Later’. Then she turned to Keith and said, “Come this way, sir, and I’ll prepare you for the Mistress!”

“Yes, Miss!”

Keith followed the young woman as she led him down a narrow corridor to a large light filled room at the rear of the building.

As he followed her he couldn’t help but notice how very shapely she was. Not only did she have a pretty face but she also possessed a very well developed figure with big breasts, a tightly nipped waist and a large pear shaped bottom, all concealed in a short tight dress. And she had good legs too, capped in elegant high heels.

As he followed her, her big bottom wagged at him suggestively and he decided to strike up conversation with her.

“And do you do spankings too, Miss?” he asked by way of casual enquiry.

“Oh no, sir!” she explained. “I have nursing qualifications and my job is to prepare you for Miss Elizabeth and then apply any bandages, ointments or dressings to your bottom during your spanking, and to clean up your little man after your relief! So I’ll be staying in during your session with the Mistress and assisting as required!”

“I see, Miss! And is the Mistress very strict, Miss? Is she really going to cut my bottom and make it bleed, Miss?”

“Well, sir, that’s up to you! How strict would you like Miss Elizabeth to be? She can give you a very light fantasy spanking with her various implements or she can give you a really strict punishment! It’s up to you, sir! Similarly she can give you a very slow teasing relief or she can relieve you quite quickly! Once again it’s up to you! You need to tell her what you’d like!”

“I see, Miss!”

The young Miss led Keith into the middle of the treatment room. She sat down on a chair before him and began to undo his trousers.

“Now sir, I need to inspect you and make sure you’re free of sexually transmitted diseases! It’s a Health Order requirement!” she explained as she pulled his trousers open and pushed them down to his knees. Then she pulled the waistband of his undies down too. Now Keith’s erection stood up stiffly before her, its tip wet.

“My goodness sir,” she said, “What a lovely big penis! But look at the mess it’s in!” She inspected the inside of his underwear. “And you’ve made the same mess in your undies too! Have you been playing with yourself, sir, recently through a pocket of your trousers, perhaps?”


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