Rules Ch. 03 – In Control by MrJakobs,MrJakobs

Chapter 3 – In Control

Weeks turned into months, and Sage was determined to keep her promise. There would be no next time. There could be no next time. While Jeremy had made it clear that he had enjoyed the previous encounter, even going as far as to tell Sage he had recorded it. It made no difference to how she felt.

“I was out of control Jeremy, I told him to stop… he didn’t stop… I…” Sage sat in despondence, her hands playing with her coffee mug. It was Sunday, and neighbors mowing their lawns, grilling, and laughing were heard outside. Jeremy and Sage sat somberly at their kitchen table, the bright warmth of wealthy living blanketing their peculiar sexual situation.

“Consent is everything,” Jeremy agreed, letting out a sigh of disappointment. Sage caught it, and couldn’t help but feel a welling of anger and guilt.

“But I liked it, Jeremy. David could tell… he could tell I wanted him to continue…” Sage shook her head, “It’s so fucking confusing, I hate how much I liked it.”

“Why do you hate it so much?” Jeremy asked, his hand resting on Sage’s. She shrugged and looked over at their large bay windows.

“I Don’t know, I guess… I guess it’s because I enjoyed being out of control. He was dominating me, he pushed against me. It was so hot… so fucking hot…” Sage trailed over, remembering David’s thick fingers rubbing against her. “But being out of control is dangerous, what if it goes too far? What if I end up ruining what we have?”

Jeremy nodded, “I mean… if I were being honest. I kind of liked it too, being out of control I mean. Knowing that this other man is taking as much as you’ll give, and knowing how much of a dick he is about it too. Was he an ass afterward?”

“No, that’s what’s bothering me even more. He was an angel. His texts have been very respectful too.” Sage replied.

“Still texts every day?”

“No, actually. He only texted me once, it was a long one, about a week after everything had happened. Basically, he just said how sorry he was, and would understand if our fling was over.”

“That was it?” Jeremy asked, sounding disappointed David hadn’t tried to do more.

“Jeremy,” Sage said with a reprimanding tone.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Jeremy replied.

“I swear to God between the two of you… yes, that was it. He ended it by saying if I wanted to give him a second chance to give him a call.” Sage said.

“He sent us that gift basket too…” Jeremy added.

“Oh god yes, the fucking ‘sorry I finger banged and face fucked your wife too hard, here’s some german chocolate’ gift basket,” Sage said mockingly.

“Well, it was good chocolate,” Jeremy replied. They both broke out into laughter, the release of tension was more than welcome. Sage shook her head and sighed.

“How fucked up are we? How normal is all this?” Sage asked. Jeremy shrugged.

“I’ve been asking the same thing. It’s not something you can just talk to your friends about, is it? I’ll say this much, I know it was fucked up that David didn’t follow the rules, but would you say it is true that you were at least still giving consent?” Jeremy asked.

“That’s a fucked up question, and you know it. Just because I wanted it doesn’t mean he should’ve kept going. I said to stop.”

“I know, I’m just saying… fuck I don’t know what I’m saying. Look, if you don’t want to keep seeing David I totally get it and support you, but just know if you do want to keep going, you have my blessing. Doesn’t even have to be with David, you know?”

“What?” Sage said with surprise, “Even after all this, you’re ok with me trying again?”

“I am.”

“But… what if I lose control? What if we can’t keep control of the situation?”

“I know you won’t…and maybe… a part of me finds you losing control… hot? Maybe a part of me wants to be powerless… I don’t know, but whatever you decide, you have my blessing,” Jeremy said. Sage sat back and nodded slowly. She felt a pit in her stomach.

“Alright, I’ll keep it in mind.” Sage wished her husband had never admitted that. She wished he had said something different. But those words, even if it was just him thinking out loud, acted a kindling to a lustful fire she knew she’d come to regret.


David sat at the bar with a warm drink in his hand, his fingers rotating it aimlessly as he let out a deep sigh. For the last several weeks, he had thought about little else than that night with Sage. Porn didn’t do it for him anymore, strip clubs didn’t come close. He even tried burying himself in work and picking up golf again, but nothing worked. Sage was always there. She had been perfect, and he let the opportunity go.

Didn’t even get to fuck her, He thought passively. He wondered what could have happened if he had pushed it that night, if he had backed off, if he had said something different. He replayed that moment with Sage over and over, lost in his own lust at the idea of doing more with her. But before his thoughts could go much further he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Usually don’t see you nursing a drink old timer,” A familiar voice said from behind him.

“Theo, pleasure as always,” David said, raising his beer bottle lazily, he looked at Theo and gave him a nod.

Theo was an incredibly handsome, dark-haired man in his mid-thirties. He was tall, fit, and charming. His man-bun, unshaven face, and relatively aloof demeanor made him and David an unlikely pair of friends.

“Retirement hasn’t been doing you any good I see?” Theo asked.

“I didn’t retire, I went private, and I’ll have you know my sales numbers have been better than ever,” David shot back, before taking a swig of his beer and motioning the bartender to bring to more their direction.

“Shit sorry I always forget, you were the best after all,” Theo replied.

“Still am the best, how’s that company treating you these days anyway?” David asked.

“Same as usual. Battening down the hatches, unfortunately, they capped commissions,” Theo replied as the bartender brought two beers over. Theo went for his wallet, only for David to stop his hand.

“I got it, kid, just put it on my tab,” David said calmly to the bartender, who gave him a nod.

“Thanks old man,” Theo said, grabbing one of the beers and swigging it quickly. He sat next to David, noting his friend’s hesitance to drink. “Seriously, what the hell is going on with you?”

“You don’t want to know kid,” David replied.

“I think I do. I’ve never seen you off your game, not like this. Even when you and your wife split, you always kept your head on straight. So this has got to be big,” Theo said. His concern was genuine, and it made David sigh.

“This one… this one is weird. I got caught up in something strange and now,” David paused, looking at Theo, “You sure you want to hear all this? It gets… a little fucked up.”

“Well now you have my full undivided attention,” Theo said, leaning forward. With that, David shared the whole story.

He talked about Sage, how he saw her naked, what they had done, and how things had ended after face fucking her in his living room while her husband watched. Telling the story felt like an eternity, and after he had finished, Theo sat back in his stool dumbstruck.

“Jesus Dave,” Theo said.


“You really did that with your neighbor’s wife?”


“And she was hot?”

“Hottest girl I’ve ever fucked around with Theo,” David confirmed.

“How old?”

“What the fuck does that matter?” David asked defensively.

“Ah, there it is. She’s ‘hot’ but she’s old right? Like what, fifty? Your age?”

“Oh fuck off, you can still be hot at fifty! But no she’s not fifty, she’s… well she’s young. In her twenties, I think around twenty-five… maybe younger,” David said.

“No fucking way!” Theo nearly shouted, causing a few bystanders to look over curiously.

“Keep it down will ya?” David shot back.

“Ok look, I’m not saying your a bad looking guy or anything but… I mean come on. You’re making it sound like she some kind of Only Fans model or something.”

“What the fuck is Only Fans?”

“You serious? Only Fans is… doesn’t fucking matter. Ok uh… porn star? You know that right?”

“Of course I know what a fucking porn star is,” David said shortly.

“Relax, I’m just saying you’re making it sound like she’s some kind of porn star living next door.”

“She is!” David replied, a little louder than he had meant. which again caused some bystanders to give them some annoyed glances. David and Theo nodded apologetically.

“Well, seeing is believing. You got pictures?” Theo asked.

“No, I don’t have any pictures… well…” David mumbled, fumbling out his phone and squinting as he opened his image gallery on his phone.

“Don’t tell me you’ve been spying on your neighbor?” Theo asked with a smile.

“Look I’m not saying it was an ok thing for me to do or anything. When I saw her changing through their bedroom I watched for a while, then when she was fully nude I… well I snapped a shot of it alright?” David said, handing the phone over to Theo, “The curtain blocks her face, but you can see her body real good.”

“Let’s see this girl, but I have a feeling my definition of what is hot is probably very different from…” Theo stopped speaking as he looked down at the picture, “…your definition…” He was stunned by Sage’s large breasts, perfectly curved waist, and thick thighs. She absolutely had a porn star-quality body. The pose was perfect as well, David had caught Sage running her hands through her long black hair as she leaned slightly to the side, accentuating her plump ass and thighs.

“She’s something right?” David said, now feeling triumphant in Theo’s response.

“Jesus Christ Dave… she gave you a blowjob?” Theo asked.

“Yes she did,” David said, a mix of pride and disappointment eeking out from him.

“Holy shit…” Theo said, forcefully peeling his eyes off David’s phone as he handed it back to him.


“Well, I can see why you are down in the dumps about everything. That’s a one in a lifetime bang…” Theo said, and while he would not admit it, he envied David. That woman was, without a doubt, the single hottest woman he had ever seen, and he had never come close to fucking someone of her caliber.

“It really was, and now I can’t get her out of my mind. I was so close Theo. If I had just… I don’t know… done things differently. I feel like I could’ve fucked her,” David said.

“Well I mean, don’t count yourself out yet,” Theo replied.

“Oh yeah? Because you know the situation so well right?” David asked. He spoke with some brashness, but there was hope hidden inside it.

“Well, you said she was into it right? And not only her, but her husband, right?” Theo said.


“So I mean, let’s be real. Maybe you pushed some boundaries, but you are exactly what they want, right next door. It’s not like they’re going to up and move anytime soon. I don’t know much about swinging or whatever this is, but I do know a thing or two about friends with benefits, and I also know a thing or two about selling,” Theo took a swig of his beer, his optimism was intoxicating.

“Go on,” David said.

“I’ll be honest, I’m fucking jealous of you right now. You’ve got them cornered. You are literally the only person who can give them what they want. Convenient, discreet, hot sex. Right in their backyard. Play to that, play to the scarcity. If you give them time and don’t act like an asshole, I guarantee they will warm up sooner or later,” Theo said. He spoke with confidence, and deep down, David knew he was right.

“I don’t know why I didn’t see it that way but… I think you’re on to something,” David replied. What Theo didn’t know was how right he was. David had seen how eager Sage had been, he felt it. She may have talked a big game, but deep down he knew she could be pushed to do what he wanted.

He just had to play nice.

“So, you’re feeling better then?” Theo asked.

“Better than ever,” David replied with a smile. The two clanked their beers, and with a smile, Theo spoke.

“Happy hunting old timer.”


Things toned down sexually between Jeremy and Sage not long after their talk. The only time things would spice up was when they would reminisce on her interactions with David. It concerned her, and she was genuinely uncertain how healthy that was. A part of her wished all they needed was each other, but another part of her was proud that they were different, that they had explored their sexual nature in ways that others would’ve been too afraid to do.

In clouded thoughts, Sage sat in her office, tapping a pencil against her cheek as she stared blankly at several marketing documents she had to give final approval on, lost in thought about David, sex, and what she would do next. The city skyline rested behind her and her long desk, a picturesque portrayal of modern achievement. But all that was small for Sage.

“The rich woman only interested in sexual games. It’s like something out of a drama show…” She thought to herself.

“Sage?” A familiar voice called from her door entry. Sage broke from her trance and looked up, surprised to see her coworker Theo standing there.

“Oh my God, Theo! What are you doing here I thought you had requested to work from home?” She asked, quickly adjusting her hair. It was an involuntary act. Theo was from the sales department, so the two would run into each other from time to time. He was incredibly handsome, and also incredibly charming. Unlike Jeremy however, Theo was far from put together. He was a mid-thirties bachelor who simply enjoyed living from one moment to the next. His eclectic outfits, man bun, and cocky attitude screamed a carefree persona. It also didn’t help that he had quite the reputation for being a bit of a playboy around the office. He was exactly Sage’s type.

“Well you know, working at home can make someone crazy after a while.” Theo said, walking into the office, “I was actually just popping in for those marketing proposals… I have two clients looking to close and was told you had them?”

“Oh shit, yes I’m sorry Theo,” Sage said. At once she snapped to attention, quickly signing the two documents Theo wanted before handing them to him. Theo grabbed them from Sage, their fingers touching as they did so. He stared for a moment, Sage noticed his eyes glanced down at her breasts. It might have offended her before but now, her heart raced.

“Thanks,” Theo said, looking down at the documents for a moment. It was unlike Theo to be so quiet or timid.

Sage tilted her head, “Is… something wrong Theo?” She asked.

“Huh? Oh no, I… well you just, I was talking to a friend the other night and… I don’t know you remind me of someone…” The two were silent, it also wasn’t like him to be so cagey like t his. Sage sat silent for a moment, she enjoyed how flustered Theo was getting. It was eventually Theo who broke the silence, “You look good today, is all I’m trying to say.”

“Oh, thanks Theo,” Sage said, blushing slightly.

“Hope that’s not inappropriate or anything I just happened to notice…”

“Not at all, at least not from you,” Sage spoke before she thought. She couldn’t believe what she had just said. It made the room go silent again. Theo looked up at her, and let out a smirk before nodding.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Theo laughed nervously as he thumbed through the documents. At this moment, Sage knew she could’ve stopped, she could’ve simply laughed it off, and allowed things to remain an uncertain tension. But with everything that had happened with David, Jeremy’s words began ringing in the back of her mind.

“If you do want to keep going, you have my blessing. Doesn’t even have to be with David.”

“I hope you keep me on your mind, Theo,” Sage said. Her voice was seductive and strong, much like it had been with David. She shook with excitement, she hadn’t felt this kind of energy since her last encounter with the next-door neighbor.

“It’s harmless flirting, I know he likes it,” Sage said to herself, her eyes catching Theo’s as the two stared for a moment.

“I will,” He said with a smile. He then leaned forward on her desk, “Sage?”

“Yeah…” Sage breathed, half expecting him to tell her to undress as David would have. She leaned toward him, their eyes still interlocked.

“You forgot to add the bids for the printed banner campaigns,” Theo said, handing the documents back to Sage, never losing eye contact.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Sage replied with a nervous laugh, taking the documents from Theo. Again, their fingers touched, but this time, Theo held them there.

“Look, working from home can get a little lonely… I’ve been wanting to come in more often, but the office is so dead these days…”

“Yeah it is.”

“Think you’ll be around?” Theo asked

“I think so, yeah…” Sage replied.

“I hear Mondays are the most dead, pretty much no one in. Could just be the two of us,” Theo let the words hang in the air, Sage nearly forgot to breathe.


“You think you’ll be in then?” Theo asked calmly. He was confident, not skipping a beat, and it made Sage melt.

“I think I can make that work,” She replied with a smile. Their hands separated and Theo gave her a nod.

“Sounds great, guess I’ll be seeing you on Mondays then.” Theo smiled and exited the room. Sage stared blankly for a moment, shocked at what she had just done.

“What is wrong with me?” She thought to herself, shaking her head and looking back to the remaining documents on her desk. Sage felt her heart thumping, and how wet she had become. All of it was so exciting, it brought back memories of David, of how intoxicating their encounters were, and how much she still yearned for it. The truth was Sage was happy Jeremy had given her his blessing, because now she had two men to explore, and she knew Jeremy would love to hear it.


Sage pulled into her driveway, just returning home from her Saturday morning workout. She had stopped off to get something to eat and have some time to herself. No doubt Jeremy would ask if she had gone to see David, and most likely he would be disappointed to hear that no such meeting had occurred. She stepped out of her car, unaware of her surroundings as she checked her phone while walking toward her front door.

“Sage?” A familiar voice called. Sage froze at once, and looked over to David’s yard, her heart skipping a beat when she saw him sitting on his patio deck, beer in hand.

“David,” She said shortly.

I can leave, I can enter the house right now.

“How have you been?” She asked. Butterflies jumped in her stomach as she stepped toward his fence, David smiled when she did so.

“Glad to see you’ve forgiven me enough to say hello,” He replied with a smile.

“It was weird, but you apologized, and I forgive you. It’s behind us.” Sage said calmly. David nodded, spreading his legs as he did so. Sage could only guess it was intentional, but even if it wasn’t, seeing the outline of his groin, and remembering what had happened between them, turned her on.

“Well, good to hear. Now I guess my next question…” He paused for a moment, eyeing Sage’s body as his fingers played with his beer.

“God, what an animal. He can’t even bother to hide checking me out” Sage thought. She wanted to hate him for it, she wanted to call him out, but instead, she leaned over the fence to give him a better look.

“Your next question?” She asked playfully.

“When are you going to let me unload again?” David said calmly, his massive bulge growing in his shorts. His legs were thick and hairy, a mixture of solid muscle and fat from old age. Sage stared.

“I said there wouldn’t be a next time.”

“Yeah, but you just said you forgave me. I’m still horny, and I know you are too. So I’m just curious when it will happen,” David left his legs open, smiling as Sage’s eyes continued to bounce to his growing bulge.

“You broke the rules, David, how can I know you’re going to play nicely from now on?” Sage asked, allowing her breasts to fall out of her shirt as she pressed them against the top of David’s fence.

“Look all you want, you should have played nicely the first time,” Sage thought as she pressed her breasts together with her arms as David stared like a rabid dog.

“You have my word, no means no. We got that down. I just got a little caught up is all…” David said.

“I bet you did…” Sage said coyly. She had forgotten how good it felt to play games with David, how good it felt to see a massively hung man salivate over her, “And I bet you would give ANYTHING to have me in that living room again, wouldn’t you?”

“I would,” David said, catching Sage’s eyes. “And I bet you’d give anything for me to carry you back there and fuck the daylights out of you.”

“He is so forward, and so fucking disgusting…” Sage thought, but there was something to his gluttonous lust that turned her on.

“Jeremy isn’t home, this will have to wait, I’m afraid.”

“Yeah, or…” David stood up, his member clearly hard as a rock, “I can leave my patio door open, and you can find your way inside. I know Jeremy would love it, we can even record it for him if you want.”

Sage was silent, her eyes locked with David’s, “That was never part of the deal…”

“You could make it part of the deal. It’s your rules, after all, this is totally up to you,” David smiled wickedly, Sage knew he was aware of how much he turned her on. It had been so long since she had cum like she had several months back. Sure, things were great with Jeremy, but something about her connection with David… something about how much Jeremy loved it… was overwhelming.

“Look, I’m going into my living room, I’m going to set up my phone, and I’m going to start jacking off. All you have to do is walk through that door,” David said before walking to his patio. He faced Sage one last time and gave a playful smile as he opened the door and walked inside.

Sage could feel her heart pounding in her chest and her mind was foggy. She knew David had won. She also knew that when she walked through that door, he would begin pushing her — and she would like it. Before Sage even realized what was happening, she had made her way to his patio door and walked through.


Jeremy felt his phone buzz at a coffee shop and unlocked his screen. He was surprised to see Sage had sent him several videos, followed by a kissing emoji. He knew at once what it was, despite it being unprompted and unplanned.

“Holy shit, she did it! I can’t believe it…” Jeremy thought as he quickly sprung up from his seat, nearly spilling his coffee in the process. He quickly rushed to the shop’s bathroom, happy to see it was a single room he could lock behind him. Without missing a beat, Jeremy threw his half-drunk coffee into the trash and undid his pants, sitting on the toilet while pulling out his cock, he pushed the play button.

Immediately he was greeted with a video of Sage sucking David’s cock. The phone had been propped up on what looked to be a countertop, just far enough away for the majority of Sage and David’s upper bodies to be visible. Sage stood in front of a nude David, his cock at full mast, and slowly she began to kneel down. She was topless, only in her underwear in the video.

Jeremy began to rub his cock as he saw his wife’s mouth slowly wrap around David’s large shaft, and as he eagerly began to thrust into her. He wasn’t gentle, and his loud grunts popped through the phone’s speaker. Jeremy fumbled to turn the volume down slightly, shocked to hear how much Sage was moaning on David’s cock.

“I couldn’t hear anything while watching from the yard, holy fuck this is so hot,” Jeremy thought.

His eyes were glued to the video as David grabbed the back of Sage’s head and pumped into her. She, in turn, grabbed the back of his thighs and turned her head slightly to allow him a better angle down her throat. Saliva poured out of Sage’s mouth, each thrust was accompanied by Sage’s slurps and moans. David thrust deep into Sage’s throat, into Jeremy’s wife, before pulling out. Sage’s lips made a loud pop off his dick, she looked up at him and smiled, drool falling off her chin.

“You fucking like that massive cock, don’t you bitch?” David said. Then the video cut out.

“Fuck!” Jeremy said, quickly fumbling to open the next video. It made him sick to his stomach seeing his wife like that, made his skin crawl seeing how massive David’s cock was — and how much his wife enjoyed it. Yet, at the same time, he had never been more turned on. Jeremy was lost in a fog, his hand still stroking his cock as he played the next video.

It started with Sage already sucking David’s cock, but this time, David was holding the phone. Sage looked up at him with her bright green eyes, her hand resting at the base of his cock while David thrust himself into her throat eagerly. His free hand was on the back of her head, pulling her mouth towards him as his cock slid down her throat.

“That’s right, swallow that cock you dirty bitch,” David said, and Sage responded by letting her tongue swirl around his massive cock head. It made David moan, and Jeremy felt a pit in his stomach.

He had no idea David talked to her that way, and he didn’t realize Sage liked it so much. Jeremy’s mix of uneasiness and being turned on left him in a stupor as so he kept watching and edging. He watched as David pushed Sage’s head against the couch behind her, as he deep-throated her so aggressively that her eyes teared up while she gagged. He watched as David pulled out periodically to let her breathe, before shoving his full length back into her mouth. He watched as David’s ballsack smashed against Sage’s lips and chin with loud smacks as her drool spilled down her chin. David fucked Sage’s throat for what seemed like an eternity, his balls slapping over and over as his pace grew faster. Sage’s tits glistened with precum and spit, and her eyes were a watery mess. But she didn’t fight it, she simply lied back and allowed David to plow himself into her.

Then the video cut out. Jeremy didn’t immediately open the third video. He was partly too busy masturbating, and partly too worried about what he might see. It was one thing to watch from the bushes with no sound, to only infer from an obscured view what was actually happening between David and Sage. But to be this close, to see how intense their sessions were. It was now equal parts shocking as it was arousing. Jeremy continued to jerk himself off, feeling himself get closer as the image of David facefucking his wife was still clear in his mind.

He already knew he would have to watch the final video, he had to know what happened next. David clicked the video.

He was greeted with another shot of David standing over Sage, it looked like they had set up the camera again to capture them both. Sage’s head still rested against the couch, and David had arched her neck to allow himself to deep-throat her. His thrusts were aggressive, and Sage gagged as she grabbed onto his thighs eagerly. Jeremy noticed ample streaks of white cum on Sage’s tits, which meant that this was, at the very least, their second face fucking session. David hadn’t seemed to lose any steam however, he plowed into his wife’s mouth as if it was his very first time doing it, and Jeremy enjoyed every last second of it. Then David looked to the camera.

It was only for a moment, but Jeremy swore he saw a smirk on his face, something sinister in David’s eyes. Then David shifted Sage’s position, moving her so she was no longer in view of the camera. Now, Jeremy could only see David’s back and large ballsack as he shoved himself into Sage’s mouth. David could only partially see Sage through David’s spread legs, her cum covered breasts were most in view. He saw Sage’s spit dribble off of David’s large cock with each thrust, dripping down to her breasts and covering them with a bright glisten. David continued to plow without remorse, eventually grabbing the back of Sage’s head with both hands and shoving his entire length deep inside her, smashing her head into his couch cushions as he let out a groan. Then Jeremy saw David’s balls twitch.

The video cut out. Jeremy was disappointed he didn’t get to see the finishing shot, but he didn’t care, he was lost in his lust. With the image of his wife getting face fucked still fresh in his mind, Jeremy masturbated furiously, leaning back against the toilet as cum erupted into his hands. He let out a sigh of relief as his senses came back to him.

He had loved every minute of what had just happened — but the new sense of uneasiness he felt was both the most intoxicating and frightening thing about the whole ordeal. Jeremey would watch and masturbate to the videos several more times before cleaning himself up and walking out of the coffee shop.


David held the phone in his free hand as he plowed into Sage’s mouth. He captured the best moments of the whole ordeal, shoving his whole member into Sage’s throat, then he cut the video and threw the phone to the side. Sage saw him do it, and immediately pushed against his thighs. David disregarded it, and happily thrust into a few more times before finishing inside Sage’s throat without warning. He had already cum twice and felt perfectly comfortable taking this moment for himself. He pressed his ballsack against her puffy lips and pumped his load into her as he let out a satisfied sigh. Sage, feeling the sensation of hot cum pouring into her, relented, and began to swallow David’s load with deep gulps.

“Good girl…” David moaned, using both his hands to push himself into Sage’s mouth as deeply as possible, “That’s right, fucking swallow it, just like last time… Oh fuck…”

Sage could feel him going soft inside her mouth, but continued to suck obediently. In truth, it was turning her on more than she ever thought possible. To be used by this disgusting man was just as good as she remembered. She let David take his time, allowing him to finish before slowly pulling out his half-erect cock from her mouth. Sage sucked on him hard until every last inch of his shaft had been removed.

“Fuck Sage you are such a slut,” David said, placing his hand under Sage’s chin and forcing her to look up at him.

“I wanted you to film the whole thing, David,” Sage said shortly.

“Never said that when we started, “David shot back.

“Don’t start, one of the rules is my husband has to watch.”

“Well, we already broke that one, didn’t we?”

“Videos are as good as watching,” Sage shot back. She was still incredibly horny, and David seemed to know that. He wasn’t as apologetic this time. Instead, he seemed confident, almost cocky that he had pushed the boundaries.

“Right, of course they are. But… think about it, how practical is it going to be trying to film every last thing?” David said, picking up his phone and typing on it for a moment. “Just sent you the videos, by the way, I’m sure you’re husband is going to lose his fucking mind.”

“You need to play nicely, David,” Sage said shortly standing up and walking over to her phone. As she did, she noticed that David was still not fully soft. If anything, it seemed like he was slowly becoming hard again. It was an observation she wished she hadn’t noticed and wished she wasn’t so excited about. Sage could feel David staring at her body while she worked on her phone. With a newfound excitement, she happily attached all three videos to a message for Jeremy, then added a kissing emoji. As soon as she sent it, Sage felt a rush of adrenaline and lust swim over her. She wiggled in glee, making her ass shake as she did so. David noticed it and began to stroke his cock again.

“I’m just saying, video recording every little thing…” He walked over to Sage, who had now turned from her phone and looked at him. She glanced down, noting he was now fully erect again.

“That’s the deal,” Sage shot back shortly.

“Is it? Think about it, you don’t think Jeremy likes the idea that he’s not getting every bit of what’s going on between us, you think he doesn’t love the idea that we’re doing things together alone right now?” David asked. He stepped closer to Sage as he spoke, his giant cock now between her thighs as his hands firmly grabbed her juicy ass.

“If you keep pushing boundaries, we won’t be doing this again David,” Sage shot back.

“You said that last time, but here we are” David replied with a smirk. His hands dug into Sage’s fleshy thighs as his cock rubbed against her underwear. She could feel his girth against her pussy, and she could tell he was testing the waters as his cock began to thrust back and forth slowly against her.

It was electrifying, her juices bled through her black underwear onto his dick, encouraging him to thrust a bit more aggressively.

“Oh my god… David we–” Sage was interrupted by David shoving his tongue into her mouth. As he aggressively made out with her, his cock began to rub more eagerly against pussy. A sawing motion that thrust upwards as David’s hands wandered from her ass to her breasts. The two kissed passionately, and Sage felt herself nearing completion as she began to push back against his shaft.

It wasn’t until David’s hand went to Sage’s underwear and moved them to the side, it wasn’t until Sage felt David’s warm, bare cock against her wet lips that she snapped back to reality.

“No,” She said firmly, pushing away from David aggressively. She let out a breath, happy to see David had frozen.

I am in control… I can… be in control Sage thought. Her mind was foggy, but clear enough to know this was going too far. David cleared his throat, half anticipating Sage to walk out on him.

“David, Jesus Christ, if you want to be my bull, you need to play by my fucking rules,” Sage said shortly.

David nodded, “right, I got it. Sorry, I thought… well I thought we had something going there.”

“We do have something fucking going here. I get turned on by it, obviously. So do you. But if I say no, you need to respect me and not keep fucking going like an animal,” Sage said. She wasn’t looking David in the eyes as she spoke. She was staring at his throbbing cock, doing her best not to leap on it as they were talking. David seemed to notice, and upon hearing, Sage wasn’t going to walk out on him right then and there, stepped forward again.

“I can do that, alright? But the banter we got going on, you resisting a little bit. I’ll be honest, it’s fucking hot. So maybe we don’t use ‘no’ for no? Because honestly Sage sometimes it seems like you don’t really mean it…”

“No should always mean no,” Sage shot back firmly, but quickly let out a sigh when she saw David’s cock pulse, “Fuck… but you’re right… it’s hot to resist sometimes… Fine, what about a safe word?”

“Safe word?”

“Yes, a word we wouldn’t normally use, and if I say it, we stop. No questions, no banter, no wondering if I meant it or not,” Sage said. As she spoke, she saw her phone buzz. It was Jeremy, no doubt replying to her text. She returned her attention to it for a moment.

Holy shit Sage, this is so fucking hot, hope you two are having a good time. Can’t wait to hear more about it! Jeremy had texted.

Sage was dumbstruck by the text, did that mean Jeremy wanted her to do things out of his sight? Had David been right? She wished Jeremy hadn’t texted that, she wished he had been at least a little upset. But instead, all Sage heard were the words that Jeremy spoke so long ago.

You have my permission.

In her foggy state, Sage knew she was barely holding on to her boundaries, and she knew she was going to have David make her cum before she left today.

“Alright, I like the idea of a safe word,” David said, watching as Sage read her phone slowly. “He likes it, doesn’t he?”

“He does,” Sage confirmed.

“Likes the idea of us being alone, right?”

“I wouldn’t go that far David,” Sage shot back. She knew it would bother Jeremy if she went all the way without him seeing it. “Our safe word will be midnight. No way that would come up normally.”

“Fine, midnight it is,” David said, walking toward Sage again. He thrust his cock between Sage’s legs once more, but Sage stepped back.

“We’re going to save that for when Jeremy can see,” Sage said, making David groan.

“Fuck, fine but I know you still want to cum,” David said, his hands quickly finding their way back to Sage’s pussy, which he promptly began to rub.

“Oh my god, David,” Sage said, thrusting against his fingers without thinking. David smirked, and allowed Sage to grab onto his burly shoulders as he continued to rub her clit. As her juices poured onto his fingers, David began to explore her opening, his fingers casually dipping into Sage slightly as he explored beyond her clit.

“David, fuck… no… no penetration,” Sage said, still rubbing against his fingers. David smirked, his fingers still playfully entering her slightly. Only fingertip deep, as Sage moaned.

David leaned down to Sage’s ear, and whispered, “I don’t hear you saying midnight.”

Sage knew what he meant, she knew if she didn’t want him to penetrate her, now was the time to say something. But she kept silent, and David smiled wickedly. He kissed Sage deeply, and his two fingers slid deep into Sage. She moaned loudly as he worked inside her, his fingers moving rapidly as she rubbed violently against his fingers, making sure her clit hit against him with every thrust.

“Keep going… keep going…” Sage said, completely lost in a fog as she came close to cumming. David happily obliged, moving Sage to the couch and throwing her on it as his fingers continued to move in perfect unison with her humping.

He had a much better angle leaning over her and happily groped at Sage’s breasts with his free hand as he shoved his fingers deep inside her. She moaned, David played with her clit, she thrust against his finger fucking. David felt Sage’s inside walls begin to tighten, and he felt her thrusts grow more rapid.

“I’m going to cum David… oh fuck… I’m going to…” Sage’s body tensed. She shivered as she squirted on David’s fingers. In a moment of passion, David lost himself once again, he repositioned himself over Sage while she stared, lost in the high of her orgasm. She felt David’s large body press against her and his throbbing cock rest on her pussy.

“David, we can’t!” Sage shot back.

“Say midnight if you want me to stop, otherwise, shut the fuck up and enjoy it. I won’t go inside, I just want to rub against that wet pussy of yours,” David said, now thrusting against Sage’s lips with a level of vigor Sage had never seen before. He was like an animal, and she loved that she had made him that way.

Sage didn’t say midnight as David thrust violently against her. She opened her legs wider so he could plow more easily. The girth of his shaft and his giant head hit her clit perfectly with each long thrust. He grabbed ahold of her ass as he sawed his cock back and forth, pulling her into him with each aggressive thrust. Sage’s pussy was gushing, her juices easily lubricating the entirety of his shaft. He had no condom on, and on more than one occasion, Sage felt the head of his cock dip into her pussy, only slightly entering, before popping out and sliding along her clit in a long smooth motion.

It was risky, it wasn’t anything she or Jeremy had agreed on, and she loved every minute of it.

He gave me permission Sage thought to herself as she began to grow closer to orgasm once again.

It was the last coherent thought she had before becoming lost in sex. David’s thrusts began to become more vigorous, his jaw clenched in an all too familiar way to Sage.

“I’m going to fucking cum,” He said shortly, which in turn, made Sage’s body erupt in orgasm. As she squirted on David’s giant cock as a large shot of cum sprayed up onto Sage’s stomach. Then another, and another. Sage looked down, shocked to see how much cum David had produced. This was the first time she had seen all of it out in the open. She watched as thick wades of cum spurted from David’s cock as his thrusts became short and deliberate.


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He let out a sigh, kissing Sage deeply as the thrust a few more times against her wet pussy, before finally pulling away with a smile.

Then, guilt hit Sage like a train. None of this was planned, none of this was in control. She couldn’t believe how powerless David had made her.

“We-we didn’t record any of that…” Sage said in disbelief.

David simply smiled and said, “Don’t worry Sage, it can be our little secret.”


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