Sarah, Daisy, Dad And Me by Cleevedreams,Cleevedreams

Not really a true incest story, but definitely taboo. Unfaithfulness to immediate relatives in a ménage a quatre.

A shortish story for me, but trying new things.


I froze as my fingers gripped the breakfast bar, finding myself listening to the sound of groaning. Standing in the middle of the kitchen I somehow knew what I’d see if I took one more step.

“Ohhh Daisy, oh fuck, don’t stop.”

Unbelievably it was my dad’s voice, and Daisy was his ‘new’ step daughter.

I knew she was bad news from the first moment I’d met her.

I had come home from uni just before Easter and mum had finally kicked dad out. When I’d left home last September to go and start my degree, the rows and arguments had been going on for most of my last year at school.

He’d started an affair with a client of his company. When I finally met the new woman, she was entirely what I expected her to be. Her name was Sarah and she was tall, blonde, large chested, self confident, and a man eater.

In the lead up to Easter I’d spoken to both mum and dad on the phone, and they had both explained their own version of the break up.

Mum was livid, she’d suspected something was going on for a long time, and eventually she’d seen text messages on his mobile. She gave him the chance to end it, but she’d found he’d met her again and told him to go.

We were fortunate in one way, our family was not hard up, and at first dad moved into a hotel, but three weeks later he’d moved in with Sarah.

Sarah was separated too, her daughter Daisy lived at home, and was part of the hair dressing business that her mum owned.

By the time I’d got home at Easter the dust had partly settled, and mum had accepted he wasn’t coming back. Mum, like dad, was an accountant, so she was pretty much financially independent, apart from having me at home. I did my best to comfort her and rationalise things during that first week I was home.

After a few days dad asked to meet with me, and at a very awkward drink in a pub he explained his attraction for Sarah, and his drift away from mum. He could see I wasn’t impressed, but he’d told me that his new woman would welcome me to stay at any time.

And that’s what happened. I came home for a long weekend in May, and mum agreed that I should spend some time with dad. I’d decided I’d miss Friday lectures, and I arrived at Sarah’s house on the Thursday evening.

It was slightly embarrassing meeting her for the first time, particularly as dad was still at work when I arrived.

When she opened the front door the image I had, turned out to be the real thing.

“Hello Matt, come in, dump your stuff there, and give me a hug.”

Immediately I was enveloped in her arms, her expensive perfume filling my nostrils, and her ample bosom pressed up against me, while she kissed both my cheeks.

I must have looked slightly shocked, as she stepped back. She burst out laughing realising she’d behaved a bit over the top.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I guess this is awkward, I don’t know where Jim is, he’s very late.”

My dad’s name being used by Sarah sounded odd, but I relaxed and was led into the kitchen.

That was when I met Daisy.

A clone of her mum, she got up from one of the stools at the breakfast bar, looked me up and down, and just said, “At least he’s better looking than his dad!”

With a flounce, she exited the kitchen keeping eye contact as she left. It was in that split second I knew I ought to beware.

“Take no notice Matt, Daisy is still getting used to a more crowded house. It’s quite an adjustment, and she misses her own dad too.”

I wasn’t sure what to say.

Sarah’s phone pinged and she picked it up, “He’s just leaving, that means I’ve got you for twenty minutes.”

In the summer before uni I’d done some gardening for Mrs Campbell, a divorced neighbour who had ‘come on’ to me. I’d not told mum, but it got a bit heated. I knew the signals involved in flirting, and I couldn’t believe I seemed to be getting those same signals from dad’s new girlfriend.

Little jokes, innuendos, questions about girls, touching my forearm, even giggling. I was glad when dad walked in, hugging me before, obviously embarrassed, he kissed Sarah.

She left us alone to chat and dad gave me a beer before showing me my room, which was downstairs and the one used for guests.

The evening meal was an exercise in diplomacy, and dealing with Daisy’s barbed comments. By the time we’d finished it was quite late and I went to my room to unpack.

After a few minutes totally without invitation, or any warning, Daisy opened the door and walked in. I came out from the en-suite to find her sitting on the bed.

“You fancy my mum?”

“What?” I replied, astonished at the brazen way she just asked it, “What sort of question is that?” I said.

Without a glimmer of a smile she went on, “Most guys I know do, in fact she fucked one of them!”

I didn’t know what to say.

“How do you know?” I said.

“I caught ’em at it, she was screwing him in here, in fact, on this very bed!”

“Jesus,” I said under my breath, “before she met my dad I hope?”

“Oh yes, well before that, but she can’t go for very long without a shag.”

I stared at her when she added, “A bit like me, must be in the genes.”

I blushed, and looked away. Daisy was wearing a t-shirt and mini skirt, and the way she was sitting on the bed was revealing glimpses of her panties.

“You fancy me don’t you?”

“Fucking hell Daisy, for god’s sake, I’ve just met you,”

“Anyway,” she got up, “if I want you I’ll have you, you don’t get any choice.”

With that, like a whirlwind, she was gone, and I had to catch my breath. This was one crazy family, and I was hoping dad knew what he was getting into.

I washed my teeth and hung my jeans up, my t-shirt would do another day. As I went to draw the blinds and check my phone, there was a soft tap on the door.

“Matt… Matt!”

It was Sarah’s voice, “You decent? I mean can I come in?”

I only had my boxers on, so slightly embarrassed I replied, “Yes, what’s up?”

Sarah entered dressed in her dressing gown, which was silk, tied around the waist, riding up above the knee, and clearly she didn’t have much else on underneath.

“I just wanted to check if everything was ok, whether you’ve got everything? There are more towels in the cupboard.”

I nodded and told her all was ‘good.’

When she came and kissed me on the cheek, gripping me by the upper arms, she added, “You’re just like your dad, I’m glad you’re staying here.”

The closeness, the kiss, the touching of my arms sent a shiver through me, and my cock twitched in my boxers.

Standing back, she seemed to look me up and down, inspecting me briefly. Whether she saw the little prominence in my shorts I wasn’t sure.

“Sleep tight, I’ll let you sleep in. I think your dad’s playing golf early, but he’ll be back around eleven.”

And then she was gone.

The evening had sent me into a spin. Sarah was an enigma, sexy, but she was my dad’s, and I could understand what the attraction was, all this despite his unfaithfulness to my mum.

Daisy looked dangerous, a younger sexiness, who was used to getting her own way.

I lay there in the semi darkness and inevitably I began squeezing my cock, as I often did before I slept. I made myself cum quickly onto some tissues which I’d laid laid across my stomach. The inappropriate thoughts I had, produced a guilty feeling as I screwed up the tissues, and stuffed them under the bed.

It was a habit I’d developed in uni, I could flush the tissues down the loo the next morning.

I slept well, dreaming very odd dreams about a mixture of old girlfriends.

“If you’d told me I’d have wanked you off last night.”

Suddenly I was aware it was morning and of someone sitting on the edge of the bed beside me, holding the screwed up tissues above my face.

“Daisy, what the fuck…!”

“Calm down… be quiet, dad’s just gone to play golf and mum’s still asleep.”

In the semi light Daisy was wearing pink cotton pyjamas with a Disney figure on the front.

She tossed the tissues back on the floor and reached under the duvet with one hand.

“Do you sleep in the raw?” she asked, as I felt her fingers touch my hip. I squirmed away, shifting on the bed, but she reached further and found my cock.

“Jesus Daisy, you’re crazy, go back to your room, for god’s sake.”

She wasn’t going to let go, and in fact pulled the duvet back with her spare hand, revealing me naked underneath.

I’d lifted myself up on my elbows and was pushing her shoulder away without much conviction. It was almost in slow motion that I watched her lower her head and the sensation of a warm wet mouth enveloping my cock overtook me.

“Oh god, DAISY!…. fuck!…oh my god…”

In moments I was growing in her mouth, her fingers were gripping the base and stroking my balls at the same time. She broke away briefly to whisper, “Just be quiet, enjoy it… don’t wake mum up!”

I groaned and knowing how wrong it was I found myself sinking back into the pillow and resting my hand on Daisy’s back.

Wow! she was an expert. Her tongue swirled around the head, saliva dribbled down the shaft making it slick enough to stroke up and down as I went in and out if her mouth.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop,” I whispered.

Lifting up and rapidly stroking up and down she said, “That’s the general idea!” before taking me back between her lips.

I couldn’t stop, of course, when I grunted I put my hand over my mouth to stifle the sound. Daisy swallowed and sucked and extracted every last drop, before she sat up, wiping her mouth, disdainfully adding, “You don’t last long, you’ll have to do better than that!”

“You won’t get a chance to find out… Jesus.. this is crazy!”

Suddenly we heard movement upstairs, and in a flash Daisy was gone, escaping to the kitchen to fill the kettle.

“You sleep ok?”

Sarah was now standing in the bedroom doorway, dressed just in a nightdress. I couldn’t help seeing the silhouette of her thighs beneath the fabric as the morning sunlight poured in from the hall window behind her.

“I’ll get rid of this… I don’t know, boys!” she mumbled as she bent down to pick up the discarded tissue her daughter had thrown into the middle of the carpet.

I couldn’t help watching the neck of her nightdress gape, as she picked it up. I could see her breasts hanging down, and her protruding nipples.

She knew I’d seen, she’d probably done it deliberately, smiling as she turned and went.

“Breakfast any time you like.” she shouted, joining her daughter in the kitchen.

I showered and joined both of them. There was toast and a variety of spreads, with apple and orange juice.

“Mum you ought to put something on in front of Matt, you can see right through that nightdress when you’re standing there.”

Daisy had said that purely for effect. I felt I had to look away, when I heard Sarah reply, “Matt’s not looking, and you’re trying to stir things, stop it!”

However she didn’t move from in front of the window, and I knew Daisy’s eyes were staring at me. When I glanced up, she smiled mischievously, and ran her tongue over her lips very, very slowly.

I mouthed, “Cow!” without her mum seeing.

Dad got back just before eleven, and everyone was up, dressed, having cleared away the breakfast stuff.

“I thought we’d go out for a meal tonight, all of us!” Dad suggested.

“Where?” asked Daisy.

“How about that Italian restaurant in town… in Town Hall Square?”

“Yes… yes!” she shouted, “with the live music.”

It was a great restaurant, good food, noisy, with a small quartet playing a mixture of Italian European music. We all had too much to drink and dad was getting up close and personal with Sarah on the small dance floor.

When he asked me and Daisy to show us what we could do we both looked horrified.

He turned to Daisy and obviously drunk said, “Come on, if my son won’t dance, you come and dance with me!”

Daisy’s expression was even more horrified at that, until Sarah said to me, “Come on Matt, I dare you!”

Daisy thought that was very funny, and began goading me.

“Ok, I’ll do it if you do it clever clogs!” I said.

The alcohol had worked it’s magic, and Daisy thumbed her nose, and stood up. Sarah stepped away from dad and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my chair.

The quartet had been watching this interchange, and suddenly slipped into a slow moody number.

I was filled with embarrassment when Sarah put one hand on my shoulder, the other around my waist and pulled me close. Dad had done the same with Daisy and I could see her body almost frozen as she struggled to move.

Sarah was in different mode.

She whispered, “This is nice,” as she pressed her hips against me. Her breathing seemed to be right into my neck as we swayed around. I didn’t have a clue about dancing, but I did understand the effect her body was having on me.

I could feel my cock betraying me and Sarah knew it. I had to say something.

“Stop it,” I whispered.

“Stop what?” she replied.

“God! You know!”

“You mean this?” and she seemed to rub her whole pelvis from one side of my body to the other, and back again.

I tried to pull my hips away, but she had such a grip around my waist it was impossible.

When the quartet came to the end, Sarah let me go and everyone applauded before returning to their table. As she led the way she took my hand and squeezed it, “I enjoyed that Matt, you’re better at it than your dad!”

The innuendo wasn’t lost and I was hotter than hot.

Daisy sat down and just said, “Don’t let me ever do that again!” while everyone burst into laughter.

We had to get a taxi home, dad was too drunk to drive. It was a black cab where two people sat opposite the other two. I was opposite Sarah, and Daisy was opposite dad. I felt Sarah’s eyes on me all the way home and I was glad to get to my room and get to bed.

I slept like a log, but woke early. I lay there for probably an hour before I heard movement upstairs. I recognised dad’s voice and it sounded like he was on the phone. I understood what it was all about when I heard the taxi draw up outside. He’d ordered one to take him to collect his car.

I drew back the blind and to my surprise saw dad and Daisy getting into the taxi. I couldn’t understand why she was up so early.

I closed the blind and settled back to sleep for a bit longer. I was remembering my drunken dance with Sarah as I closed my eyes, thinking how it had been my dad’s girlfriend flirting with me.

I wondered if I’d drifted into a dreamworld when the voice close up to me whispered, “Shift over.”

“Fuck, you can’t!” I said, in realisation, as Sarah pushed me across the mattress and lay next to me.

“I can, definitely after last night and that dance. I promised myself this. It took a lot of persuasion to get Daisy to go with her dad this morning. Now hurry, we’ve only got about twenty five minutes.”

“Hurry?… for what?” I already knew the answer.

“To fuck me!”

Her fingers were already clasping my cock, and I tried to pull her hand away.

“Come on, do me doggy style, I don’t care if you cum quick, I just need you to fuck me.”

In a moment she was on all fours, hitching her nightdress over her waist, her breasts hanging down and her knees spread apart.

The whole thing was bizarre, exciting, but it was my dad’s girlfriend.

“Come on, fuck me… quick!”

Throwing caution to the wind I got up, kneeling between her legs and held my cock towards the cheeks of her ass. Her pussy was visible and the puffy lips were pink, with a hint of her juices between.

She was so wet that I slid straight inside her, right up to the hilt. My thighs pressed up against the fleshy cheeks of her ass.

My first thought was perversely about my dad being in this position. I tried to block those thoughts, and then I felt Sarah’s pussy pulsing on my cock.

“Hurry, do it, cum in me!”

We both seemed to go mad, me thrusting into her, pounding her body, both of us hearing the slap of flesh on flesh.

I didn’t cum quickly, I kept control and although neither of us was sure how long we had left before dad got home, Sarah’s orgasm came with a resounding cry of pleasure. Seconds after that I began jerking into her. Pulse after pulse of semen shooting right up inside her.

“Oh god,” she sighed, “fuck Matt, I’m sorry, I needed that so much, I won’t tell, just please don’t tell Daisy.”

Both of us heard the car pull up at the same time. Sarah leapt from the bed and ran upstairs just as dad turned the key in the door. Daisy wasn’t with him, I found out later that she’d been dropped off to visit a friend.

I really didn’t know what to say or how to be that Sunday. Dad even asked me if I was ‘ok?’

I kept out of the way of both him and Sarah, spending time in my room on my phone. Around six in the evening I heard Daisy return.

“What you been up to?” she asked.

“Not a lot,” I replied, wondering what she’d say if she knew the truth.

I was due to go back to mum’s on the Monday, so I said goodbye to Sarah that evening. Dad was going to take me to mum’s mid morning.

I’d not done any running that weekend and had consumed far too much food and drink, so after I heard Sarah leave for work I decided I’d go for a run.

I didn’t get very far. At the far end of the road was a small lane which I turned into just to get out into the countryside. Unfortunately it was quite uneven and treading on a large tuft of grass my ankle turned over.

I swore and tried to carry on, but it was impossible, so I decided to hobble my way back to Sarah’s. And that’s when the ménage a quatre was complete.

I carefully stepped around the end of the breakfast bar giving me a clear view into the lounge. Straightaway I saw the back of my dad’s head in the armchair and could just about see Daisy’s head bobbing slowly up and down.

I was transfixed, I daren’t breathe and my ankle was killing me.

“Daisy, I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop,” I heard my dad say.

She raised her head, and immediately looked up at me watching from the kitchen behind my dad’s chair. Without showing any signs of being distracted, she smiled, apparently at my dad, but I knew it was for me. Then lowering her head, she continued to suck his cock.

I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

It took just moments to hear my dad once again.

“Oh fuck, I’m cumming… Daisy! … DAISY!”

With a series of grunts, Daisy’s head stopped moving and her head stayed down. When finally there was silence she lifted her head, looking directly at me, and wiping her lips across her forearm.

Dad sighed, and groaned again.

“Shit Daisy, this is terrible, for god’s sake, don’t tell your mother… please!”

I decided I’d better back out of the kitchen. I limped outside and a few minutes later I made a lot of noise and re-entered.

Both dad and Daisy were there. Dad looking suitably guilty, but Daisy was full of herself.

“What have you done? You’re injured! Just sit down on that stool and let me get some ice.”

Unusually dad offered no advice and said, “I’m gonna take a shower, Daisy can deal with you.”

And she did.

“What the fuck were you doing?” I asked as dad was going upstairs, “Jesus, you’re such a bitch, what if your mum finds out?”

“She won’t… unless you tell her, and you won’t do that!”

I muttered, “Of course not,” as Daisy took off my trainer and sock.

“Ouch! Careful it’s swollen.” I moaned.

Daisy was on her knees smoothing her fingers over the puffy flesh.

“There’s something else that could be swollen too,” she smiled, running her hands up my leg until she reached my shorts.

“Stop that, for fucks sake, you’re impossible!”

I grabbed her hand, but she somehow wrenched it free, stood up between my thighs and squeezed my cock through my shorts.


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“Mmmmm, come on, your dad’s in the shower, we can hear him, we’ve got time.”

“Daisy, you’ve just sucked him off, for fucks sake, you’re insatiable… now stop it.”

“I don’t want to,” she replied, rubbing my hardening cock and looking into my eyes.

“Come on, you want it, don’t you.”

I groaned as my hormones took over.

“God you’re such a slut,” was all I said as Daisy replied.

“Yes I am, lift up.”

I lifted my body up from the stool and Daisy yanked my shorts down to my knees. In seconds she was sucking me just like, minutes before, she’d been sucking my dad. All I could do was listen to the sound of running water upstairs and urge myself to cum quickly. The thoughts of what I’d just seen seemed to do it.

In resignation I accepted my fate.

“Fuck, I’m cummming Daisy.”

She hungrily swallowed all I could produce, licking my cock totally clean, until she stood up giggling, and declared, “Best breakfast in a long time.”

I stood down to pull my shorts up, and forgot about my ankle.

“Fuck!” Daisy giggled again.

“When you gonna come and stopover again?”

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