She Takes His Essence by raself,raself

“Relax your scrotum,” She finally said, “and wear this.”

Seer/Domme handed me the small leather collar, a two-inch sleeve that, when snapped into place, separated my testicles from the base of my penis. I willed the tension from my ball-sac, as She had taught me to do, and carefully adjusted the collar. The activity of emplacing the collar caused my antenna to stir, lifting slightly as it became semi-engorged. She reached behind me and gripped one of my buttocks tightly. She placed Her teeth at the base of my awakening cock as She inserted the bullet, biting me ever so softly. I could not prevent the audible moan of intimate pleasure from escaping my lips as the bullet was screwn slowly up between my cheeks, disappearing deep inside. When she turned the bullet’s vibrations on, I felt the whirring directly against my prostate and I was helpless to prevent the milking those vibrations would eventually cause.

“Lay on your belly there,” She said, nodding toward the padded pallet beside Her on the floor, “Raise your hips onto a cushion.”

I stretched myself out on the floor on my belly, my legs spread and my arms reaching up past my head, which was turned toward Seer/Domme’s feet. I was fully extended, in a posture of complete surrender. I could feel the cold air on my stressed balls, squeezed down under the collar. She then spread Her leg toward me, placing one foot upon my ass. With the bullet turned on, my cheek muscles clenched involuntarily as the deep spasms spread beneath the heavy, embracing arch of Her foot. With deliberate self-control, I caused my buttocks to relax, as She had taught me to do. Her foot responded by pressing onto my hip with greater strength, moving and kneading the meat of my cheek. The embrace of the arch of Her foot was like a reward, which caused my lower back to contract a bit, lifting my cheek more firmly up into the pressure of Her sole. With a shiver, I knew then this was going to be an anal evening …

Her first stroke with the flogger caught me by welcome surprise and I groaned in response. Seer/Domme did not flog to inflict pain, but rather to cause an awakening of the deep back muscles, and to make sure my attention was warm and physical and subdominantly focused. Several more strokes followed in rapid and stinging succession, as did a very gradual increase in the bullet’s vibrations. Already I could feel my essences commence their slow and inexorable descent and I wondered what use She would make of the juice She would be taking from me in this manner. I moaned in sweetest frustration as the draining began, my cock growing heavier by lazy degrees, and then the flogging ceased and I felt Seer/Domme’s weight come to rest upon the backs of my legs as She took hold of my thickening member from down between my spread thighs. She deftly slipped the condom along its length.

“Raise that butt higher,” She chided me, greatly increasing the vibratory churning speed of the anal bullet.

I could feel my juices slowly leaking forth as She then switched the action of the flogger from my upper back directly onto my upturned and uplifted ass cheeks. On all fours now, I could stare back under myself, watching the milking happen as the condom incrementally filled with the results of Her ministrations. Both ghastly and exquisite, the lower tip of the clear condom swelled as the weight of the cream dripped forth. My buttocks were burning deliciously and my bowels were churning relentlessly and I was squirming and moaning helplessly when She suddenly ceased Her flogging … my frustration was definitive, dangling in space, and my helplessness, as my pride leaked away, was total.

And the feather duster swept back and forth up along my collared balls, and as it went further, teasing my sphincter as She removed the bullet, the last of that day’s essence leaked down out of me. It was the orgasm that was not an orgasm, and when She had finished milking me, I collapsed, weeping softly in abandoned gratitude at the way She had once more thwarted the unseemly spurting of a full-blown ejaculative orgasm from my too-often too-eager cock. I knew that Seer/Domme would eventually allow me to have a more typical and viscerally powerful orgasm, but only when She was ready to permit it, and only in a manner that She found gave Her total control over the event. Having lessoned my ass and prick royally, She then stripped the now-heavier condom carefully away from my diminishing member.

“I’m ready for my foot massage now,” She proclaimed, laughing with coy flirtation while holding the condom forth gingerly, “I believe we have just the thing to make my toes happy indeed.”

With that Seer/Domme rose away from me and sat back up upon Her chair, replacing Her glasses as She bent toward the monitor once more. The sound of Her fingers’ rapid-fire clicking across Her keyboard filled my ears as I then darted off quickly to get Her special foot-pan.

“And bring my #7 strap-on as well, Lover,” She called after me, “I can tell your cute little pucker needs more than a mere dusting! Not only that, but your ass had a little too much swagger when I sped up the bullet …! ”

I was actually way ahead of Her on that one, for I had already begun exercising internally, tightening and slackening the muscles along my inner rectal and urethral channels, to get them toned and ready, as I had been taught. I wiped the tears from my face, with the full knowledge that new tears would soon be flowing in their place. I could not prevent the craven and utterly joyous grin of expectation from spreading across my lower jaw, knowing as well that the pungent flavors of Her tenderly massaged and glistening wet toes would also soon be mine, to suckle and savor!

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