So This Man Asked Me Out Pt. 04 by VanessaEvans,VanessaEvans

“Would you like to put your dress back on Jade?” John asked me.

“There’s not much point is there, everyone here has seen me like this so why bother? Anyway, it’s okay for men to see girls naked.”

What I didn’t say was that I was enjoying all those men looking at me.

“Would you like a drink Jade?” Ken asked.

“Yes please, a strong one.”

John took me to a table and Ken brought me the drink.

“So you enjoyed that did you Jade?” John asked.

“Yes I did.”

“And you’re enjoying being sat here naked.”

“Yes I am, and it’s your fault John.”

“It’s my fault for making you so happy?”

“Yes it is, thank you, now can we go home and can I ride your cock when we get there?”

“Do you want another blast from that vibrator before we go?”

“No, I want your cock.”

We left shortly after that, Ken giving me my dress and telling me to come back whenever John went away. I waved to all the customers as we walked out and got a few more requests to go back.

Again I rode to John’s house naked saying that I was spending more time in his car without clothes on than with them.

I did ride John’s cock when we got back home.


The next day John woke me with his cock in my hole and I got him to promise to do that to me every day.

Apart from a supermarket delivery and some more clothes arriving John and I had a quiet weekend, well quiet from the point of view of seeing other people but from a sex point of view we had a fantastic weekend, doing it everywhere and using my toys to make me want even more sex. I’m getting to like being ‘restrained’, as John calls it, more, the feeling of being helpless when I’m being fucked is turning me on more and more and I’ve been daydreaming about being tied up outside, even in public places and then being fucked with strangers watching but I don’t know of I want that to become a reality. John has dropped the odd hint that he likes the idea, I’m going to have to talk to him about it when it gets a bit clearer in my head.


The Monday morning arrived with what has become the norm, me waking to the feeling of John’s cock sliding in and out of my pussy. It’s a good job that my pussy is permanently wet these days.

Adam arrived for my training session and he was grinning when he saw the new machines in the workout room. He got me onto the weights lifting machine straight away and he set the resistance quite low for each of the exercises that can be done on that machine telling me that he’d increase the resistance every two or three sessions until he thought that I had reached a suitable maximum.

Then he took me to the leg stretcher machine and I could see a smile on his face as I sat on it and lifted my legs into the ‘U’ shaped rests. For a reason that I can only guess at he wanted to be stood in front of me when I started to force my legs either together or apart and I seemed to be spending a lot of time with my legs spread wide as he played with the controls. For some reason that I couldn’t be bothered to think about, I wasn’t at all bothered about him seeing my spread and wet pussy, or my little pointy tits with their rock hard nipples pointing directly in front of me.

Next it was the exercise cycle, Both John and I has used it over the weekend and each time that I use it I kept going until I’d orgasmed in front of John. He even videoed one of my sessions on it.

The anticipation of what I knew would happen had got me even wetter and I heard a bit of a squelching sound when I sat on the saddle. As I started pedalling I looked at Adam and it was obvious that he was expecting the same thing that I was.

I didn’t disappoint either of us and I tried to keep going for a second orgasm but Adam told me to stop, that that was enough for so soon in my training program. I thought about asking him if my use of the exercise bike would increase over time just like the resistance on the previous two machines, but I stopped myself from asking him when I remembered that I could go and use the exercise bike anytime that I want.

After the workout room we progressed on to the rest of the program and I really enjoyed all the stretching and yoga. Again Adam seemed to ‘coach’ me by standing between my legs. In one very exposed position I thought about how I was exposed and how I was enjoying it.

When we got to the point where the session had ended that last time, Adam asked me if I had managed to get some trainers, but it was John who answered by appearing with my trainers in his hand.

“Good,” Adam said, “we’ll go for a run in the woods.”

I was both looking forward to it and a bit nervous, both of which were exciting me. For some strange reason the prospect of total strangers seeing me naked out in the woods seemed more exciting than those men in the pub seeing me. I even dreamt of Adam taking me jogging down a very public and busy street.

With my trainers on, and absolutely nothing else, Adam led me to the gate at the bottom of the garden and then into the woods. The first path that we went on wasn’t used very much but we soon found a well worn one and I wondered how often people walked along that path.

Adam set me off jogging, me in front so that I could set the pace and I wondered if he was enjoying seeing my butt as I jogged.

I soon discovered that those woods were popular with dog walkers. I saw a Golden Retriever first, it was walking towards me and when it saw me it’s tail started wagging. I said hello to it as I passed it then I saw the owner, a middle-aged man who started grinning just as soon as our eyes met.

“Good morning.” I said and got the same back as I passed him. I also heard Adam saying the same.

On we jogged with Adam occasionally asking me if I was okay.

We seemed to be jogging for hours and I was starting to get out of breath when came to a gate and on the other side I could see a bit of a car park with four cars parked, and a road. I couldn’t see any people but I was a little concerned that cars could drive passed at any second.

Adam caught up and told me to have a short rest so I leant against one of the gate posts. Adam was just telling me that the next time he’d remember to bring a couple of bottles of water with us when another dog appeared, a Labrador, and it came straight to me and started sniffing at my pussy.

I was telling it to go and leave me alone when its owner appeared but he didn’t call off the dog. Instead he started a conversation with Adam. Meanwhile the dog had progressed to licking my pussy and every attempt that I made to push it’s head away just seemed to make it more determined to lick me some more.

Finally the man called off the dog but by that time I had discovered that dog’s tongues can give a girl some very nice feelings and I wondered what John thought of the idea of getting a dog.

“Come on Jade,” Adam said, “that’s enough of a rest, let’s cross the road and continue on the other side.”

I was out on the road before I remembered that cars could come along at any second and I frantically looked for a gate or a path on the other side of the road.

Realising what I was doing Adam said,

“It’s a couple of hundred metres up to your left.”

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