Soccer Moms Ch. 05 by Heybuddy65,Heybuddy65

Carol was enjoying the feeling of Paul inside her as well. However, as Paul’s pace increased, she got an added bonus. When she had leaned over to get into position, her breasts hung down to right at the bed. So as Paul began to pump faster and harder into her, she began to rock back and forth as they began to sync their rhythm. So as Carol was moving back and forth, her breasts began to sway as well. With her being at just the right height, her nipples were scrapping back and forth across the bedsheet as she moved. This caused her to feel the most exquisite stimulation of her nipples while at the same time she was being stimulated in her vagina by Paul’s pistoning cock.

Just like that Paul, just like that.” she whispered as they were both conscious that Katie was likely still awake, and while she probably had her headphones on and would not hear them, they were not feeling quite as adventurous and did not want to risk it.

Paul could feel that he was getting to the point of no return and that his cum would be shooting out of him in short order. He concentrated on keeping up this blistering pace he had now reached as he humped into Carol with all the energy he could muster. Her encouragement had been the motivation to try to find that next gear as he grunted and gasped and pulled her hips and thrust his own.

Carol moaned out “Oh yes, Paul, oohhhh, yyyeeeesssss.” As she felt her orgasm hit her full force.

Paul felt her hot liquid flow around his cock inside her. That finally sent him over the edge as well and he pulled himself out of Carol and watched as a rope of cum burst from the end of his dick and streaked across Carol’s back. A second stream of cum also came out forcefully and also landed on Carol’s back. Two more blobs of cum oozed out and dropped onto Carol’s butt cheek. Carol now leaned forward and was lying on her stomach. Paul was very tired but feeling pleased with himself as he knew Carol had come both during the foreplay and during sex. “I’ll go get a washcloth.” Paul said into Carol’s ear.

As Paul went to the bathroom, Carol just laid on the bed and gave a deep sigh. “Why had they waited so long to finally get sex right”, she thought. Paul was now back with the warm washcloth and he began to clean the semen off her back and her butt. It was very soothing and when Paul was finished, he lay down on his back.

Carol curled up against him and laid her head on his chest. She could hear his heart pounding away and she fully realized and appreciated the effort he had put out just now. And as tired as he must have been, he still went to get the washcloth, still thinking about her comfort and how she felt. She snuggled in tighter to his side and reached her arm across his chest.

As she fell asleep, she knew she would not go too far with Jen that she would in any way jeopardize her relationship with Paul. But she also started to try to work how just how far she could go with Jen before she crossed that line.

Carol was a little surprised when she arrived for this week’s Tournament and Jen and Melanie already there. Katie was happy enough and Melanie and her went off by themselves. Carol and Jen stayed in the lobby and greeted the other parents as they arrived. The conversation went back and forth about the success of the team and the prospects for the girls after their strong showing when there had been some college scouts. Again, Jen’s experience with having played on a Division I soccer team made her a focal point of a lot of the evening.

Carol just sat back and watched her friend as she talked about classes and the importance of maintaining grades and limiting distractions. She was a bit vague about the nature of her distractions although she did mention that she met her future husband in a class in the first semester of her third year. But she quickly pointed out that she maintained her grades and her place on the team and just had to be a good time manager.

Although no one knew too much about Jen, they knew that she was a widow and the mention of her husband seemed to have put an unspoken damper on the subject, which was quickly changed to the hopes for the games tomorrow.

They had gotten a lousy draw and had a game first thing in the morning and then the second game at the end of the day. While this meant they would know what they needed to do in that second game to advance, they would also have a lot of time just sitting and waiting in between games.

Coach Hochbauer had already said something to the girls at the Thursday night practice that it was important to come out strong in the first game and put a serious marker down for the other teams to have to chase. With that being the theme, everyone decided it might be best to call it a night and get everyone to sleep and up early so as to be ready to play. Carol was very relieved to see that they had two beds in the room this time.

Whatever early to bed, early to rise might do for other, for the Blue Lightning it was just the thing. Everything seemed to hit right for them the entire game. Melanie scored a goal on a long pass from Katie, and she also sprinted up and stole a pass that led to a breakaway goal for her. She also assisted on 3 goals from corner kicks. One was a play that Coach Hochbauer set up for Siobhan O’Brien, a defender who had not had a goal in over three years with the Lightning.

With everyone set up at the far post Siobhan was back off the ball in her position as a defender. With all the activity in front of the far post, no one notice as Siobhan started toward the near post from her position. Instead of hitting the ball in a high arc as she had done on the previous two goals, Melanie angled the ball along the ground right to the foot of a sprinting Siobhan who struck the ball in stride and rammed it in by the near post. Siobhan was always quick to congratulate her teammates when they scored goals and so the team mobbed her.

Carol looked over and noticed her parents were both grinning ear to ear. All the hard work as a defender for all these years, always being a good teammate and never getting to share the glory, even this year when the team was an offensive juggernaut, and she never complained or pestered the coach to play up to get a chance to score. She did her job helped her team and so that goal meant an awful lot to her.

The long wait between games did have an effect on the team. That first game had set down the marker that Coach Hochbauer had wanted and all they had to do was not lose to move forward in the tournament. However, that was almost more than they could manage. The offensive seemed to have spent itself in the first game and their opponent always seemed to be knocking on the door. But every time a player got the ball and turned to make a shot, there was Siobhan O’Brien. She disrupted passes and blocked shot attempts and was basically anywhere the ball was when it was in their defensive third. The Blue Lightning got their 0-0 tie and moved on to the next round. And when the girls went in for their team talk, all the parents knew that it was Siobhan’s night to be the star.

When they went to the room, Carol got her night clothes and went into the bathroom to change. When she came out Jen had apparently changed as well. She was wearing a crop top tee shirt again showing a lot of her stomach. She was also wearing very short shorts and Carol took the opportunity to look at Jen’s shapely legs. Carol laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling, mainly so she would not stare at Jen, but she had to fight the urge the whole time.

Jen continued to move about the room. Since the girls would definitely have two games tomorrow, they would have to check out before they left for the first game and Jen needed to get some things together so she would not be as rushed in the morning. Carol, being the old hand at this, had gotten most of her stuff ready when they had come back from the field before dinner.

When Jen was finally ready, she paused in between the two beds for a minute as if she was pondering something or waiting for something. Finally, she said “Lights on or off?”

Carol replied “I think we can leave them on. I am not quite ready to go to sleep.”

Jen laid down as well, but neither of them spoke at first. Then they just made some small talk about the games, and how their daughters had done and Siobhan’s big day. That was followed by another extended silence. Both women looking up at the ceiling as if it were the Sistine Chapel. Finally, Jen broke the silence with a deep exhale and said “I’ve really come to look forward to these evenings with you.”

Carol got a little tense when she heard this. She had been struggling with her feelings for Jen and seeing the younger woman walking around, scantily clad and looking so gorgeous, she was a little wary of where this might be heading. However, she replied honestly and said “Me too.” This was followed by another long silence as each of them continued to stare at the small patch of ceiling right about their heads.

Carol was next to break the silence. “Is that why you got here earlier than usual? You were excited to be here?”

“No.” Jen replied “but I admit that I was thinking about tonight a lot during the drive down. I actually got a little turned on and my panties got a little wet. I was afraid Melanie might smell it. So I opened the window and when she asked why I told her I had farted.” A laugh burst out of Carol’s mouth and Jen started to giggle as well. They laughed for a while and it seemed to relax Carol, who now turned on her side and looked over at Jen.

Carol caught her breath as she looked over to the other bed. Jen had pulled her shirt up and now her breasts were uncovered. Jen still had her face turned up toward the ceiling, but her eyes were closed and she was using her left hand to tease her nipples. Carol watched transfixed as Jen circled first one nipple and then the other. Jen breathing began to deepen and Carol noticed that Jen’s right hand was now moving toward her shorts and between her legs. She was not moving the hand; she just cupped her groin while she continued to let her other hand play across her breasts.

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