
An adult stories – Socks by DeclanStrokesUnderwood,DeclanStrokesUnderwood Matt had no idea how this was going to turn out.

He knew it shouldn’t turn out at all, given the situation. This was very much the sort of position that he should walk away from. Not even should. He needed to.

She wasn’t going to let that happen though.

Her claim on him wasn’t physical. He could physically walk away if he wanted. Get up and walk out of the room. But there was some sort of magic hold on him.

So he laid on her chest, breathing slowly. At one point, they had been breathing in time, together. Now she was starting to breathe quicker. The movement of her chest sped up ever so slowly.

She was some kind of sorceress, he thought to himself. That thought lasted about two heartbeats and was replaced with another. It was some other thought, he already forgot what.

Alyssa Vanessa Baker hung one arm loosely around Matt’s, her other hand gently stroking his hair. She thought to herself that it wasn’t too much hair. To her at least, it was sexy. Slightly aged and very experienced, he showed obvious signs of a rough life.

That’s how they had gotten there. There weren’t many words exchanged. She wanted to make him feel better though. She wanted to soothe him and give him some solace from that rough life.

Even though she knew she should not be doing this, she had no inclination to move, rebuke him or send him away. His breath on her bare breasts calmed and relaxed her. He let her console him and that made her feel even better. This felt right, lying like this in the low light of the stuffy room, just being.

Even physically, it felt bad to her. It was not comfortable at all. Her tight t-shirt was chafing, bunched up around her neck and shoulders. His head didn’t fit in the valley between her breasts and the weight of his head pushed them grotesquely apart. His rough skin, coarse work shirt and prickly beard ground into her smooth, sensitive skin. His torso pressing down on her hips felt almost crushing.

In some way, this all just proved to her in her mind that this was right.

She was getting excited and she knew it. At first it was just calm relaxation but that was changing. As she idly ran her fingers through his hair, she could feel herself getting ragged on the edges. What had started as a flowing rush was now a tingling and it was begging to burn through her. Try as she might, she couldn’t hold it from flourishing in her senses. She did not want to either.

Head half-cocked, he could see down her long legs. Those awful, garish knee-high socks, wide, alternating stripes of black and white. They were wooly and irritating against his arm and he thought they looked simple and immature.

By all rights, he should think she was simple and immature. At 24, she was twelve years younger than he was. But she carried herself with the grace of someone older and wiser than he was though, so he didn’t care.

He peeled those socks off her legs in her mind. They were beautiful, shapely legs. He had seen them so many times when the three of them sat out in the sun, or splashing in the cool water of the river.

Glancing up he could see the nipple atop her right breast. It was pulsing and throbbing. It was unmistakable that something, or maybe everything about this, was causing a chemical reaction within her. Her hormones were bucking against the gate, aching to be set free.

Nothing in his mind allowed him to move, not yet at least. Maybe that would change and some sensibility would come over him. That was rapidly vanishing though and it seemed that the inevitable conclusion to this would be them together. Perhaps it would not be together tomorrow or next week or next month. As seconds passed it seemed like a lot more was going to happen.

She had started this. It was days ago, not even a week when she’d come over to drop off a shirt that his brother had borrowed. He had no idea that Alyssa had carefully hand-washed and lovingly folded the shirt that Tyler had needed for some odd job. When she was washing it, she had told herself that it was out of affection for Tyler.

When she had arrived, Matt had been on the bed, trying hard to contain himself. One setback after another had left him broken and empty. When she climbed into bed with him, she had told herself that it was just out of compassion. As she laid there for hours, his head on her chest, all she had intended was to try to make him feel better.

He had just accepted the gesture at face value. They hadn’t talked much, she had just let him fume mostly to himself as she caressed him gently.

She had let him put his arms around her as he fell asleep. It felt really good. She couldn’t sleep much though. She couldn’t think past his head on her, pushing against her with nothing but her t-shirt separating them; his strong body pressed against hers; his hands mindlessly gripping her skin.

Lust was prevalent in her life now. It had been ages since she had worn a bra despite the fact that her nipples got hard dozens of times a day and poked through her shirt. She never wore panties around the house, even if she wasn’t wearing anything else. She had long ago dug through her drawers looking for the tightest and shortest of anything she could find.

She yearned for touch, for passion. Tyler was nice enough but so exceedingly shy. Months, they’d been together, and some sloppy make-outs and awkward fingering was as far as she’d gotten.

She would have given Tyler anything. Her body was his for what he wanted.

Weeks ago she had bargained with herself in her mind. She felt like she had completely lost the bargaining on all fronts. She landed at a place where she decided she would give him anything. She would accept literally any depraved act that he may want to perform on her.

As the money got tighter, he was around less and less. More weeks passed that turned that thought into a wanton need. What started as acceptance became want.

Nothing was off the table and there wasn’t anything left that she wouldn’t burn with desire to do for him. When she first realized this, it struck her as slightly aggressive, more than she would normally be. That is when she stopped caring.

But he never asked. He never tried. She felt alone, on some island yet cohabitating with a man, with her love and desire.

She masturbated furiously, first a couple times a week privately in the shower. Soon it became a long, drawn-out affair that began as soon as he walked out the door to go to work and ranged over hours and countless frustrating orgasms. She no longer even felt brazen doing it right next to him, lying naked next to him as he slept. A few times he’d reached down lazily between her legs as she humped him, only to fall asleep part-way through and leave her to make herself come, again.

She had on solid testimony that he was nowhere near a virgin when they had met. Now she couldn’t see any signs of lust from him. He was affectionate and even flirtatious at times but it never connected to any physical intimacy.

She felt like she was about to explode.

Armed with that undercurrent, she went to Matt’s house that day. She really had no intent besides the task at hand. Alyssa wanted to deliver the shirt. It was a task and it gave her a little meaning.

Seeing him there, she wanted to help him get back to a better place. There was no overt thought of anything with him in her own relief. That was still for Tyler to take care of in her mind.

It was late when she fell asleep and already she couldn’t shake the growing passion that was dying to burst out of her. She didn’t even try to convince herself that it was anything other than pure horniness.

After roughly fingering herself to several more orgasms wearing nothing but her t-shirt and panties lying next to him, she had finally fallen asleep. Sex-fueled dreams raced through her head all night and she woke up before Matt.

He had woken up with the lithe, firm body of his brother’s fiance in the middle of dry-humping his leg. It hadn’t even registered at first but it soon became too much to watch. It wasn’t out of lust, that still seemed strange and offside in his mind. She seemed possessed.

Given how she’d helped him the night before, he had just wanted to help. It had started out as some haphazard groping and pinching but soon his senses kicked in. A little more here had gotten a lot more there, in the form of her reaction. Then his experience had kicked in.

He had a few tricks up his sleeve and he had done his best to keep it as casual as he could. Doing it through her shirt seemed less like he was doing something wrong. When she had kissed him, he had kissed back but he had tried to be reserved. It wasn’t right or defensible but he didn’t feel bad because he had been returning the favor. She had so selflessly consoled him the night before.

There had been a lot of I-can’t and we-shouldn’t but none of it had stopped them. He didn’t know that his holding back just slightly had done nothing more than stoke her engine even more. When she had finally come, it was with thunderous spasms and ear-splitting moans.

They hadn’t spoken about it. She had just laid there for a little while before putting her shorts back on over her drenched panties and quietly leaving. He could tell that she had gotten some release that she needed so desperately. They hadn’t spoken about it since, either.

Nothing changed at home with Alyssa. For a couple days she felt sated. Then a couple more days passed when she snuck in a frustrated orgasm on her fingers while Tyler slept. Less than a day after that, her lust came back with vengeance.

That day, she’d gone to Matt’s place with determination and will to keep her passion to herself. Just as she walked in the door and saw him in the next room, that determination melted.

She knew what was going to happen, subconsciously at least. She had made sure to shave meticulously in the shower shortly before she left. There were not going to be panties in the way this time. That would only leave a mess for the laundry later. Her shorts, while black, were tight enough to show off anything if one looked closely. Anyone looking that closely would also have seen that they barely covered her crotch.

Her conscious justification was that she wore the socks. They had been such a pain in the past with her previous boyfriends and hook-ups. They didn’t feel good keeping on and taking each one of them off was more effort than putting on a condom. Plus she knew that Matt didn’t care for them. They were her last defense.

As it turned out, there was no defense at all. She walked right in, crawled beside him in bed, pulled up her shirt, and pressed his head against her. Fight it off as she tried, she knew exactly where she could get the fix that she needed.

He hadn’t put up any fight last time. There wouldn’t be pretense this time.

It had already seemed like an eternity. It had built inside her. First it was slightly emotional but that had already long ago given way to desire. It was a raw, stretching desire that made her pussy drip.

He knew, even before his head nestled into her bare chest. He wasn’t trying to fight anything at this point either. Days ago, he’d tried to remain a gentleman, which had resulted in frustration. Now she was back, wordlessly tending to him.

It would have been hard to figure out who was more ready to go. Alyssa still clung on to the last vestige of pride in herself and a fleeting wisp of anguish at what she was clearly about to do.

He could tell that she was not completely straight in her head. Maybe it was the body language, or maybe the socks. He could tell that she was not thinking completely clearly. Matt, while immensely frustrated, was still thinking a little clearly and knew that he was going to take what he needed from her.

He simply rolled his head a little until he was close enough to take her nipple in his mouth. It was as hard as an ice cube but felt like fire in his mouth. He had no desire to be soft with her as he bit and chewed on it.

She moaned, loudly. A moment later, when his hand snaked between their bodies to the space between her legs, she started to thrash.

This time there would be no more teasing. The electricity between them was free and nothing was going to put it back. For her, waiting for this day that she forbade herself from admitting would come, was the biggest run-up of her life. For him, watching her get herself off on his leg had sent him into a massive downward spiral of his own need.

He sat up on his knees between her legs, looking at her. She was mostly exposed already, her shirt lewdly pulled up and her pussy lips poking out, framing the thin strip of fabric that was shoved up into them. It was too dark to see much other than her heaving chest as she panted.

What he did see was perfection. She was young and trim. She had smooth, flawless skin that pulled just tightly enough but not so much to show off her strong physique underneath.

He had seen her breasts plenty of times before, held up by the smallest of bikinis. Free of constraint now, he realized how absorbing they were. They held up in any position with a gentle curve and no sag. He thought to himself that she was the hottest thing he had ever seen, with fresh and perfect B-cup tits.

The only clarity that rolled through his head was how badly he wanted to defile her. As she lay there looking back up at him, everything about the penetrating gaze from her bright green eyes said that was exactly what she wanted him to do as well.

“Take those off,” he said, pointing at her socks.

She complied without saying anything, bending forward, letting her long, thick black hair flow free down her back. Her head was an inch from his body. Even though she couldn’t see it yet, she knew his cock was right there and ready beyond just the thin cover of his jeans.

She wanted so badly to rush but she trembled slightly, making it take an excruciatingly long time before she could push them down her legs and over her heels. Three quick words had evicted the last remaining defense she had built.

As they landed on the floor at the foot of the bed, she realized that there was no turning back. Even with a sheen of restraint she’d had coming here, her last vestige of armor was now gone.

It was a mixture of knowing beyond any doubt that she was going to be taken, and her desire to give Matt everything she could muster. She had already decided that was what she was going to do. It was just going to be with a different person.

She propped herself up on the pillows behind her and held her hair up and out of the way as she settled back. He had not stopped staring at her the whole time, drinking in her presence. She was almost naked, which was more than was suitable for him.

“Those too,” he said. This time he didn’t point. There was only one thing left to take off and they both knew it. No one was considering her shirt, still bunched up around her neck and in her armpits. He simply kept ogling her body.

Pulling her legs up, Alyssa took off her shorts. They didn’t come off easily and she fussed quite a bit before finally getting them past her feet and throwing them on the floor. He didn’t help her at all. He wanted to demonstrate to her that she was compliant and capable. She was following his directions unquestioningly.

He didn’t stop staring at her as he unhooked his belt then opened his jeans. Everything about her was spellbinding at this moment. Except for the fact that he knew he was going to want to feel those pert tits pushing against the skin of his chest, he didn’t want to take his eyes off her for that brief moment as he pulled his shirt over his head.

She was staring back and he was determined not to break her eye contact again. Her shirt would stay where it was. That was going to be his reminder to her as he fucked her, that she come here still with a shred of dignity. It was precisely that dignity that he was going to take from her.

Her stare was her indication to him that she wanted to be stripped of any dignity she had left. She was doing her best to try to convey this, knowing that no words she said could do the job. She wanted to be fucked, taken and used. She wanted him to do it. The effort, during those weeks she had spent working so hard to try to objectify herself to Tyler so he would do this, she was now directing towards Matt with full force.

As he pushed his pants down his hips, his cock sprung free. He leaned forward a little, holding himself over her. His face was so close to hers but he wasn’t going to kiss her yet. He was going to make her take him inside herself first. He rubbed the head of his prick between her pussy lips. She was soaking wet and the bulbous tip slipped around smoothly.

He had already gotten precum all over his hands and it was now oozing out between her slick lips. Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought about how he knew she wasn’t on any birth control. Tyler had agonized to Matt for so long about keeping his hands off her because he didn’t want to worry about the inevitable pregnancy that would result. He had pined over her gorgeous body yet still managed to keep himself away.

Matt did not care. It was precum now, which may alone have been enough. That made no difference because he had no plans to pull out. Likewise, her mind was nowhere close to this line of reasoning either. She just wanted to get fucked hard, and now.

“Fuck,” she moaned softly as he slid in. That was the first word she had said to him in six days.

There was no resistance and he slipped all the way, deep into her warm, slick hole. He knew this was going to be quick and dirty. It had been too long since he had been this close to anyone. Even the last few hook-ups had been sober enough to make him wear a condom. This felt too good.

She was nearly in the same place. By the third thrust, his hips pushing slowly and firmly into her clit, she was gripping his sides, trying to squeeze something to hold off her inevitable orgasm.

“Yes,” she whispered into his ear, “fuck me.”

That was about all he was going to be able to manage. He bucked his hips hard a couple times, grunting as he pushed in all the way on the final stroke. She felt his girth squeezing against her g-spot as his hips grated on her slick clit.

For the first time, their lips met. Neither of them had much wherewithal, not enough to really kiss each other. She moaned loudly in his mouth then began to shake. She could feel him starting to throb, deep inside her. She knew that she had finally given him that pleasure after such a long wait and he was going to cum. That was more than her brain could process as the first, crashing wave of her orgasm hit her.

Feeling her tight pussy squeeze on his dick as it was buried all the way in her, he grunted again as he started to fill her. They could both feel his load pumping deep into her body, spurt after spurt. Both of them were struggling to breathe through their noses as their mouths crushed against each others’.

Almost as quickly as it started, it was over. He was completely spent, having emptied so much pent-up cum into her. She had finally gotten the massive release that she had needed for so long.

In her mind, it was the perfect combination of taking care of his needs and getting what she had longed for so badly.

As he pulled out and laid down next to her, a few pangs of loneliness strummed her mind. Her pussy was a sloppy, oozing mess and it was not Tyler’s nut flowing out of her. This would not be something she could cover up. There was no way she envisioned this not happening again.

Without giving it much further thought, Alyssa curled up against Matt and fell asleep suddenly.


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