Spy Games Ch. 07 by Aaroneous,Aaroneous

In a well-practiced move, I smoothly broke my lip lock with her pussy, grabbed her ankles and placed them on my shoulders. I maneuvered her ass to the edge of the couch and my cock to the entrance of her honey hole. Before Amanda came down from her latest sexual peak, I was four inches deep and still descending.

“Oh shit, I forgot how big you are.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“God no. Just take it slow. Give me a chance to get used to you again.”

I reigned in the stallion to a slow “in and out” trot until Amanda gave me the giddy-up.

“Oh yeah. I so missed this. I think about your huge cock inside my tiny pussy every night before I go to sleep. I dream about you filling my womb with your seed. I wake every morning in a pool of sweat and lady cum. You haunt me all day long. Whenever I see someone who looks like you, my heart races and my wet pussy takes over my brain.

“Please do me. Do me now. Fuck me like you used to. Fuck me like I’m indestructible. I want to feel your balls against my ass, your belly against mine. Fill my cunt with your cock and my womb with your sperm.”

Amanda certainly had a way with words. But as I gave the stallion his head, her clever dialogue changed into gasps and grunts and moans. As her pussy clenched down on my cock like a miser holding a hundred-dollar bill, her ass levitated off the couch, her legs went completely rigid, and her eyeballs disappeared into her skull. Then, when I came with her, she let out a high-pitched scream that didn’t stop until I’d emptied my balls into her waiting womb.

“Miss? Miss Zimmermann? Are you alright? We heard a scream?” I recognized the voice. It was the muscle man security guard, and he was pounding on the door.

Amanda was barely breathing and in no shape to answer the well-intentioned but poorly timed question.

“She’s okay,” I yelled through the door. “We, uh … we were just practicing a scene.”

“Beg your pardon sir, but we need to hear that from the lady.”

“Give us a second. She … she might have strained her voice. I’m sure she’ll be fine in a minute or two.”

I heard a quick mumbled discussion from the other side of the door and then BAM. The door flew off its hinges and the two guards tumbled into Amanda’s dressing room to find me still balls deep into Amanda’s pussy with her ankles firmly fixed to my shoulders.

“Good evening Jeffrey, Nigel,” Amanda said as she peered around my naked ass. “I appreciate your concern, but as you can see, I’m perfectly fine.”

“But, but miss. You’re naked,” one of the rent-a-cops stammered.

“Does that surprise you? This IS my dressing room.”

“But the young man —

“– Is an old friend. Sorry about the commotion, we were reminiscing about times past.”

“I don’t know miss. This all seems quite out of the ordinary.”

“This is the theatre, Jeffrey. We get paid to be extra-ordinary. Now be a dear and cover the doorway with that rack of costumes as you leave. I’m not accustomed to dressing in front of an audience. And if the two of you can repair the damage before the manager discovers what you’ve done, I won’t mention that you broke down an unlocked door.”

As Jeffrey and Nigel made a hasty retreat, I reluctantly pulled my shriveling erection from Amanda’s overflowing pussy.

“Sorry about the interruption,” she said. “Give me a minute to get changed and you can walk me home.”

“Should I wait outside?” I asked.

“Don’t be silly. Just don’t let anybody else in.”

It took us nearly half an hour to walk to the flat she shared with two other cast members. We spent the time catching up on each other’s lives. I told her as much as I was allowed about my last eighteen months, and she filled me in on some of the juicier bits of theatre gossip. If half of what Amanda said about Lily Langford was true, she deserved a lot more than a weekend bout with what doctors would identify as the flu.

“Are you going to invite me up for a nightcap?” I asked when we arrived at her building.

She turned towards me, raised up on her tip toes and kissed my lips.

“Do you know what you’ve done to me? You’ve ruined me. I will never again find a man who can please me like you did tonight. If I invite you up, I won’t let you leave until noon tomorrow at the earliest. And after a night with you, no woman, no matter how strong, would be able to resist spending a lifetime in your arms.

“You have to know that I love you. I love you more than I will love any man. But I love the theatre more. So please …”

For the second time that evening, Amanda was unable to speak. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she reached up to give me one last kiss and then pushed me away.

Not knowing what to say, I said nothing. She was right. Mrs. B was right. I was a spy. She was a star. Like gorillas and submarines, there was no place on earth where the two of us could coexist. I watched as she retrieved her key, put it in the door and walked out of my life. Only when she shut the door behind her did I turn and walk down the steps to the street.

I paused for a minute, trying to get my emotions under control, when I heard Amanda’s voice say …

“Hey. When you asked if I wanted you to kill Lily. We’re you serious?”

“Dead serious. And the offer still stands. Lily or anybody else that gets in your way. You want it done?”

“No. I just want to be able to tell my grandchildren that a man once offered to kill someone for me. Goodbye my love. Mrs. B is right. You are a prince.”


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