Starting Gate Ep. 03: DoORMan by SZENSEI

“That will change.” Eliza smiled, knowing immediately who Mona’s daughter was, having greeted her only long enough for Monet to breeze by her without a chat. It was in the fingernails.

“What about Igor downstairs?” Joe rolled his eyes.

“Her name is Terri. I will ask you to respect her Sir. The church believes in total equality. God would not overlook his flock for any reason. It is up to us to prove our worth.”

“She’s right Joe.” Donna pled for him to calm his ire. “Thank you, Eliza, you’ve settled our nerves over the conditions we leave our children in. The Housing recue is very admirable of your father. It will do our kids good to get their hands dirty.”

“Good luck with my Monet.” Mona winked at Eliza. She knew her idea of getting dirty already. Oh, the messes she would leave behind.

“I’ll take her under my wing personally.” Eliza teetered up and down on her toes, clipboard held at arm’s length in front of her in both hands. Her 36C’s with a lively bounce kept Joe quiet, slyly amused.

“What was Kari’s dorm room number?” He gulped.

“2D!” Eliza swiftly looked up the only Kari on the list. “She’s the only one in that room currently. My Mother calls after each class to offer changes.”

“Your mother is delightful.” Mona smiled.

“Mrs. Belmont?”


“Mother says the same of you. She told me to offer you anything you need. Sounds to me like you made a good impression. My mother… is often, dare I say it… chilly?”

“Wonderful! I adore Greta too. Thank you Eliza.”

“Here until we’re booked if you need me.”

“God bless!”

“God bless you as well.”

With the Cartwheel’s locating 2D they realized their daughter was not in her room. Tidy rooms at least, bed arrangements in all four corners with moderate desks to do homework on. Outside of that only pictures hung on the walls promoting God and a few music banners for Christian bands having played here on campus. With the dining hall and library next door there really was no need for microwaves or a fridge.

2C across the hall was the place to be, Mona locating Monet and Kari there along with a redheaded young woman with freckles but quite the body. In noting her mother Monet jumped up and down in step her eyes sparkling. “Mom! We’re stealing Kari. She’s going to take the fourth bunk.”

“Oh? Had you better speak to Eliza about such an arrangement?”


“The greeter at the top of the stairs.”

“Whoa! Eliza as in Liza? Liza Round!” She giggled shamelessly. Blame her brother Chase for his sister’s nickname.

“Pastor Round’s daughter. Goodness! I hadn’t connected that cross.”

“Oops! Be right back. This is Holly Waterston…Holly…my mom Mona.” Monet scurried out with Kari in tow. Out in the hall they met the Cartwheel’s and warned them of the change. Kari beaming at being accepted so easily, her parents simply let her decide her fate. Reaching Eliza who stood holding her cell, a giggling Monet waved without a sound to get her attention.

“Let me call you back, Obadiah.” A quick disconnect Eliza was all ears, flaring eyes, and perfect teeth.

“Hey Liza. Chase didn’t warn me I’d meet you so soon. I’m Monet.”

“Hey Monet…Kari right?” Kari nodded uncertain how else to be of service.

“Room change! Can you place Kari here in the last bed in 2C? We’re besties already.” That made Kari’s day.

“I can do that. My parents said you were a handful.” She scratched Kari from the bunk in 2D. “Chase even said more than a handful.” A wink made Monet grin sheepishly.

“I bet he did. Did your parents tell you Chase invited me to dinner at your home?”

“Nooo!” She chuckled. “My brother I swear.”

“Yep! He even said he was going to have you take me bikini shopping in the city. Mom wouldn’t let me pack a bikini because it shows so much skin. Bad impression thing!”

“I would never be caught dead in a one piece.” Liza giggled. “I can definitely hang a few hours with you here soon. Trust you me I can’t wait to ditch this t-shirt for something more comfy. I live in camisoles.”

“Right! Or less!” Monet whispered. “I promote crop circles if you catch my drift. Too much?”

“Never! We can sunbathe nude by our pool.” Kari overhearing bulged her eyes. Uhhh? God? What was going on here?

“Only if Chase can rub lotion on me.”

“He and Obadiah will keep us from burning. Obadiah is my boyfriend. He’s the Dorm Monitor across the way.”


“Excuse me?” Kari whimpered, “Maybe I should just stay in 2D. I’m… out of my league here.”

“Nooooo! I need you my new bestie.” Monet stomped with a pout. “You just need to open up more. Give us two weeks if you still want out then Liza can move you. Fair?”

“I don’t know. I’m… here for… him.” She points at the ceiling.

“So am I! I’m just… uggggggh! I’ll get back with you Lipsa.”

“Ohhh lord! Chase told you my other nickname.”

“Lipsa Round! That’s hilarious.”

“Funny until it sounds dirty.” Kari tried to join in.

“That’s the point. I may be a Pastor’s daughter Kari, but I am a grown woman.”

“Yep! 2D… put me back in 2D. Sorry Monet!” Kari left the girls a moment later.

“Well shoot! At least I have Holly and Olive. Find me a fourth roomie that likes to live.”

“I could always leave it empty and come by for sleepovers.” Liza giggled.

“Strip poker? Spin the bottle?”

“You know it, Hotgirl!” Liza beamed. “We can even dress Chase up like a girl and sneak him in.”

“Like in Bosom Buddies?”

“If you say so.”

“My Grampa likes old comedies. Tom Hanks?”

“Is he your Grampa?”

“Noooo!” Monet busted up. “Let me give you my cell number. Give it to Chase too, I forgot to give it to him. Sooo giving it too him.” She winked.

“I want in.” Liza whispered shyly with more parents and kids arriving below. “Text me anytime.”

“Heaven to the yeah!” Digits shared Monet left Liza to greet the newcomers. Hurrying back to 2C she found Mona sitting on a bunk with Holly and her own mother across from her talking. Holly in seeing Monet jumped up and hugged Monet.

“You’re back. Where’s Kari?”

“She bailed. Said she wanted to stay in 2D.”

“Awww maaan! Anyways… Monet this is my mother Sonya.”

“Red Sonja!” Monet was full of old school knowledge. Sonja built like a wrestler with long curly red hair could easily be a cosplayer for the woman warrior. “Missing the chainmail Babe.”

“Monet!” Mona blushed.

“I’ve actually heard that over a dozen times.” Sonya laughed. “I’ve cosplayed as her at local comic book conventions.” To drum up business!

“NO WAY! I was so thinking you should cosplay as Red Sonja. Sooo cool!”

“Here!” Sonya plucked her cell from the back pocket of her jeans and pulled up photos to share with Monet and Mona. “I hope you don’t think badly of me.”

“Of course…” Monet saw so much skin she dropped her jaw. “…not! Oh my goodness!”

“Not in good taste I know. I’m afraid Holly here is the only one who frowns upon her mother’s antics.”

“Not really! I mean… you do promote lust wearing that, but I know who you are inside Mom.”

“Thank you Sweetie! I love you.” A warm hug from the side was beautiful until Mona handed the cell back making them settle down. “So…Monet? Your mother said you’re from Atlanta. That’s really as far as we got.”


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