Starting Gate Ep. 03: DoORMan by SZENSEI

“You go, Miss Piggy!” Monet hopped up in Kari’s glasses and started twerking at the newer girls. Even their parents looked appalled. Olive and Holly shrugging at one another joined in until a mother ordered them to stop their lustful hijinks.

“No worries! I’m out.” Kari took Monet by her hand, which became a chain and the four girls headed outside to get bags together. Kari telling Eliza in passing that she changed her mind made the woman shake her head and again revise the room situation. While Olive assisted Holly in unloading Sonya’s car Monet held back with Liza.

“We can still party in our room. Tell Chase… tity to leave his belt at home!” Monet points at her tit giggling, “Chastity! He can sleep in my bed.”

“Room for me?”

“Sure! I’ll sleep on top of your brother.”

“So I’m left out in the cold?”

“No way! We can take turns sleeping on top of one another… only backwards.”

“69? You dirty little mind you.”

“In a ROUND about way.” A razz led her to turn and walk right into the transgender Terri Studweiller. “Yikes! Sorry Terri! Wasn’t watching where I was going. I…” Felt something jabbing her in the bikini area. Peering down she peeled herself back enough to see a big erection. “Speechless!” Someone was lying DORMant!

Easing around Terri, Monet chuckled and swatted her/ him on the butt. Terri smiled over his shoulder bashfully then looked to Liza. “This is going to be a blast.”

“Stay in character Terrence.” Liza flipped her tongue at him. Bosom Buddies indeed!

Monet grabbing her own luggage while her mother wasn’t around dug under her front passenger seat for a bag she stashed when Mona wasn’t looking. Tucking it inside another bag which Mona had helped pack back in Atlanta she felt safe her mother wouldn’t snoop a second time. Especially when Monet could embarrass her in front of everyone.

Joining her roommates in hauling things up, the shared parking lot was becoming congested. Boys were becoming more dominant now with the boy’s dormitory which were the houses on the flipside of the dining hall/ library. Seeing Patton in the distance Monet whistled loudly and waved. His father turned away at the moment Monet sat her bags down and took a fast glare about before lifting her t-shirt up and flashing Patton, shaking her giddy breasts from side to side. Patton dropped his jaw and hid behind his dad’s car trunk. With nobody else looking he unzipped his fly and pulled out a hefty seven and wagged it at Monet. So much fun! There would be a lot of laying on of hands this evening.

Behaving as more students and parents ruined their fun Monet prepared to haul her bags inside. Respectful suddenly, she heard a familiar voice. “I saw that!” Eyes bulging Monet turned sideways to see the girl Phebe from the hotel.

“Hey Phebes!” She grinned at the goth chick, “Hill House?”

“Yep! Who was the wanker?” She smirked. “He was cute.”

“Patton! I met him at sign in. I’ll share him with you. Soon as we get settled I’ll introduce you two.”

“Cool! You might not be so bad after all. Now to find 2B.”

“Right across from me in 2C. I hope your roomies are as cool as mine. I’m in with Olive and Holly, our new friend Kari. Follow me Phebes!” Leading her into the Dorm they had a healthy giggle over Terri, then met again with Eliza briefly. A swift welcome they went upstairs and Monet nodded at 2B for Phebes. “I’ll drop over in a few.”

Parting ways Monet stepped inside her room to find Olive and Holly with their hands on their hips. Following their scrutiny they found Mona masking her eyes as Sonya and Gavin made out on what would be Kari’s bed. Mona seeing Monet jumped up and offered to help her put things away.

“That was fast.” Monet chuckled.

“Right after you walked out they jumped at one another. This place isn’t a seminary school, it’s a brothel.”

“You shush! Maybe they’re just following God’s lead. He does bring people together.”

“Monet? Please… rethink this.”

“I’m staying here Mom. If it gets too crazy I’ll call you and take a bus home.”

“No! Your Father and I will drive up to get you. I’ll make him come next time.”


“You know what I mean. Monet! Why is it everything I say you twist into sex? Be yourself! Not your aunt Piper.”

“I can’t help it I worship my aunties.”

“Thou shalt not worship false idols.”

“Come on mom you know aunt Piper doesn’t stay idle long.”

“Uggh!” She looks back at Gavin and Sonya who were trying to behave but it was tough. “You two… show a better example for your children.”

“Okay!” Gavin sighed then rolled over on top of Sonya, she caught off guard by his overpowering. Laughing hysterically at his bold move Sonya patted his shoulders vividly.

“Mona is right. That was not the example she meant. Not that I don’t approve of your appetite Mister Branch.” Growling he rolled off of Sonya and sat up just as his daughter Olive stepped up right between his legs and found it in her to slap her Father in the face.

“Bad Daddy!”

“Hey! Don’t make me put you over my knee in front of your friends here.” He winced. In a blur Monet moved Olive aside as if protecting her, but instead took her place and slapped Gavin. “What the hell?”

“Bad Olive’s Daddy! You can spank me, I’ll take her punishment.”


“What? I’m making a sacrifice here for my girl Olive.”

“Really?” Olive laughed. “I slap my Dad all the time. We were just goofing off.”

“Oh! Bad Monet!” She eased away slapping her own cheek hiding a smirk, just as Gavin snatched Monet up playfully and drew her down over his lap.

“Do the honors Red.” He chuckled prompting Sonya to take a swat at Monet’s bottom. Just that fast Olive and Holly chose to take swats of their own. Kari in awe looked at her mom and dad in the doorway. They half expected Kari to relocate back to 2D a second time, but instead Kari moved in and spanked Monet repeatedly.

“OWWWW!” Monet yelped. “Some bestie you’re turning out to be.”

“If you’re going to refer to me as Miss Piggy too… then… KIAI!” To some sounding like Miss Piggy’s karate attack as HIYAH! Kari did a series of karate chops over Monet’s butt. The whole room busted up laughing, even Mona. Her daughter deserved that! “I took karate lessons for three years. Of course, kids in school then called me HOG KONG PHOOEY! I can’t win.”

“Let my daughter up please.” Mona shook her head grinning. “Enough hijinks.”

“Hey! I happen to like this slap…lap.” Monet blurted. Gavin immediately stood Monet up, not wanting to look as if he were into Monet. He had his eye on Sonya not some young girl. In standing up Monet noticed Terri the Tranny in the doorway, having heard the racket. Mona apologized ahead of anyone else, mainly because the rest of the parents were loving the playful bunch. Especially Joe Cartwheel!

“Can we unpack now?” Holly wanted the adults gone. “Hey Terri? Can you throw our parents out now please?”

“Yeah… DORM Man…DORM woMAN.” Monet cracked herself up. Terri pointed at Monet with a punishing wince which led to Monet easing past her friends. Throwing her arms around Terri she kissed his/ her cheek accompanied by a whisper to an ear. “Is your dick getting hard Miss Studweiller?”


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