Her mouth was again filled, but this time a pressure someplace new sent warning signals and the gay dicking her mouth gently stroked her cheek and told her to relax. For the first time in her life, a cock pushed into her ass, and she was lucky for it to be a gentle first time. He applied pressure slowly, pushing until he fit just the head in and then gave her time to adjust before gently pushing in and pulling out, filling her deeply and leaving an empty feeling as he pulled back. When his hips pushed against hers the cock in her mouth began to move as well, matching each others strokes as both pulled out, leaving her empty, and pushing in to make her feel absolutely filled. They leaned forwards and kissed one another as they gently fucked the town’s most beautiful woman. Many of the men watching were torn between finding the kiss disgusting but the fucking mesmerizing, and some of the women present were all but openly frigging themselves at the sight of two pretty-boys making out while making love. They grunted and groaned, and the man in her ass groaned that he was cumming. His shuddering as he unloaded in this beautiful woman’s ass was too much for his lover, who came on her tongue, advising her to keep it there. The gays kissed again as they pulled out and each walked around her and crouched down. The man who just took her anal virginity began to French kiss her, his tongue seeking his partner’s cum from her mouth, while the man who made love to her throat licked at her ass, doing the same. They commented about how wonderful the others’ cum tasted as they walked away from the stocks, but were accosted by a group of the town’s women, who were very interested now that their true secret was out of the closet.
The rush she had been expecting finally came. Dozens of men began to take her. They were not gentle like the gays were or quick like the conspirators, they were rough and mean. They stayed true to the rules and once a man was inside her he got to stay there until he was finished, and some were desperate enough to fuck her in highly unusual places. Cocks were stuck in the crooks of her elbows and underarms, seeking pleasure from her body in any way possible. At one point the judge even made an appearance and took his pleasure in her ass while spanking her roughly, leaving her ass red and sore. Roughly an hour before sundown a man broke the rules, and held his cock in her throat far too long. She twitched and shuddered as breath left her, and her screams were barely audible to her. Darkness began to gather at the edges of her vision while a load of cum was dumped into her ass and another cock promptly filled her pussy, and she glanced up into an evil grin as she passed out, fearing for her life.
She awoke a couple moments later, to the screams of the man who had been too long in her, as the bailiff brutally beat him senseless for endangering her life. It was known that the penalty for breaking the rules of the stocks was far worse than the stocks themselves, and that man had to be dragged to the doctor’s home. By the time the bailiff had finished with that man, the sun was setting and she was to be taken out of the stocks. Her legs were shaky and cum literally dripped from every hole, and the bailiff practically had to carry her to the constable’s station. Inside the station her hands were first tied to the ceiling while the bailiff sprayed her down with a hose. The temperature and pressure were not rough, but neither were they gentle, a trend which continued as he toweled her off, spending no doubt more time than was strictly speaking necessary drying her breasts. She was given a moment in a privy before she was fed a sparse dinner. Since there was but one chair, naturally she had to sit on the bailiff’s lap while she ate. She felt his hardness and knew there was a price to pay for the tiny services he’d done for her, and she decided to pay the price willingly and well in hopes of getting better treatment in the future. Her meal was eaten in silence, but his dinner was accompanied by the slurps and slops of a blowjob underneath the table, until the bailiff could take no more and a hand forced her down while he came.
Any hopes of the bailiff drastically helping her were dashed when she was taken back outside to the stocks and affixed into place. The night’s constable relieved the bailiff of his duty and wasted no time in relieving himself of sexual pressure. She heard an argument with the constable about the lantern by the stocks. Apparently one of the men wanted it to be dark for her punishment, but the constable wouldn’t allow it for her safety. Eventually a compromise was reached and a thick blindfold was wrapped around her eyes, making the night pitch-black for her. The blindfold wasn’t removed when the man finished, nor when the next man shot cum all over it. The blindfold remained while suspiciously feminine fingers pushed into her pussy and ass, and while what was undoubtedly a pussy was pressed to her lips for oral pleasures. She wasn’t a lesbian by any means, but she did her best to please the unknown woman, and that woman was replaced by another, and another, and she eventually reflected that she must have made a pretty good lesbian because the steady work for her tongue kept up for several hours.
Eventually, she was simply too tired to remain awake, especially without visual stimulation. Sleep took her as one of her nighttime visitors took his time in her pussy, and when she regained consciousness a different cock was in her ass. Eventually the blindfold was pulled off and the first rays of the morning sun shined on her cum-stained body as the bailiff relieved the night’s constable (who had just finished relieving himself again) to take her out of the stocks. Her second break was much like her first, except that the bailiff had already eaten, so instead of blowing him under the table, she was laid back on the table and he pushed into her throat, telling her how lucky she was to be getting this “second helping of breakfast.”
The morning of her first full day of punishment was almost pleasant. Nearly every man (and a good portion of the women) had taken their pleasure from her in the past day, and she had few “visitors.” That is, until the three brothers returned, leading a completely different group of people. They were the slaves from local plantations, who must have worked especially hard to get this kind of reward. Or perhaps the brothers were just bored and thought it’d be funny. The difference was largely academic to her, because the slaves were certainly looking at her body with relish. The youngest of the brothers whispered into her ear as the slaves were commanded to strip. They’d chosen the most… virile of the workers, he explained. Who hadn’t been allowed to breed, to fuck, in six months. She tried to remain detached, but those slaves scared her. They were certainly virile, each boasting a shaft that looked downright painfully large and fully hardened. She didn’t know what kind of depraved things they’d do to her, never having owned a slave.