Sue Set Free: The Pool Boy by schmoe90,schmoe90

I’m in an open relationship. My husband has just the one girlfriend, as far as I know, but I have quite the collection of guys, including our next door neighbor. Oh, on both sides… on one side it’s their younger son, Drew, and the other it’s the older home owner, John.

I was upstairs in the bedroom, and noticed John’s pool boy was there, cleaning the pool. He’s a trim looking guy, from a distance.

John had offered to let me use his swimming pool any time I wanted, even if he wasn’t there. Hmmm… I could go and use the pool. And meet the pool boy.

I knew exactly what to wear – I have a black bikini that ties on, so I went and undid the knots and redid them with loops like you’d do on a shoelace. I also adjusted the top a little tighter than normal, so my tits bulged out around it a little.

I put on my robe and some sandals, and headed over to John’s gate to the back garden. For some reason I looked around furtively before opening it, and nobody saw me go in.

“Oh,” I said, acting surprised as I rounded the corner to the pool and seeing the pool boy, “I hadn’t expected anybody to be here.”

He looked at me, appraisingly. I looked at him, appraisingly. He was really good looking, all tan and fit and glistening with sweat.

“It’s OK,” he said, “I’m almost done. You can use the pool now if you’d like.”

Did I sense he wanted me to? So he could see me without my robe? I figured he was seeing women in bikinis all the time, but I’d let myself feel flattered anyway.

“John said I can use his pool,” I said, maybe a little defensively.

“I’m sure he did,” he said, smiling at me.

Game on. I went and dropped my robe on one of the sun loungers under the shade, and kicked my sandals off. I walked over to the pool, and without looking back, dived in to swim some laps.

I swam away from the pool boy swimming back stroke, so I could watch him, then swam back breast stroke, so I could watch him. I’ve always liked the name, and the motions, of breast stroke.

As I swam back, he was standing at the edge of the pool, watching me. I touched the edge, then swam away on my back, looking straight into his eyes.

I watched him take his shirt off, tossing it towards the grass, and then take his shoes off. As I touched the far side and started back towards him on my front, I thought maybe he was going to get in and swim with me, but he sat down right where I was headed, with his feet in the water.

I swam to him, touching the side either side of his legs, then swam away again on my back.

I watched him really obviously rearrange his cock under his shorts, stroking it a couple of times before putting his hand down on the side of the pool.

This time, when I turned at the far end, I tugged on the string to my top as I transitioned, so it was still tied around my neck, but the cups were floating along underneath me as I swam towards him. I did the arm stroke a little stronger, lifting myself further out of the water, and I saw him stiffen and straighten his back, so he’d noticed my top was loose. I watched him rearrange his cock again as I got closer to him.

I touched the side either side of his legs again, looking up at him and smiling, then swam away. I could see my top was flapping uselessly between my tits, and he was staring at me. He licked his lips.

Before I reached the far end, I’d managed to catch my top, and I pulled it off as I turned, leaving it to float away as I swam back towards him.

Just as I reached the wall, I tugged on the strings at the sides of my bottoms, and as I pushed away on my back, they came off.

I swam away from him, naked, and he stood up to get a better view.

I watched as he pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them, his hard cock jutting up towards the sky. He sat down again, this time with his legs far apart, and was jacking his cock slowly as I swam towards him.

I turned again, which I don’t think he was expecting, and swam away on my back. This time, rather than kicking in a crawl with my legs, I kicked them like you do with breast stroke, flashing my pussy at him. It’s a bit slower, swimming like that, so I watched him still jacking his lovely cock as I swam to the end. I swam back towards him front crawl, so faster. This gave me the speed to pop up out of the water between his legs when I got to him. He moved back, startled, as I put my elbows on the edge of the pool to support my weight, and put my mouth straight on his cock.

When he recovered, quickly, he let go of his cock, and his hands went to my head, holding me towards him as I sucked his cock, greedily.

I hummed quietly as I slid my mouth up and down, and he moaned as he felt the vibration, and I hoped he’d be done soon as I wasn’t sure how long I could hold myself like this. I was licking the head on the up stroke, and the shaft on the down.

Luckily it wasn’t long before he was cumming, spurting into my mouth. I sucked harder, and swallowed until he was done, then let go of his cock. I looked up at him and smiled, then slid back into the water and swam to get my bikini.

I found both parts, then swam to the steps, carrying them.

Naked, I walked over towards the lounger, aware of the pool boy watching me. I wrung out my bikini, and put it in the sun to dry, then moved my robe and lay down on the lounger, naked.

I watched him pick up his clothes and get dressed before coming over to me. He was still appraising me.

“Uh, I have to go – I have another stop to make,” he said, apologetically, staring at my pierced nipples.

“OK,” I said.

“Can we do this again?”

“Maybe,” I said. I definitely wanted to do this again.

I watched as he collected his equipment and headed for the gate. When I’d heard his truck start and leave, I put my robe and sandals on, collected my damp bikini and went home.

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