Surreptitious Love Ch. 127 by BenGarland,BenGarland

Chapter 127 — Tentative Anal Steps with Nguyet

After our insane farewell party for Charlie last week, at which he and his aunt Yen had finally consummated their incest and Nguyet had paraded her pussy around in a prepared one-piece bathing suit that was open in the crotch, we all were completely exhausted. We knew that a new era was drawing near, with Mira and Charlie gone. Our gorgeous mature lady-friend Yen had even announced that she wanted to abstain from sex temporarily, while Vu and my niece Giang sounded like they were planning on getting married, which made me assume that they weren’t going to be part of our debauchery any more. Well, the eight of us had done it eleven times last week. Enough was enough, wasn’t it?

Well, of course, not. Not quite. At the hot springs, there had been one particular moment that had profoundly touched me: While I was standing in the pool, Thuy was lolling outside, close to the edge — first, in her bikini but then naked — offering me a good look between her nimble, cute legs. Over time, a large amount of thick, translucent pussy nectar ran down over her perineum and then into the flat depression of her anus, which caused her little pumping bunny snout to glisten. I’m still not entirely sure what it was, but her rosette had looked so inviting during that half-an-hour that I had conceived the idea of coming inside her rectum, which I only refrained from in the end, because I my Vietnamese wasn’t good enough to charmingly ask Thuy for consent.

An hour later, though, I had begged my long-term affair Nguyet to speak with her colleague Thuy about the project of penetrating the latter’s anus, but Thuy gently refused. At least, she had sounded like we would eventually do it, and so we decided not to rush things and insert a few weeks of gentle preparations beforehand. Unfortunately, Thuy wasn’t working at the model home right now, where we had had countless sensual adventures over the last two-and-a-half years, but had been asked to work at the company’s headquarters, which were close to her home. Nguyet offered, however, that we talk about the rousing prospect some more, practice a bit together — just the two of us — and get her butt ready as well in the meantime. In passing, she also mentioned that there was a ‘charming surprise’ waiting for me at the model home, where she worked.

When I got there on Wednesday, Nguyet was sitting at her desk close to the entrance, while Thuy’s desk chair was empty, of course. Nguyet said that she’d be ready in five minutes, as she had to send two more emails. And so I stepped outside to smoke, asking myself again why I had been so overwhelmed and intrigued by the sight of Thuy’s pumping anus and the thought of penetrating it. Was it perhaps because her sphincter was large and flat, seemed soft and easy to get past? Unlike Nguyet’s, Thuy’s perineum was almost hairless and of light color, like the rest of her skin, and ever since our farewell party at the thermal springs, I had imagined her on the bed upstairs, here in the show home, with two cushions under her butt and holding her knees, with her legs wide spread, ready to receive cock two inches below her pussy.

I doubted, though, that Thuy would drive the eight miles during her lunch-break to involve me in the anal intercourse preparations. Well, Nguyet and I had done so many rousing, wonderfully depraved things together that there was some logic in starting with her ass instead, which was hairy, though, and her sphincter I remembered as leathery, tiny, and tight. But Nguyet was a trooper, and her competitive spirit would probably allow her to overcome any obstacles in the way of finding a new source of sexual fulfillment. It was a bit strange, however, to witness her strikingly professional demeanor here at her desk, when I got back inside from smoking, and to imagine that I would try to push my oily fingers inside her hot little ass in about an hour; something that no one had ever done, as far as I knew.

Yeah, of course, the tip of my tongue had touched her there; I had also taken countless whiffs of her savory ass aroma and kissed her perineum, but never ever had we prepared a sex act so firmly and decidedly. Nguyet looked super spiffy with her glasses and her hair pinned up on the back of her head. She was wearing the salmon-colored light sweater that she had been sporting when Charlie and I had raided her eight weeks back, up here in the master bedroom, where Thuy had deflowered him around Christmas. As Nguyet was sitting behind the desk, I couldn’t see if she was wearing one of her trademark black, knee-length skirts, of which she seemed to have a quiet a few. At some point, she quickly moved her mouse a few times, like she was closing multiple windows on her computer screen, but then she was finished.

“Lunch? We’ll just go around the corner…” she suggested.

I nodded, and she slipped out of her high heels into a pair of comfortable flat sandals. Outside, it was already about 90 degrees; it felt like summer, but the forecast was predicting heavy rain for the weekend, which was unusual this time of the year. Luckily, the benches outside the little restaurant were in the shade, and they had fans blowing. We decided on fried rice with fish and vegetables. Interestingly, today Nguyet ordered a beer, too, like she wanted to relax before the possibly strenuous and slightly awkward anus exploration.

“It’s too bad Thuy isn’t working here anymore…” I began.

“Ben, she’ll be back… don’t worry, that’s only temporarily… and we need about six weeks anyway, I’d say… don’t assume you can just fuck me — or her — in our buttholes…” she laughed, but I could tell she meant it.

“I know… but I’d been looking forward to do the stretching together with her…” I countered. “Or is she widening her sphincter all by herself at home every night, before she goes to sleep?” I asked semi-facetiously.

Nguyet giggled but just said: “That I don’t know… but do you know what?! I’ve talked to her about it, and she admitted that she would have anal sex with her ex-husband from time to time… she even owns a small dildo, apparently…” Nguyet added, smiling.

Wow. Petite, quiet, modest, bashful Thuy was used to anal sex?! It would probably take me some time to assimilate that fact into the image I had of her in my mind. I liked, though, how the cute little real estate queen with her inviting wide, flat, soft anus funnel had promised to cooperate … she would stretch a bit… so, so… alas, without me. Anyway, we postponed further talk about the looming anal adventures but proceeded to eat our lunch, which was actually pretty decent. Nguyet asked me about Charlie and Mira and mentioned that Tina had written to her.

“She’s gotta re-do the last chapter of her thesis but then, she said, she’ll move back here…”

“Oh, a while ago, she told me she’d arrive by the end of March… I thought I could help her with her final project…” I added kinda absentmindedly but with another insane student-teacher role-play in mind. “She probably has to submit it in English, huh?”


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